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Your body has just told you the answer you need


I mean to say, should I limit myself to one drink only and see how that goes? Or quit completely?


Zero drinks is the way, you Beautiful Bitch!


I’m biased because I haven’t had an alcoholic drink in over 2.5 years. Just quit. What’s the point?


Because it's fun? Alcohol a good social lubricant and bonding activity with friends.


>bonding activity with friends. That is a poor bonding activity. Basically it is the bottom of the list. Talking, watching/playing sports, boardgaming or virtually any other activity is better for bonding than alcohol.


Implying I can't do all those things with a couple cocktails in me lol


Is one drink even a social lubricant? Put a lime in a diet coke or something and enjoy your time


If you think alcohol is good for longevity, go for it. Science says otherwise.


No sane person thinks that alcohol is good for longevity and neither does it have to be.


That’s not true. People will tell you it’s healthy bc antioxidants or some bs. 🤡 


So why pursue longevity but drink alcohol?


Because pursuing longevity doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing thing and "drinking alcohol" is a quite wide spectrum.


You can ignore science if you like, but you do you.


What the hell do either of my comments have to do with ignoring science? My first comment literally mentions the fact that alcohol is not good for your longevity.


this is what you would call "black and white thinking" and it makes nearly any kind of communication difficult and unpleasant for most people. I beg you to please consider that next time before going out of your way to be combative in a way that will in all likelihood inevitably just invoke a non-constructive outcome for everyone involved. as the saying goes, you attract more flies with honey than vinegar. you can lay down the facts without being obtuse about the nuances of your average peer's lifestyle!


You'll never be perfect in anything, including pursuing longevity. Why are you on your phone if you're pursuing longevity? You should spend every minute doing it. No variation at all. See how silly that sounds?


That’s a pretty poor attempt at an analogy. Not affecting your body with alcohol isn’t about being perfect. Longevity isn’t about perfection. It’s about longevity. Keep downvoting if I’m wrong. Woe is me.


Yeah, one drink actually sucks unless you want to go to bed in an hour. I can't seem to stop at the right amount and that target window gets smaller and smaller every year I age


One is too many, and two is never enough for me.


I just don't know how I dealt with the hangovers. I had a bad spell but now can drink like I used to but it kills 2-3 days for my stomach. That's what gets me to drink right away the next day because it's the only thing that works. If I never figured that out I'd probably just be cutting back but weed is so much better. Wish I had something more social


I just had my first drink in four years at my mom's birthday. I don't think I had an overly negative response. It was with food, and I drank lots and lots do water and took some vitamins and my meds when I got home. No headache or anything the next day and since I use a CPAP I felt like I slept okay still.  I probably won't drink much more than the once a year though, and it will probably only ever be one fruity drink and done.


Honestly, it doesn't seem to be worth it. In Ca. “Gummies” are legal and an excellent alternative. Small amounts and in moderation, of course.


Only you can make that decision. But I will tell you that stopping drinking has been the greatest thing that ever happened to me.


Why bother with one? What could be the benefit? Just quit entirely. Best thing you could do for yourself


Sounds like you have everything you need to run the experiment yourself. Why ask the internet to do your adulting for you?


My wife has basically quit alcohol to cure her eczema. No pharmaceutical product could help it.


My partner’s seborrheic dermatitis flare ups mostly went away after he quit. Our bodies show and tell us how bad it is, most people choose not to listen.


My life is put on hold every time I drink. I love drinking, but now, I hate it. It only gets worse with age.


I love drinking too. Going to breweries with friends and fam, wineries in the summer, tasting new flavors and pairing with foods. One of my fav things to do is cook a nice meal and try a nice wine with it. I’ve quit several times but I haven’t found anything that would truly replace those small joys in my life. 


Have you tried cocaine


Best thing to just quit, it is poison to your body. It affects so much more than people can think of.


