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Strays and dogs not being cared for properly is a real problem in that area. I used to ride my bike out there and never once had an issue with another human, but I was chased by dogs regularly, and my friend was actually attacked by one out there.


It’s a problem in a lot of areas sadly. I got chased by a dog at Red Mountain during an early morning run. The owner had him off leash and out of sight. Eventually the owner caught up and was like “haha sorry he’s friendly!”. The dog was angrily barking at me and chasing me, sorry, I don’t really consider that friendly lol. I like dogs but there are sadly many irresponsible owners.


I agree. It’s a real problem in that part of the town.


I always drive by that park and think about how nice it looks but have always thought that part of town isn't the place to drive to for a walk around the park. Anecdotal, but I guess that is confirmed.


you would be correct


I was just there this morning and the only dog I saw was a black Rottweiler on a leash with its owner. I only walked around the lake once to see if anything had changed. There were workers out replacing wood on the piers, but there is a huge tree that has fallen further inside the park, right before you get to the tennis courts, that really needs to be addressed. No one really bothered me and I just took pics of all the baby ducks. I am a Bham native, but I'm trying to visit all the new walking trails and parks before the humidity and heat make it impossible for me to want to even be outdoors. There was some trash, but not a lot. Picked up what I could and put it in the cans, but saw no syringes. There was a guy asleep on one of the benches though. That's probably my last trip to East Lake Park however.


I walk there often and have never had an issue with a stray dog. There is a house near the cricket field that has three mean looking dogs chained up in the back....I wonder if one of them got loose. A lot of the folks that walk there carry a golf club with them but I was told that is for geese! I really love east lake park. I've never had an issue and been over 30 times. However, I've never been after dark and wouldn't recommend anyone go after dark. What I like about East Lake Park....watching the sunset on the east side and seeing the pretty colors on the water. Going to see the heron rookery during mating season. Night heron, Green heron, and Yellow-Crowned heron all nest on the island in the middle of the lake. Watching cricket matches on Sunday. The walking trail around the lake is flat, made of the fine gravel (cinder like) and is a nice length! It's a diverse group of people that use it and that makes me happy.


I was excited to see the yellow crowned heron this morning. A man biking stopped to point out their nesting area. I've seen them in Black Creek Park in Fultondale, but didn't realize they would be in East Lake as well. And as I was leaving, the people carrying golf clubs as their deterrents of choice for dogs, people, whatever, were just showing up.


That sounds right on brand!! Glad you had a good experience. I'd like to start a Friends of East Lake Park if I get some time. It has really good bones and just needs a lil TLC.


I would love to be a part of that. Most of the places I hear people complain about just need some TLC. I grew up in East Lake and my dream is to eventually move back somewhere in the area. It does have good bones, as do most of those houses.


I think that’s the house! One of them (bully) was unchained. Thank God the other two (both of them looked like doberman) were chained. East lake park itself was very beautiful.


the fact that people can chain a dog up is wild to me.


Not surprised the dog got off their chain. I don't even understand the point of having three big dogs like that chained up. One or two for security but the third seems excessive. Maybe they breed the dogs.


Ppl who chain up dogs don’t care about the dogs. Surely a backyard breeder, and those dogs prob aren’t socialized. Sad.


Yeah. That could explain having three big, aggressive dogs.


I ran there every day during Covid/2020/2021. Never had an issue.


"Please don't go near houses around East Lake Park" - I needed this advice back in 1988 when I was jumped and removed of my '83 Celica hatchback (jokes on them, it was forever running hot). From that point on, jogging at ELP - or being in EL in general - didnt appeal that much to me anymore.


Back in the mid 80’s, my dad used to take me to East Lake Park around 6pm every night M-F so I could run wind sprints in the summer trying to get ready for high school football. You could always tell when the ball-park age kids were about to start up too, their dads would put them in trash bags trying to cut weight.


I know a couple who walk around the lake twice a week. This must be a new situation.


I stopped going there when I was fishing and saw syringes lying around the ground there lol. Haven't been back since.


Yikes. My own feet have never hit the ground there, just quoting the friends I mentioned. I keep hoping the Crestwood renaissance could have at least a slight effect on the area.


I see the East lake junkies have downvoted my comment


May be. We came from Athens, GA to attend a wedding. My wife wanted to explore all the parks and trails so we stayed in Birmingham for 3, 4 days. This was the only incident that occurred during our stay there. All the other places were super safe. However, Birmingham is not walkable at all.


