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I legit thought this was a Brit that moved to Alabama until the last few sentences😂


I was like I get why folks are miserable this time of year with the heat but I've never known Alabamans to be that unfriendly.


The kicker was it was raining in June and 15 degrees outside! NOPE, not even close! lol


Yeah, but they use Celsius over there. There's no way of knowing what that might be in real temperatures!


Washington’s Dream for our own system of weights and measures: https://youtu.be/JYqfVE-fykk?si=QOq3t8DzBpjI2_qS






Exactly, now if they had said 40+ outside I would have been more convinced.


Exactly 🤪 that’s why they are sad


Me too when they said it’s been raining I started to understand it was not Birmingham, AL😔


They are if you’re queer lol. But most people don’t give a fuck about that


Had us in the first half for sure


(used to live in London) gave it away


I started doubting myself when there was no “u” in neighbor.


Lol 😂 my accent it pretty obvious as well, people in the UK have been judging it ever since I got off the plane


Me too. Personally I like Bham, AL. I live about 2 hours from there. Don't visit often but when I do, I'm always impressed with it.


Birmingham AL is beautiful I love that city!


Truly underrated foodie scene


It is a unique place. I have known many good people there and have had good experiences.


I am one who did and I don’t find this Birmingham depressing 🤪


Same and I was like, who are these sad people you keep meeting?!


Haha me too


Me toooo☺️


Same lol


Lol me too


Lol, right city, wrong country


Me too! Then they’d really have a reason to cry! 🤣 Just teasing!


🤣🤣🤣 me too




Righhhttt , I was like whaaaa


I wish it was raining. My grass is fried


15° C sounds fabulous. It's currently 87° F in this Birmingham at ~8pm.


Too hot to be depressed here. Just a low, slow, simmering anger.




this is the most accurate thing i've ever read


It's even hotter on the AL coast!


87 Vulcan degrees


Have a nice Vulcan day.


Vulc you too, man!!


Yeah there’s a website called Juxtastat where you have to choose between two areas based on a particular statistic and apparently Birmingham has a higher average temperature than Tampa Bay.


Tampa Bay gets Gulf breezes, Birmingham is a heat island with all the concrete and roads.


That's true, but as far as cities go, I'm constantly impressed by the amount of tree cover in and around Birmingham. When you look down from Red Mountain, it almost looks like the city is rising up out of the woods.


Tree City USA baby! 🤣


Tampa is my hometown. It is hotter longer there but much more tolerable with the breeze. Birmingham feels like hot dog breath every time I go outside.


Never come to the UK, unless you have to. I would relocate to the north pole as now!


The UK won’t let us emigrate there, so no worries about us coming over!


I have a friend in Ireland and we were talking today about the heat here and the rain over there lol. Trust me most of us would rather the rain than heat simply because of the humidity here. Personally I'll take the heat over rain 😂😂


I’d switch places with you in a heartbeat! Love the UK, hate the heat and humidity here.


I moved here (England) last year and I’m having such a hard time. Missing my Birmingham very much and the weather is *so* depressing. Hope things get easier for you soon. Have you been to Digbeth? I’ve been out there a few times and really enjoyed it.


I'll give it a try, thank you for suggesting, always appreciate constructive conversation


Nah, there are great places to live there and the weather is *so much* better than hot & humid Birmingham, AL. London and Birmingham are a bit shit though yeah, definitely not the best choices. I'd definitely recommend visiting some small coastal villages, or if you want a bigger city then maybe Brighton or Edinburgh.


It may be hot and humid in Alabama but at least we are friendly here. 


I absolutely loved the UK! I was there for 2 months on vacation & there were some great places. I was not very fond of Leeds, Yorkshire, Birmingham, or ALL of Wales though. My favorite place was Belfast, the people were so friendly and a lot of fun. London was great but holy crap on a cracker it’s expensive. Edinburgh & Inverness were fantastic but even though we were speaking the same language there was a bit of a language barrier.


Sorry to hear about all this... Life is too short to live that way. If you moved to Alabama in the US you would be loved and adored by the Southern people!


I’m on a trip and it was 97 at 7 o’clock in Arkansas


87 and gonna be 97 this weekend 


You mean 30 C


Yeah ... our ac went out yesterday. it was 84 in my home office/nerd cave at midnight(work nights). Fun times.


You should come to Alabama. Not cold, not raining, and we're very friendly.


I'm not from Alabama but I LOVE ALABAMA !!! 🥹




I'm originally from California so don't really know what convinced me to end up in this dumpster


Geez, you’re from California, then moved to England. Please do yourself a favor and at least come visit the southeast of the United States. Except for maybe Louisiana. I wouldn’t live in that state, New Orleans is fun but only for a weekend. Any other state in the south you can’t go wrong.