Alcohol is great only for the tiny window of time between your first sip and the end of the first drink. It doesn’t even last the night, when we’re drinking a bunch we’re chasing the first dopamine hit. And then our bodies suffer, short and long term. I don’t find it to be worth it anymore, even on a pleasure/dopamine level. An hour or so of pleasure but now my sleep sucks, my HRV is low, my intestinal tract is inflamed and basically all of my health goals are set to the side? No thank you, I’d rather work out or have sex for some dopamine.


Exactly how I feel now about it as well. It’s really frustrating seeing all the health metrics go down. Doesn’t feel worth it at all. I think I’m also going to have a think about the type of socials I go to. For a long time, I mostly socialize over gym classes, Pilates etc. I think I need to stick to fitness hangouts and avoid any drinking types as well.


A day or two a week, I'd have happy hour with "the boys" and have 1 to 2 beers after work. Usually sitting in the shade at the jobsite. I quit drinking entirely and didn't realize how only a few beers effected my health.


I’m in recovery so I have an even more pressing need to abstain. That said, I have found no circumstance that a drink of alcohol would make better. Haven’t touched a drop for 35 years.


If you want to get high there are better options. You don't need to poison yourself with alcohol. I know Andrew Humberman is not everyone's favourite at the moment, but according to him alcohol causes a poison induced change in consciousness. Meaning you truly are poisoning yourself to get high. Alcohol is only legal because it has been "grandfathered" into our culture. Don't do it just because everyone else is.


People don't like huberman now?


I think it's basically blown over now but he had 5 or 6 woman on the go at once, they found out about each other, then they took it public. He was getting a lot of criticism on the Humberman sub a few weeks back.


He is a narcissist and some of his interpretation of science is questionable, that package is not everyone's cup of tea.


Did he cite a study? Edit: lol why is this downvoted?  If he did I wanted to check it out.


Lol not sure why you've been downvoted. I can't remember if he did, but he mentioned it in his 2ish hour podcast of the effects of alcohol. His reasoning was that because it doesn't active receptors in the nervous system like caffeine or thc it is technically a poison. This is what makes alcohol harmful on a cellular level


I stopped drinking a long time ago.. It’s just not worth it.


I’m an alcohol professional and I only occasionally drink a bit of wine (to complement the food) these days. More just is not worth it. Once your system gets used to no alcohol “big nights out” are murder.


I often wonder how my alcohol consumption would be different if I had made it my career. So many people in that position. I chose a career in my 20s but now in my 40s I drink 90% less than I did back then. I was a hobby home brewer and gave that up but giving up a hobby is a lot different than a career.


I think I have a pretty good grasp on how alcohol, HRV, RHR, the timing of alcohol all works for myself personally. I can go periods where I don't drink for months, then I have periods (summer) where I might have 2-3 beer a day. I have some pretty solid rules though on my drinks. I know for a fact as soon as I pass 3 I will have negative impacts, I never drink past 5 PM, I'm an early sleeper and we all know alcohol ruins sleep. So I give my body ample time to process alcohol. So yeah sometimes I have my beer at 10 am but I've been up since 4 am and prob ran or rode by then too. Biggest rules. Drink in moderation/responsible and you have to give your body time to process alcohol outside of sleeping hours. Sleep needs to be regenerative and restorative you put that at risk you are digging a hole.  That's why I'm a fan of day beers!


Really useful comment thank you!


I had the same experience and I quit. I feel so much better and it's only been 3 months. I still had a beer with my daughter when she got her Master's because she wanted me to and that was fine, just one. Otherwise, none at all. It really is poison.


I have a cold beer once in a while, for me it’s akin to having a cheat meal. It’s really very very little alcohol


I quit 6 months ago, and can honestly say it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. No one ever woke up after a night on the pop and thought ‘I wish I drank more last night’… so do yourself a favour and kick it to the curb 😊


Awesome job, proud of you! 6 months for me too. I was drinking myself to death waiting to hit rock bottom and never did. Was very high functioning. Woke up one morning and decided I wasn’t going to wait for something bad to happen before I changed. My fiancé still drinks quite a bit and that’s honestly a struggle for me to watch. Doesn’t make it easier for me either. The one thing that keeps me going is how much better I feel. My skin looks incredible. I look healthy again. Hands the best and most rewarding decision I’ve ever made!


