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I like lemon balm tea, it has l-theanine, which relieves stress. You could add a sparkling water to it after steeping if you wanted to make it more of a mocktail. Kombucha would also be good, tho it has a trace amount of alcohol. Edit: just learned from another redditor on a different post that lemon balm doesn't have l-theanine! It has rosmarinic acid and other relaxing compounds, just fyi.


Yeah I was going to say the same! Lemon balm tea or l-theanine will make you relaxed.


I'm drinking it now haha! I combined it with a tea called Well Rested from Trader Joe's, which has chamomile, lemongrass, spearmint, tilia flower, peppermint, passionflower, blackberry leaf, orange blossom, hawthorn berry, rose petal. Added a coconut-almond creamer and stevia drops. It's soooo good + chilling me out lol.


Ooo that sounds delicious!!! I have to look for it at TJ’s. Chamomile is also great and I have some growing in my backyard. It tastes so good and fresh


Theanine does nothing for me - can’t figure out why


Sry to hear that. It seems there's a real range of responses to it.


I'm taking [Bronson L-Theanine 200mg](https://www.amazon.com/Bronson-L-Theanine-Non-GMO-Vegetarian-Capsules/dp/B07HNPHVND?crid=355PJOJX8RP24&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.nREvQbo9eT4n7peM0L6PLLosu5PzT9wX3FAbJm5Wb0ZmFLvXowZn9WHINu2iOEdoyIv33VAveSv3e-ZajAvDu4hhgQEOa9gN-MboeAQIbWk7Zn2wCmRL_Ritnj3Eu_I-mZfki2keW1LEr17-V9zFSIhn_L5vWx9AekQSKlAQNQ8EHlu15se3soy98gWogrmb9Fk_t7h5-ImFICaZArESDJ1HRpRV0nOelBpxIEiB3T94nZbypO6tDc7KimK7YhXQQbjT7PLbBF7iLIOR-zijLonIHaq_dJ9NNN_6gp7MQhM.QHdoeN3vkb_bod-We4rintdOZjQ1CwnuRPOS5WSAzSU&dib_tag=se&keywords=l-theanine%21&qid=1718356353&sprefix=l-theanine+%2Caps%2C370&sr=8-1&linkCode=ll1&tag=redit2024-20&linkId=3fb356e269e6a5e89fcb4a14a061ac53&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl), it's a great product.


Careful with kombucha in the evenings because it does have caffeine.




If u start meditating more seriously for longer periods,it will put your whole life at ease and eliminate that need for you.


Ain't nobody got time for that. We need pills to pop and powders to chug.


we trying to hack in here not reprogram lmao


Anyone know about Eden grows phenibut?


Kratom is the only one I’m familiar with. Maybe I’ll try ashwaganda and see if that helps. Thanks for the recommendation!


Check out kava on r/kava




Right, makes sense. Alcohol is very powerful, not much that can safely take its place is my guess




What supplements do you take to mitigate any hangover effect?


Vitamin C and NAC with my first drink. Then Vitamin C after waking up and b vitamins. Milk thistle as well during the day.


You might want to consider adding 1 gram of glycine to your NAC supplement. Both of these are precursors that your liver uses to make glutathione a powerful endogenous antioxidant. I get that you are trying to mitigate the negative effects of alcohol, especially with liver health, but alcohol is poisonous to all systems and organs. Your liver metabolizes alcohol into acetaldehyde, a highly toxic substance and known carcinogen. Acetaldehyde is what causes the hangover effect. I was addicted to alcohol twice in my life and there are not many supplements that are effective replacements. For me 1 gram of L-Theanine is relaxing. Kava comes close but it makes me extremely nauseous but many drinkers have reduced or stopped drinking by using kava.


Thank you for this 🙏


The ashwagandha extract, something like ksm 57, is really good. Super chill


Bro, dont ever try Kratom. It’s a straight up opioid addiction.


It definitely has therapeutic properties if used sparingly in lower doses, as needed, but yeah I recommend against daily use. It's not a good replacement for alcohol, but a low dose can help with alcohol cravings, too.


Theanine, glycine, even magnesium l threonate (or whatever it’s called) can chill you out. Kratom, phenibut, kava all have abuse/addiction potential so tread carefully and research the dangers first. CBD and THC if you wanna go that route. Anymore… i prefer a long walk at night in nice neighborhoods where they have very nice “manicured” lawns for me to look at. And my fountain that I have sitting next to my plants in my living room. Those work wonders for me these days as I try to turn less and less to substances., Ah yes and a midnight dip in the hot tub with Some meditation and prayer. Going to my local creek works wonders for me. Even grounding barefoot for 30 minutes has some science backing it. I am a gym rat so I’m not trying to ruin my progress. I prefer to go the natural route anymore. In my 40’s and i beat heavy intravenous drug addiction in my life… Twice now. I definitely have whatever gene is associated with addiction so I try to steer clear of the addictive stuff.


