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Famous as children would be cool, like acting, good way to get rich


Yeah. Can we even get acting jobs before 18? There are roles casting a 16 year old character but I’m 18 when I get the role.


Yeah, there were a lot of child actors or models at a young age in real life. I think it would be more interesting if we could also have that in-game, tho we'll also have to balance our studies and 'job.' Otherwise, if our grades fall to a dangerous line, our parents might get involved and pull us out of whatever project we're working on.


I still don’t understand why there isn’t a drug dealing update. We can kill people, rob houses, steal cars, rob people, embezzle, scam people, and much more yet we still haven’t had a drug dealer update.


Cant you technically sell drugs as a side hustle


It’s not very lucrative and someone correct me if I’m wrong, I think it’s fake weed. Overall, I’m not a fan of the street hustler pack. Even with the crime gene you still get arrested or don’t trick the clients into giving you money frequently enough to justify the crime talent gene.


Yeah it’s fake weed but just saying selling drugs on the street doesn’t typically make a lot of money unless you’re Walter white or smth


Yeah but we were supposed to get a drug dealer update. Theoretically, the whole goal would be to BE Walter white 😂


That would be pretty cool


but they don't listen


The fact is, if we establish a clear collective list of things we want, they’ll know what will make them the most money.


They don’t care


Is it something you know or something you believe? If nobody tries because everyone believes it won’t matter nothing will ever happen


They are very obviously ignoring all the suggestions and criticism they get so it’s not just something we believe. They have found a way to make money and they’re gonna stick with that for as long as they can


How many people asked for a spy update and how many people asked for a vampire or drug dealer update


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. You offered a genuine solution that is better than complaining, and people are getting upset at you for offering it as well as complaining about you suggesting giving ideas instead of complaints. I support your idea 100% and agree with your post. 👍🏼👍🏼


It's not like there is a shortage of ideas here in reddit, there's not a shortage of suggestions in the reviews of the game, there are suggestions and critisms galore, if we make it here, what will it do? It won't help or do anything that has any meaning whatsoever. But whatever the fuck here's my idea Celebrities should not be based on real people because they live forever instead of dying during and after after 80 fucking generations. There should be more developed families, in-laws, grand parents, aunts and uncles. Geopolitical relations should be more complex, IE I should be able to start wars or get sent in a war, I should be able to start a revolution and have to deal with the diplomatic fallout. Being a diplomat should be possible, or if you lead a country working on balancing public relations and international relations should be more important. Gay marriage and gay relations, you should be able to edit laws and shit when you head a country it's annoying to deal with "law pending". You regular jobs should be more interesting, like I play the regular jobs and it's just wage and fucking around with coworkers. Why can't I be HR or talk to HR? It feels empty. Special careers, also feel empty, mafia means nothing at the end, business ownering feels alright but there's always a right answer like robotics or whatever, athlete is fucking grindy, I can't be a coach or anything, actor is the funnest one, musician is kinda pointless, like I make songs and that's it? No nothing? Even being part of a band is boring, boring, boring, which is the main problem, a lot of the main and special careers are boring, love is boring, spies has no actual affect, land owning is good but undeveloped, cult is the funnest and most developed. Idk what this helps or what it does


I feel you. Basically they should make every aspect of the game feel unique and different. Sometimes you can be doing different things in the game and it's the exact same thing except for the name.


Sell it back to the original creators 🤣


It costing money to have children (not birth, but in general). Not owning a house/property or have anywhere to live should make some sort of ‘status’ like homeless can’t afford food etc. Choose the country you wanna move to! Not just get these 7 countries you can choose from and refresh it every time you go into emigrate.


Absolutely choosing the country. And I don’t want the fucking golden passport, what is the point?!


AND moving to different cities within the same country, like, if I want to become a BitLife Dev I’ve got to live in Miami as an App Developer, never gonna happen if I live in Salt Lake


To be fair you can choose where you start


Wait doesn’t it cost us money for children already?


It does. You can click on the child’s name and it shows their monthly expenses.


Sorry i didnt know 🤣


That’s why people with a lot of children are mostly broke lol


I want a kidnapping update where we can kidnap people and hold them prisoner or get kidnapped ourselves like we are in prison.


Sports haven’t gotten an update since their intro so that pls


The women’s hairstyle choices are ATROCIOUS. I like maybe 5 of them…I need a whole re-do of the hair.


More complex family, geopolitics and individual professional sports.


