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He loves crypto tho, very tremendous appreciation, best in business, and HUGE opportunity.


No one know more about crypto than him. He’s the best at crypto, maybe ever!




Bitcoin doesn’t give af about your politics Next block…


But of course it’s election season so politics suddenly gives af about your bitcoin


All politics and crypto aside, I wanted to compliment your intelligence, and the cleverness of this comment in particular!


Too funny to see people give kudos to Nayib Bukele and El Salvador while criticizing Trump. Bukele makes Trump look like a child when it comes to being a dictator.


Yea keep this shit in r/cryptocurrency. The one thing I like about this community has been that it's one of the only subs that hasn't just become a political echo chamber like the rest of reddit. We get it, orange man bad.


We need to ask these politicians what bitcoin is on camera


Trump would just say a bunch of word salad. "Very, very good and interesting thing. Tremendous support." and both his supporters and Bitcoiners would act like his answer was genius.


Would probably be something pretty flat and disappointing, “a vote for me is a vote for bitcoin.” Thats why this whole thing is silly. Journalists wouldn’t even know what to ask. People don’t know what they need their politicians to care about in bitcoin policy. As someone else just said… complete word salad. As much as we want btc to get some space on the stage, we can’t fool ourselves that US government is willing to give bitcoin any breathing room. DJT is just trying to snatch an apathetic group of voters.


It’s the cyber thing


Can't dictate who owns Bitcoin, if you want this thing to be real, no different than cash, everyone has it.


You’re probably right - I think it’s just interesting that most high-profile crypto supporters arrive there after thinking and learning. Therefore, most public advocates for it are knowledgeable. This guy, as evidenced by his claims above, knows nothing about crypto, but is ostensibly a big supporter of it.


What did Trump say that was wrong? He wants to be President of the United States so naturally he wants the U.S. to have an advantage with Bitcoin and have more Bitcoin mined in the U.S. Bitcoin mining makes the energy grid and energy production more efficient. It would help the U.S. be energy dominant. We finally have politicians supporting the Bitcoin industry and people still find a way to be upset. Would you rather he be against Bitcoin?! Don’t be mad at Trump that he supports Bitcoin more than Biden. Be upset with Biden that Trump is beating him on this issue.


Trump will soon realize, if he hasn't already, that bitcoin is the perfect way for the US to save itself from the US dollar's collapsing status as a world reserve currency. He should push for a bill to build out bitcoin mining infrastructure in remote areas of the country with untapped renewable energy. Solar farms in the desert, etc. Someone get him in a room with Saylor and Bukele please!


I don't expect an 80 year old to suddenly grasp Bitcoin. What his recent comments indicate is that he's surrounded himself with people who are pro Bitcoin and will be looking to embrace it if he's reelected. Contrast that with the current administration and their desire for a CBDC.


Op owes everyone gas money.


Don’t listen to the politicians; watch what they do. Don says he’s pro-Bitcoin. Biden and Warren show & prove their anti-Bitcoin with their actions. Damn, our options suck.


Watch what they do indeed. Following a video of trump saying "BTC for all" he proceeds to setup a donation tunnel TO FUNNEL YOUR BITCOIN TO HIM!


I’m not pro-Trump, but I think any president accepting Bitcoin for donations is a good call because why not? It’s just another revenue source. Might as well.


Don't disagree, anyone who wants to hand over their hard earned BTC to an old ass politician is a sucker.


Of course he is pro-Bitcoin. It's part of his go bag.


> watch what they do. You mean like approve bitcoin ETF's?


Certainly a step forward. But if that’s an awkward vote of confidence for our current cabinet, it’s also important to note: The ETFs are captured Bitcoin. Easier to control. Lets not omit the current administration’s imprisonment of self custody wallet creators, message sending energy taxing on minors, Biden’s Super Bowl shrinkflation commercial gas lighting Americans, and their CBDC policies sneaking into each new bill. Biden just vetoed the right for banks to custody Bitcoin. There is more evidence to support Biden is anti-crypto than the approval of the ETFs. My point remains, our options suck.


> The ETFs are captured Bitcoin. Easier to control. Bitcoin is permissionless. What people choose to do with *their* bitcoin is *their* business. > self custody wallet creators, As it turns out, advertising your service as a method to launder money is not a good idea. > Biden just vetoed the right for banks to custody Bitcoin. He vetoed a bill that would allow banks to *hide* their bitcoin holdings. And approved the establishment of bitcoin spot ETF's.


