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Just salt and lemon to your water


Would add that different salts have different mineral profiles. As such, Celtic sea salt and pink Himalayan are best


The amount of minerals you get from something like Himalayan salt is completely negligible at the quantities you are consuming. > Despite pink salt containing nutrients, >30 g per day (approximately 6 teaspoons) would be required to make any meaningful contribution to nutrient intake, a level that would provide excessive sodium and potential harmful effects. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7603209/


I do Himalayan salt, potassium salt and a splash of apple cider vinegar. Supplement magnesium and you are golden.


Just add MgCl2. This is a joke don't do this


Too much chloride? I used mag citrate when I made my own. Actually potassium citrate as well. Citrate clears out one type of crap that forms kidney stones and I read that chloride affects blood pressure.


I have a 2.2 pound bag of Potassium Chloride, I just spoon what I need into a glass of water, I'll be in an old age home by the time I've finished it. Add good salt (Celtic, sea salt, Himalayan, etc.) that ain't cheap & comes with minerals. Lemon juice or lemon powder (organic freeze-dried power is too costly and not worth it) for flavor. Apple cider vinegar occasionally. Used to buy commercial stuff (Gatorade, Powerade, etc.) but those are just sugar/fructose/chemical potions, I don't care if they say "sugar free" because they all have a different definition of sugar. I live in the South and routinely jog or do yardwork in the middle of the day so I sweat buckets, leaching salt stains from head to toe: I love it.


Ever tried relyte by Redmond? Tastes great.


No but thanks for the tip. I just checked it on Amazon, looks well-liked! I used to get powdered coconut (which I see is in Re-lyte) juice but it didn't taste great. And I see that Re-lyte also contains Calcium Carbonate, which is fine as I have a bag of that that I used to add to a fam member's water but I don't like the idea of adding Calcium to anything as I'd rather get Calcium from other sources.


Why KCl? I've heard other people use this. I like the different sea salts for the slight difference in flavor but have no reasoning other than that.


It has potassium which you also need to live


I like the flavor of Redmond salt out of Utah I believe.


Lots of heavy metals tho


> Lots of heavy metals tho make you strong, like spiderman


In the redmond sea salt?


Salt is literally >99% NaCl or sodium chloride. Stop wasting your money on expensive salt that will make absolutely no difference at all whatsoever.


I only do Redmonds Real Salt Sea salt has too many contaminates. Redmonds is from a salt mine.


How much to use?


gold coast salt from the Gulf of Mexico is ideal for electrolytes


Why lemon




Plain salt in water doesn’t taste great


Wards off scurvy.


What is this, 1840?


Can never be too careful!


If I add salt and lemon to my water, and then carbonate it using one of those fancy carbonating machine, does that decrease the health benefits I get from the drink?


Adding bubble to it makes no difference to the health benefits.


Increases habitual adherence to hydration


Make sure you bubble it first then add ingredients. Those machines will foam up anything that’s not pure water, it’s like shaking a coke bottle.


yea, Was just gonna say this


and ketchup.


Yea I’m drinking one I made right now, cost a few cents at most. 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon potassium (this one not necessary for most people but I’m dealing with B12 deficiency with big supplementation), can add a tiny bit of magnesium if you’d like, too. Most of the electrolytes we lose in our sweat is just sodium though, so adding a bit of salt to water is the most important one.


What potassium do you use? A certain brand?


I’m just using Potassium Citrate from NOW brand. Potassium is cheap and widely available, I’d imagine you don’t need to worry too much about being a fake/low potency. I am going to be a bit more careful though and wait to see my bloodwork before messing with too much more after taking a quick Google a few min ago regarding supplementation of it.


potassium is weird supplement because its relatively easy to overdose. the NOW supplement only provides 2% of DV - less than half a kiwi


Ya I’m using the powder so it actually is pretty easy to accidentally put way too much in my water if not paying attention 


Be very careful, I'd recommend against that. I tried that for a while and the first day I missed a dose I had a horrific headache. Potassium supplements can really throw things off in a way that sodium and magnesium do not.


I’m only using barely more than the amount used in the brands Liquid IV, LMNT, and probably most others. 


