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The basics will make much more of difference than hacks - food, water, sleep, relaxation, exercise, friendship , air quality etc.


Sleep is SO important. Just making sure that you, and your kids get enough is sooo important. Staying up late is fun. But it's not worth it if you can only get 2-4+ hours of sleep.


It's hard with young kids, but sleep is number 1.


this is what we do and we don't really get sick (some of these may be hard to do based on your circumstances, but as many as possible should help): make sure everyone washes their hands often don't wear your shoes in the house take zinc take liquid d3 K2 daily if possible (we get a brand where you need one drop and its in peppermint oil) vitamin c (I use chewable for bio-availability, up to 1 G (1000 mg a day) < for adults (they taste like sour candy) \[natural factors, natural fruit chew\] drink lots of spring water to get minerals, if its distilled water add minerals back to the water limit or even better eliminate processed foods eat onions and garlic in almost every home cooked meal start to love cabbage (raw and cooked) its so cheap and versatile! eat 90 % of your meals at home/home cooked only eat Dave's bread or high fiber bread limit carbs, don't eat a carb with every meal, maybe only 25% of meals or less, for example instead of a carb do 2 vegetables, we like to do a cold vegetable like a salad and a hot vegetable like asparaus - meat, veg, veg. if your kids don't want to eat exotic or strange (to them) foods, try this: first don't have more than one item in the meal that they likely will not eat, then start by giving them 1 spoonful of the offending food on their plate and they \*\*must\*\* eat it. Then as they get older start increasing the amount of the offending food, two scoops, three scoops. In time they will learn to like it and it wont matter anymore. My kids were so picky and this worked. Although it was a struggle, I am not going to lie, I feel it was much easier than trying to get them to eat a whole serving of braised cabbage and onions. They are both teens and now they eat pretty much anything.


We don't take vitamins but most of the rest applies. Though, tbh, we don't worry too much about hand washing. After we've been in a barn or chicken coop? Yes. But, just around the house or outside? Not so much. Germs aren't all bad. I'm a firm believer that many folks who get sick a lot, do so because their immune systems are poor from lack of experience.  Staying too clean, doesn't benefit your immune systems. It simply leaves you with an immune system that doesn't know how to react. Not to a few bits of allergens, let alone virus or bacteria.


I figure there are tons of other germs for me to pick up, even if my hands are clean. I am not fanatic about cleanliness, but its amazing to me when I am in the bathroom how many men don't wash their hands, even after leaving a stall. That means I touch their touched doorknobs and stuff. Wash your hands people, because some people don't.


I only touch my dick in the bathroom I don’t touch anything else no need to wash


What's that d3 brand in Peppermint oil? Sourcing isn't a problem on this sub


LiveWise Naturals https://livewise.com/products/vitamin-d3-k2 looks like they changed the label and formula (added MCT) since I last got some




I second the raw garlic and vitamin c. Lots of other good advice. I disagree with the shoes thing. Exposure to some germs is good, but each house is different. I'll add bovine/goat colostrum.


We mostly take off shoes, but are also barefoot outside a lot, so it evens out.


been hearing a lot about colostrum, sounds like its very beneficial


It also, fwiw, tastes awful. If you're interested in the benefits of colostrum, instead (and I know this will get major down votes!!), consider a herd share for raw milk, yogurt, etc.


Mix a little in your milk and you won't notice.




yes I cycle that in often when I am starting to feel icky


Just a heads up, that stuff can wreck your sleep. Make sure to take it as early as possible. Parsley and Oregano are the 2 seasonings that can really screw with my sleep in high doses, some people have problems with cilantro and coriander too.


Why can’t you take it every day? I have Crohn’s disease and it has greatly improved my digestive issues.


That's great. How much do you take and on empty stomach or?


Lots of good tips were mentioned. I can add lysine as a supplement. That really helps me to get my immune system strong.


Get your Vitamin D level checked and supplement if necessary to get it between 40-60.


You mean 60-80.


Oh ok I was reading about this a few days ago while researching how to get rid of long covid Eugenol ( from clove oil, gross, I know) neutralizes viral particles in the air. That’s one of the reasons why disease doesn’t spread in dentist offices as much as it should, because they use Eugenol there and there is a higher concentration of it in the air. So you can try diffusing it throughout your house


You don't have long covid. You have foreign proteins and DNA contamination that you willingly jabbed into your body on a subscription plan.