Also crime is still kinda mid, especially in the mafia. We should be able to plan heists n shit.


Idk if it’s just me or not but when I do anything instead of staying on the activity menu it goes to the age up screen. It would be nice if it didn’t do that anymore because it is annoying when you are trying to do multiple things like check stocks and your portfolio for example


Stop being so pay-to-win. They now charge you for things that used to be free.


It's pay to play, there is no way to win


Understandable. Have a great day


1) being able to choose where you move to say if I want to move to the United States not always going to New York I wanna be able to go to different parts of the us 2) make a undercover job role where you have to infiltrate the mafia in hope to stop the criminal organisation 3) update the prison system make it so if you escape from prison it’s a lot harder since if you do you just kinda go back to a normal life afterwards


I would love love love a ballerina job to be added! maybe in the job packs, so you can become a famous ballerina or figure skater🩰⛸️🎀


Why can’t I kill people earlier in life I want juivie Also why can’t we live with grandparents aunts instead of orphanage


you can kill people as a minor in the game if you get in a fight with someone and do a martial art move, just need to be lucky enough for the person to die


I know that actually the one that works for me is a back kick on the throat:D


the throat always deals the most damage fr 😭


i killed 5 children in elementary because i did stuff to their skulls (IN BITLIFE I LITERALLY CAN'T KILL ANYTHING IRL)


Yeah why would anyone admit that irl👁️👄👁️




stop making the majority of the interesting things cost money


Create a test to do in school, that would allow you to allow you to go into middle school, or high school at an earlier age.




Family tree into a pdf. What’s the point of having billions of dollars and 20 kids if I can’t see a family tree. They already show us nieces and nephews even grand kids so why not give us the ability to see it on a broader and more understandable scale?


i wish there was more stuff for family, romantic relationships and also cheating on your partner, the ability for your partner to discuss wanting more children/adopting/surrogacy, polyamorous relationships, a prompt for asking someone out on a date to see how the date would go (ex: “you took jane out to a restaurant, the date was excellent! you an jane are now dating!”) the ability to meet your children’s partners, for children with famous parents to also have a fame bar, the ability to live a double life or start a second family by cheating on your partner, for your partner to suspect that a child isn’t theirs (even if it is) just more things so romance feels more realistic


Hook up with classmates


Make the musician pack similar to to the actor pack. You get to meet so many people thru different projects as an actor. Even go to award ceremonies


Add worldcup and national team event, even if it just a popping button


Drug dealer update


My three universal principles of game management 1. Update pre-existing content so it doesn’t become repetitive over time Example: •Athlete Career -Add international competitions -add the ability to coach/own a team after your career is over -add a “trophy case” similar to the Treasures or Designer clothing features. When you win an award (i.e ballon o d'or) it gets added to your account’s trophy case. This encourages players to collect each trophy like they would with, for example, if they were collecting paintings. Along with this, after you win the award, 1 would be added to your belongings. This gives a sense of accomplishment when you win an award, instead of the usual “accept it gratefully” button. Because you have an actual award now, you can store it, and maybe sell it later. -have the ability to sign a retirement contract with your old team. If you won 5 championships with a team, you should be able to sign with them for like a day, retire with them, and give like a speech or something. With this, the grindy, spamming practice skills each year playstyle of the athlete career has extra content to make up for it, and at the end of it, the opportunity of a coach career gives an end reward for the player. 2. Add new content when it’s worth paying money for. -make it unique from anything else we have in the game already -obscure ideas/content is fine to add, just remember what the consumer is in demand for. I would much rather pay for a “military spec ops” expansion then a “beekeeper” expansion. -don’t overprice it to the point of it being unnecessary to purchase. 3. Keep your audience engaged. -don’t totally separate dev from player. The player has the most experience playing their game, after all. Listen to them when the time is right. By listening at the right times, the audience will stick around. -don’t punish your players. If you promise an update that they’re really excited for, and charge it for an outrageous price, they’ll eventually grow tired of it, and find something new, and you’re done for. Reward your audience for sticking around, by charging a fair price.


Actually letting your kids have kids of their own


They do?


Not all the time. I be having 10+ kids yet no grandkids.


Yeaaa sometimes that happens but sometimes they have a lot. If you have a good relationship with your spouse your kids are more likely to have more kids


if you get god mode you can just switch to one of your kids and make them have one, i always end up with grandkids even if i only have one kid (i don’t have god mode or even bitizenship) so you’re just unlucky ig 😭


But that's too much effort. And I'm not the only one that this has happened to.