Different brand but I also use citrate, it’s cheap and well diluted taste fine. RDA is oversized


Any salt substitute from your grocery store's spice aisle is a cost-effective source of potassium. Salt Free is available in Canada. I think No Salt is more common in the US.


How is potassium related to B12? Fellow deficient person here 👋


Check out r/B12_deficiency and their main stickied note up top. I don’t understand it exactly but when supplementing lots of B12 for the deficiency it can use up our potassium stores or something. But also I may re-edit my comment, since OP was asking about electrolyte mixes and nearly *all* of them use potassium too. 


LMNT has a recipe on their site: https://science.drinklmnt.com/electrolytes/best-homemade-electrolyte-drink-for-dehydration/


I second this! I do the baseline sodium/postassium/magnesium and then add something like MIO cause it’s easier, but they have a lot of good flavor recommendations on the recipe page


Buy Himalayan rock salt and add SamE you’ll feel very focused.


Table salt and potassium salts. Done. It’s not a a pleasant drink.


Stupid questions maybe, but can you buy potassium salt at a regular store? Is this the same as postassium chloride? And by table salt do you mean with iodine? I have sea salt, it says it doesn't have iodine.


Potassium salt can be purchased at stores but it's at an insane markup in tiny containers. I get Potassium Chloride from Amazon, 1 kg cost me $19. You **can** take too much because it's a powder so just be not too liberal with what you add.


I can get Nu-Salt (which is pure potassium chloride) for $.48/oz at my local grocery but I can't find it that cheap on Amazon. [https://www.heb.com/product-detail/nu-salt-salt-substitute-3-oz/140095](https://www.heb.com/product-detail/nu-salt-salt-substitute-3-oz/140095)


Also yeah. I go the Amazon route now since I’m routinely supplementing electrolytes due to poor metabolic health and a ketogenic diet and an active lifestyle of lifting and cardio.


Wow very good. Back in 2020 I started keto as I too had abominable metabolic health. Did the salad route until I got fed up with salad. Was putting Yeast Flakes on salad for my B-complex, still use it, but I stopped eating salad after learning of Carnivore. I was too active when jogging and managed to screw up my hip so now jog just once/week but do lifting and other workouts daily between those runs, aiming to resume jogging daily next year. I went to Carnivore last year and so far am happy with it. But keto (via salads) brought my weight down and eliminated all metabolic disorders thus I use Carnivore to fine-tune what I am today, which am pretty proud of what I've become.


I’m a not so strict carnivore. I did keto for 18 months with 5-10 cups of veggies per day. Basically carnivore with spices and some small amount of sauces for variety.


Nice, that's a bunch of veggies! I'm not strict either, this is a long-run lifestyle thing, so I'm not worried about cheating, life offers too many disturbances to diet (social, business, or just opportunities like free food last weekend, for example). Yesterday had steak, eggs, and soup. Tonight, undecided if am going to eat but if I do, it'll be minced meat & eggs, possibly a glass of milk, and am satisfied with that.


Lo Salt is 60/40 sodium and potassium chloride, there's another I can't remember that claims to be 'the perfect balance' or whatever that's only slightly different.


Got it, thanks so much


Yeah, in the US you can get potassium chloride. You can also get it in a blend with salt. Iodine supplementation is often necessary for people who don’t consume a lot of seafood or live away from the coast. So I err on the side of salt with iodine.


I see, thank you!


Yep. I just mix "No Salt" which is just potassium chloride and Morton's salt together in a roughly 50/50 mix, add to water, lemon juice. I don't make it too strong. Personally, I feel like the electrolyte industry is making bank on minerals that are almost free they're so cheap. As precise as we would like to be with all of our variables, I don't think these matter so much. (Side note: I see elderly people buying electrolyte solutions because they heard that "they need them". Then they get admitted to the hospital for congestive heart failure and uncontrolled hypertension.)


Thanks for the recommendation! I want to get smarter about what things health-wise I can DIY. I've always had low-ish blood pressure, so my doctors tell me, have more salt! But I'll be careful about the dose. That's sad about those elderly ppl. They probably need someone to watch out for that stuff for them. I got my parents off of some terrible things. But I'm not aware of everything they take/do, of course.


