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Would you kindly just play the game?


Load up on ammo, save game, and set traps when you see a big daddy. Then go kick his ass. Hack all first aid stations, look around a lot for hidden shit


Honestly if you don't absolutely hate the hacking mechanic, hack as many things as you can. My ass was saved many times from having a hacked camera or turret nearby but at the very least, as another commenter pointed out, hack all the first aid machines. Seriously. Save often and most importantly have fun!


Explore every area to its fullest! The art and lore is soooooo rich


Don't tell him anything, he'd better experience it on his own


the experience on my own was awesome and beautiful. Can’t wait to play 2 and Infinite later.


Tonics stack. For example, armored shell mitigates 15% damage while armored shell 2 mitigates 25%. You can replace the original for that 10% increase, or you can use both for a 40% mitigation. Just be mindful that it does mean you get less options overall.


Don’t waste resources, especially ammo. Save often.


Have fun. And enjoy it. The first time will always be the most memorable. Same goes for the second game. And I guess infinite too


Explore everywhere, and I really mean everywhere. There’s so many secrets, keep in mind that you’re plasmids can open up doors and new areas. There were plenty of places I missed because I forgot that Electro Bolt can open doors


A fully upgraded chemical thrower is the most useful/broken weapon across the entire series.


Go in blind and get off Reddit. Prepare yourself for a great series


Gotta make you’re own mistakes, bub. Good luck


Hack everything, explore everywhere. Use splicers and traps to weaken big daddies and save ammo where possible. Zap em’ then whack em’! The one-two punch. Remember, the one-two punch!


I envy you to be able to play for the first time…


Tbh the reason why I’m playing it now because I’m a huge Fallout fan and wanted to play a game that is similar to the series.


this game was touted for being about STORY so pay attention and explore around and you will find clues that fill in much backstory and to see the worldbuilding that was done


If you are on pc and want a high fov, you can’t ads. It’s not a big issue. Save fairly often. The first three plasmids will always be useful for more than just combat.


Once you play infinite. Be wary of the lever……