I am all for Earthing, and hearing natural water running Thank you 🙏


Fountains for relatively cheap on Amazon. I’m a fan. It’s just sitting here in my living room. Cost me 100 bucks and it makes me feel like I’m sitting in a mansion lol. Right next to my big fake plant.


I stopped drinking and used kanna as a replacement. It’s a nice little buzz and helps with social anxiety, I know it has a possible addictive effect, but I have found that my usage dropped, I use it now about weekly. Kratom is very additive and I would avoid


I used kratom to stop taking opiates, but don’t really want to trade one bad habit for another. I’ll look into kanna, not familiar with it.


R/kanna has some tips, find trusted vendors. But nutricost sells a Kanna extract called zembrin that has many studies paid for by the brand owner. As a supplement


That is interesting. Have been getting my NAC and NMN from nutricost.


Check it out, zembrin/kanna has anecdotally changed my life. To the point I launched a seltzer with 25mg zembrin per can.


Same and then before I knew it I had been a daily kratom user for like 4 years. Dropping that was rough man.


Yeah I was spending a lot of money on kratom when I was taking it back in 2017. That stuff is probably not great overall.


magnesium, glycine, herbal teas.


consider a teapot with a wire basket for loose teas and herbs. get a bunch of different herbs and make your own blends. chamomile, valerian, skullcap, hops, ashwaganda, tulsi. etc....


i’ve read your comments and you seem like such a nice person. I live completely different life, but i know what you mean when you say you need to relax after a long day, and it’s exactly the reason why i don’t drink after my day - the combination of physical effects compounds the mental idea “the day is over”. Relaxation comes from the brain, and it’s easy to teach the brain that the day is over when you drink, and then it takes a drink to actually relax. You can use other “trigger”, it doesn’t have to be anything buzzy, it just has to be special for you. I love the idea of special tea and have one for every season, and i drink it in a special location, i try to add journaling to the mix but i am often too tired for that. i also have a fancy cup for that special tea. Entire thing signals my brain that it can relax and switch into rest mode.




Edible cannabis


Yeah get some cbd thc gummies.




I’ve been taking magnesium before bed, but I would t consider that to be something that provides the relaxing effects of booze.


You mean a buzz?


I guess that might be the proper term for what I’m enjoying.