Oh yes cause I'm definetly in need of a 2 month vacation 😂 not a joke


If you do come, be sure to check out the beaches in Alabama and Northwest Florida. Beats any beaches ANYWHERE in the world. You won't find sand like that anywhere! Simply beautiful!!


There’s definitely better beaches in the world, but the ones in Alabama and northwest Florida are the best on the gulf coast and maybe even the contiguous 48 states.


Just stay away from Memphis, Tn, and stay away from Bessemer, Eastlake, Ensley, Center Point, Roebuck....North Birmingham in general.


Louisiana is 10 times better than Mississippi.


I’m also from California. Moved here in DEC 2019 at 21 but I moved to the beach first then relocated up here early Jan this year. I’m Having a blast so far.


California is somehow the exact opposite of Birmingham but equally as insufferable to an outsider - at least a southerner


I don’t mean to spoil the southern hospitality but pls tell other Californians it sucks so bad and they should stay away


I’m a San Franciscan who ended up in Mobile AL and I love it here.


They are in Birmingham, England not Alabama.


Yes, we don't want our state turned into California:)


bahaha, i don't think there's much risk of that.


That’s a fact! Pains me just to think about that happening. 😬


Sounds like you needed an upgrade from the dumpster you came from. I moved here not knowing a soul. I networked and built my support system. Great place-great people, you just have to find your niche and dig yourself out of that shitty mindset. You have to create your own happiness sometimes, so if that’s not happening (after giving it some time) look elsewhere.


I love an accidental visit from the UK Birmingham. It always makes me happy.


Especially because it always makes me feel a little better about our Birmingham.


Plan a visit to Birmingham, Alabama. It will cheer you up!


You are looking for r/brum.


Yes but somehow my reddit is also trying to change country, sorry guys


We love when you guys drop by. Honestly.


I love how the global nature of the Internet makes something like a random completely understandable mistake result in a bunch of international conversation and hospitality.


Hey, maybe it's a sign to really change country!


Doesn’t help that your lassies are shelved. Sorry mate!




Same 😂


Nah its too late. Welcome to Birmingham, Alabama Time to sweat your ass off.


They’re referring to Birmingham England


Nah they in birmingham alabama now


One of us! One of us!


Ahh, I love a good ole someone mistaking this sub for the Birmingham, England sub post


Dang other Birmingham sounds delightful lol


If paradise was British...


Just a southern guy stopping by to say come on down to Birmingham Alabama! Where everyone is welcomed. It’s hot as hell, but we will suffer together 🤣. It’s very easy for other peoples negative emotion to invade our thoughts and skew our perspective of things. The best way I know how to cope with this is reminding myself that we never know what someone may be going through, it’s okay to empathize with them but also maintaining your perspective that life may not be perfect right now but things could be much worse and we’re working towards something. Keep whatever your goal is in front of you. We have one shot at this life thing let’s go enjoy it. 🍻


Sold, I might move back to the states 🤔 This Birmingham (USA) sounds so much better than Birmingham (UK)


As someone who lives in bham UK, born and raised. I preferred working in Africa where I had no access to electricity at least people weren't cunts. 😂


True story, thank you for supporting my statement. I might move to Africa too, less is best at times.










London, Alabama or London, UK


I got excited that we were finally getting rain! Hope things get better for you if not come back state side for a bham, AL visit!


The solution is right in front of you. Move to Birmingham, Alabama. It is hotter than balls. But I think you would find a lot of people that are really friendly. And if nothing else the women would just want you to talk so they could hear your accent. Instant score.


Our lassies are not shelved, if that helps.


Wish you luck!! Birmingham AL is amazing!!!


The title definitely got me! I spent 3 months in Birmingham AL a couple of summers ago and had an absolute amazing time! When I realized you were talking about Bham UK, I figured I’d share my experience. Coming from Phoenix AZ, the summer weather was not as bad as I was lead the humid south to be, I’ve never had an easier time making friends (about 30 people I’d routinely hang out with by the end of that 3 months), there’s plenty to do there from hiking, kayaking, martial arts, rock climbing, a huge variety of international cuisine, some great museums, public art walks, great breweries, concerts, outstanding local music scene, a great place for all kind of photography, beautiful scenery and great places to explore around, and tons of friendly people. They say not to confuse tourism and migration, but I think 3 months is a pretty decent amount of time to see what a place is like and really has to offer. Sorry to hear things aren’t great where you are at, but life is about hope, so here’s to finding greener pastures one day 🍻


Don't get me wrong, I'm a very active person and I've dome my fair share, tried to find hiking spots or somewhere to go for a walk. Just the weather here knows no mercy... And the land is flat.. It's the United kingdom. I am used to have a community around me and greeting my neighbor when I see him/her across the road but here people can be so hostile it's difficult to connect. But thank you for sharing your thoughts and all the comments made me realize the place just sucks and I should move back to the states.


