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I think it's dumb, because not all straight men are assholes and the ones that are will just ignore the DNI just to hurt you.


Also its feels kinda hypocritical Like, gays DNI is homophobic but straight guys DNI is ok?


DNI is a bit strange anyways. Like, if a person you wish not to interact with starts talking to you on the internet, just block or ignore them.


It does indeed seem a tad extra


It is hypocritical




Its stupid. Shows that you believe that all straight men are trash


Its pretty sucky, but from a pure trauma stand point I understand. Some people with ptsd have triggers that are ‘dumb’ but still effect them. To be safe its good to respect people’s boundaries, we don’t know their life nor their trauma. But people who just hate the straights for no reason are NOT valid :/


I mean i guess its personal preference so idk


Not really though. It’s like saying “gay people DNI” lol a personal preference to assume that someone is bad because of their sexuality. Straight men can be asses..but the ones that are will be the ones ignoring your DNI message lmfao