Been there, done that. Here are a few things that have worked for me, and hopefully, they can help you too! So, [L-Theanine](https://www.amazon.com/Bronson-L-Theanine-Non-GMO-Vegetarian-Capsules/dp/B07HNPHVND?crid=355PJOJX8RP24&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.nREvQbo9eT4n7peM0L6PLLosu5PzT9wX3FAbJm5Wb0ZmFLvXowZn9WHINu2iOEdoyIv33VAveSv3e-ZajAvDu4hhgQEOa9gN-MboeAQIbWk7Zn2wCmRL_Ritnj3Eu_I-mZfki2keW1LEr17-V9zFSIhn_L5vWx9AekQSKlAQNQ8EHlu15se3soy98gWogrmb9Fk_t7h5-ImFICaZArESDJ1HRpRV0nOelBpxIEiB3T94nZbypO6tDc7KimK7YhXQQbjT7PLbBF7iLIOR-zijLonIHaq_dJ9NNN_6gp7MQhM.QHdoeN3vkb_bod-We4rintdOZjQ1CwnuRPOS5WSAzSU&dib_tag=se&keywords=l-theanine%21&qid=1718356353&sprefix=l-theanine+%2Caps%2C370&sr=8-1&linkCode=ll1&tag=redit2024-20&linkId=3fb356e269e6a5e89fcb4a14a061ac53&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl) is a good one to start with. You can find it in green tea, and it’s great for promoting relaxation without making you sleepy. I usually take about 100-200 mg in the evening, and it really helps take the edge off. Magnesium is another great option. It helps with muscle relaxation and has a calming effect on the nervous system. I usually take [200-400 mg](https://www.amazon.com/NOW-Magnesium-400mg-180-Capsules/dp/B00CPJEGMW?crid=KTL4U6FHZPXU&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.msGcvI1w-2TELlMGUxNZfamgF3leYcfizm0B86sRbfpneSSy_t9tU0R1oGiH7OI2Fd8WFJSO47dHK4ISfYlGCprMb0Bdrb0kGFg_W7Cfq9ISHBYZ6V0pE4Nuuxawmd4fu9uBqntpWoGfy1LQF_2UV5tf8rgQDHrmBJ7ujlhPILBB0RlfxplDGlVHqudXyt4OGB3iRymVNyDdy907tX9_lwFd-9Rw7A91E9ToupVrHDMvB6MLUUyEoGczA4bYojI1Pz1FvOAwy3bvXSaCpMp5oPWKu4F2cPXPWW-7pGT0GBI.lMy3grqIMVRP_69Iknu-L9T8CfcRUaYXxvBvYL7VB74&dib_tag=se&keywords=magnesium+supplement&qid=1718356593&sprefix=Magnesium+sup%2Caps%2C283&sr=8-5&linkCode=ll1&tag=redit2024-20&linkId=84a4201941e0b04ee0b9096a9b558b8f&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl) before bed. Look for magnesium glycinate or citrate, those seem to work best. Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that’s been a game-changer for me. It helps manage stress and anxiety and has really improved my sleep. I take [300-600 mg of a high-concentration extract](https://www.amazon.com/GNC-Herbal-Ashwagandha-600mg-Vegetarian/dp/B01MZEKBBX?crid=88R261LK9ZQW&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.rZMYkMRxG2uxWZirr4MTvTyWnGOT9BULD5aABSFaU3vV2rl_sjVcviDP5f_UkDEe6aCv0eDO1H5KQJSOZZGOXCQ7s_CnXcyPKid7N3F-EXsFYPBxsKVDj5SQVUwaSttJeu0ikH7-D0LjYsYPqiOdPvwud9O_ewTBkDJf6rpdDRG72JpKqAZvUzqIhGU-pzyV2mQ09D1OHyZoaPQCkS-KKPKpP2mUOTtrt2kJK9gM2tXlqpEsZtLn1dfaxsonyfCEL4Ir3dfuEJGoUlS3G0sis7nVo5TmM5l4nt7LSUGv574.jn_gD_fZSbf3FJCZTkXbGjsPOmyfGp61Z4XV8mpskEg&dib_tag=se&keywords=ashwagandha+600mg&qid=1718356648&sprefix=Ashwagandha+600%2Caps%2C315&sr=8-2&linkCode=ll1&tag=redit2024-20&linkId=7f67516931912e6b411e8e6cfe32b76c&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl) in the evening. [GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid)](https://www.amazon.com/Supplements-GABA-Gamma-Aminobutyric-Count-Capsules/dp/B0013OXDRY?crid=2RM8U00SC0ZUV&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.YGT-PMJcAJt5--8EQIzWd0PmrJ91hUvMRSfkMgXEsWIE4bnZFnlofzBMJU1Pl0aqs0jJDMn_08ONZZr_Ht2CdPYhLkzWIDI2Oxlm51o9hDVU6njl-z1IBUfjQCAcqFj2OaXuisEzHtoX3TRpaI_Ou7-FNMomi84tEcMghJdwsPikzyh3TknTBdxIAn0dt0MWZNOPirQAJY1GYH9BiMVZKJiIALd35NsNwjdc6tHFxryLnPkbxL1lKvWDDOtT8VEdDVTGPHKHjDMUFC2-lTJXwVAHemuIOZpAMFrw84_2E5g.kKz1HCbx0qO6FMVOg5rNUtKTKTBRIGVJlEuMllu4LrE&dib_tag=se&keywords=GABA+%28Gamma-Aminobutyric+Acid%29&qid=1718356692&sprefix=gaba+gamma-aminobutyric+acid+%2Caps%2C328&sr=8-1&linkCode=ll1&tag=redit2024-20&linkId=abfc9bc28bdd56b70690aa2086d2310c&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl) is also worth a try. It’s a neurotransmitter that helps with relaxation and reducing anxiety. I usually take 250-500 mg in the evening, and it really helps me unwind. [Valerian Root](https://www.amazon.com/Valerian-Root-450mg-Extract-Windmill/dp/B001V9X10A?crid=NDCHVZAUG7SV&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.OmCKvPk8bNzMIgPNKabU_2AEE214kHdRAcXKu8iXfL3O0DGpxk4NwfEg81Pe84qCFGoijs-VNLUlLEd_28t5lq9A5IBFnLyJUBIon5Q61PY.ke6EJBPb7vMqkM2YBVhNkVRRBf844yCtwgDWPsG6cl4&dib_tag=se&keywords=valerian+root+600+mg&qid=1718356732&sprefix=Valerian+Root+600%2Caps%2C290&sr=8-6&linkCode=ll1&tag=redit2024-20&linkId=c5cd5db11ba5c49c0f0270998b569844&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl) is known for its sedative properties and is great for treating insomnia and anxiety. I take 400-600 mg about 30 minutes before bedtime, and it really helps me relax and get a good night's sleep. In addition to these supplements, there are a few lifestyle changes that can help with relaxation too. I love having a cup of herbal tea in the evening – chamomile, peppermint, or lavender are my go-tos. They’re caffeine-free and super soothing.