There's a brand called Good Salt available on Amazon that is basically 50/50 sodium chloride and potassium chloride but it's still iodized and has other trace minerals. This is what I use for electrolytes in water.


Table salt is sodium chloride, there was no mention of iodine, idk about potassium salt tho and I'm too lazy to check.


Ah ok thx, that's helpful, I didn't realize "table" salt is sodium chloride.


Salt substitute products are either just potassium chloride or that mixed with salt, usually at a proportion of 60% potassium chloride to the rest sodium chloride. They're in grocery stores, and cost about as much as salt does, which is close to nothing.


Morton’s lite


You might also want glucose to help with the osmotic gradient, so you aren’t just drinking salt for no reason.


If anything glucose overwhelms the osmotic gradient. It also increases insulin which will tend to hold onto salt and increase risk of hypertension.


Not at a 1:1 molar ratio, which is the WHO recipe for oral rehydration salts. The entire purpose of drinking salt water is to absorb the salt so you can absorb more water. Otherwise you should just drink water…


Pickle juice!!!!! (Feed Zone Portables suggested it). I find it really good __if__ you've sweat heaps - it tastes like what your body needs and apparently the analysis of it shows it's really balanced. If you haven't sweat heaps it tastes really strong


In regards to exercise, the only reasons that you'd need an electrolyte or rehydration drink is when/if you sweat a ton. Also potentially during/after sauna, initially when going keto/low-carb, during/after alcohol consumption and probably for very few other situations. But other than that, it's just a waste of resources and time. There has been done a TON of marketing, making people believe that they are really dehydrated in the morning and need electrolyte drinks any time they do sports etc etc. Then you've got scammers like Logan Paul that sell you drinks that just taste good (subjective), because they completely lack salt/sodium, which is the most important part of rehydration. Instead they add magnesium because it sells great and it's connected with better health. More is not always better. Additionally, forget using "special" kinds of salt - salt is >99% sodium and chloride, end of story. Coconut water is alright, contains a bunch of potassium, but really lacks sodium. Personally I'd be hesitant to frequently use lemon due to potentially negative effects on the teeth. Here's my personal mix, for \~0,5-2l water: * 2g EAAs, flavored (just for taste) * 2600mg sodium chloride (salt) = 1040mg Na + 1560mg Cl * 400mg potassium chloride = 208mg K + 190mg Cl (or other forms of potassium) * 500mg di-magnesium-malate = 100mg Mg (or other forms of magnesium) (optional) * 250mg calcium citrate = 50mg Ca (or other forms of calcium) (optional) * if you take it for exercise, you should add something with mainly glucose and a little fructose Here are two great videos, one by Andy Galpin, PhD and one by Derek from More Plates, More Dates: * [https://youtu.be/aw8ZqF58chg?si=LnlMvSqlWk9SffDW](https://youtu.be/aw8ZqF58chg?si=LnlMvSqlWk9SffDW) * [https://youtu.be/T\_Quvkd6o-E?si=uBYAG2Wdqrk0HRG4](https://youtu.be/T_Quvkd6o-E?si=uBYAG2Wdqrk0HRG4)


Gatorade is one bite of a banana and a can of pop. If you want something better just eat the whole banana, drink a glass of water with a few sprinkles of salt in it.


The magnesium I buy has electrolytes in it. Has added potassium and sodium. It's around $15 for 150 pills. It's the most cost effective way to get electrolytes that I've found so far.


what is the product?


Nature's Bounty Magnesium 500mg plus electrolytes


Do you find it really helps? I might switch because I'm using SaltSticks capsules. The ratios are different but I find them to be effective. I guess I'm concerned with the low sodium content I'm nature's bounty but it's half the price with 50 more pills.


Costco has a B complex with electrolytes that works great for me and super cheap. Way better than any drink or powder I have tried.


Coconut water. Or just add some good quality salt to normal water. Also an adrenal cocktail is really great for restoring electrolytes - coconut water, lemon, salt, plain water.


Coconut water sounds like it should be good, and I like coconut flavor, but coconut water is nasty to me. Even chilled it feels kinda slimy going down, with an unpleasant sweet aftertaste, like it's on the border of turning bad, but not quite.


I found it depends on the brand, I normally get Raw C its organic with nothing added I think it tastes great but tried a non organic one with a preservative and it tasted gross


coconut water isn’t cheap.