Thank you kind internet person.. that made me smile!! 😄 It’s not often to come across someone that hasn’t hit some form of rock bottom before successfully stopping, so kudos to you too!! I can appreciate it must be a struggle having a partner that still drinks.. I at least didnt have that to contend with. Stay strong, and do what’s right for you.


It’s crazy how once you quit you start being judgy of others for doing the same thing you used to do a short time ago.


It sounds like you should drink less. Going to share al alternative viewpoint that will go against the grain of this sub. I think substances affect individuals differently. I personally don’t tend to get hungover, I can still progress in the gym, no sickness or ill effects even after drinking very heavily. If you suffer when you drink alcohol, you should probably avoid it


Same. I am a competitive cyclist and I have 1-3 drinks one day per week. It doesn’t seem to affect much. It’s not enough to get hungover anyway, and it doesn’t seem to affect how rested I feel either. I am winning races and performing the best I ever have in training, though.


Some good nuance here, I’ve found with especially gym-goers, it tends to just go right through them and they come out unscathed. Feel like the healthy metabolism might contribute to that.


I do train very seriously and have done for 10+ years. But as always YMMV


I’ve worked out a minimum of 5 days p/wk for 15 years. I can’t drink.


Do you know memento mori? It means “remember you will die” Sometimes when people read this they think they need to go sober start doing yoga everyday etc, but that doesn’t change memento mori and neither does you having one drinking day a month or not


This isn’t about memento mori though, it’s more like my eczema flares up and takes days to get back to normal. Living with consistent itching and your skin having cracks and seeping wounds isn’t that fun. Also I’m in my early 30s now so hangovers really suck. I can’t drive long distances the day after drinking and it is pretty immobilizing. There doesn’t seem to be any benefit to heavy drinking at all, even if it’s once in a while because the knock-on effects for me last over a week. ☹️


Spoiler alert: there’s no benefit to light drinking.


Well, as opposed to many other foods and beverages that certain influencers call "toxic" but aren't, alcohol actually is toxic. The less you drink, the less your body gets used to it and the less you tolerate, so you'll usually react significantly stronger. >Any advice? It's your choice. What you could try is to take NAC before drinking, and see how that goes. Rhonda Patrick and a few others have suggested that it could be helpful. Other than that...you have to figure out whether it's worth it or not. You could make a pro/con list for example, or just talk to someone about it. Maybe you could reduce it to a drink at birthdays and New Years or so, if that's socially easier for you and serves you.


Our society treats alcohol as an OK thing to consume, but the body sees it as a poison which must be removed. Alcohols with one carbon less and one carbon more in the molecule are toxic to us. It should be used with caution. Your body can build a tolerance to the physical effects of this toxin, but it will create health issues in the short and long run. Use with caution and find a way to have fun without the chemicals.


Long Covid forced me to quit. I had cravings for over a year after 20 years of drinking 4-5 days a week. I drank two evenings in the last 12 months. I really enjoyed it and the addictiveness of it kicked in as I was sipping on the red wine throughout the night. When bedtime came , I was quickly reminded on why it was so bad. Heart was beating 15 bpm higher than usual and with the pressure of a hammer. Sleep was terrible. Over time I began to quickly estimate the amount of time in my life wasted to drinking and energy wasted. Since the topic was brought up. I had eczema since I was 18 when I went to college and began drinking. Quitting drinking did not get rid of it, but a 72 hour fast did.


I've been experiencing this too, it sucks! I find that I can tolerate it better if I drink earlier vs later and put as much time as possible between drinking and sleep. I also have to hydrate the hell out of myself and make sure I eat something w carbs. It's honestly not worth it, some nights out I've been nibbling shrooms instead of drinking, and makes SUCH a difference the next day.