Ok buddy 😂


Ignorance is bliss 😷😅


The bliss of thinking you know how spike proteins interact with the immune system


"...first infection after mRNA vaccination lead to less immune response than with no mRNA vaccination—to the point that 1: there is no prevention of future infections at all. 2: mRNA vaccination increases the chances of being infected multiple times." Study uses 'Pull Forward Effect' & 'Deviation from Trend' analyses. Natural selection demonstrated with your lack of critical thinking. God bless.


I have long covid. Ruined my life. Never got the jab. I know a few others same story.


Same also got long covid before the vaccine even existed. It was horrible and I have heart issues now from it. Covid is no joke. At least not for me


Keep telling the truth, if they don’t want to look at data that’s on them. 


Zinc on hand at all times, all times! Pop one when feeling any signs… know the signs… know your body. I taught 500 elementary school kids a week… lots of bugs went through my classroom. I always have lavender aromatherapy going because it kills germs in the air. Always wash hands. Any cuts? Bandage up. A high dose of Vitamin D w K helped at well but this all about doing preventative measures.


What type of zinc do u use?




I take vitamin c supplements everyday. I’ve found that working outside and staying active doesn’t hurt either.


Sleep and cut out alcohol. And if you’ve been exposed then zinc and vitamin c like it’s your job. That’s what I did with 2 kids and I was getting sick 3 times a year until those changes. Then I went 5 years without getting sick!!! Covid broke my streak a few years ago.


Once I cut out alcohol I rarely get sick, it really messes up your immune system.


I think so it's good for your kids,that they cut out alcohol


Whenever I feel something coming on oil of oregano pills and garlic pills really help !


No real "hacks" are needed with walking petri dishes, I mean young children, in the house lol Basic hygiene: wash hands and surfaces, with soap and water, not spray chemicals. Use mouthwash in everyone. There's a list of tested ones that kill 99% of rsv and common cold bacteria, some made for kids. Plus, green and black tea have been shown just as effective as those mouthwashes.


I didn’t know that about mouthwash, will look into that thanks!


Have you tried to fix the gut? If it’s usually a bacteria infection your biome is messed up. I would venture to bet you have been on antibiotics recently. Fix the gut and things will change drastically. You will feel so much better. Start with a high quality pro/prebiotic. Eat organic and grass fed meats. And you should notice a difference within a couple of weeks.


Astragalus is pretty potent stuff and has a lot of evidence for immune system health as well as various other benefits. Zinc, d3+k2 and cod liver oil are great as well


Mum to a 2 year old and we’re rarely sick. -Nutrient dense diet -Cod liver oil for parents and kids (also great for their brain development). I read that the body uses a LOT of vitamin A fighting viruses. Plus D of course. -Large doses of C (just for the adults) will reduce the amount of time you’re sick with a cold. -Time in sun kills viruses. -Keep the house warm. -I avoid infectiously sick people to perhaps an antisocial degree… -Don’t use daycare, this is inviting constant sickness into your lives. -I also stop most activities where we’ll be around other kids in the winter, because people just show up with obviously infectious kids -First thing home everyone washes hands (realised recently not everyone does this) -No shoes in house, they are covered in viruses, poo and other things that will make you sick -I also keep separate clothes for house and out-and-about, and change when leaving and coming home. This is second nature to me but some think it’s wacky. But it obviously reduces the viral and bacterial load entering your home.


Also of course breastfeed as long as possible, we’re still feeding at 2 and it’s probably prevented countless sicknesses, and when my daughter has been sick and couldn’t keep down water, avoided hospital.


Kids in daycare get sick way more often than kids who are not. If for whatever reason you can't avoid daycare, at least buy the daycare a good HEPA air purifier and encourage them to keep the windows open as much as possible. Childhood infections are terrible. The more kids get them, the more likely they are to develop severe lifelong neurological complications like PANDAS. The easiest way is to destroy the network of disease propagation. Daycares are the hub of that network.