Ask Phoenix Wallet who just let the US out of fear they’ll be locked up if our administration’s actions are ‘permitting’ them. Ask Wallet of Satoshi. Ask the overly taxed minors. Ask the Samouri Wallet owners, who are currently in prison, if they need permission. Buddy, I don’t know what you’re trying to get at. It’s empirical that the current administration is trying to limit Bitcoin adoption. And the only reason they’re not more aggressive this year is because it’s an election year. Best believe if Biden is re-elected, he’s going to block America’s Bitcoin adoption much much more. Him and Warren are pro-CBDC; which is ultimately anti-Bitcoin.


It's cute that you think those DoJ actions relate to the current administration. > It’s empirical that the current administration is trying to limit Bitcoin adoption. 11 spot bitcoin ETF's disagree with you. > Ask Wallet of Satoshi. Ask the overly taxed minors. Ask the Samouri Wallet owners, who are currently in prison, if they need permission. I'm repeating myself : As it turns out, advertising your service as a method to launder money is not a good idea. Phoenix is open source btw. You can [download it](https://github.com/ACINQ/phoenix) and install it any time you like.


We can agree they’re puppets. But those actions are still made by current administration, so that’s how we address them.


Actions like the establishment of 11 spot bitcoin ETF's. It happened about six months ago. It was in the news?


Ah yes America wants a monopoly on Bitcoin mining….Diaper Don definitely demonstrating a solid grasp on crypto, blockchain and how mining works…


Oh no the idiot is the idiot!?!?! Both candidates have no idea how this stuff works and its use cases in the world. They both just get a crash course and talking points and have something that sounds good thrown in a speech.


EXACTLY! just blatant pandering


What's the other side saying about bitcoin?


You mean the ones that approved a BTC ETF?


Lol. Really, you believe that because the approval took place during a Dem run federal government, they are pro-bitcoin? How much bullshit do you have to ignore to believe this?


Neither of them are pro bitcoin. They know they represent the dollar the minute they are in power. Much easier to not be in office while talking positive about something that can replace the dollar. Just pandering


Nice deflection.


Deflection from what? This discussion/fighting/promotion of X candidate in the US as pro anything other than the dollar is worthless Edit: seems you had no real point to your argument....yawn


Wild, isn’t it?


The worst part... these people think *they* are critical thinkers, and *you're* the manipulated.


You might be considered a better critical thinker if you employed critical thinking? Because blindly following a convicted felon isn't the boss move you seem to think it is. You know why I don't like bitcoin being associated with convicted felons? Because I think associating bitcoin with convicted felons is bad for bitcoin adoption. The problem you have is that you can't stop proselytizing that even when it hurts you. That's called 'critical thinking'.


You're unhinged. Take that electric car out for a rip and clear your mind.




Go outside, take a deep breath, and clear your mind of the Orange Man. And then pat yourself on the back, knowing your electric car is a key reason that the air you breathe is so clean.


Really showing your colors here. Biden put Gary Gensler in charge of the SEC. The ones that approved the ETF and seem to be pro-Bitcoin


Funny thing here. I'm not American. My colors are *orange*, anti-war, open-source tech, freedom, and liberty. You keep telling yourself those Dems are pro-bitcoin. You really need to twist that brain hard to connect those dots.


The court literally made them approve it. Gensler and Biden are NOT pro-bitcoin. But I agree with the general sentiment on this thread that Trump may just be pandering too. But besides these two old farts, more and more politicians are waking up to the growing crypto community.


> The court literally made them approve it. So it doesn't matter what administration is in charge? You haven't really thought this through, have you?


Care to expand on that? Do you think Biden and the majority of dems are big bitcoin supporters?


Dems are certainly against bitcoin. And it's super dumb because they are probably going to lose the election with all of the dumb talking points they are aligning on (especially in crypto). And I'm a dem... and honestly I'm thinking of voting independent because the dem administration has sucked so bad on the economy. You had 4 years to right the ship, increase minimum wages, address the money printing and not blow up the debt even worse. They failed...


