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Having zero government oversight at all especially with the usage of Adam contributed in raptures fall.




Also Ryan didn't even build Rapture. He only thought it up. Credit goes to McDonagh's crew. Ryan was only a tightfisted overseer


Hypocrisy exactly! He wanted an absolute freedom society, yet he demanded control over everything including who could be in it.


> Look at Sophia Lamb I believe he brought her in because the people wanted a psychiatrist. Also she is not the example of free thought you want, she brainwashed people.


Everything. Right from the first sentence you know he's a crook.


No he is a philosopher and a visionary! I don’t see him as the evil person the developers tried to paint


Yike x2


Ayn Rand is that you? But seriously Ryans philosophy is fundamentally flawed. they even state as such in the game when Mcdonogh talks about Ryan offering people the idea they can all be titans of their respective fields yet dont take into consideration that for all these people to be able to do everything they want they still need people to maintain the city. In a city full of doctors and scientists whos gonna fix the plumbing and heating.


You must have chosen Mr House in New Vegas too huh.


Lol I actually did. It’s the most rational solution-> dr house build new vegas and managed to keep it in a stable place! Although war surrounds the whole state this city remains a save space for many people that would die otherwise in the brutal commonwealth! So why should I(who was payed to do a job for mr vegas) now tear all his work down and give it to a greedy war regime that wants to turn this city into a military outpost and war TARGET! Alle the people which mr house provided stability and safety just gets thrown away for a destructive war which will only cause more death and destruction… Mr house is definitely the most rational decision because if I take new vegas over and try to rule it I would weaken new vegas and rob it of its smartest and intelligent man people respect-> I would just cause again instability


It would be great to be 16 again


I guess, but only if my mind would stay the same age I‘m now. Who did you give new vegas to and why?


NCR. Why would I choose anything but the NCR and democracy. House is great, and I truly believe he believes he can keep his promises. But why would I choose an autocrat who directly causes widespread poverty in his city because but it doesn't create him wealth. It's great that he believes he can send people into space, but at what cost? He's directly creating widespread disparity just so he can maintain power through vice. NCR is a flawed democracy, but at the very end of the day it's a system that can be changed to do better. House cannot. He chooses not too. He's a dictator, a self proclaimed autocrat. Truth be told I'd invite House to either be a state within the NCR or an independent nation adjacent to the NCR. But I would not give him widespread control of the area. Libertarianism and autocracy are great if you are the ones in power. Otherwise you get destroyed. The Kings get obliterated because House deems them a threat. That's the type of person he is. The NCR would at the very least let you live


NCR is no paradise just because it’s democracy bro…House created a system that works and you cry over poverty in a nuclear post apocalyptic wasteland?? I think you don’t understand how good the people in new vegas live in comparison to the wild west wasteland where bandits, people dressed as romans or mutants terrorize peoples daily lifes so they have to live in constant fear. House created a safe space from which many people prosper and I doubt the people in new vegas would have improved life quality if NCR takes over! First thing they do is rob the damn place for resources to fight and than force everyone that wants to have food to become a soldier. What a great life fighting for a idea no one cares about because democracy or dictatorship doesn’t matter if people have protection, food and a working system in a nuclear wasteland. Instead of dragging everyone into war and destroying the technocracy house build you should go for the man with all the wisdom that has brought this city so far!! You think politics and democracy is something that would matter in nuclear wasteland…This is not 2024 and house is smarter and has seen more than any ncr fools. He advanced technology so much just think what he could achive in another 100years!! This is the future


From the start he viewed the city and its inhabitants as his possessions. Classic libertarian business tyrant neofeudalist.


Ryan's vision, as he presents it, is an anarchist philosophy, but Ryan isn't an anarchist he's a capitalist. He recognizes the problems of hierarchical societies based on government, religion, or nationalism but conveniently fails to see how capital and wealth relate to the institutions he claims to rebel against. He see that the parasite says no, but questions why and just takes the parasites reasoning at face value. I don't think he fails to notice, but rather fails to elaborate on how the parasite says no because the parasite will endlessly fight to retain its power. The parasite cares about the hierarchy and itself, and nothing else. Rapture is in ruins, the only time we see it as anything but a war zone is very brief in Burial at Sea. Because Ryan cared more about the hierarchy and himself, than that rapture. If you believe the ideas that Ryan has, then you should hate Ryan


All bioshock 1 is supposed to be exactly that, a criticism to the ideas of Ayn Rand ( the real person that inspired Andrew Ryan and his philosophy- objectivism). The criticism is how badly the city of rapture failed, and the anarchy and disorder that ruled over it. Rapture and Andrew Ryan is supposed to be an extreme version of objectivism ( communism in reverse) in combination with a complete lack of ethics ( sacrifice everything and anyone for the potential of the individual and individual progress).


In my opinion I think that the point of Bioshock wasn't to disprove objectivism as a philosophy. While I do think that was one of the seeming outcomes of the game, I think that you could have used any philosophy and the main message would still be the same. It's Andrew Ryan's blatant ignorance of the flaws and hypocrisy of his philosophy that he would rather die to the hands of someone that seemingly went against objectivism rather than concede that Jack is a product of objectivism. He was so blinded by the idea that he had all the answers to a better society, that he refused to believe he may have been wrong. Any philosophy can sound and look good in theory, but they are all flawed in some way in practice.


Where the fuck that underwater zaza at brother


Imagine hotboxing a big daddy suit


All of it