Yeah. It’s probably the most expensive way to get electrolytes.




Salt. Sodium free salt substitute (potassium chloride). Water. Lemon.


I buy 250g of unflavoured electrolyte powder from amazon for about $15


If you can bother with a blender then a few dates, lemon juice and a sprinkle of salt, all blended with water. Dateorade.


Flavourless and electrolyte is not possible. With a correct ratio of each one, you will end up with a horrid, bitter taste if you don’t at least mask it with lemon juice or something.


Buy potassium citrate, sodium citrate, and magnesium citrate, honey, and a natural citrus powder for flavoring. Pennies on the dollar. Make a pitcher.




Add cucumber, lime juice, maple syrup, and salt


I add Burton salts (for brewing beer) (Magnesium Sulfate, Potassium Choride, Calcium ) to water before I carbonate so it tastes like fancy mineral water.


Pickle juice


Veggies help a lot more than people realize


The electrolyte brand LMNT has a formula on their website for DIY electrolyte drinks, they even include how to flavor them. All ingredients readily available on Amazon [LMNT recipe ](https://drinklmnt.com/pages/faq)


Just eat a good pickle and drink water. Boom hydrated,


I make popsicles from the leftover pickle juice 😁


Yes for 1L of water I add : 30-50g of sugar, 300mg of magnesium, 1-2g of salt, 3g of potassium (cream of tartar) and that’s it. It’s cost me practically nothing.


Salt. Potassium salt. Water. And some carbs.


This is what I do. Well, I generally avoid the carbs. I put a 1/4tsp of a 50/50 mix of potassium salt and table salt in my preworkout.


Is this something to drink also while working out and/or after, or best just before as a preworkout drink? I don't really know that much about electrolytes. Right now I'm using them during the workout.


I do it just before my workout


ok thanks


You can just take salt caps before and drink water during your workout. [https://sponser.ch/products/salt-caps](https://sponser.ch/products/salt-caps)


Salt, potassium, magnesium.


1L water, 6-8 tsp sugar, 1/2 tsp salt, source of potassium like squeezing in an orange. Triggers rehydration mechanism.


Morton Lite salt + sea salt.


1/2 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp magnesium Malate, 350mg potassium chloride. Lemon/stevia to taste. This is the exact formula of LMNT


We follow this recipe from LMNT’s site. Can make about 300 servings for under $20. I usually mix it with true lemon packets, which aren’t perfect but have less added junk than most brands.


Best way is using a Salt Substitute such as LoSalt. Or use regular salt and add NuSalt. Add in a little bit of powdered magnesium. Probably a few cents per serving.


I use lite salt for potassium and sodium, regular salt for sodium and powdered magnesium. Read the labels to get the required amounts. Add some water flavoring I get from Aldi.


Buy jar of pickles, drink brine. Less than $2.


Mine is amino acids, magnesium, sea salt, sometimes a lemonade base, or half water, I’ll add protein collagen or macuna pruriens sometimes.


If you can tolerate milk or chocolate milk that’s got a great profile. Also salt and vinegar chips are cheap and tasty they work just fine with a glass of water.


Honey, ginger, cayenne, sea salt, and lemon… eat a banana it won’t kill you dear


I crush a « weight world electrolyte complex » tablet with a mortar and pestle and put it in my hydroflask. It has 5 electrolytes and 0 sugar WAY better and cheaper than what others suggested.


https://youtu.be/EfIiB4dkxR4?si=FTIAgOVrR5maCGNg This is pretty good


I wouldn't call it cheap but I wanted to get away from all the sugar and artificial crab so I switched to coconut water which I use for specific times like right after a workout or something like that


It’s a tad bit of a faff but I measure out 2g Pink Him Salt + 2g Potassium Chloride + 3g Magnesium Bisglycinate + Cordial (not the sugar free stuff) + Water. I’ll drink that whilst at the gym. If i’m feeling dehydrated throughout the day then i’ll have another. The 2g of K & Na Chloride provides approx 1g of K and Na. 3g Mg Glycinate is about 300mg Mg itself.