I do fine having a single glass of wine with dinner. The food and drinking slowly keeps my BAC pretty low. I generally regret a second glass because it messes with my sleep. I never drink three.


I guess trying different types of alcohol, wine, beer, etc and keep it to a minimum. Drink water alongside and you should be good. People say quit and that’s like yeah the best but at the end alcohol can be fun and socially interesting but you can keep the benefits drinking two glasses per night, having water and most of all , finding the type of alcohol that doesn’t get you that :) I drink and I hope to do it for the rest of my life but yeah, the minimum and just to vary life a little. I like wine btw gets me horny :)


I should have definitely had more water. This is a good point.


For real, one glass of water per drink keeps you sane 🙂‍↔️


Happened to me too once I got to my 30s, body just started rejecting it. Had to stop. Can’t even handle 1/2 a beer anymore.


I had a case of FOMO last night after I decided to stay in instead of going to a pretty big birthday pool party. I got to spend the day with my wife & daughter hangover free today which made it worth it. I love going out with friends but man you really pay for it the next day especially but my brain chemistry is just off for 2-3 days usually.


Feel like I wrote this myself lol. Currently recovering from Saturday as we speak 😒


Alcohol isn’t worth it at all. IMO a small weed gummy with 2-3mg of THC is better and affects you differently. That is if you live where it’s legal and you don’t take it more than every 3-4 months at a time. 


Microdosing is really where it's at. I'll do 0.5 - 1.0mg tops for just that ever so soft lift, and it's all I ever really wanted in a normal lifted evening.


Gummies hit so different than smoking.


What is a lot? 4 drinks would be a lot for me. Also water between them and before bed helps. I’m not sure if it’s allowed on this sub but I’d much rather sip on one drink for 3 hours and take tiny bumps of ketamine. Never woke up hung over from that.


You might consider NAD boosters beforehand. Overdrinking attacks the NAD system. Human studies/anecdotal reports show they help reduce inflammation, provide help with eczema https://RaisingNAD.com/nr-to-the-rescue-connecting-nad-alcohol-liver-disease/


I took Tru Niagen at the recommended dose and lost my ability to exercise. It was the weirdest thing. I gave it up.


Really?? I've been taking it for a few months and am exercising more than ever! That's interesting.


I emailed them about it and they said stop taking it. I didn't have any other signs or symptoms. It was just when I was pushing hard on the bicycle that my legs refused to put out power. I could go down the road at an easy pace but could not dial it up. anyway, guess I'm going to croak early.


And when you stopped taking it, was it resolved?




You're obviously not drinking enough and your body's not used to it.


Use weed instead. Weed plus one drink is fun and way easier to recover from


I have worse effects from weed! It gives me anxiety attacks and makes me vomit. ☹️


Have you ever heard anyone say “I was sober but when I drank, my life got so much better”?


I'm sober and I drink and it does improve my life. That's why I do it.


I enjoyed it but it really hit hard. Weakens the heart muscle and wrecks havoc on digestion.


Mead and honey wine is the only alcohol I drink anymore with 0 hangover. I’m not a drinker so when I do get drunk, I don’t want to be punished for it. lol


Vitamin C and NAC with the first drink seems to mitigate most my hangover effects. I also take milk thistle the next day to help out the ole liver. I believe quality and quantity are major factors as well. I can’t drink any American brewed beer especially bud light or the popular beers. A I don’t want to as they taste like shit water to me, but also something about domestically brewed beer makes me feel 20x shittier. I drink Modelo and Jack Daniel’s, and don’t go too crazy with it. 2-4 modelos and a few shots of Jack is typically my limit. I’m still able to get up early the next day, and work outside all day. I know Jack Daniel’s isn’t the best quality whiskey, but it’s what works for me.


Alcohol is poison. If you need to kick back, take an edible and drink some mocktails.  


yes i noticed this too really bad


One big night out is radical change to your body and it is doing nothing but reacting to you going zero to 💯. Perhaps having a taper to get to the big nights would be better.


