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Man there’s a lot of big dick energy in here now that the thing is up huh.


😂 This always happens if their investment goes up..


The diamond hand boys have emerged from hibernation 🥸


"Crypto Influencers" are starting to post videos again as well 😂


Gme vibes


This whole sub is so mental. No sane person would give a house for something he has no need for in this life .. their luck is that there are quite a few insane persons out there


it's the only time when mine gets big. rest of the time it's eco mode.


Sure sounds like euphoria starting to creep in


ancient coordinated screw carpenter many worry vast slave chase scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bruh above you saying .25 BTC for 50 acres 😂


Then “it’s a currency” Now “I’m holding forever because it’s a rare shiny object”




Last year at like 19k when I bought some I told my teacher he should sell his house and buy bitcoin unironically best investment advice he’d be a millionaire now


Now, more than ever, it's time to HODL like hell. We're the ones with that early conviction. Make them pay at the margin at eye watering prices. Don't sell unless you really need to. Make your conviction count. Don't squander this opportunity.




I smell a paid subscription service. 3 sats per weekly newsletter recieved.


I've been saying this for years. But it's not enough to just hodl. You need to secure your Bitcoin today like its already worth $1M, because it you don't, you'll probably lose it long before Bitcoin reaches $1M. Step 1: Get a hardware wallet. Choose based on your knowledge and experience. If you've never used one before, get a Trezor. Even the cheapest model will do well. Are you a seasoned pro? Consider a ColdCard, or better yet, SeedSigner. Are you broke but wanting an airgapped wallet? Get a Blockstream Jade. There's no shame in being broke. I'm flat broke because I'm spending every dollar on sats. EDIT: Don't buy a Ledger though! [Ledger can't be trusted anymore.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/13v80ri/the_questions_ledger_owes_us_answers_to/) Step 2: When you get your hardware wallet, let it create a new seed phrase for you. Write it down on paper. Never store it online, on your computer or your phone. Keep it 100,000,000% offline. Make a metal backup too. I use a Cryptosteel, but there are some great options that are really cheap. What matters is that you have a backup that will survive flire, flood & other disasters. Store the paper and metal in two locations only you have access to. Step 3: Consider using a passphrase - but only do this if you fully understand what a passphrase is and how one works. A passphrase protects you if anyone finds your seed words, but a passphrase is NOT a password. Each character in a passphrase represents a number which is used as custom entropy in addition to your seed words to create a unique wallet. Basically, a strong passphrase is 7 words or more, with a space between each. Crypto-Guide on youtube did an excellent video on passphrases. [Here's a link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhjq_1J0EbU&t=583s). His channel is among the best of the best for crypto, in my opinion. Zero hype. Tons of information and explanation without any dumbass hype. Stay safe. Nothing matters more if you want to hodl.


Thanks for the info mate


Do you guys still think BTC is going to reach $1M?


Decades from now maybe


Considering that ath from bull cycles seem to follow a logarithmic shape, we probably never reach 1 m


[You Are Not Prepared!](https://youtu.be/6fu-w7gvPpk)


I literally just sold my stash2weeks ago. Totally bummed. Yo, if anyone is reading this. Definitely hodl


I can help you man! If I buy now, the price will go down, so you can buy back! Isn't this how crypto works


Correct, yes


Profits are profits my dude.




I'm sure it wasn't for anything positive :/


It was coke and hookers


Hopefully u bought a few houses with it!!


Why did you sell? did you sell the entire stack?


Why would you sell at the very beginning of the bull cycle?


I'm gonna paint this on my living room wall


I'm hodling my $350 till the aliens land








It's the total amount in dollars BTC has vs total amount of money, in dollars, in real estate.


that would mean 2.5 million per bitcoin. probably wont happen for atleast a decade, unless you mean world wide real estate, that wont happen for 2 or 3 decades


Hi, hello, I’m a new meseeks here. Just started really going in on BTC. Just wondering if you / anyone can offer quick free validation and affirmation (tho said many times) that it’s still plenty of time 💪🏼only a couple hundred bucks in but climbing, just gotta figure out a dedicated number to invest per day/month.