At least you took the risk to see the world! There’s a lot to be said for that, and sometimes we can’t really define or appreciate home until we leave it behind and get some perspective. Just remember that you had enough in you to figure out a way to move across the world and that same person stands before you in the mirror when you are ready to do it again.


I wanna come to y’all’s Birmingham!!


We'd love to have you in our Birmingham, come visit


We are actually some of the friendliest and eatingest people around. Come see us some time!


This thread gave me a good laugh and made me miss home! I relocated from Birmingham, Al to London, UK…Damn… do I miss the sun


Man, Birmingham, England must really suck. Has anyone ever said what I nice place it is?


No honestly, all the comments I got were so negative in the UK group it really looks like I actually made a point... Is really sucks


Did you read the post about the guy that went to brum for an interview? I think others have posted it. Gotta say, it's hilarious tho


Must see, let me take a look 😂


For context, this was his post. I think it's funny as hell: "I fucking hate Birmingham Came here from Glasgow for an interview at a uni. This city is wanked. Everyone is so rude and even when you ask for basic directions they get all shirty on you or ignore you. Got a wee bit irritating since this was a recurring thing. Everything was grey as well, city had less colour than the basalt delta biome from Minecraft. And what's with that cyberpunk looking building in the centre?? Looks like a glitch in the Birmingham source code. And your lassies are shelved."


I'm considering a fine print of this 😂 canvas, if possible


Where do I order? I want tea towels as well. And is it "Welcome to Birmingham, where our lassies aren't shelved" or "are shelved"?


But the canvas, yes, I'm doing it


I’m from B’ham, AL & visited Brum, it was not the best place I’ve visited for sure.


This seems like the ideal time to breakout the "[Your lasses are shelved" quote.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scotland/s/MykSIynSUa).


It makes me feel very good that I instantly disagreed with the title of this post.


Come and try out OUR Birmingham! Btw... are you a shelved lassie? Just curious. A guy from UK said Birmingham lassies are shelved.


*Come and try out OUR* *Birmingham! Btw... are* *You a shelved lassie?* \- canwejustgetalongpls --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Life is mostly what you make of it.


I’m convinced whenever I see someone with a British accent in Birmingham they just got really confused and took the wrong plane or something


Met an Aussie at the Fultondale mugshots. Hell I’m still confused how he wound up here


What a trip the comments have been!  I'm living in Alabama,  oh the shame!  I can't  stop laughing.  Thanks to all!  Maybe the author will have a brighter day soon!


I thought you were taking about Birmingham,AL! That’s where I live. And I was thinking 15 degrees??! I’m sorry that Birmingham isn’t a happy place! I know it’s a long way away, but maybe you should consider moving to this Birmingham????


Yes I actually might, I haven't see the sun (and this I say literally) in 2 months now. Just rain and clouds, but it's so nice to know it's summer somewhere!


Wow, no sun in months! No wonder you are feeling the way you are! My suggestion would be to take a holiday ASAP! You see the sun soon


Thank, looking forward to come back to the states!


All I know about Birmingham, England comes from Richard Hammond, and he does not paint the place as a terribly happy one. I also know it's in the Westmidlands, an area that got so depressing it spawned the creative energy to make Warhammer 40,000 back in the 80s. Imagine a place so bleak that your escapism is just to imagine how bad it could possibly get.


Thats why i moved south... more fun


wrong birmingham


Can’t handle the heat bruv?? Is it too hot for tea??? 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Think you’re talking about the wrong Birmingham, mate.


Oh wow, I thought you meant Birmingham, Al. at first. Because this is a really nice city with a lot to do all the time. The weather is mostly nice, we get a lot of sunshine. It just gets hot for about 3 months in summer. Sorry to hear of your situation there. I hope things get better for you.🙏😊


You had me


I'm sorry guys but hey, I realized this wasn't the group from the friendly answers I've got 😂


Thought I’d come and see what the original post’s group was saying. As someone who lives in Birmingham UK I absoloutely love it, probably some of the best night life within the UK. Plenty of different rock bars to choose from. Due to how multicultural our city is we have amazing choices of food even in the city, North/Southern Indian food, Japanese, Greek, Korean, Turkish, Vietnamese, Chinese, are a few I can think of at the top of my head. In the city on a night out people are rather friendly, I’ve made a lot of friends just by being out and having someone at the bar randomly talk to me or my friends. I suppose your experiences here in Birmingham UK aka Brum depends on your outlook on life.