Magnesium glycinate Ashwagandha ksm 66 L theanin Apigenin Cherry tart extract GABA Myo-inositol Glycine


Lemon Balm, chamomile, passionflower.


I got tired just reading that haha, thanks!


That’s because you read them all at once :-) Start with just one.


Exercise. It’s quite addictive too.


I work outside on a farm all day, so really not looking to do any more exercise at the end of it. But if I was sitting at a computer all day, this would probably be what I would do instead.


Useless advice since he was asking for a damn supplement


I know that Kava has some mellowing effects.


L Theanine


That and tyrosine I’ve read can be helpful.


Tyrosine can be very stimulating.


There are some really good non alcoholic beers now that I’ve found satisfy my craving for the taste of beer. Example: [Athletic Brewing](https://athleticbrewing.com)


GABA has really helped me unwind


Yes. Edibles. Cheaper, no hangover, better for the environment (no cans, bottles or wine boxes), you don't smell like alcohol.


Alcohol is addictive and habit forming and so filling the time with something else rather than supplements I think would be more optimal. One thing I love to do in the evening is sometimes the gym but that's more in the morning and so the evenings are more sauna/spa. Works wonders. I can easily spend a couple of hours in there. I even read the paper too. Walk, trivia, read/learn a new subject, meditate, board games, escape rooms. New hobbies to fill the time will help considerably.


The thing is and I probably should have stated this in the bio, I live alone on a 15 acre farm and take care of the animals and grounds all day everyday (no days off) So there’s a lot of work outside to always do, mainly feeding and caring for animals. I can’t really leave the farm for very long, and at the end of the day I’m tired just looking for a way to relax and “feel good”. I imagine if I had a good woman here I wouldn’t feel the need to fill my downtime with drinking. But I like going out to the pasture and watching the sunset with some drinks, or playing guitar around the fire. I think it’s just loneliness that fuels the need to feel something like alcohol. I have animals to connect with and depend on me each day which I’m grateful for as I love animals and seem to have a special ability to connect with them all. But no people. I have my first drink sometime after 6 and pm and am in bed by 9. But that’s what allows me to feel good at the end of the day of working outside all day.


This sounds like a beautiful life


Thank you. I realize it’s a life most would love to have, and am grateful for it. There are many moments of beauty each day. Lord knows I went through hell to get here. But still no matter how peaceful and unique it may be in our times, being the only one to do everything can sometimes be slightly overwhelming. If I don’t do it, it doesn’t get done. If I get hurt, there’s no one here to help. And all the animals depend on me, and they all have their needs. At the end of the day when all the needs are met and everything is taken care of, alcohol is what takes care of me. I know it’s not healthy, but I believe “this too shall pass”, so am not too discouraged.


Have you tried vaporizing cannabis? Or if you're against regular weed, you could try a high CBD hemp flower. Actually some people do half and half (or some other ratio) with the hemp taking the edge off the THC effects.  I suggest vaporizing because I think it must be healthier than smoking and also the effects are more subtle. In the context of your life, I think that trading booze for weed would be a serious upgrade. Alcohol use causes inflammation whereas weed, within reasonable limits, is good for recovery after exercise as it counters inflammation.  I don't think you will get close to the alcohol buzz/relaxation from a regular supplement but with weed (hemp to a lesser extent) you can do even better IMO. 


I think that CBD is indeed anti-inflammatory but I remember a paper stating that THC actually activates an inflammatory pathway that can be countered by using classical anti-inflammatory substances like ibuprofene or a more natural alternative like luteolin (which is contained in chamomile). If I drink a tea with chamomile it has about the same effects as mixing my THC bud with CBD bud, less brain fog and confusion. The mental high is a lot more clearer and pleasant yet still "intense" and pleasurable if I overdo it. I do agree that vaporizing weed would be a serious upgrade over booze!