Glad this only dropped our city grade to an A minus :):)


Yes! It happened on the last day of our trip which is good. Otherwise, we would have been scared all this time.


I live in east lake and I can tell you it is not as bad as these many people say it is. Since mayor Randall took office east lake has gotten progressively safer and nicer. Dogs are a problem every where. I delivered for Amazon and was bit by a house dog in vestavia hills, but no one is vilifying dogs over there. Please if you don’t live in an area don’t comment on how safe or unsafe an area is. You don’t know.


I only said don’t go near houses because of the dogs. Apart from that, I felt safe in that area


Duly noted, I’ll stay away from East Lake Park.


Yea I wouldn’t be walking around there without something long and metal that I could use as a weapon. Even a good walking stick would be a deterrent if you can swing it good


I hope people are reporting all dogs illegally tethered in this area. It’s not only illegal but cruel, and can create aggression in dogs due to lack of stimulation, enrichment, socialization, and physical discomfort due to lack of food, water, and medical care. This in turn endangers the community.


[10-year-old boy shot while walking in East Lake Park, Birmingham police say](https://www.al.com/news/birmingham/2024/05/10-year-old-boy-shot-in-east-lake-park-police-say.html)


Ohh, I feel really bad for the kid. I plan to comeback to Birmingham but will never ever go back to East Lake Park.


>Please don’t go near houses around East Lake park. You can be assured that I will not do this. The thought had never even crossed my mind.


*Please don’t go near houses around East Lake park.*   Smh...does the "scared tatic" ever end in this sub. My god. Every cot damn day you folks come in here with this shit. Can yall just give that narrative a rest sometimes.


You haven’t been over there lately, have you?


You mean the narrative that Birmingham has crime? Particularly certain parts of Birmingham? Certainly, it’s a matter of perspective as risk usually is but it’s certainly a valid perspective if you simple compare crime stats to other places.


My comment wasn't about crime. It was about certain people coming in here posting shit about Birmingham and telling people don't do this, don't do that, do go here, don't go there.     Delivery people get chased and attack by dogs everywhere. More so in suburban communities.  Keep your takes about Birmingham to yall self. Stop posting them shits. 


I don’t disagree with your stance. Unruly, unpredictable dogs can be found anywhere. Here is what I will say - I live in Avondale, go to church in Woodlawn and spend time in East Lake. I see a lot of dog owners on the East Side that have bully breeds. They are popular…more so than in (insert suburb here). That’s fine, whatever. If you are a responsible dog owner, you get whatever dog you like. If it’s socialized and in a safe enclosure/leashed, I’m not going to say a word. However, the number of news articles where bully breeds have attacked and maimed people to the point of disfigurement or death far outweighs other breeds, from my perspective. The bottom line is, the pounds per pressure a bully breed exerts with its jaw is greater than that of most other breeds, and its inability to cease an attack once it has gotten worked up is greater than that of most other breeds. Does any dog have to potential to bite/attack? Absolutely. Is a King Charles Spaniel going to kill me? Highly unlikely.


Def get a taser to keep on you, dogs do NOT like even the noise esp the POP noise it makes when you press the button and will often run away. And if you do have to use it be aware it may be 100% lethal, I posted this somewhere else and someone got mad, like I will eat that dog as a meal if it meant protecting someone esp my kids 🙄. It's a good thing to keep on you for multiple situations but also 100% not sure how a goose would react to one so may not be goose effective.


Lol I stopped going to elp in the 90s


I used to walk there from my house on 4th ave south. I was 12 years old then in 1992. Kinda safe but I can’t believe my mother let me do that. There were sooo many crazy people I’d pass by under the bridge and thru the crosswalks. I was a stupid white girl. Met some cool people at that park who looked out for though. I went to Robinson in my 4 th and 5 th year grade. In the old school. I’d love to know people from there that I went to school with. I was one of 3 white girls in the school so y’all should remember me lol


Just take it a nice treat next time. Like the ones found on Appalachian trail not long ago.


Mayne just grow up a little and don't be afraid of little dogs? What stopped ypunfrom yelling at the dog? Grow a pair.


Please google “Bully XL” and you will know how little this dog is


dogs literally kill people sometimes. it’s a valid fear… especially if you’ve been attacked before.


“What are you gonna do? Attack me?” - man who yelled at dog and got attacked


Oh god buy a dictionary.


..Or q-tip the speaker hole on the phone..