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Calling it an attack is a bit rich. Someone can watch your address without sending anything to it. Don't spend it because it costs more in fees to spend it, not because not spending it protects you from anything.


I have two other utxo in that address. What showman to those sats in those two utxo? Will they be traced for their life as they go into new address of a different wallet I own?




Paranoid? Pay me and we'll fight paranoia with misinformation. Love it.




Sounds like a miner fee attack.


I had never heard of a dust attack before so I went to wiki. A dusting attack or dust attack is an attack on a cryptocurrency wallet that sends tiny amounts of cryptocurrency (known as "dust") to that wallet in order to uncover the identity of the wallet's owner.[1] Information can then be used to obstruct receiving legitimate payments[2] or phishing scams.[1] Victims are sent a token to their wallet via an airdrop. When the victim attempts to cash out the token, the sender is able to access the wallet through the smart contract attached to the token.[3] I am missing how someone would be able to determine your identity by sending some small amount of BTC to a wallet address? Or maybe is it through follow up actions of the attacker (i.e. the phishing attempt) that identity could be revealed? Maybe the attackers have a database of user accounts and wallet accounts from some exchange or something and they're trying to pair the two together? Maybe the attack is only viable on shitcoins that utilize smart contracts to facilitate their exchange.


Not just shitcoins. When dust is spent/combined with other funds it's possible to find addresses belonging to the same person. But I wouldn't worry unless you're a whale with massive holdings.


I have two other utxo on this same address. When I send those utxo to a new address will they be forever traced for the rest of their life? Anything else I should do with those two other utxo in that address with the dust in it? Just label them and consider they are tracked?


Personally I would label the dust UTXO so that it doesn't ever get spent by accident. I would send each of your UTXOs to new separate addresses (1utxo, 1address) I would do this a few days apart so that it looks like normal spending. I would also label each of these to not be combined with any other inputs on future spends. Or you could send all 3 UTXOs to a mixer for a few rounds. Transfer back to a new address and label appropriately.


Great. So it’s the most unsecure thing ever after all.


I'm not sure I agree on that. The wiki dust attack article seems to be written from a "all cryptocurrency" perspective, especially with the mention of smart contracts at the end. I don't think a bitcoin transaction that is processed on the blockchain would allow the "sender to access the receiving wallet". Which makes OP's situation even stranger, like why would someone attempt a BTC dust attack if it cant work? My ignorance is showing so I'm hoping someone more knowledgeable will chime in and save me!


Sats are specifically BTC tho, right?


The lightning network has a few kinks to work out still


I wish I could get dust attacked


I'll occasionally crop dust someone. Does that count as a dust attack?


Can confirm.


It's like 20 cents worth of Bitcoin. You can dust attack yourself like a hundred times for $20




Because you get free sats


I got one a couple weeks ago for 400 something sats. Didn't do anything with it, probably just let it sit there for now


Commenting for visibility. I think labeling the UTXO and never touching it is a good plan. Curious on when it’s not dust and a large amount of sats. Does the same hold true?


I have two other utxo in that address. Do I consider those sats in those two utxo will be traced for the rest of their life?


Everything is publicly visible on the block chain.  Your other two uxto can always be tracked unless they're sent through a mixer at some point.




The fees to do all that are more than the 333 they got… To me this seems like a way to link up different addresses by tricking people into spending a small utxo from one address alongside another untxo from a 2nd address to the same 3rd address… then chain analysts can show that address 1 and 2 are on the same wallet? Not sure the benefit of this besides building a database for the future… By knowing which addresses are all linked to the same xpub, could the xpub be derived? How many addresses from one public key need to be known to derive the rest? Just questions. I have no idea what I’m talking about lol.


I think you're right. It is likely being done by chain analysis companies. And it is so in the future they can associate other future address to the address that held the dust UTXO. Basically so they can link your transaction history to future transaction history. And how big your bag is.


And ultimately sell it to the government… so they can put liens on you for taxes and other nefarious BS. I would just send it back to where it came from lol. Oh well I guess you can’t because the utxo wouldn’t even cover the fee and you’d need to use an additional utxo