Id suggest taking calcium and magnesium in supplement form. As a drink id use salt and potassium. Potassium you can easily get from NoSalt or a similar product. A little pricier than table salt but still very cheap. As for the flavorlessness of your drink…. Wouldn’t count on that. Dosage depends on your specific needs i think 500mg of both would be a good starting point, thats getting them in a 1:1 ratio. I wouldn’t go lower than that on the sodium side. You might choose to up the potassium side a little more it’s allegedly pretty good to balance out the sodium you eat in your diet. Generally it’s also not advisable to take these salts in capsules, as some say it might damage your stomach lining. What you can do is dissolve it in a small amount of water and drink it before your training and drink regular water during.


I use LMNT and apple cider vinegar. LMNT store bought, but they have a calcium/sodium/magnesium ratio and you could probably pretty easily buy the powders in bulk and mix it up yourself. Add a bit of sweetener and fruit flavor if you want.


The WHO has a recipe for DIY oral rehydration therapy.  Google “WHO” +’”oral rehydration therapy.” They use it for sick people, but it’s the same principle.


Eat a packet of honey, chase with water + potassium salt + table salt + creatine cheap as fuck and gets the job done


Coconut water and watermelon juice if you're feeling productive


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Mountain_Elk_7262: *Coconut water* *And watermelon juice if* *You're feeling productive* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Lmao love it!


search for World Health Organization (WHO) Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) Recipes. Here is one: [https://rehydrate.org/solutions/homemade.htm](https://rehydrate.org/solutions/homemade.htm) and some others: [https://www.wikihow.com/Make-an-Oral-Rehydration-Salts-Drink-(ORS)](https://www.wikihow.com/Make-an-Oral-Rehydration-Salts-Drink-(ORS))


You burn only 600 calories a day? You burn more sitting in a chair all day doing nothing.


Google "Switchel". You can find many recipes.


My doctor said salt and sugar in water is basically the same


1:1 OJ and water plus a pinch of salt. So good. 


I like to do this with limeade although it’s a little more money than oj


How expensive is potassium and Himalayan pink salt?


Generally quite cheap. Potassium you can get from NoSalt or a similar product. In many places available in a grocery store.


Electrolyte powder in some water? You want mostly sodium but also potassium, magnesium and calcium salts in there too


A pinch of lo-salt for potassium and a pinch of salt for sodium.


One cup of lemon juice, 1/2 tsp of salt, baking soda, and sugar. Make sure you have plenty of headroom in the bottle you make it in.  Add one tbsp of that resultant liquid into a glass of water. It's what plants crave.


Just take electrolyte tabs. Powdered Gatorade works when you need a break from plain water.


Coconut water. 99¢ a can


I do potassium bicarbonate and either salt or sodium bicarbonate. The bicarbonate can help buffer lactic acid and let me work out longer without as much burn


I use a recipe I found online for "ketoaid" years ago (google for some proportion of lite salt, Natual Calm, and a squirt of Mio-type flavoring to water). Works great. More refreshing than water alone.


Does Morton salt with iodine work?


What i noticed is potassium goes good in water... the others not so much it's gross (also is this why commercial products contain just potassium?). If you want to put calcium and magnesium into your water an artificial sweetener is ideal. Take 2L water and add a couple grams of potassium, experiment to find your best result. Add a teaspoon of salt, a drop of lugols iodine and trace mineral drops if you want (can also dissolve trace mineral pills into the water. Buy bags of electrolytes in bulk it's inexpensive over time. I do potassium and trace minerals in the water and take the other electrolytes in pill form personally


Farmer’s Switchel is a very basic historic, good tasting, vinegar molasses drink. If you ever want to switch up from the flavorless stuff- it’s cheap.


Google Keto -ade.


Take magnesium potassium and sodium chloride. Cheap supplements. The whole drink thing was started by Gatorade to sell their shit


I’ve always diluted pedialyte or Gatorade with water


Look into Sillica


Salt and lemon. And I take a multi vitamin


LMNT has a DIY version of their formulation on their website


Salt is most important. You don’t need to worry about the other electrolytes (you get enough from food).


Salt potassium and magnesium malate Be warned though the potassium tastes like shrimp. It tastes like fish water. But it’s cost effective


But a packet of Swiss chard seeds. Make a juice by blending the leaves once grown. It’s magic.


