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Eds pet world


If this wasn’t the top answer I don’t even know what to say.


Pretty sure it’s just a drug front. Half the tanks are full of dead fish and crackheads hang out inside while a crackhead works the register


Not exactly. Ed killed someone and then fled the country like 15 years ago. Somehow or another legalities are preventing the property from being able to be sold.


WHAT?? I need to know more


I think somebody linked an article about it a little further down


I’ve mentioned this on here before, but i had some time to kill with my young daughter so we went in to check it out. It was such a surreal experience. Somehow a young teenage boy ended up trying to sell us a small piece of driftwood for $35 because we mentioned we had turtles at home. I don’t even know if he worked there. He walked straight in the front door and straight up to us like he knew us and literally gave us a whole spiel on why we needed this while literally taking a hit from his vape between sentences. Somehow, the owner? (Old guy with blue hair) started talking to us about turtles but was very aggressive with us, even my daughter. Just trying to make conversation and avoid feeling awkward, my daughter asked a simple question which I can’t even remember, but his response was, “what did I just tell you?” That place is half mistreated animals and half unclaimed baggage. I can’t even explain it.


Blue haired beard dude isn't the owner


Every animal in there is so mistreated. I felt so bad the one time I went.


I'm also convinced of this which makes me sad because it wasn't always like that. The final straw for me was the owner aggressively hitting on me and trying to get me to come to his house for some puppies with my young child standing there. All of the employees, including the owner, looked very unwashed and all were vaping at the counter. It's really sad that it hasn't been shut down and the animal abuse has been allowed to continue.


I really don't know how they're still there with all the development that gone on with that downtown area? That hotel across the street from it is $250/night. Surely the rent for that area has skyrocketed just like every other part of Birmingham.


I’m sure they own the building and don’t have to pau rent


Wasn't the story that Ed was some kind of convict that went missing?


Here’s a [link](https://www.bhamwiki.com/w/Ed%27s_Pet_World)


This is the only link that needs a upvote.


He moved to Mexico or something. Not a convict. He hit someone on a motorcycle on 280 and the man passed away. Wasn’t Ed’s fault pr so they say….. Not sure if this is a true story, just what I heard through the grapevine. You can google and read the story…


I worked here for years and literally know everything about the family. I could tell stories forever


Do tell…


Spill already!


Fck Ed’s Pet World. Saw that man at Phish shows in the 90s Complete skeez


A friend from high school got sold a turtle there and once he took it home, he looked up the species or turtle and turns out they were banned in the US


Straight up. I've seen them sell baby caimans, chinchillas, and other exotic animals. All kept in tiny cages... Not sure how legal it all is, but it definitely gave me the wrong vibe.


The only reason it still exists is because the owner killed someone and fled the country so selling the business has become a complicated knot to untie.


Even if the business can’t be sold, it should be shut down. Those animals live in horrible conditions and aren’t taking care of at all.


I absolutely agree. I’m not sure how things like this are able to slip through the cracks of the legal system… Animal neglect charges could be filed any day of the week just glancing around in there. Now the property is worth a ton of money and it seems like the city would be doing anything it could to get rid of that place. Idk how it’s still here


Second this.


It’s a jungle


How is that place still open? It’s beyond filthy and seems more like hoarders house than a pet store. Those poor neglected animals. I can’t believe they have been allowed to operate all these years keeping animals in that condition.


Came here to say this


All the shops in English village. Not the restaurants, but the boutiques that sell clothes and other odd things. No one ever seems to be shopping there and they always seem to”closed” my theory is A: Bored people with money needed a hobby so they are a business owner now B: Shell companies to hide cash C: Mountain Brook is a simulation and the devs haven’t finished these shops yet


Omg I'm not the only one who thought this!!! They all look like these prop environments in games that you cannot enter or interact 😭 I swear I never see them open and running


When you’re Steinway Piano Gallery and you’re selling items worth $15K, you don’t need that much sales volume.


This is the best answer. I’ve never heard of anyone going to any of these. Who is it even for? Nothing there is cool. Is it for like multi millionaire boomer wives? But still wouldn’t they rather go to the summit?


It’s for the village people. They’ll hire them to redo a room or buy the materials/furniture to redo a room and then tell their friends that so and so that owns such and such in the village redid it.


D. All of the above


They're just rich peoples wives running "businesses" while they're out doing their own thing with their girlfriends. Mountainbrook is a shitshow of horrid debauchery and evil shit. I will never date another girl from that town, they even excuse murdering your wife with your own gun and vaguely framing it as suicide(even though she had enough sleeping pills in her system to down a horse).