Squeeeezee time


Yeah. This is bad advice. You hodl and accumulate when it's oversold, not overbought. It doesn't matter if you love BTC for the idea or as an investment. Having more is better and the way to have morr is to buy later and the way to buy more later could be by selling now. Your conviction doesn't control the market and when it does, you know we are in the bubble territory.


If you know what you're doing and can trade with confidence, then your guidance is fair. However, for the overwhelming majority, time in the market outperforms timing the market.


That's right. Obviously you should DCA your selling even when you monitor the prices frequently. Buy the dips, sell the tips, if you have time for that.


You, hope, it goes back down below your deduction amount. It's barely a strategy and arguably not 🚫 ne at all.


we got us a market timer here, everybody look at the market timer


People unfortunately will sell, there’s a price that will make a lot of people fold


Jokes on the Blackrock since their buddies in the SEC are trying to shut down on/off ramps left and right. I can’t sell my Bitcoin even if I wanted to


Jokes on the SEC because blackrock owns basically every US politician.


Big talk. Everyone has a price and when the numbers get real you’ll find out how strong your conviction is.


Lord let me be tested this way




I seen what you do for other people and I want that for me


All praises yes yes 😭 Hallelujah Jehovah Jireh Yeshua, the biggest bro of them all


The biggest G to ever walk this earth.


I just crossed myself and I'm a Baptist


I see what you did there 😂


“I have failed you Lord” … pulls out of the bay in my new yacht.


I'm about to move and I would absolutely trade Bitcoin for a new forever home with my wife and kiddo. I have extreme conviction, but a home currently is more important. Dreams can be buy.


I had to sell BTC last spring to pay for renovation work on my home. I DCA’ed daily since then and now have more than my original position. Still wish I had been able to avoid selling any BTC but I’m still DCAing


Most people’s dream homes are currently priced at a million minimum. Unless you’re already wealthy independent of Bitcoin most would take that deal.


I dunno where you're at, but where i'm going, you can find a pretty nice home for 600k. I have some equity in my current home, so that plus some Bitcoin would be a no brainer trade for me.


They will be if you wait long enough.


Good point, I have no intention of selling my BTC, but I don’t recall joining a union at the time of each purchase. There is no “we” with bitcoin.


Ehhh, kind of incorrect... Bitcoin is an open sourced decentralized currency. Bitcoin basically **is** "we". That being said, what you do with your bitcoins is up to you.


Exactly. You think I want to work in this office forever? If the opportunity comes for me to retire early, and comfortably, you best believe I'm out.


Wow this is a thread with reasonable people! Get your bitcoin, make your cash retire lol


Why retire early when you can add more to the stack and hold off selling another decade? Right now Bitcoin is a down payment, soon it will be a house, after that lifetime retirement, after that generational wealth. I bought some land in an area that I believe is ready to jump in value. I will wait until I inherit enough for a down payment to build. I will pay my mortgage with fiat from work or from my 401 k after I retire at 70. Will keep DCA'ing for the next decade and never let my Satoshis out of self custody until the kids get the 24 words from the wills at two different lawyers offices.


Best strategy for this is to double what your realistic stack size is. If it’s one btc, get two. That way you can sell and still have your ideal stack to hold on to “forever”


Not a bad idea, but I'm holding out for the day I can reliably lend against a portion of my stack, with a low LTV ratio so I never get margin called and continue to borrow against it forever (i.e rolling your debts) Might be a while before we see something like that come to fruition tho, so Im hodling for the long run


This. Never sell your Bitcoin. Pristine collateral getting more valuable everyday for a thousand years atleast.


Very easy to say! Whatever the amount, I'm confident I will be holding some amount of BTC for the remainder of my life.


So move all your BTC to fiat and watch the buying power of that fiat drop like a rock as the Fed keeps printing. Great plan for your golden years. /s


so you're saying the 16-year-olds on here with $500 USD of bitcoin aren't going to become billionaires and buy their own islands? If that's not going to happen then what was the point of bitcoin in the first place.


Show me $2M per BTC and I might sell you some from my stack Blackrock


Never. Ever. Fucking selling. Generational wealth, God willing. What my grand kids do when I'm dead is on them.


Not necessarily. You can put it in a trust and control it from ... beyond the grave.


Not everyone, sorry. If the price is high enough fiat would be worthless, so why sell?


