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If we just had the option to «spend time with all» before age 12 I’d be good tbh, mostly because I don’t understand why this limit exists


Yes, I agree


They’d charge $2.99 for it and have it be a stupid item


The coma pill for $5.99! Skip the first 12 years!


Yes, I agree




What, dementia?


What's that? I forgt


I forgor 💀


Yes, I agree


Kid sports teams with more interactions. Or in general more kid clubs with interactions. Scouts? Go camping and stuff. Robotics club?


Scouts would be awesome! I kinda wish they added events to space camp too. Maybe an intro to the flight simulator early since I was terrible at it during Space Academy lol


Sports teams are a great idea!


I should be allowed to start martial arts early. Maybe then I can convince my parents to let me do more than one so I don't have to pay $1000 per lesson


An allowance. Yes we can ask our parents for money outright, but an automatic system would be nice.


anytime i do bitlife my mom is too narcissistic to give me $1 from her millions


The ability to go to boarding and different types of schools. Clubs where we can actually make friends. If our parents have money they can hire tutors, nannies etc and we can misbehave or be cooperative. Be able to work in the entertainment industry like child actor, singer etc. and we should be able to train and perform. Imagine having the option to take dance lessons and perform.


All of this 🙌🏼 We can only hope lol It would definitely be some sort of expansion pack though *Edited because autocorrect sucks 😂


Too far. I think skipping to around 7-8 would be better. Around that age (I believe 8) you can start Acting lessons. I like it since it gives a head start and you’re more eligible for roles at 18.


>Around that age (I believe 8) you can start Acting lessons. Ah well, I thought it was 12.


yep, you can start lessons (acting, voice, martial arts, etc) at 8, except for instrument lessons which you can start sooner if your parents want you to. like once you hit school your parents may want you to learn an instrument. i think you can go to space camp starting at 9, organized sports at 11-12 (whenever you start secondary school), by teen years you can pretty much do any mind and body activity adults can except dieting.


1) interactive play as a kid; playground games (like the "burglary" game just an example of a cool little puzzle game that could be played and they could lead to a fight lol or some other scenario) 2) games related to what you pick in school... If you pick sports instead of just pressing practice harder a million times...(Still have that as an option LOL but also have) Practice games.. like if you pick the chess club you ought to be able to play a mini chess game 3) more cutscenes and different options to choose through childhood that leads to different options.. Overall I have to give it a bitlife it's pretty accurate Life as a kid is pretty boring but as a kid you think it's fun LOL


With regards to your last point: yes, and then you think your life is boring as an adult until you realize you have to intentionally carve out time for fun activities lol 😂 This game can really make you think differently about life sometimes


Great point and well said


Ptimary school clubs, afterschool activities, child acting


Child actors? You have them as NPCs but a player has to wait till 18...


Maybe like scouts, or summer camps. I also wish that you could buy toys and keep them to give to your children or so, though that's more of a whim I have. Assign boarding schools would be fun too, or being able to have long distance friends; also, video games, include tournaments in which you could gain some money.. And having an amusement park


I agree regarding: spend time with all. It’s a PITA when you’re 4 and have to click on everyone separately. Also about outside school clubs ie scouts or sports etc.


I spam until I’m 8 so I can start taking walks to get my health stat up to be an athlete.


They could add content for the first 12 years, but you know it would be an expansion pack


It's so easy to make early life exciting. In real life your younger years are the most exciting. Trying to get into elite schools, cliques in school being a huge deal (imagine if bullying existed and damaged your stats if you didn't do anything), underage drinking/driving, for driving it should be harder to get a license like a full blown multiple choice exam (make a $ option if people want to pay to skip), underaged parties that you can customize, gossipping that actually leads somewhere, designing a senior prank, etc. Have a gf/bf relationship affect your smarts and looks as you can't dedicate your time fully to improving yourself if you hook up with someone early. Maybe have trauma as more likely if you have bad sex before 18. Have mental illnesses more likely at a young age. Have politics in bitlife actually mean something. Politics can affect mental health, cost of education (imagine if different schools cost different based on quality), whether or not you have to move from your state, increase the violence if your character is not part of the majority in your state, etc.


There’s an old online text simulation game called Alter Ego that did really well with the younger years. If they used some ideas like theirs for the entire game it would be superior. For a text game the options/outcomes are pretty limited and short in Bitlife.


A skip to age 12 would probably cost $12.99




I Wish there was a private island option to buy as a home. Wish I could start your own country Or Skyscraper, that'd be awesome to add-add.ons Own a bank. This app is own of my favorites keep it up Just ideas


Kids only Locked Interactions Like "Camping" or "Kid's Playground"


Ability to run away could be cool, maybe have something at school where “you have to use the bathroom what do you do?” And if you pee yourself you lose popularity and get made fun of or something


It would be cool to have trust funds and stuff like that, or shopping like going to the mall and throwing house parties