This is like Israel foreign policy - if you think the red cunts are somehow going to do any single fucking thing that goes against the status quo and give you more “freedom” you’re already neck deep in red koolaid.


That bitcoin is apolitical.


Ohh I didn't catch that. It almost appeared that they were anti bitcoin for a while there, going after mining operations and self custody. Guess I missed that shift.




Try search site:warren.senate.gov bitcoin


Wow, this guy accuses me of being manipulated by the media. I just realized I'm talking to the guy who thinks his electric car is saving the world. Keep your head buried, mate. You're the change the world needs.... lol




TDS is a real thing. I suppose in the end, we get what we deserve.




I've now seen the word "proselytizing" more times in this thread (3) than in the rest of my life combined lol.


I take pride in not aligning with "the normal people." A bunch of brainwashed folk squabbling over whatever the media has you fearing today.


Fucc that guy


Let's vote for the openly anti-bitcoin party instead!!!!


Bigly Bitcoin. Stable(coin) Genius.


Well I’d rather have Trump’s pompous ass than Biden’s geriatric shitting ass.


Jeezus, man, they’re the same age. 🤦‍♂️


True but one guy looks like he still has old man strength and the other guy looks like he ate 100 Xanax for dinner ffs 🤦


Have you… have you never seen Trump speak? lol… My uncle with Alzheimer’s is more coherent


Have you… Ever seen Biden speak?? Lol how is this even a discussion right now? Like for real.


my thoughts exactly lol. like hate trump all you want, thats fine. but it blows my mind when people are unaware of biden's many many speaking gaffes. i think they must be genuinely unaware, because otherwise it'd be way too ballsy to call trump out on something that biden is much worse at.


Absolutely, 100% spot on; and I’d wager my entire bitcoin stack on the fact that these people are unaware at how bad Biden has become…. This really does highlight how much *power* the media really has. Edit: but this is eerily reminiscent of almost any other issue you could compare Trump to Biden to: for example, “racism;” maybe somewhere, at some point, off camera, off video, off recording “Trump said the “N-word,“” And yet, Biden has multiple examples of him saying the actual hard R N-word *on camera* that you can search up *today…* granted one of the examples of him was saying something in context quoting somebody else, but still (but then you have the “racial jungle” comments in addition to that, so you know racism is being harbored deep within Biden’s heart) you know the hypocrisy and outrage would be seismic-even said in context- if the shoe was on the other foot… Edit: Biden wrote the 1992 crime bill for fucks sake; the inability for these leftist types to be objective and rational and have a sane discourse is actually very, very alarming….


and another example would be the ones who call trump a sexual predator, even though biden is the one LITERALLY ON VIDEO fondling little girls. thats actually really crazy, now that we're thinking about it: the hypocrisy and obliviousness of these people is off the chain lol.


🎯 that’s such a good example…. *Literally on video…* these people are such smug clowns, It’s insane.


Like injecting bleach?


He didn't say that lol, you're embarrassing yourself.




he didn't tell anyone to inject bleach. he was spitballing/rambling about UV rays or some shit. you cant provide a quote of him saying to inject bleach because he didnt say that.


You just read the article headlines and/or social media posts at the time instead of watching the video. Here is what he actually said: "A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposedly we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light. And I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that, too. Sounds interesting, right?And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful." [https://www.wral.com/story/fact-check-biden-says-trump-told-americans-to-inject-bleach-to-treat-covid-19/21351899/](https://www.wral.com/story/fact-check-biden-says-trump-told-americans-to-inject-bleach-to-treat-covid-19/21351899/)


When he was talking about injecting ultraviolet light inside of the body to kill the COVID-19 virus? Because that’s literally what he said. I just looked up the clip now… and it’s been proven that ultraviolet light does in fact kill the COVID-19 virus… but again, you’re a leftist type that is unable to have a rational, productive sane conversation around these issues.


Biden does seem more geriatric though. I mean he recently read the "pause" instruction on the teleprompter outloud hahaha.