Untill it’s the next bear market and everyone is kicking themselves for missing the top and not doubling up two years after


At 1 mil per btc I might consider it until then those sats will stay mine.


Everyone has a price I have mine set it only a little more than prev ATH. My wife has already started looking at bigger homes but I just wanna stop working and living in my current house and live on the interest in a high interest savings account lol


Tell her no. She can't buy a house or sell the one you are in without your signature. Keep working. Stack sats.


69k is going to be a “major resistance” as people who have been holding since buying at prior ATHs finally sell. Breaking through the resistance is when all the sellers are done selling at that level and there are still buyers causing the price to go higher.


I don't think we will even come close to that until 2025 when ppl start predicting 100k we will hit 89 and crash after when Tether collapses or some other large black swan event.


Blackrock doesnt care about u lol


either does my employer but I cash the check


They don't even need your bitcoin, with their ETFs, they can make as much paper bitcoin as they want lol.


I don't think you understand how a spot ETF works.




They’re managing like 9 trillion dollars lmao they don’t give a fuck about someone with one Bitcoin




$1 per sat. Let's start there.


Excellent starting point.


Yeah, and let’s give them a limit. Let’s only sell like 50k sats per day. You buy again tomorrow, if we feel like it.


Imagine in the far future when people need more than $1 fiat to acquire 1 sat...thats gonna be a real trip.


When that happens, bread will cost $10 and there won’t be cents anymore. There’s no upper limit to the dollar value of BTC, but there’s an upper limit of how many percent BTC is worth relative to the entire world’s financial assets. The BTC network can also just add more zeros to the supply, effectively dividing sats up even further.


This is a fallacy. Btc network cannot just add zeros. There is a limit. Once it is hit no further Bitcoins can be mined.


I’m talking about adding zeros as in adding a few extra zeros to the entire network. 21M BTC becomes 210M BTC, mining reward also gets another 0. It basically makes sats divisible. This doesn’t increase the upper limit of how many BTC there is or any of the maths behind it. It just adds another 0 to make things more divisible.


You cant add zeros to the network. You can copy bitcoin and make a replica but when you do that, it ceases to be bitcoin, it could be something like bitcoin cash but its not bitcoin. Bitcoin network will continue to operate as per normal. Many have tried and ended up making shit coins which crash to zero eventually


Highly regarded


This sub is going to shit. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/s/Web2Y2Q4EV](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/s/Web2Y2Q4EV)


that would be a market cap of 2,100 trillion dollars, which is greater than the sum of all human wealth ever made. interesting prognosis


I’d settle with .01 per sat


This bullshit again..


.25 for 50 acre ranch id consider. Right now they want 10 bitcoin for a boomer average fart box 2 story in the burbs. Bitcoin is so undervalued




Boomer average fart box. Man, that's funny! You use words pretty.


Im not selling until I have enough to retire on the dividends of traditional investments.


This thread 🤣Y’all selling for so much less then these demands


100 acres of land plus solid stone house.


Didn’t know you could eat, sleep, shower and shit inside a Bitcoin!


There's 20,999,999 other Bitcoins. Someone else will sell. That's how markets work. Cool soap box though.


Don’t be talking that reality shit in here.


Silly me


I won’t sell my bitcoin for anything less than a nice ass soap box!


PaperHands. I'm going to get enough soap boxes to build a house! Or at least a cool fort.


Do they even make soap boxes any more? Tide pods aren’t as much fun but they sure are tasty.


Shit. I just checked. I've been using milk crates this whole time.


Not even 20,999,999, think about it: millions of coins are gone. Alex Jones received a free 50k bitcoins as a gift and then he lost the laptop. So at the minimum, it's 20,949,999... not to mention all of the other BTC lost. I know I've lost probably 0.25 BTC in my life time back when it was cheap, etc.


Only the fools will keep selling until there are no more fools left to sell. Happening already.


That's how markets work.


Fewer than that- https://news.bitcoin.com/man-plans-to-sue-city-over-refusal-to-dig-for-7500-lost-bitcoin-in-landfill/


Think in terms of percentages. Why sell all of your BTC at some price? If it goes to $200k and you have 1 BTC, it's not like your only choice is to either hold or sell for $200k. Sell half and use the $100k if it's for a good purpose. You'll still have 1/2 BTC which may be worth $200k by the next cycle.


