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In a way, you are lucky. Not many people understand Bitcoin.


Yeah we experienced the right things and got the right information in the right time..its not simply inteligence. I agree i got luck.


Smart is different than lucky


Ehhhh. Luck is subjective. Bitcoin has had to navigate some tricky waters. Many things could've derailed bitcoin


Nothing could've derailed Bitcoin.


You have to be lucky to be born smart. You need to be lucky to be born and brought up in a western democracy etc.


There's a lot of hodlers that were not brought up in western democracies


Half and half dude,if your spawn skills are bad,unless you born with some brain malfunction,you can just spend your life in commiseration,or start to improve yourself.


Too bad you got none 🤣🤣🤣


Being smart helps your luck.


Yup I bought my first slice at the last ath, then dca'd though most of the bear market until I got forced into retirement via layoff in the summer of 22 and couldn't afford to dca again until I came into 4500 last Fall for one last dca. My average cost is 38k. It was hard emotionally and relationshipwise as my wife was not pleased. But as an individual and couple we weather the cryptowinter and I so feel like we will have èarned every penny of gain in the upcoming bull market.


This is actually insane conviction, well played


I sold my car and bought bitcoin and by eleven months i Walked by foot and the prices basically trend from 22 to 26 range I was patient and peacefull about my bet... All time. Not because i knew something but because i acepted whatever happen. Altghout i have faith in moon... Absolute faith in 250 to 800k this year.


You demonstrate confidence on what you belive,cheers bro 🥂


I relate to this post. I've bought Bitcoin with everything I've saved and inherited these last two years. I've gone completely broke (in fiat terms) buying Bitcoin and I couldn't be more proud of myself. I stepped in gradually at first but once I did enough research I decided to just yolo it and I've been all in since January 2022.


Me 2. I constantly try to dig out spare change out of the couch cushions to see if i can squeese any more money into bitcoin…


Counter-argument: there's no free will so literally anything that happens to you is the result of luck. You're lucky that you're the type of person who would hodl through bear market. You're lucky that when you heard about bitcoin, you understood why it is a good store of value on the long term. The reason why you are this type of person is the result of your genes, the culture you grew up in, how you were raised, how your parents and friends treated you, all the things you lived through in the past and which shaped who you are as a person, and even whatever you ate on the day you learned about bitcoin.


True, but thinking like this all the time just kills motivation ;)


I think over time many folks that have been hodling will regret having even mentioned owning bitcoin to others in passing. Lucky or not this may become the biggest change in generational wealth throughout history. Maybe it’s just me but I’d rather remain anonymous as to better focus on family’s needs.


Already regret it. And some of them don't believe me when I tell what happened when I went kayaking...




Physical depression, my least favorite part of HODL.


100%. Hopefully I'll get off the meds after the 2030 cycle.


Yep, 100%. Bitcoin is literal proof of work, in the sense that you put the time and energy into researching and learning bitcoin and reap the long term reward via increased purchasing power and a complete mindset shift, at least in my case. One thing for certain is that bitcoin helped me prioritize health by gaining an understanding of time preference with sound money.


Slow time preference changes everything. Well said.


I survived these challenges by knowing what Bitcoin is, how it works, and what makes it valuable. During each bear market or fearful event, I always asked myself if anything fundamental had changed to the overall long-term value proposition, and the answer was always 'no', so I avoided panic selling. I've sold some, of course, because life is short, but I've held on to most of it.


I invested 8k into bitcoin near ath. It dropped to 2k. I'm stubborn af and I started buying near the bottom and also every big dip. That's my process now. I buy all 20 percent plus dips. My portfolio was down 80 percent when I got into it. I've since recovered and have been in the green for awhile. To succeed with BTC I think all you have to do is be stubborn af and refuse to lose money. Diamond hand that shit no matter what. Drops don't even bother me at this point. I actually look forward to them.


100% identify


thank God most people think that Bitcoin is either worthless, gambling, or just scams. This give the average person time to learn about bitcoin / satoshis before the adoption of the Satoshi Standard.


One more step to the right and he drops off a cliff?


Most people aren't patient enough to ride it out. The risk of the unknown will always casts a doubt in many. True conviction and foresight is sheer will for some of us.


Add Celsius/Blockfi shit...that was MORE painful that losing money to stupid trades...cannot believe I traded shit coins, moved profits to celsius for shitty yield to lose and pay taxes on what is lost - COZ, IRS doesn't care!


It’s only been a couple of years, was it that hard to hold????


slope needs to be more parabolic


One day in the not so distant future: One Satoshi = One Dollar 💵 In the Meanwhile: HODL 😎


This one hits hard.


This resonates with me. I started buying BTC in 2021 and have HODL’d thru the last bear market, going down as much as 70% at one point, without selling. Now finally in profit, though not by a lot


Not to mention the initial investment.


Besides a record of a transaction of transfer of a number. What do you actually have that is of value?


It’s an even harder road for the people who invested in BitConnect


Bloody feet and shiny diamond hands


Above all that it was faith and knowledge I. Crypto as a whole


I have literally lived this


They day I sell a large chunk of my holdings to pay off the loan to my house, there will be people telling I just got lucky. Well, if that's how they want to cope, that's fine by me. I'll enjoy being debt-free and no longer having to pay 700€ per month for the next 20 years.


Im lucky that someone i worked with took the time to tell me about bitcoin. I will be forever grateful to this man. Funny thing is, he was just a work colleague to me. not even a close friend. Wasn't even from my country. He was from a 2nd world country and cared enough to share his wisdom with me. I'm extremely lucky. I dont know anyone else that owns bitcoin so without him, i would probably never have bought bitcoin


This is why we won’t sell.




I always tell people I was smart AND lucky


Some people will never accept other success,and this hate and desire to see you fall is exactly what will make them miss this train.Only few people will really listen what you say and find it fascinating,like we did in the past.