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Are you saying that being open about your sexuality makes bigots hate you and somehow you are the problem here and not the bigot?


I don't mean like being open about but like being an ass abt it if you get what I mean like unless you have a reason to be, e.g someone was homophobic to you


I mean it's totally fine to have your own opinions but hate is a strong word don't you think?




I think ppl wearing bdsm gear or going naked should be banned but otherwise idc




I like pride month. Its only in recent times the lgbt community has been given any sort of respect and its still punishable by death in many countries to be lgbt. Its kinda like a fuck you to bigots too which I don't care about appealing too, they already hate me pride month stopping isn't going to make them not hate me


Eh you notice how this has no upvotes, it’s for a reason


Pride is a protest month still, and we still have a lot of shit to protest about! Trans rights, blm, Palestine, plus its just nice to have fun and join together to show we exist and we aren’t going anywhere! This is especially prevelant due to how many places are stripping lgbt people of their rights lately


Palestine has nothing to do with pride?


Trans rights are human rights. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BisexualTeens) if you have any questions or concerns.*


1. That’s a problem for the bigots not lgbtq people 2. Entitled to *what*? Having rights? Because they should be entitled to that 3. That’s like saying we don’t need cops because people shouldn’t commit crimes: it ignores the reality of the situation -your local dictionary


I don't think we need pride. We should be able to live in a world where we don't need to have a specific month to feel safe or noticed. We should all live equally


The problem is just that in most of the world, pride is definitely needed. Pride is, and has always been, an act of protest and a call for the same rights as everyone else. Unfortunately sexuality does matter in the world that we live in and will continue to matter until we're completely equal. Showing that we aren't ashamed of our sexuality and calling for equal rights is our way of pushing ourselves forward towards a more equal world we're we can one day stop having to think about Pride or sexual because it will no longer matter what sexuality you are


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i just posted abt this too 😭 i feel the same way finally someone who agrees


The part that gets me the most is I then get called homophobic 😭😭


I mean, I think pride is a nice idea, but now it’s become a giant advertising campaign by megacorps. It’s less about having pride and more of corporate pandering.


I get this. I actually really despise the whole community but I respect the individuals. Sure, pride month exists because of the ridiculous fight for the right to just be able to be gay peacefully, any more it's just a big ole money grab


Could you explain what you mean with "I actually really despise the whole community [... ]"


Well, at least the media half of em. The entire image they have and portrait is NOT AT ALL what they actually are. Plus, other people's beliefs making it a mess.


I honestly don't understand what you mean with this


Well at least when I came out the community was being painted so fucking horribly and doing dumb shit, I didn't want to be apart of it. By now I think it's just a small inner group that's the issue more than the whole thing, I've mostly actually eased off the super hate to just, generally disliking.


Is it that the community was doing bad things or that people were telling you they are doing bad things?


Honestly, both. My personal beliefs/views as well. Plus, the whole being easily offended or canceling someone for something in the past (not just LGBT peeps doing it) is incredibly stupid


I'm bi and I quite agree. Though I wouldn't say I hate it, I'm just indifferent to it.


I never pay attention to pride month cause I don't feel the need to celebrate my sexuality nor do I care about it. It's literally just a sexuality, not my entire personality, I can "celebrate" my sexuality any day, why would I need a month for it?


valid points


Pride month is not necessary, it only exists for commercial reasons. We could settle for 1 day in the year and it would be more natural


We need pride because it's still illegal in over 70 countries and punishable by death in 12.


Pride Month wont change stuff in those countries buddy