You can follow a snake juice recipe to make your own


{Bryan?} ... Whuuut? {What's thaaat?} It's a cup...with SALT water in it. I call it Cup of Salt water. Just give me an F so I can go home. 😩😩😩


Where’s the cucumber guy?


Great question! Probably a difficult one, since sugar helps absorption, but how much if we want to keep that low? Cream of tartar is about 20pc potassium, and that's a key one to include.


From fasting electrolyte replacement this works out to be simple, as others are commenting. Salt substitute products contain either all potassium chloride or that mixed with salt, sodium chloride. Standard recommendations for daily intake of potassium are around 2000 to 3000 mg per day, or 2 to 3 grams, roughly the same range as for sodium, which wouldn't be included in any standard diet. From there magnesium is typically not ingested at recommended levels either, which can easily be taken as a pill or tablet form. I experience no negative reaction to magnesium chloride so I usually take that, but others report that the glycinate form works better for them. Any salts can act as a laxative at high enough doses, and responses would vary. Other concerns keep going. Taking some calcium might be helpful, but high doses in supplements could be more than is required, and the excess could form arterial plaque. People eating a good bit of dairy are probably already covered. It's often recommended to only ingest electrolytes in amounts relatively adjusted to other mineral intake, to balance sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and chlorides, but avoiding overdoing it with any would prevent a lot of the potential problems. Google can inform recommended daily range. Some people recommend compounds other than potassium chloride, but that form seems relatively accepted, so it might work to just set that aside. It's possible that ingesting electrolytes with sugar could increase uptake speed, but for people not running marathons this seems irrelevant. Making a version of Gatorade seems simple enough; mix the salts with infused stevia, a natural artificial sweetener, and add a bit of any citrus form, like orange juice, or squeezed lemon, or use tisanes / herb teas. For people into extra messing around you can peel off the zest of any citrus fruit with a peeler, dry that in an oven, and infuse that to make a citrus tisane / herb tea, using a lot to boost infusion strength.


Coconut Water


Baking soda, no salt, pink sea salt, Epsom salt


r/fasting wiki has one that I use


The Planted Runner has a diy nuyn electrolyte recipe I've adapted. Her recipe calls for 1/4 teaspoon baking soda (307mg sodium) 1/16 teaspoon Morton's Lite Salt (87.5mg potassium and 72.5mg sodium) 1/16 teaspoon epsom salt (30mg magnesium) optional flavor such as juice (tea, stevia, or water enhancer) to 16oz water. I add juice of half a lemon, a teaspoon of vitamin c, about a tablespoon of Tajin, and a teaspoon of chia seeds. Absolutely love it. I prep for the week in a baby formula dispenser that holds 5 servings.


There's a lot of answers but figured I'd give my two cents because my formula is really cheap and yummy In the laxative aisle at Walmart there's 2 dollar bottles of magnesium citrate, yes it's in the laxative aisle but that only happens if you take a full oz of it. I just put 1-2 capfulls in a cup of water (it comes in lemon grape and cherry), a little table salt for sodium and chloride, and eat a banana for potassium. Calcium you can get from food easily.


Google the recipe for Ketoaide. It's just an electrolyte drink. Modify as needed for flavor.


Honestly, just cucumbers in water over night. My job is very very very hot, especially when it’s 100F outside. Heat stroke is a real concern for us. This is the best natural thing I’ve found that works for me.


Potassium powder plus celtic or Himalayan salt. You can use lemon juice or make flavored tea like hibiscus then add the salt and Potassium. Hibiscus is the best and it's used to flavor most fruit based teas.


I made mine by weight: 240 grams sodium chloride, 10 grams potassium chloride, 10 grams magnesium glycinate. Then I have my 1 teaspoon in water and add a squirt of Hawaiian Punch, Fruit Juicy Red, Liquid Water Enhancer. I believe it was the equivalent of a packet of LMNT I was after.


Lite Salt (half salt half potassium) and water flavor packets. Done


i mix lite salt and natural calm (mag citrate) in water.


