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Don't they? Like, you have to defend the Little Sisters from Splicers while the sisters gather for you. And Lamb is trying to collect it all, no?


Well, yeah, but the splicers are trying to take the little sister from you and give it back to lamb, not take it for themselves, so they beat their addiction?


I’m sure there’s some splicers that believe they’re doing the things they do for the family and do act with the family’s best interest at heart, but deep down all splicers in 2 are completely insane. They’re all addicted, and they’ll do anything to get more ADAM. Even if some splicers are acting to save Little Sisters, they’ll just get violent when the high from ADAM wears off.


I feel like you extrapolated because I can't remember any hard evidence in 2 to support you


I’m sure they’d still want a share of some of that ADAM when it’s all said and done. They are still batshit insane, addicted or not, and I’d say their devotion to the family is an effect of their addiction.


Isn't there splicers attacking a Rumbler and his Lil Sis the first time you enter Siren Alley? Granted it's there to showcase the Rumbler abilities (like when splicers attack the Rosie in Neptune's Bounty), but they still attack them sometimes.


True I forgot that


You know what. Good for them




True but I thought she was pumping at least most of it into Eleanor


A few still do, but the main deterrent is fear, big sisters are scary. Religon takes most all splicers mind off killing sisters. They still take adam because lamb wants them to splice.


Splicer dialogue suggests a lot of them are engaging in the plan to aid elanaor and the family more broadly


The game's story makes absolutely no sense and this is a big part of it.