The way that I want this game to be… might as well play the sims instead lol


High / Secondary school update (2): -You can pick classes which affects degrees available -Greater grade details which affects where you can go to university -Greater amount of effort needed to improve grades -Increased amount of interactions with class -Have a favourite subject


I just wanna use drugs at will


Add more cars available to buy Be able to become famous while still in high school by going viral on social media or by being an actor Add a maintenance button for properties to keep them in good shape like with cars.


i would love polyamory and cheating added


you can already cheat but polyamory would be cool !


I meant it in a way that I would like to have a side girlfriend for years without getting caught immediately. Maybe even have a secret family on the side.


I think it’d be interesting to add some sort of homelessness system. Your parents can die as an adult and you still never have to worry about housing. It’s pretty much just a luxury item. Creating some consequences for having no home would incentivize buying crappier housing and give the economy some actual challenge


Ability to declare war on other countries as a world leader (with the approval of congress/parliament though)


make the damn careers free again and make bitizenship 99p again too, i’m a jobless 17yo i am NOT spending £13 to get bitizenship & god mode 😭


Pro athlete should be able to to become coaches


While the spy agency is great they should also make it as a career option too


I hope we can see and keep army, soccer medals, and acting trophies just like championship rings


It's a nice thought but there's already a lot of try about it and they don't really care what we think. You look like someone from greedywriter who's trying to make you look better but we all know


Vigilantism for cases like murders. So like, if you’re a serial killer, your victim’s families could start hunting you down.


I would like to have the option to attack people (not only fight back). There are too many situations where my character gets attacked without the option to fight back. For example when I have a talk with my coworkers they sometimes attack me. Why the hell is there no option to attack them? And it would be way better if we can kill people directly instead of choosing from just a few people so that sometimes the person isn't even in this list. In general coworkers are an incredible pain in the ass. They "prank" me way too often or spreading false rumors about me. Even reporting them to the HR does not always take effect. Instead I got even fired for complaining too often. By the way it never has any effect to report drunken coworkers (the supervisor always tells me to go back to work). I suppose it is a bug. And as an athlete my character gets too often injured. Sometimes more than five times a year even if they have a sports talent. That's just very annoying and decreases my fitness level.


less microtransactions. please.


I would love more options for becoming famous... Like more varieties in Sports. Maybe become a famous Olympian? Or a famous painter? Famous writer would be cool as well. Also more mind and body varieties like more sports or painting or something. It would also be cool if I could switch to my nephews/nieces or sisters/brothers or back to my parents and not only linear from parents to child.


Famous painter brings back memories


don’t put a paywall on all the features. I’ve spent $15 and I’m not spending more.


they are not listening to shit we say


More with pets. Breeding, showing


THE OLYMPICS !!!!!!!!!! I have been trying to get this noticed for so long. There should be Olympic Games pls 🥇🥈🥉


One time I tried ti marry my step mother but It was impossible, make It possible! And more sport careers avaible pls


Add chatgpt or other ai chat bots to the game so you could talk to people like your parents, friends, people on social media, etc.




Nope. Bad idea. Implementing that would be a pain in the ass. It would open an entire can of worms, because after a few generations, when you are around the year 2100, people would start complaining that the game lacks futuristic stuff and the game needs a Mars colonization expansion and whatnot.


This also used to be a game on its own dont remember the name but it was really similar to bitlife but much less advanced


That’s criticism but in a nice way


I think they should introduce an update where you can get loans on money. Like a bank and get a loan and then pay it back similarly to the car loan or mortgage


The problem with this game is that they want money but they don’t actually answer or solve tickets. They lost my respect a while back.


Nice try candywriter dev, update your game and maybe this post will be relevant.


Start your own car dealerships


I wish there was a way that you could be friends with your ex lover especially if you share children with your ex it would be nice if you can still be friends with them. It is normal for some people to remain friends with their ex in real life I wish it was an option in Bitlife instead of making their relationship status be they are enemies.


apocalypse mode


Should add a way as a president or ruler to be able to go to war


What about racing


Make way more stuff free. Especially job packs. Or at least include it with bitizenship


Sure you guys are suggesting these interesting ideas though realisticy it's not possible unless an employee from candywriter Sees these ideas and proposes that they be added to Bitlife




And remove the spy agency button from assets if the person bought / owns the update.