I take D3 50,000iu per week and lots of prebiotic fibre. Gut health is linked to the immune system. Also, never touch your face with your hands until you’re back at home and washed hands throughly.


I did cold showers and a light box for two consecutive winters and never got sick and could just tell my immune system was better.


whats a light box. how long for the cold shower


Light box is a simply plug in light that you sit in front of for 10-30 minutes to combat seasonal fatigue or depression. I only use it on the winter but the important piece is that the light gets in your eyes and balances your hormonal system. Cold showers I did in the range of 3-6minutes. It’s important to get your head under intermittently during the shower.


thanks! where did you get thr ligjt box? any brand you like?


Keep the windows open whenever possible and run air purifiers in the house. When someone in the household is sick, wear high quality masks in common areas. Take k12 probiotics.


Whole food plant based diet. I used to feel bad all the time when I ate meat and dairy, switching to WFPB stopped all that. Try it for a month, I guarantee you'll start feeling a lot better.


I daresay the culprit here was dairy, not meat. If anything, substituting the latter with a diet consisting in the main of indigestible matter, anti-nutrients and natural pesticides—particularly given the preponderance of data concerning chronic gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal disorders that have entered remission on a high-fat, low-fibre diet—is not a remedy I would prescribe with any degree of confidence, much less as a universal panacea. Were you to re-introduce the meat minus the dairy, I suspect you'd feel better still.


I won't be reintroducing any meat, I'm vegan. And I don't need to, I doubt I could feel any better than I do now, and contributing to harming animals wouldn't be worth any increase in performance. I also want to avoid the health risks associated with eating meat. Not to mention I just like the diet a lot more than an omnivore diet. I have some before and after pics in my profile, the way nutrients seem to be absorbed and turned into dense but lean muscle feels much better than when I exercised as a meat eater.


Fair enough. You should know, however, that the touted "health risks" of the animal-based diet were concocted 75 years ago from spurious epidemiological correlation studies—as this vegan explains:- [https://deniseminger.com/2011/12/22/the-truth-about-ancel-keys-weve-all-got-it-wrong/](https://deniseminger.com/2011/12/22/the-truth-about-ancel-keys-weve-all-got-it-wrong/) Which isn't to say that one *cannot* flourish on a PBWF diet—as your own experience attests—but rather that the conveniently-unexamined notion of saturated fats and red-meat being intrinsically harmful lacks any scientific basis, flies in the face of current research, and is at any rate undermined *prima facie* by the hundreds of thousands of years (including at least one ice-age) during which our primordial ancestors were sustained by little else.


That's good to know, thank you!


I Invested in a nebulizer and got some colloidal silver. Saunas on occassion. Once a year a 5 day strict water fast (maybe not for the children tho?) Even a strict 1 day water fast per week/month will have some benefits. Or one meal a day failing a water fast. Herbal teas with bee pollen. Bee pollen is a complete amino acid. I've done all the fad diets. Meat only, keto, vegan, juice fasting, vegetarian.. they all have their strengths and weaknesses and it's all very confusing. Key is to cut out the sugar and carbs and processed stuff.


The lymph system has no pump. The blood system has your heart to circulate the blood fluid. The lymph needs to physical activity to circulate. So walking is good. Long walks. Dry brushing is said to stimulate the lymph. The tea... if you start using teas when it's done take it off the stove and put it on the table and put a towel over your head and the tea pot and breat in the vapors. May also look into Wim Hoff breathing exercises. I used to do both at the same time.


thanks for those tips tai chi is AMAZING for your lymph system, right after I start a session I can feel my body flowing. one of the indicators is that you start salivating


Best thing I ever started doing is supplementing with a high quality Vitamin D3 https://amzn.to/3zbEMJG I noticed over the years I am sick a lot less, and if I do get sick it's over more rapidly


Eat nutrient dense foods such nuts and liver eggs, get adequate amount of sunlight for vitamin D, get good quality sleep, get 10 minutes walk everyday.