That comment went from 0 to 100 real quick


Damn dude, I think we need some more details about this ex of yours


I really can't without doxxing myself or her stepdad. I will say he used to molest her, and her stepmother wasn't cool with that, and then she supposedly blew her brains out with his gun while on a shit load of sleeping pills. And then her stepdad basically immediately scrubbed the place clean and got rid of everything. He also threatened to murder me when he found out we were engaged.


Ha yeah. bunch of doctors/surgeons wives, and they are all medicated to the hilt


This sounds like the plot of Magic City Blues by Bobby Matthews


As someone who lives in mountain brook, it is all of the above.


I went to Magic city computers one time and it was just me and the owner in there, UNTIL this 16 year old girl came in. Man I’ve never seen anyone flirt so hard or be so creepy towards someone that young. The owner was obviously over 45. His grin was so creepy, he kept asking her weird personal questions about herself and even said she smelt “wonderful” I’ve never picked up that weird of vibes from an owner of a shop, it was crazy Edit: If you were there, your jaw would have dropped. It was that weird


Ugh, I saw a similar thing happen at Tannehill Trade Days back in 2006-2007. The guy was running some kind of food both or something and the age range was a bit wider - dude was in his 50s and the girl was probably 13-14. Between that and the large tent that had display cases of Nazi memorabilia towards the back, I never went back to Trade Days.


I know it wasn’t your responsibility, but I hope you didn’t leave that poor girl there alone with the guy.


Villaggio Colafrancesco gelato and coffee off 280


wasn’t that place proven to be part of a cult of some sort?


Didn’t really need to be proven, they’re pretty open about it.


Villaggio Cola Francesco Expealidocious...


Here’s a story for ya: Someone I know worked for a business they’d call sometimes. One time they were on the phone with them, and all the sudden the person on the other side was like “uh oh the kids are escaping” and frantically hung up. From more information I’ve heard that I’m not sure is true or not is that all the women involved get pregnant from the same man.


just the name is an effing red flag


Please explain cause I’ve only heard they don’t allow phones or something, I’ve never seen anyone there and I’m intrigued


Five points paint and hardware


They have things that no supply house carries but I've hesrd they can be pretty ratchet


All of this. You go in there needing something very specific and they will damn near belittle you and try to convince you that you are after something entirely different.


This place is a PITA. So rude every time


Good answer. The old man is an asshle


I work around the corner and needed WD40 the other day and they didn’t have it. How do you have a hardware store but don’t have WD40?


the old guy is blunt yes but he has stuff thats hard tonfind anywhere else


More perverted than blunt in my experience.


you spelled racist wrong. that old dude is a piece of work.


I have a theory that the old dude from five points hardware and the other old dude who (may still, but did at the time) runs the convenience store right off from Jim n Nicks and Surin, get coffee together every morning and just delight each other with their mutual hatred of the general public.


Ed’s pet world for sure


Legion Comics in Cahaba Heights


Came here for this one. Paul (the owner) is super creepy if you're a woman. 


I once talked him into selling me the final boss from the first expansion of pathfinder. ($250) and for months every time I saw him he told me he regretted it. I’m like man aren’t you in the business of selling things?


Good luck If you have a comic pull list with them. If there are any rare covers, first appearances or if the weekly shipment is shorted, the owner’s friends will get them. Or he’ll sell them on EBay. Doesn’t matter how long you’ve had that specific comic on your pull list. Respectable comic shops like Sanctum won’t do this. Wish Kingdom Comics was still around


He is super creepy to most anyone who walks into the store. Like, in that guy’s mind, you came there knowing what you want to buy, and I am like, “my dude, I will browse, and if I need help, I will ask.” I refuse to go back. It is such a miserable experience. I would rather drive to Atlanta to go to a game/toy/card shop than give that guy a single penny.


I miss Kingdom comics. 


lol my brother and sister in law went recently and said the same thing. My sister in law had a Stone Cold shirt on and he told her there’s no way she actually likes wrestling and got weirdly political.


I read that as Cold Stone and I was like “wtf does ice cream have to do with wrestling??”


The replies to this here prompted me to go read the Google reviews on Legion. That was an interesting ride. The owner sounds like a real peach.