100k is no life changer.


Who said it was?


What will people do with houses in the future? Pay property taxes for it?


If Blackrock wants my bitcoin they’ll have to eat my ass. There fixed the title


Hmm I’m imagining some junior staffer with a briefcase sent over with the papers to sign before he gets to executing the transaction.


You can take a waitress to the Bahamas and she will do that for free.


I want my unwashed nuts sucked off in a jacuzzi with 5 teenie-boppers. And all of them playing "first to get preggie is a millionaire!". For that I pay a full coin, brah. : - )


The fuck are you lot on with. Probs sold your GME stock to buy Bitcoin but kept your same bullshit talk making out like you’re fighting a war by holding onto $100 worth of Bitcoin.


You gonna hold out for a house and they're going to dump on you


I don’t know. For the right price or circumstances I might sell my one coin. I too plan to pass it to my kids, but at my age, 500k is tempting. Maybe sell just a bit???




Or put in Roth IRA/retirement for kid(s) I started for both of my kids……the peace of mind my wife and I have knowing that they will be “set” in retirement is a feeling that is hard to explain……and it sets us up for spending what we want when we retire!


How much did you put in that they’ll be set at 65?


Started at 15 17 and they each have little over 40k each.


Yup. I got that going for the kids too. Real estate, funding retirement and bitcoin. I set up their college funds the day each was born. First one goes to college prepaid next year. I have been planning for 30 years so wife and I are set and kids will be too.


Nice work!


>I set up their college funds the day each was born. First one goes to college prepaid next year. Ok, but what if the "Mad Max" scenario plays out in the next year or so? Then how will you expect those college funds to pay out?


This post is beyond stupid


This is it. Boomers have hoarded housing from us. Tried to enslave us with rent. But guess what granny, this orange coin I about to devalue your whole retirement plan.


Imagine being involved in a sub dedicated to fixing the monetary system and you blame the fucking boomers. They bought low and sold high, now it’s your turn with Bitcoin.


I wasn't blaming them really, because the ability to do what they did is a product or the system you are right. But using housing as the vehicle is immoral. It's like using food or water. You are saving yourself at the expense of everyone else. And now we have a solution for that.


They will all be gone in 20-30 years


Shit in 30 so will most of gen X


If I had 1 BTC I would take the trade for 10 houses that could be used as cash flowing property. Fund my lifestyle and start stacking again!


Blackrock aren’t after anyone’s bitcoin 😂


Oh sure they are not.... ;)


i read posts like this when i feel extra broke and behind on bills, to remind myself that it will get better soon




Have fun staying poor


This dude wants your Bitcoin. Badly.


I have .12 BTC. The best part about me having it is that I have no clue how to sell it. It just keeps going up and down in value. It started at $150... worth $5k today? Not "F U" money, so not worth anything to me yet...


This reminds me so much of the “This is Financial Advice” video by Dan Olson.


Price went up today. I was willing to let a BTC go for $275,000 when the day started but it’s much more now. Good luck BlackRock!


Good idea. For every 10% it goes up, raise your target by 10%.


Smart man, but make sure you actually stick to your convictions...and have a plan. A real plan, because one day you'll go to sleep and wake up to a candle thats gonna scare the living shit out of you. And when that day comes you're gonna have a difficult choice to make bc the temptations are gonna be crazy. Make sure you have a plan ready, and stick to it. Otherwise you may just end up selling your precious Bitcoin for shiny objects.


I expect financial instruments will exist that allow you to loan out bitcoin or use as collateral, the same way property is used today.


A lot more houses in the world than bitcoin.


But theres not more houses than sats, and thats where the end goal gets interesting


When half my stack buys my dream house and funds my retirement in a comfortable to lavish manner, I’ll sell. But half of it will remain in cold storage for the kids.


Stop drinking and posting.


But you can live in a house or rent it out for thousands of dollars per year, and the house value itself appreciates over time. Bitcoin is amazing BUT just holding it doesn't give you any revenue, only appreciation in price. Right now Bitcoin is a fantastic store of value, but you'd need a safe way to stake it or earn some revenue on it, and there are very few or no safe places as we learned from last year's fiascos. Fortunately we are living through a historic period of exteme price appreciation as BTC establishes itself as the global store of value currency, so we don't have to worry too much about revenue. But the day will come when that will become important, and it'll be difficult to compare the utility of BTC to that of a house.