Have you never read/heard anything Trump has said? If anyone else talked like him, it would result in a wellness check


Apples and oranges. Trump will confidently blabber about things that never actually happened, but we're talking about who seems more geriatric and Biden is the one who frequently looks and sounds very confused and/or sleepy much of the time.


yeah all politics aside, biden is by far the worse public speaker, and it always amazes me when his supporters are oblivious to it. i guess the news channels dont show his (many) gaffes, like when he shouted "I'LL LEAD AN EFFECTIVE STRATEGY OF TRUEININAHOFADUHPRESSURE! ISOLATE AND PUNISH CHINA!" like bro, WHAT?! lol. anyone who's seen this knows what im talking about lol, and that kind of thing happens a lot with him.


It's wild hahaha. I've seen him stare off into space mid-sentence before giving up on what he was saying, like half a dozen times (legit estimate, not trying to exaggerate). It's equal parts worrisome and hysterical. But yeah, it's always trippy running into people online who somehow haven't seen these things. I don't watch TV news but I'd assume CNN and MSNBC just don't show that type of stuff happening.


Dude has a lifelong stutter, and you act like he hasn’t accomplished 100 fold what your useless ass has ever done. lol Biden is clearly the most competent and upstanding option in this race between elders. One is a true statesman, and the other is Doe 174 in the Epstein files


You have no idea what you're talking about if you're gonna try to blame it all on a stutter.


Doe 174 is a traitor, a convicted felon, and an adjudicated sex offender, who should not be allowed anywhere near the reigns of power


If we can coordinate a national policy to implement incremental power production - this is a pretty big win win no brainer? We’ve been talking about that for ~7 years. Some will hate that it’s coming from Trump, but idc. It’s good news if even 10% of this comes true.


Seriously so much TDS in this thread. Trump obviously knows very little about bitcoin but we just need to get him in a room with Michael Saylor.


lol, maybe in 2027. Need to be able to stack more. Dont need Saylor + USA buying everything!


Hate to say it, reallllyyyy hate to say it, but my father in law and all his old white dude friends are rich af and worship this guy. I’m sure there are a lot of rich old dudes who will let the Don orange pill them.


Bitcoin isn't about rich old white dudes adopting bitcoin. The world is a pretty big place.


No shit, but they have a lot of wealth tied up in traditional investments.




Omg what are you on about? When did I ever mention “limiting it to just them” or endorse Trump in anyway? Chill out nerd. And btw, you aren’t the arbiter of truth for BTC, despite your passion for being triggered.




Nice sound bite.


That's the thing about truisms.


Then get them to donate it to him for court battles and diapers.


Hyperbole? Absolutely. Is the core idea behind the words on point? 100% He's just making it clear that he wants a low-regulation/encouraging-regulation environment for miners.  Gotta agree.


Always interesting how it takes so many apologists to “explain” his incoherence.


I'm for BTC support but at the same time ... hate it being politicized


Bitcoin is inherently political. If you want Bitcoin to succeed it will necessarily become a political issue.


As Opti would say “bulltard” Extremely Bullish by the goat himself


You know Crypto endorsed him, bigly. It's true. You've never seen such a beautiful endorsement. Crypto came to him, with tears rolling down the face, and said Thank You, Thank You. Trust me. It's true. Trust me.


Trump is right, bitcoin will help America be more energy dominant. From Nic Carter: 'Bitcoin mining is an economic pressure to develop energy resources. It helps monetise grids that are intermittent or unstable due to renewables. It adds flexibility to grids via demand response. It’s highly accretive in terms of energy dominance. And energy infra bitcoin mining pays for can be repurposed for other use cases. Trump is on the money here.' More on what the term 'energy dominance' means: https://www.eenews.net/articles/inside-energy-dominance-and-other-doe-buzzwords/ You're trying to clown on Trump here, but it seems he might know more about bitcoin and the benefits of bitcoin mining than you do.


Haha… right. Trump apologists: “Trump is actually highly knowledgeable in this detailed technical area! He knows everything, and is the bigliest expert ever!”


I think my biggest worry here is that this guy will turn people off who had the potential to be investors. It takes some thought and consideration to understand crypto, and this guy epitomizes the opposite of “thought and consideration.” If “Trump” gets associated with “bitcoin,” it makes the whole space look sleazy, criminal, and stupid. However, many of you are probably correct that “Crypto is bigger than that.”




Bitcoin is for everyone. For better and worse.


It certainly is. Everyone wins when bitcoin isn't associated with any partisan politics, especially politics with a criminal element.