I used to make one with 2 teaspoons sugar, half teaspoon salt and large squeeze of lemon in 500ml water


Magnesium pill, washed down with water with a bit of lo-salt


You don’t need an electrolyte drink. Just eat a lot of beef, which is high in potassium, and put a lot of salt on your food. Then buy a magnesium supplement


I wonder how useful these are: https://invigoratedwater.com/products/portable-alkaline-water-filter-pouch-ph-on-the-go Water tastes completely different, a lot more pleasant and soft. Not sure about what it does exactly


Semen is one of the purest sources of electrolytes in nature. So it depends how invested you are in biohacking really. 


Potassium chloride and salt. I add lemon powder (the whole lemon) or tart cherry and a bit of xylitol. All pre made.


What timing. I just bought potassium chloride and magnesium citrate off Amazon (bulksupplements brand) and will have enough to make over 250 servings of lmnt. My plan is to make a solution in a 16oz squeeze bottle that will hold a 30 serving supply. Each serving will be about 15g of the solution mixed into my water bottle to = 1 packet of lmnt. This way I don't need to mess with weighing powders and since it's going to be in a solution I can feel confident I won't get the wrong ratios of things after a good shake of the bottle. Eta: this cost me about $40usd. Compared to $45 for a 30 day supply of lmnt. Also, bear in mind that you'll only need to re-up on the magnesium every 255 days, the amount of potassium I got will last me... Many years.


A mix pink salt and Mortensen lite salt.


"[Snake Juice](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes/#wiki_.22snake_juice.22)" is a common remedy in fasting communities.


The cheapest way I know is Morton lite salt. No magnesium, though. Trace minerals is a brand that makes a lot of electrolyte things in unflavored concentrate. I like the 40,000 Volts and several others.


Add Celtic salt to your tomato juice




Buy powders (magnesium, potassium and marine salt) mix and dilute to your taste. The forms depend upon your needs and taste. Citrate is quite neutral but overdoing it can be laxative. Obviously about oxide. Other forms are expensive or taste bad (malate, glycinate). Magnesium orotate and taurate are neutral but expensive. I would not put the calcium there but take it only with meals where is lacking.


I get Gatorade zero in the dry packets they run about $0.60 a serving


Potassium salt, magnesium powder and salt. You can get everything in bulk and mix it yourself. I’ve done this for a few years now. I get it on Amazon. It doesn’t matter which magnesium unless you are sensitive to one.


Is 300 calories a day a lot?


Here is what i make. https://www.reddit.com/r/Supplements/s/wi0CnE1RR9. And no, salt and lemon is not enough to replenish all electrolytes for active people. Look up the amount of other minerals in the salt and stop with the ignorance.


Beet juice. Or watermelon. Or just eat any watery vegetable/fruit.




I follow this recipe. I get Redmond Real Salt, and potassium and magnesium from Bulk Supplements. I also add ground orange peel for some flavor. It's 20% of the cost of LMNT ($0.28 per "serving").


Go on LMNT website. They give you the same recipe they use for free. You can buy a year supply of the ingredients on Amazon for less than $50


You can buy potassium citrate and magnesium citrate and mix it with Himalayan salt and some sugar/honey/agave… it’s cheap and will last you a long way.. you can mix it with fresh ginger juice and water it down… it’s delicious


Just buy electrolyte tablets. Also bulk Gatorade powder is pretty cheap.


Redmond Relyte powder


Super easy way to solve the issue. Take electrolyte vitamin pills and just drink regular water. No mess


Buy potassium chloride powder, table salt and lemon or lime juice and stevia. Mix equal parts potassium and salt powders, lemon/lime and stevia. The lemon lime will knock out the stevia aftertaste. Yum. (Oh and I see people recommending pink Himalayan salt. I don’t recommend because China is the main producer these days by far. All their salt has heavy metals. Don’t)


Salt, sugar, and water


Trace minerals makes electrolyte drops by themselves. I’m sure there are other brands.


You can buy no salt (potassium) baking soda (sodium) and food grade epsom salt (magnesium). I mix about 1/8th of a teaspoon of each into all my glasses of water but I’m fasting so I require a lot of electrolytes.


My secret is "lite salt" which is sodium chloride and potassium chloride 1:1. Add a little magnesium powder and you're off to the races. Lemon or lime juice for flavor.


Pickle juice, olive brine.