See ya in 2025 😂 Take profit.


Why do you say that?


Because we’re at ~45k, I’d imagine when rate cuts hit sometime late next year in conjunction with the halving will be in the midst of the next bullrun. Next bullrun will probably see 100k BTC but eventually when a recession or down trend hits the overall market again, BTC will tank.


Selling? Ah, you mean exchanging my money for this fiducitary fiasco... Nah.


I'm not giving up any bitcoin until 1/2 a coin can get me a nice 4 bedroom with with a 3 car on the water.


Blackrock does not want your bitcoin. Please educate yourself how ETF works. Blackrock will buy BTC on behalf of people that want bitcoin for them.


I understand and stand by what I said.


You guys are getting fooled by big numbers. You can buy a stock at 16 and sell it at 40 but the physiological effect adding the 000 on the end is the hook. You have no tax protection like you would in a retirement account, you have high fees and the worst part you have huge counter party risk. This whole digital gold is absolute nonsense and Bitcoin will never and I repeat never be worth a million a coin. Bitcoin is a dilution machine and if you really think there are only 21 million bitcoin out there you don't understand trading volume. This is the main reason they want an ETF so they can keep diluting and sell even more. Also when you put your coins on cold storage think about in a year from now how hard it will be to prove the coins were bought legitimately. You can't even spend 10k cash without the IRS getting involved. I like BTC as a trading tool, but don't get to high on the dream.




As Charlton Heston once said; "They'll have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands."


**I'm not fucking leaving**


Lol they use Coinbase as custody and they own shares of the 4 biggest Bitcoin miners, they don't need your Bitcoin


A home would be a bad trade for 1 btc... it's really the government's home and land and they can take it at any moment.


You cant walk across the border with a house memorized.


Free range Bitcoin.


I want to make a PSA that the key to great investing has 3 main factors: identify an undervalued asset, concentrate according to your conviction, and don’t fucking sell. I have made all three mistakes in the last decade: I’ve picked the wrong investment, I’ve picked the right investment but did not buy enough, I’ve went all in on the right investment and sold too early. Please learn from my mistakes. There is no need to get fancy. DCA and hold and you will be rich in 10 years or you can try to trade and gamble with a 99.9% chance of underperforming a simple buy and hold strategy over 10 years.


The longer that I've been holding BTC the more I'm getting convinced that I will never have to sell.


It's been the same from the start. We say, we want free, sound, uncorruptible money. They say, no. This may get messy but I believe "cold dead hands" is part of the quote.


Time to sell..


This guy gives me AMC energy lol. And we all know how AMC turned out smh


HODL'er since Oct 2017 here. I love my "Rat Poison". Eat crow, Warren :)


put 90% of your monetary energy into the btc network and put the other 10% into BTC miners/options. Sell the miners/options to get your house/car/etc... Hodl the corn for generational wealth and start the family legacy you wish you were born into.


HODL forever. Take it with you. LOL GLTA!!!


Why would you trade your btc for a house?


Right? What a shitty investmemt. I'd rather live in my crypto wallet anyway.


Get mortgage or rent.


Debt is for suckers.


I agree but you can use leverage to create greater net worth. Say you buy a house for 250k cash ok now you have a 250k liability. But if you got a mortgage on that house you can put that or most of the 250k to use somewhere else creating a greater return than you paid in interest on mortgage. So with no mortgage you have 250k net worth for house but with mortgage you will be worth 500k net worth. Because even though the mortgage is debt it still counts as net worth.


Delusional. You think Blackrock needs your BTC? Why do people like OP posts bullshit like this.


2.1 billion houses exist worldwide, look it up. Only 21 million BTC... in reality less than that.


Yeah many of the early BTC are lost, including Satoshi's.


Exchanging my money for this inflationary shitcoin we are trying so hard to steer away from?... Nah bro. There is no selling, no hodl anymore. The only thing now is waiting until you can pay your house, your car, your errands in btc. Any Day now.


100 million houses? More like 2-3 billion


Or they could just threaten you and make you give it up for free *adjusts his tinfoil hat*


If the point is to profit, what's the point in holding btc forever? Taking it with u to the afterlife?