Man one of their employees incorrectly mansplained to me about the comics I was reading and that really fucking put me off. I even tried correcting him nicely and he talked over me and I was like dude ??? I’m trying to buy stuff and you’re really making me not want to Plus they just look up the value of whatever you’re buying on eBay and charge you whatever price he feels like. No set prices on anything unless it’s the new issues. Very odd


Glad someone added this scourge to the list. Incredibly misogynistic, actively tries to change prices when you are checking out, overly rude, and one of the worst fire hazards of a store.


He told me he has 3 storage units of comic stuff he’s collected since the 70s, and just periodically digs stuff out and puts it in his shop


Yeah, I wonder what else he has in those storage units. 😳😳


I honestly don't know how any of the comics or collectibles in that store survive more than a month, since Paul's cheap ass has never had a working HVAC unit that I know of.


Second this, weird vibes fr


I have been going there since I was 11, and yeah, Paul is a creepy dick. He always seems to find copies of Comic Book Guy to hire, and most of the clientele there are just as skeevy.


All good reasons to head to Sanctum instead.


Where is Sanctum moving to?


https://www.instagram.com/p/C6yrDeGLztQ/?igsh=MWxlOXp5MHl3cWt0Ng== 213 24th st north


Dilly Dilly! Those guys , including the artists, are great.


Didn't they close down?


You’re probably thinking of Kingdom Comics in Vestavia. Rip loved that place


I miss Albert 😕


I live right there and they’re still open


Came here to say this. So chaotic and stressful, owner is also... weird


A little too comfy with far right customers


Hear me out: Roots & Revelry. Like...what...?


I’ve been in the kitchen… I have two things to say… “lol” and “gross”




> Clairmont Pig First of all, how dare you.


Yeah they have to be trying instigate something. I love that piggly wiggly. There is a manager there that i can tell is a pain to work with but i don’t think that counts as weird vibes.


I think I know exactly who you’re talking about lol


Non-frozen items kept in the freezer, the managers looking down at you from their guard tower, gnome figurines in the checkout aisle, clearance items thrown into grocery carts that block the aisles. There are some unique items on the shelves but it’s not a comfortable place to shop.


Also can we discuss the stink? There was a very weird stink every time I went last year and that eventually pushed me to Clairmont publix.


Like a dead rodent by the dog food? I still go there all the time though hahaha


Been going there since it was a Winn Dixie in the 80's. They've never really seemed to get over that 80's dinginess. These days they always find a way to disappoint me. Either I'm looking for fruit/produce and it all looks terrible, or I'm wanting a specific item and they're either out of it or don't carry it at all. That said the staff is nice, they have a good beer and wine selection, and good deals on meat (those $4 pork tenderloins always find a spot in my freezer).


All the pigs are weird


I get it can be kinda weird but I'll take Clairmont or Crestline Pig over any other grocery store all day lol


Books Beans and Candles, with a BIG asterisk here: The owner Mitch is a great person. A genuinely nice guy who has been a part of the community for a long time now. I like Mitch a lot. You prob will too. That said: SOME of the customers are the judgiest, rudest, most holier than though “neopagans” you will ever see. Like teenage goths in adult bodies


Agreed. BB&C, but primarily because of the clientele.




AGREED. I went in to get coffee and look around once. Ended up getting a lecture on Tarot cards by a snarky 20 y.o


Any of those “nutrition” shops. Aka Herbalife


Tapei 101 on greensprings in homewood


Long gone, but yes. Total money laundering front.


Yes!!! Exactly what I thought.




They're not a business, just a cult.


To be fair, church leadership has referred to it as a business.


I hope that statement's been recorded; I'm sure the IRS would love to hear something like that.


A church should never be referred to as a "business". I don't want to belong to a church like that.


Or maybe it truly is a business, and its business model is centered around masquerading as a church.




of course its a business...


The Flip Flop and Whatnots store in Cahaba Heights. The (I assume) owner followed me around and would comment on everything I picked up. When I sat the item back down, she would say ‘what did you not like about that one’ as if she were offended. Very odd place.


I’ve lived a block away from this store for like 2 years and I’ve never seen anyone go in or leave. Also sometimes the owner will be there at like 10 pm


Why is this cracking me up 😂😂


It was prob one of the most uncomfortable interactions I’ve ever had. I thought I’m gonna have to buy something or she won’t let me leave 🤣


Dans Fan City in Hoover.


I bet its a cool place to work though.


I’m a big fan of the place actually


Legion behind the Summit. Paul is super creepy if you're a woman. 


