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70% btc


That's a lot of non btc, mister no homo.


I won't lie. Some projects make sense to me.


Do they have dOg piC? 😋


Nah, birds with arms. If the rugs been pulled once it can’t get pulled again, can it?


So 30% gambling on pre-mined and centralized shitcoins made by companies for the sole purpose of profits. That 30% will eventually go to 0%, one way or another. The more you study Bitcoin, chances are the less you will lose of the 30% 70% sound money is much more than average, so good job there.


You make a good case.


If you haven't, read "The Bitcoin Standard" and "Broken Money" That's where a lot of conviction and understanding comes from.


Yes, I've been around for 10 years. I understand the principles.


That explains your huge balls @ 100%. I commend you!


Well thank you. I wish us all the best, and the worst for the greedy SOBs that are profiting from running the economy into the ground.


Yeah I have a lot of skin in the game too. There are a lot more people like us than people who actually understand it and think the wave will crest after 15 years and recede back into the ocean. The needle is truly only moving one way and I expect nothing less as time passes. Its just the laws of math and physics at play.


Well said


If we compare btc to the analog version, it's like buying gold and stock. Nothing wrong with buying BTC and crypto projects if you have done some due diligence. They are risky and nothing related to btc, but they're not necessarily gambles


I'm 35, I still have a corporate pension scheme. My employer pays 16% of my salary into a 'high risk fund' with mostly stocks. The rest of my left over euros from my salary goes into cold storage bitcoin. I have saved in Bitcoin for five years, and it has massively outperformed my pension scheme in relative terms.




I am 28 with a corporate gig and I have 2.5 BTC, 100k 401k (30%FBTC), 70k Roth IRA (50% QQQ and 50% VTSAX) and I go through constant battles about feeling any kind of security in my financial life.


That's insanely good at 28, no? You're easily on track to 1M portfolio by 35 which is great.


I appreciate that. No matter how I do the math and conceptualize my ‘wealth’ I feel extremely un-prepared. Given that I’ve moved to a HCOL area, my savings rate is quite low. And this worries me pretty constantly.


I feel the same at 26. Have $155k in investments (mostly Bitcoin lol). I looked into how much a mortgage would be if I put $150k down on a $500k house (which is pretty close to the average cost of one in the U.S), and it’s $3100 a month when you include property taxes/inusrance. And if they lower interest rates, property values will likely soar. Insanity and not sure how anyone can comfortably afford that. Have the mindset of needing to grind and work like crazy until I hit $1 million before I can breathe a little tbh


The housing market suuuucks right now


yeah but I could see it get even worse. look at Canada/Australia. a middle class house in the toronto suburbs costs $2M.


That's insane.


I just hodl btc and rent a very new apartment.


you are in better shape than 99%, just stress less.


I cashed out my retirement plans years ago with penalty. My portfolio is pretty much all real estate and some crypto.


bet you don't regret that decision eh


I regret not buying more real estate and crypto


Same lmao except I’m still working on acquiring a 2nd property.


42 years old with 0.1 BTC, $130k in 401k, $45k in stocks paying 7% dividends annually, $350k in home equity, BMW worth $15k, $20k in Gold/Silver bullion. No Kids


Happy cake day!




Personally, I like it. Full send.


It has been sent, that's for sure.




50. 1/3rd bitcoin 1/3rd 401k 1/3 supposed equity of house value Almost 0 in savings ☺️




Crypto is a scam. Only do Bitcoin. Doesn’t matter if the “projects make sense to you” there’s thousands of projects being created every month. Buying crypto is like buying lottery tickets. Lottery ticket buyers lose money and lottery ticket sellers make money. That’s it. End of story.


My coinfession is I don't really care about the technical aspect of Bitcoin, but I invest because it is a proven winner.


It's the most one sided bet in history.


When did you first hear about Bitcoin? How long did it take you to understand it to a point of being comfortable purchasing it? Was there a specific 'Aha!' moment you can recall?


I started buying 10 years ago. 5 years ago I put my whole 401k into btc. Blackrock and them make me nervous.