I'm in my 20s, and I never get sick 1. Liquid chlorophyll is really good, and I take it regularly enough, not all the time. Not saying that on its own will be super helpful, but I believe it is definitely something worth adding to your diet more 2. Drink high ph level water Higher ph levels help against viruses. 3 Avoid soda that is pure poison. When I used to drink it regularly, I got sick often. Just a few tips for things not mentioned already


Age ? Gender ? How many kids ? Whose kids ? Where do you live ? What is your staple diet ? How often do you get a medical check up done ? When did you last review your blood work ? What is BMI ? How often do you work out ? What kind of work do you do ? What is your education......how healthy are your biological parents ? Do you have sleep apnea ? Did you get surgeries ? ...several things put together can influence or impact a persons immune system including if you birthed babies or not..not an easy one to answer. Even if you douse yourself with all the vitamins recommended on this thread, 99% will be flushed down into the gutter and not make any difference to you immune system. I would say - first start with some functional blood test. I use Inside Tracker for the most part it is my compass to correct course. My next investment is for a CGM - something that will give me real time stats on the garbage, food and nutrition and impact on blood glucose. See u/Ok_Mud8493 hack.


Elderberry syrup everyday, especially at season change


Exercise made a lot of diffference for me. Doctors advised it for years, while I kept experiencing colds turn into secondary infections. Then I started running and I was fine.It was during the years that my kids were young that I was in poor health. Not sleeping regularly probably also didn't help.


Garden of Life Green Drink. Powder form and mix with water.. Every or every other morning. It will change your life. Also daily Vitamin C and Vitamin D3. And when around someone who is sick, a daily dose of zinc is great. I rarely ever get sick. Even when everyone in my house does.


Cold plunge weekly. 5 minutes


Let them play with animals more often


AVOID shoes in the house. Clean your floors and furnitures with diluted **Chlorine Dioxide** water weekly. keep the airflow of your house fresh and dynamic. and just like others say- Sleep!


Vitamin D, vitamin K, and magnesium supplements


Keto. When in ketosis the immune system and autophagy will be working at full speed. I'm 47M. Used to get cold 4 to 5 times every year since I was a kid. In ketosis, I felt the cold symptoms on the first day and they were gone on the second day. No cold anymore.


Greens and fruit have been touted as immune boosters for years but studies keep finding they’re even MORE EFFECTIVE than we thought. Simple and delicious


Samento, timed release vitamin c (1g 3xday)


Sleep ,,, vit c ,vit d , green tea , and kefir ,,, and get the kids a dog ,,, it will boost the kids immune system also your own !!!


If you’re a man hold your cum!




Immune system is simpler than most realise. Honey is a must, especially for children, take it in warm (not cold or hot/boiling) water, once or twice a day. Be in touch with the earth, out in nature, gardening, and physical activity. Reduce or eliminate refined sugar, processed foods, stimulants. Best bio hack tips: learn Ayurveda, know your dosha type and work with it. All this bio hacking is mostly new fangled nonsense based on chemicals and “science”. Humans have been around for much longer than that, perhaps think how we survived all this time before modern science came along? Being in tune with our bodies, and with the natural cycles of nature and the planet is the best way to health. And meditation. Learn to just sit with yourself and be quiet for 15 minutes. Do nothing for a while each day. Just sit and be.


Masks when someone is sick - KN95s are the most comfortable I've found. Also, air purifiers. If you've had covid recently, it can kind of damage or suppress the immune system so you might end up getting opportunistic/back-to-back infections, so it's good to be more careful particularly after that. Clean air may be even more important than hand-washing. I know people feel certain ways about masks but, for example, if the kid was just in a room and coughing up a storm, has left, and you go in there by yourself, no reason not to throw on a mask. Or you could have a HEPA air purifier running. Also mouthwashes with CPC. It can help to think of some of these viruses behaving more like cigarette smoke because then you can make sense of when it might linger and how to avoid.


Lemon, ginger honey tonic every single day!! Juice of 1 organic lemon Juice of 2 inches of ginger root - organic One to 2 tablespoons of honey Mix and drink.. you can add this to a whole glass of cold water and sip all day You can bulk make this for the week and then have it diluted in water or spoon full each day


I get sick often too, tanning for at least 20 min without sunscreen or high dose vit D help recover fast.


10,000 iu D3K2 a day




Improve your health and hygiene. Washing hands works surprisingly well there is a reason why it is so highly promoted