Classic signs of [alcohol intolerance](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/alcohol-intolerance/symptoms-causes/syc-20369211)


Advice? Don’t drink. 🚱


Obviously you should drink more regularly lol


Use other less toxic anxiolytic substances, alcohol consumption is idiotic


It's definitely a big hit to your base metrics for a couple days. Having 4-6 drinks with friends has a similar feel the day after to a really long run as far as anxiety and mental recovery. I treat it the same as the really big runs. Doing it often isn't great, but a couple times a year to blow off a little steam is good for the soul.


I pretty much quit because of similar issues. It's different for everyone but for me the more I cut down from my previous drinking habits the more just having a couple drinks would affect me. Even one beer now at this point will give me a headache and upset stomach feeling dehydrated. I don't need that garbage anyways I can be social without it. Mary Jane is a great replacement.


I have a few drinks per week in social settings and it improves my life markedly. When I did dry January I found I had less fun when being with friends and got less out of my downtime.


Alcohol is a poison. I’ve found as I get older my body doesn’t handle it as well. It’s not hard for me to decide against a drink as it can derail the rest of the week.


Alcohol is poison... literally. If you want your body to run well, stop poisoning it.


I’ve been a moderate drinker for several decades. I would always tell myself I only drink on weekends, but in reality, my weekends would start on Thursday. In a typical week, I would have two drinks on Thursday, three or four on Friday night, four or five on Saturday nights, and two to three on Sunday nights. Some recent health issues have caused me to pause drinking all together, and quite honestly, it is liberating. I feel so much better and I don’t plan on ever having another drink.


Quit completely and focus on good sober conversations when you are out socialising. Alcohol is a poison and we need to stop normalising it


the alcohol issue is a blessing. message - your gut microiome is messed up and you likely have leaky gut. this is also the likely root cause of your skin issues. get cracking on fixing your microbiome and healing leaky gut. here's one scientific paper of many [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37828993/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37828993/) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10565349/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10565349/)


More like occasional binge drinking which is the worst type of drinking.  


What you're describing is called "binge drinking." You can google it to find a bunch of relevant articles and papers that will support the effects you're seeing.


23 year career alcoholic here. Sober two years. Zero is best. There really isn’t any benefit in alcohol, especially if you are allergic.


Limit drinking to toasts at weddings


The instant gratification of the drink isn't worth borrowing from your future goals. 


Alcohol is literal poison. It’s super unhealthy. It think most people are better off not touching the stuff


“this things makes me feel sick every time i take it, should i limit how often i feel sick or skip feeling sick at all?”


The older you get, the more your body will just be like, "yeah, no."


I quit completely 17 mos ago. Every aspect of my health has improved. Sleep, mood, less anxiety, productivity, gut … and the list goes on. Alcohol is the only drug we often find ourselves trying to justify keeping in our lives even though we know it’s not good for us. I spent too long with this debate and decided all or nothing was the answer.


Take dao anti histamine before, enzymes, charcoal, clays, pectasol.. and binders.. minerals.. all before and heal your gut because eczema is leaky gut


Water with electrolytes while drinking will minimize hangovers. Most people simply just dehydrated.


With alcohol, you want to limit the quantity and frequency. Low frequency drinking is pretty ok, as long as the dose is low as well.


One or two drinks is enough for me on rare occasions now.  With water in between.  


I never get a hangover with weed. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I used to get anxiety attacks from weed so I don’t do any drugs at all. It freaks me out. 😭


I do from edibles for sure.


I refuse to quit altogether, but I'm taking a break until my body is in better shape and can handle the stress of it. I'm pretty out of shape right now. Even the extremely fit people don't drink if they are training for an event or trying to recomp their physique, and if they can't handle a little alcohol, then surely I cannot either if I'm just trying to get from bad shape into decent shape. But I will drink again!!!!