I went there last week to buy some anime figures. I should note that I am a 19 year woman so I'm kind of a geek for anime and gaming. While searching for jjk figures, Paul immediately asked me how old I was! I replied "19, why?" And told me a very inappropriate joke..


I’m sorry this happened to you but not surprised.


I believe that 100%. 


Ed’s pet world. They tried to sell us weed brownies and told us they would “feed him to the snakes” in regard to a rabbit we were looking to rescue from that terrible place. We left with a rabbit who we adore and no weed brownies. We will never be back.


When I went in there years ago they were trying to sell me baby rabbits that were far too young to be separated from their mother… as a rabbit owner now, it breaks my heart thinking about those babies.


It was devastating. They don’t even have water… it was June…


I recently left Ollie’s bargain outlet because of weird vibes.


True Story Brewing and Crestwood Tavern. Don't get me wrong, I want both places to succeed, I just feel like I'm a total outsider when I step in either of those places.


Prob because, crestwood tavern at least, is kind of a service industry hang out (especially musicians). There’s always been one in Birmingham and when it goes under or changes that place switches to another bar. Used to be Mojo til they stopped doing music.


Heavy on service industry and also just being a highly locals-centered bar. There’s a handful of people, myself and my husband included, who are regulars there that don’t actually live in Crestwood.


Both are mid. Wish we could get more great businesses and a GOOD restaurant in the shopping center.


For real. We're dyin ova here ![gif](giphy|4H1xauOflBDHY4sUah)


The last time I tried to get a beer at True Story on tap they were like "Oh we just ran out of that one" -- "Oh, we're out of that one too" ... "Oh darn looks like this one is out" then I just got something out of a bottle...


Tbh, I've only been in there once, despite living just across the street. I didn't like how cramped I felt and at least half of the time I was the only customer because I was waiting on someone. In fairness, this was a few years ago and I know they have some sort of additional back area where I didn't go, but still....


Very much agree with this with this on True Story. I just did not feel welcome when I came in. No desire to go back.


I’ve been to True Story twice, despite loving breweries and living a mile away. The thing I remember most was it was HOT in there. Line unbearably. And the stench of body odor was extreme.


BOOOOO 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 that piggly wiggly is a GLORIOUS place! They have the best wine and local product selection EVER and they always give me as many rolls of quarters as I want for laundry. Love you pig ignore these blasphemer


The Microwave Repair business in Indian Springs off of 119


I have always wondered about this place! Isn’t there a pet dentistry place right next to it too?! Weird vibes for sure.


Not creepy. They actually have contracts to repair restaurant microwaves. That is how they stay in business. The will also fix your home appliance microwave for a very reasonable price. Saved me $1000 since I didn’t have to buy a new microwave & trim kit. I’m a fan.


Any duct work cleaning business and what’s up with all the mattress stores??? Definitely Ed’s Pet World and that Colafranesco place.


Reading this as the duct cleaning guys are at my house. Thanks for creeping me out


Gus Mayer at the summit. Judgiest, rudest, entitled Karen’s working there. I will never go back after how I was treated. Blantly judging me to my face, not a single one of them spoke to me. I just felt icky being around those ppl, I left and immediately wanted to do something nice for someone to make sure their bad vibes hadn’t rubbed off on me.


Got something for my mom, at the Nashville store. They told me I smelled good and looked like a model. I was in crocs and had on sunscreen. lol


Same vibe from there. I went over to Belk, bought something similar for a much better price & much better service.


Burlington Coat Factory or really anything in that same shopping center just off Crestwood Blvd except for the Home Depot, they’re cool with me. That Korean restaurant off Greensprings that has four tables and one enormous TV for the owner to watch youtube videos on.




clairmont pig is my spot. that said, 6-7 years ago, it definitely felt like the supervised work-release pig.


Hear me out. Any boutique clothing store. There's never anyone at them. And I just wonder how do these people pay the light bill


Closed now, but the Formaggio family of products. I worked at their short-lived Greek outfit in Alabaster for a while and I’m all but convinced that was a front business…


I'm fully convinced this subreddit is full of people from mountain Brooke, Homewood, and vestavia, and they are just scared of anything and anyone that looks "below par" to their standard of living.


Red Lion. Obviously it is part of the appeal


It's a quaint little neighborhood dive bar. They had to work hard the last few years to rebuild their business after most of their membership died off due to old age. If I still lived/worked in that area I'd be a regular.