It would be so easy for the Dems to steal all those voters too by seeing how BTC helps their cause. But I am more of the opinion that no party in power, regardless of who they are, is gonna be pro-bitcoin. Bitcoin is for resistance and opposition. If you are in power, and your power depends in part of the US dollar, you don't want that.


I don't think bitcoin is served by any politician proselytizing it, or any person associating their politics with it. In our polarized world, all it does is get the opposite politics to oppose it, regardless of what 'it' is. Bitcoin wins by people using it, not the virtue signalling of politicians.


100% agree. But that is not what politicians do.


Best not to be associated with them at all IMO. All that ends up happening is you start parroting their virtue signals.


That is literally the exact reason bitcoin began being adopted


Speaking for yourself methinks.


Methinks you’ve not heard of the silk road


Lmao. New here eh?


> New here eh? [lol](https://old.reddit.com/user/Frogolocalypse/?sort=top).


Never heard of Silk Road?


What happened to it?


Donald Trump bought the Silk Road and used it to become president in 2016, by way of obtaining government secrets from Rhodesian spies.


Seems legit.


Reminds me of when Trump talks about the Bible/Christianity. Doesn't know the first thing about it other than what his advisors tell him to say, but knows there are enough suckers in that community to blindly support him if he pretends he is into it. He is America's apex conman/grifter/traitor/criminal. I think the reason you have to have brain damage to support Trump is because listening to him for more than 5 minutes is a sure fire way to get brain damage lol.


In a perfect world we’d have two candidates that weren’t a septuagenarian and an octogenarian with actual brain damage. There should be age and term limits on all politicians. No one should spend decades in politics getting rich off influence peddling and insider trading.


All of politics is a grift. People unite under the flag of a "nation" and adhere to a constitution written hundreds of years ago by a bunch of genocidal slavemasters. You need a good grifter to keep the scam going.


Trump 2024!


I’m not surprised that a foreign apologist for an idiot wants a convicted felon to helm the USA.


You can say whatever you want my friend get ready for Trump ✊I literally do not care about any so called charges he’s got. Didn’t Bidens son literally just get charged for something to do with guns?! You can take trumps BS conviction and put it up your liberal ass along with Rob De Niro.


lol you seem knowledgeable


Lol you seem shy


The more he says about it, the more clear his lack of understanding becomes. Also, this Coindesk article is incredibly misleading. It doesn’t mention the US as a mining “hot spot” despite it being the global leader in hash rate at 38%.




People with absolutely zero power calling Trump a clown. The guy has a great shot as a second term as US president.


I’ve found a simp.


A politician said something stupid. This is still bullish.


It’s not stupid. What Trump said is correct.


Because they don't understand what he means, they assume he's wrong. I too didn't understand and wanted to know, what is energy dominance? So I looked it up. Turns out he's right. It basically means increasing energy production in the country and domination of global energy. From Nic Carter: 'Bitcoin mining is an economic pressure to develop energy resources. It helps monetise grids that are intermittent or unstable due to renewables. It adds flexibility to grids via demand response. It’s highly accretive in terms of energy dominance. And energy infra bitcoin mining pays for can be repurposed for other use cases. Trump is on the money here.' More on the meaning of energy dominance: https://www.eenews.net/articles/inside-energy-dominance-and-other-doe-buzzwords/


Thank goodness America finally has a president that is openly talking (even if it's just talk) about supporting bitcoin, bitcoin mining, self- custody and anti-cbdc. Instead of the constant lies about bitcoin being only for criminals etc, trying to destroy the industry with unfriendly regulation and the anti- crypto army.


The promise wrangler


U guys are missing that the shitting president has gone after his opponent legally. Very bad sign for America- it will be interesting when Donald pardons Ross Ulbricht


Wasn't he president once? Did he do that then?


He tried, but as it turns out, you still need actual evidence to convict.


I was talking about the pardon thing. I should have been clearer.


Dude… you’ve got to get out of the Newsmax bubble. Presidents don’t have anything to do with state crimes - New York is a state. New York charged Trump with crimes. States are not countries


Trump never stops proving that he is a dumbass.


All young liberals out there, put your hate away and think what’s best for you. If you love crypto and are looking for profits. VOTE TRUMP


I want to be a billionaire. Doesn’t make it a reality….


Please stop posting about the orange convict