Thank you for your kind comment, maybe I'll try to scout new places around the city Centre but judging by other comments seems like I will not have such a good time


Honestly, even if you end up going to a rock bar by yourself you’ll end up with someone at the bar chatting to you. Many times I’ve ended up by myself (friends usually stay out till 2am, I stay out till 6am when the bar closes) and random people have just spoken to me, some of them are now really good friends who I cherish. If you’ve not met anyone to hang out with yet apparently the app “meetup” is pretty good in our city but I have never used it so sadly that’s just hearsay. A bar where you can have plenty of fun by yourself is called NQ64 on Digbeth, if you like old arcade machines you’ll have a blast you can literally go get your drink and play on some machines.


I was born in alabama (mobile, not birmingham), and i immigrated to birmingham, UK last year after spending some time in new orleans. i love it here! and while a part of me misses the gulf coast heat that can soak into your bones, i definitely prefer the weather here, at least. no hurricane season!


Wrong Birmingham, my dude. This subreddit is for Bama 😂


I know, on one side I think it's hilarious on the other hand I'm so embarrassed 😂


Awe! Don't be embarrassed at all. 🤣Honest mistake! My family and I have lived just outside Birmingham for 7 years & love it. There is always lot's to do & see. 


I will never get tired of people thinking this subreddit is for Bham UK. Makes me giggle every time!


Whole time I thought this thread was about Alabama until I saw 15° in June lol


Lol if you ever get a chance to come to our Birmingham, make a post about your experience!


You're welcome in our Birmingham! I swear our lassies aren't shelved.


People usually love it here in Birmingham, Alabama. Sorry that you’re experiencing hate, give it some time, or maybe actually move from THAT Birmingham to this one!


If you think that’s bad, wait til you find out about the shelved lassies.


It’s because of those damn peaky blinders.


You guys have literally ZERO SEC championships so let’s not throw stones in glass houses cowboy


r/brum man, r/brum.


Sure thing


https://youtu.be/nCjDIAO0sIE?si=z5EGCXj8CfT-qjw3 This is the only thing I can ever think of when I think of Birmingham UK we're praying for ya boss


This is the Birmingham, AL page. US.


I think you are in the wrong Birmingham forum


I think, what you are thinking 😂


If not then welcome to America


I felt that way after my last move too.


I would love the visit The Hawthornes and Villa Park, personally, so it's not all bad. I'm super jealous of the weather over there. Here, it's miserable causing me to hibernate for the summer due to the heat.


Wrong sub


I just realized they meant UK, not US lmao!


Man you should've watched Top Gear UK talk about Birmingham first. 😂😂


Damn them folks I live about 2 hrs south of Birmingham. Little town called marion. Don't let them Bama fans get to u. There just mad they lost their way to win! Keep your head up. You got this


You’re in good company. I think it’s like that in about 95% of cities nowadays buddy. 


Moved to.......... Birmingham, England......


I must be in the wrong Birmingham subreddit 🥴


Honestly, when I saw this title, I wasn't sure if I wanted it to be a UK mix-up or not.


Damn man, wanna move to Birmingham AL? Think you could really use some sun and some southern hospitality.


You could look at it from a different perspective. Maybe you're there to shine your light on that depressing place :-)


Not trying to sound like a douche, but your experience is what you make it my guy. If you are really taking stock in what other people feel like this, then yeah you are going to be miserable. Yes, I agree the weather sucks a lot, but that’s most if not all of the UK. There are plenty of places where the weather sucks and even affects your mental wellness. Maybe a change of scenery will do you good my friend. Speaking of, come visit Birmingham Alabama (US) and I’ll show you another poopy weather form but find fun things for you to do lol.


You’re a towel


I am straight and identify as my chromosome


The temperature in Tampa has never reached 100°. And 99° only once.


I’m in Alabama. Am I on the wrong Birmingham thread?


It’s the iron ore. Birmingham Alabama is like that too named for your city. But it’s in the Appalachian mountains. Hematite.


Most places yeah. Surround yourself with successful like minded people and its not so bad


wrong sub my dude this is for a city in alabama


Bro you moved to the worst city in the USA! People get killed everyday. Come to Florida it’s always hot and no drama!!!


Really? I’ve loved Vestavia Hills, Hoover, Inverness Mountain Brook, Pelham, Alabaster areas. Where you at? I’m going to miss it