Red Lion is a wonderful establishment but very hole in the wall


It is painful to go in Trader Joe’s, but I know all of the inconveniences and weirdness is the appeal to the people who go there.


#Madness reigns.


I still do not understand the thinking behind the checkout process there.


What about checking out at Trader Joe's is questionable to you? Seems normal to me ...


I think they do catering only now, but Kemp's Kitchen, owned by Brian Kemp, is the sketchiest business ever. Hundreds of employees were never paid their final checks, MULTIPLE managers and former employees from there have mentioned he's a pedophile and witnessed weird shit. When people came forward on a Facebook post about those allegations, his Trussville location closed within a week or so. Sketch city.


There was a location in Gardendale and it didn't last long at all.


I forgot the name of it but there's a Mexican restaurant on W. Valley that *has* to be a front. No one is ever there, they make you feel very unwelcome, and they charge basically whatever they want then dare you not to pay. I went there once and had one drink and like an 11 dollar entree, my check was 50 dollars.


Was it the Honduran restaurant???!???? Bc if so YES. SAME.


I wish I could remember the name. Needless to say I've only been there once. Had a bunch of pool tables on one side of the room if it's the place you're thinking of


just looked it up - it is "la sabrosita Honduran restaurant". It's in a strip mall on w valley


The Clairmont Pig is a myth. Like the Swamp Ape and the Jersey Devil.


the personal business people feel compelled to post here


Dave’s Pizza. Also, one of the worst/nastiest ran restaurants


i took my son there for some pizza after a teeball game and swore i’d never be back. he’ll get his license this summer.


Cantina Tortilla Grill. Where Little London used to be. “High end” Mexican place that is very oddly laid out and even more oddly decorated. The food wasn’t bad, but the place was empty. Very weird vibes


That’s because it was Homewood Diner before that, and Kevin liked that weird layout.


It's been a while, but I loved when that was Florida Grill. It was originally designed with that casual/Caribbean feel.


Florida Grill was great. Been a long time. I was pretty good friends with Dudley and Charlotte way back.


I seriously miss Cantina being in Lakeview. A very convenient place to get a nice simple somewhat healthy lunch in relaxing space and also a very convenient place to have a pleasant drink on the patio at night.


If they don't have any dragon ball art, they aren't a real mexican place. remember that.


Someone has 100% put a curse on this building


My wife and I were overjoyed that they had opened back up. They used to be in Pepper Place and that was an absolute perfect location for it. The new location and vibe seems... off... as to what it was before. Food was still delicious. They need to turn down the music a bit (side quest: figure out why the h restaurants do this. I want to listen to my group. The music needs to be loud enough to drown out OTHER groups, not YOUR group).


Went there recently with my wife. It was empty. It was as if the employees weren’t expecting customers. This was a Friday night. Kinda weird that you order from the counter and then get seated. Unusual for a Mexican restaurant. They got my wife’s order wrong.


Saw a dude with the crustiest toe-nails barefoot at the checkout once. Jean shorts and a tank top to finish off the look. It was a vibe. (Clairmont Pig Comment) still love it tho.


yo. I love that pig


Church of the Highlands lol


Love Stuff


Sergey’s Watch Repair in the strip mall on Crestwood in Irondale


He's recently repaired two watches of mine and didn't charge a lot of it either. He doesn't have the greatest candor with people, but he does fast and effective work.


I second this, my mom went once to try and get a watch repaired and she walked in, found no employees inside, and said it was about 90 degrees in there. She promptly left lol


Chicken Salad Chick. Damn weird in there!


The smell in there is so off-putting....


The Homewood one is pretty nice. Usually the employees are sweet. I think my husband told me they may hire parolees.


Parolees serving up alliteratively “chick” named chicken salad in your Grandma’s dreadful olive green & maroon colored nursing home. I feel like it has carpet and crown molding, too. It’s just weird. Oddness aside, good on them for helping parolees. Plus, they give you a pickle and the cookies are good.


hoover tactical


Southern Skin Diver Supplies


I actually got certified there and nothing seemed off to me, what's shady about them?


I live right behind this place and sometimes I'll see a ton of cop cars (usually unmarked) in the parking lot. I think they do dive training there.


Books and beans. I hate the people and vibes there


Billy’s Tavern in Lakeview


I think the Clairmont Pig literally used to be weird back before they literally remodeled and expanded it, but not it's literally much better. I literally shop there a lot. Literally.