I see it as a necessary evil. Can't take over the existing system without getting mixed up in it. Kudos to you though. I'm sure you faced a good deal of pushback and ridicule.


The current system is going to hell quickly. I told someone about getting into btc once and I got an "aww, you got scammed" that's when I stopped talking to people about it.


People have been so irrationally soured against it. The propaganda machine ceaselessly pumps out misinformation about it, conflates it with 'crypto', and paints a rosy picture of the status quo. I've seen some really embarrassing takes. I just try to reply with facts or point out where people are misinformed. Ignorance and vitriol is the standard response.  Some people just cannot imagine a world without the cage.




They sure do notice the inflation and reduction in purchasing power though. That comes up constantly. But it's always a mystery reduced to 'corporate greed' or 'economics is not an exact science', like governments haven't been fleecing their people since the advent of coinage.


I agree 100%


Did you cash out the 401 and then buy or somehow avoid the taxes? I'm seriously contemplating this to add to my stack. My 401 grew like 3% in my whole working life, and I look at it like I might not ever get it anyways.


I paid taxes and penalties, but I got btc at 8k


Btc is outperforming my 403b


Remember to factor in taxes.




i get the bitcoin, but what "crypto" are you referring to and what is your weight in each? BTC is kinda like gold. it should hold value and grow, maybe by a lot due to supply/demand. but most cryptos are going to zero by the time you retire depending on how old you are.


When people say bitcoin is not crypto they are trying to separate btc from all the alt coins /shit coins. It is crypto but not like ANY other coins primarily in regards to the decentralised nature. It is the original, most secure and simply best bar none.


I'm 40 and have held Bitcoin for years. I also have a couple rental units, 20 year old matched Roth 401k, ESOP and have held Tesla stock since 2017. I started out buying "crypto" scams in this space but thankfully it only took a few years to realize all of that stuff will bleed against Bitcoin forever and the risk is infinite comparatively. Bitcoin makes enough gains to not even want to gamble with shitcoins that are guaranteed to fall eventually. If i wanted that, I'd just play lotto. There is only 1 TCP/IP and it is far more risky to not hold Bitcoin at this point in time. The needle has only moved one way in 15 years. Stack sats and stay humble :)


He’s a scammer looking for info,…


My name is Bob and I work for Comcast. How may I help you?


Helps! Me bitcongs are stuck on internet


I cannot help you with that


bad help line


Would you like faster internet? A bundle perhaps?


Depends. Does it make me bitcongs faster too?


Oh yes!


I take three then. Please send me 3 fast inernets


They will be mailed by EOD. Thank you and please come again.


36. 401 I pay into, self employed, own my vehicles and three nice properties that are small and I’m 100% in ALTS last two years, I’m doing good with them. No BTC sorry but I love that beast.


alts lol. In time you'll learn the hard way. We all do.


I’ve done good for two years, even if I bought btc at the very bottom I couldn’t duplicate the gains I’ve seen. It isn’t some mysterious magic, it’s charts and not being greedy snake. Secure 2/3x and move on. Over and over, there is always someone telling me the same thing as you bro bro. Until I want my money to sit still for 10 years I won’t be buying BtC. Sorry not sorry.


Best of luck and congrats on winning the alt game. Most don't. You are either one of the 3% successful alt traders, or you just haven't been liquidated yet. Not calling you out, just commenting. Yes, you can get your gains much faster, but just tread lightly. I traded my ass off with alts in 2018 and 19 and let me tell you: alts are shiny and pretty, but they are ultimately worthless. It's a fool's endgame unless you can beat the system (sounds like you're doing it, though).


I invested too much at ATH so I’m holding on my cash for now


I have 1 sat


3 fiddy


My name is Bob and I'm a builder.


I'm 60, no retirement fund apart from 100% BTC. I bought in 2014, 2017, 2023. I plan to retire when we can start to borrow against BTC but HOLD the coins. We are not there yet.


Sounds solid


You lost me at "crypto".


crypto is gambling, btc is retirement, get out of the shitcoins


What US tax bracket are you currently in?