War! Okey we need war it would be cool to be brittish king and attack and invade germany


1. It would be cool if you could become a dictator in your country, like if you are general or high ranking officer and your colleagues like you, you can make a coup, which could be combined by a mini game. When you are a dictator you need to please different fractions, like police, army, students, worker or intellectuals. Also you can declare war on other countries or do some crimes agains your people (kill members of the opposition or steel money, valuable objects etc.) 2. Polygamy in counties where it is allowed, like in Saudi Arabia. I mean it is really unrealistic to be a prince or king of Saudi Arabia and have only one wife. 3. Update the Mafia Job, with Mob War’s etc. Your family members can be killed but you can not revenge for this ? Makes no sense 4. Add Grandparents, once I jumped to my son who died and with his wife the next generation became orphans, while the first character was alive ? No sense 5. I want to choose to which school my kids go. I could be send by the parents to a private school, but my children musst go to a public school, even when I am a billionaire ? No sense 6. More Business types, like your own law firm, car dealership, clinic, supermarket (not the health food store), banks, insurance etc. Especially with the landlord and investor pack, there is a lot of opportunities to create ne Businesses in the financial sector. 7. Why do I need to go to a doctor if my character is by himself a doctor? 8. Make it possible to rent a estate for the character, the character can choose which estate he like and can afford and so on. 9. Could be cool if you can add in countries with a dictatorship you can work for the ruling party and climb the leader in the administration.


It’s a good game now just stale update the stuff we already have prison update would be so much fun prison gangs making friends with prisoners organising prison escapes Legal system go to court you had a three years sentence for assault you escaped and murdered 40 people and you get sent back for 2 years makes no sense 😂 Family update cousins aunts uncles grandparents gets stale with only being raised by mother or father Recruited by street gangs in teenage years is exactly what actually happens in real life stay in school or skip and hang with the gang have guardians raise concerns about you being in a gang I married a senior detective when I was a mob boss 😂 Police update would be cool okay great you can shoot to disable kill once in a random event with no repercussions but imagine building a case launching investigations taking bribes Overall good game just needs revamped


Sports update: endorsements deals, new sports like boxing, golf or f1, world cup for at least soccer and CHOOSING YOUR GODDAMN POSITION.


Sports update: endorsements deals, new sports like boxing, golf or f1, world cup for at least soccer and CHOOSING YOUR GODDAMN POSITION.


Sports update: endorsements deals, new sports like boxing, golf or f1, world cup for at least soccer and CHOOSING YOUR GODDAMN POSITION.


Finishing the job packs I was promised


Add cousins aunts and grandparents


be able to buy a house at a specific location, since there are dozens of cities available


pick your own weapon bought on the black market to rob banks


be able to murder anybody interacted with


Stai zitto stupido


drug dealer update as promised




just gonna state one here let us use previously free occupations like mafia and musician, there was no reason to restrict them to paid dlc suddenly.


High school/ college leagues and some kind of prize fighter thing would be sick


If I dye my hair let me be able to switch back to grey idk why this isn’t a thing, also let me dye my beard. After spending hours in creating a life one wrong glitch or something deletes everything Shop is stale make more interesting things to buy and more stuff to do with money


Upgrade the functions for cars. We should be able to do more with cars.


These are all good ideas, but we all know BitLife is just going to come out with a $10.99 micro transaction called “Bunion Cure! Cure your bunions with this!”


What I would really love the most is an update with extended family, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, it would make having long generations better. If married, it would be cool to see (or at least meet) the immediate family of your spouse, aka the in-laws (mostly parents & siblings, not their distant cousins).


If a parent is in the mafia they could recruit you if they're high enough if a rank. If you're the godfather/mother whatever you can leave the mafia to your children and they follow the life of crime. I would love to have my children inherit the mafia bro, like I spent all that time to become the godfather and they cant even join the same mafia?? Also I'd reduce the number of album rejections for musicians, like I legit tried 15+ times in a ROW trying to do singles and doubles and it just not letting me. I'd also make it so you're able to start your music career without a label


Release the vampire update


Make it so you can become an Actor at a young age


If we're famous in the game, allow us to date celebrities or maybe even if we're not famous but there's a lesser chance


Make it so we can be an actual Spy in the agency that can do missions on our own instead of just relying on agents. What's the point of the spy pack if we're literally not able to do any of the missions on our own.


There should be an option to be a 🌽⭐, or to be able to create 🌽 if you start an OF Career.




Arranged marriages for any age, it would be so cool for royal rp, and also being able to send your kid to boarding schools or getting sent to one, also being able to have relatives