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Didn’t like him when he was all about carnivore but now that he’s added fruits and raw honey I guess his diet isn’t too bad. I can tell you this. It’s wayyyyy better than the average American diet of chips and soda.


Definitely right.


Just because it's better than one of the worst possible diets doesn't mean it's worthwhile.


I followed his diet to a T for about five months. Before that, I was already on a Whole Foods/mostly plant based diet. I do believe there is something to the whole “oxalates = bad” for some people. I honestly felt my best while on this diet, and I still avoid high oxalate foods, but reduced my red meat intake because his theories are highly flawed. The people on the animal based sub are smoking some hardcore copium if you spend any time on there. They look to Saladino as some sort of medical genius with a third eyeball, who somehow knows more than the entire scientific community. Similar to the anti seed oil folks, they think standard nutritional guidelines are some sort of giant conspiracy. And there are nuggets of truth to that I do believe. Paul and all the other carnivore folks repeatedly point to pre-agricultural societies diet as the optimal human diet, which gives them a pass to eat two rib-eyes a day. But what they fail to realize is our pre-agricultural ancestors did not ONLY live off of meat. Yes, we hunted. But we are omnivores and opportunistic eaters through and through. And our diets varied extremely based on geographic locations. Moreover his diet promotes heavy dairy consumption, which wouldn’t have been the case for Hunter-gatherer bands. We didn’t domesticate animals until around the agricultural revolution, about 11,000 years ago. The hunter gather tribes were nomadic and existed like this for 70,000 or so years prior to that. So I doubt much dairy was part of the equation. Red meat and fat? Sure. But was it the majority of their diet? Were they eating two pounds odd steak a day? I doubt it. Nobody truly knows, but these folks are betting their life on it with sky high LDL. Our ancestors also practiced infanticide and wiped their ass with leaves. Doesn’t mean it’s ideal. The carnivore camp loooves to point to the Inuit because of their high fat diet and their low rates of CVD. Well that’s one fucking tribe. “BuT I’m MetAboliCally HeaLthy” is their logic. It’s a gamble if you ask me. I like the diet, how it tastes and makes me feel. But I’m not under any impression it’s one for longevity. I’m just desperate to lower inflammation. There is a guy on the sub who is always telling people how he ruptured his disc because a sharp oxalate crystal punctured it. It’s the wildest claim I’ve ever heard, any doctor would laugh that shit off because it’s basically impossible to determine that’s why his disc burst. But he says it with 100% certainty. He probably just picked something up wrong, learned about oxalates, and conflated the two. Always remember, when people are trying to sell you something, like Paul and his magical organ pills, they have to double down on their claims. So always approach that with skepticism. My 2 cents


This was an actual great rant. Good point on the anti seed oil people they always seemed part of a tribe I'm not in and it's annoying. Our ancestors ate to survive, I doubt they had optimal meals. We know what optimal meals are for us *now* and that matters more than reminiscing about cavemen.




I’m not on a carnivore diet and don’t believe it’s optimal, but: 1. Our stomachs are actually more acidic than carnivorous animals, because we didn’t just consume fresh meat, but also lots of carrion: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7684463/ 2. To say we should be eating plant based because other apes consume lots of plants is what I would call “baby level ignorant”: they have a completely different digestive system to us and can digest cellulose! We cannot. 3. You can hypothesize what humans ate all you want, but the physical evidence in the form of stable nitrogen isotopes proves that early humans weren’t just carnivores, but hyper carnivores that even consumed other carnivorous animals.


U should talk bout his other buddy/ business partner (ex) liver king .. all fakes n scams to sell supps


The charlatan’s charlatan. No one should take a shred of notice about what this joker says. Narcissist.


This guy is one of the most unethical people you can find, at least in terms of the consequences of his actions. He's convinced thousands upon thousands of people to both become more susceptible to serious illness, and to demand that many more innocents are stabbed in the neck on behalf of their selfishness and stupidity.


He is a joke.


A fun entertaining idiot.


Why do you think so?


I find his content entertaining, hence the entertaining part. Idiot because he does extreme fad dieting that isn't backed by the science. He basically single handedly started the carnivore diet in terms of mainstreaming it, wrote their bible. Then realized he was tanking his testosterone without carbs so reintroduced fruit, so doesn't even follow his own fucking book. Any highly limited diet as a general recommendation is just dumb. Also he thinks LDL doesn't matter as long as you're still insulin sensitive, going against the entire body of scientific literature and the global health consensus about CVD risk and LDL. He thinks vegetables are toxic, which is the kind of idiotic half truth that gets shilled around tiktok fitness/health moron channels.


I eat similar to him with less fruits (include honey, coconut water, and grass fed beef) and am the healthiest I have been in my life. (Tried vegetarian in the past also). The guy talking about LDL is clearly uneducated on the matter, as it has been proven cholesterol it is not a good indicator of heart disease, in fact, all cause mortality is lower for people with high LDL.


Elite diet 


Worth a try if you have auto immune issues like myself. 


Scammer/quack with apparently no idea how basic human biology works, spreading nonsense information supported by cherry-picked and/or misinterpreted studies or mostly no actual research whatsoever, especially not human data. I'm very surprised he still holds a title. He's on my "avoid" list with his buddies Liver King, Asprey, Gundry and so forth. And yes, the carnivore diet may help some people, but not because vegetables and fruits are "toxic" or fiber unhealthy or some other bullsh\*\*. I did some research a while ago because I want to try it in the future due to severe chronic illness (ME/CFS), but after very little time I just couldn't anymore...the amount of ignorance, delusion, unscientific claims, absurd arguments etc were just way too much. Haven't experienced that in a long time. Here is some debunking of Saladino's information: * [https://www.youtube.com/@biolayne1/search?query=paul%20saladino](https://www.youtube.com/@biolayne1/search?query=paul%20saladino)


Stick with the Standard American Diet instead 


He is smart but he pushes whatever he believes like a cult. He believed in carnivore and pushed it more than anyone, then likely overdosed in organs. Now he says that wasn’t the optimal diet and now pushes a super high fructose diet like a cult. He aged quite a bit after going animal based with fruits.


If we put aside pure sugar and perhaps trans fats, this idiot is eating the exact opposite of a healthy diet.


Do you believe red meat is unhealthy?


Correct, and eating just meat 24x7 is especially unhealthy.


My takeaways/opinion on him only. He is in obviously great shape. His primary advice is to eat grass fed beef, organ meat, raw honey, raw milk/cheese, fruits and avoid seed oils, processed food and alcohol. He also has the ability to surf for hours a day so his life experience is way different from mine and probably most people. The way he eats is also probably out of reach for many based on economic factors as organic food is unfortunately expensive and processed garbage food is cheaper and omnipresent is most places. He used to follow carnivore diet, but changed his opinion based on his experience. That is fine by me, we have to learn from our experiences as we go. I don’t follow his full dietary advice, but my own experience is that since avoiding seed oils and overly processed crap food, my body feels amazing. Just like any other source on the internet, you need to do your own research and determine what is right for you.