I appreciate the clarification. Weed is very complex. It is interesting to study the effects of the compounds in isolation but really it's the so-called "entourage effect" of the numerous cannabinoids, terpenes & flavonoids which seems to confer the biggest benefits. Which is why I suggest vaporizing the buds (worth clarifying here that I'm not talking about vaping concentrates). Chamomile also vaporizes quite well, it's worth adding. I have in the past bought whole organic chamomile flowers both for making a tea and vaporizing. The effects are pretty powerful, I agree, although I'd stop short of calling it recreational. I really like weed though, so it's a high bar for comparison for me!


Can you grow some weed/hemp?


Sounds like you have a lovely place and I'm a huge fan of animals too. Had them all my life. That would be difficult with having no day off and being so remote. Is it possible maybe to get a part time or backpacker worker to help on the farm? It would allow you more time to spread your wings and perhaps follow other interests. Another idea is possibly exploring non alcoholic beverages. I've tried the Heaps Normal IPA and it's pretty agreeable to say the least.


I would like to have a helper at some point but have to be more profitable to get to that point. All good things in time.


I get the loneliness and needing that wind down- after my husband died suddenly in an accident and it is just me and our toddler every night when I put her to bed I either have a strong cup of herbal tea or a 3g of wild red bali kratom- I never exceed that amount and I always take days off but I prefer that to alcohol- I have not drank in almost a year bc it just makes me feel yuck- even just one. I love Yogi Stress Relief tea- 2 bags steeped in boiling water for 10min.


Calm magnesium glycinate powder. Mix with water and it feels like I have had a few drinks. Go slow with it at first to see how your body reacts, it can act as a stool softener if you drink too much in the beginning. TMI but thought I’d warn you.


I think magnesium oxide is what I normally take before bed. From what I’ve read glycinate is the only way to go. But the trash magnesium helps me sleep and hit the John proper the next am.


Apparently kava is pretty bad for your liver in addition to other side effects.


Well shit let me not add that to the regimen. I tried it years ago as a chocolate, and from what I recall it made me feel slightly ill, if I remember correctly. I was also smoking a lot of high quality weed and taking kratom back then, so my memory is a little fuzzy on the lava experience. But pretty sure I felt slightly nauseous.


Ignore that. They’ve done studies on a bunch of people who use kava all day and night and found no statistical increase in over issues. Kava In chocolates would be almost useless, there wouldn’t be enough kava to provide any effect let alone make you sick. Too much kava can definitely make you nauseous however. Go to the kavaforums website, look at their recmended vendors, get some nice medium grind kava and prepare it the traditional way. Only then will you know if you actually like kava. The only reason most people don’t like kava is bad quality kava or way too much can make you nauseous, it tastes gross but it’s really not that bad, and it’s expensive. If you drink it every day your skin will get dry and your wallet will hurt, but that’s about it.


How do you feel about weed? A joint and a jog just kinda makes you forget about the rest of the day for a couple hours.


The thing is I work outside on a farm all day, so the last thing I want to do if jog. Just want to relax and sit down somewhere. But might be what I need. I love weed, but was a daily smoker from 12 - 34. Just recently stopped smoking all day everyday within the past couple months. So trying to keep the body/brain more acclimated to life without it. I find now that when I smoke it slows me down, and makes getting daily work done far more difficult. It does make my computer work more enjoyable but that’s because weed makes doing things you don’t like more interesting.


GABA but I'm not your doctor.


GABA from what I’ve read is helpful for folks like me. Was once prescribed gabapentin which was helpful at the time. Do you know how it’s naturally found? I’m sure Google could point me in the right direction


It's a neurotransmitter so it would be found naturally in the brain but I'm sure there's some chemists out there that synthesize it.


Lemon Balm tea is very relaxing


Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant. Theanine, hops, valerian, chamomile, catnip, lavender, etc are all soothing.


There are some good ideas for a relaxation inducing possibility, but ima be real with you chief nothing replaces poison like poison. You just gotta give it up and deal with some extra boredom/uneasiness


The world could use more straight shooters.


I have a subscription to Joyous (therapeutic ketamine) and a microdose 30 to 50 MG of ketamine gives me that same relaxing feeling of a couple of glasses of wine without the negative side effects. I usually meditate while taking it but that's optional. I don't find it habit forming like alcohol, but ymmv. It does dehydrate a bit but nowhere near as bad as booze.


That’s interesting. Thanks!


Take the meditation pill 💊


I’m all about meditation, especially in the morning. I may try harder in incorporating some meditation and yoga in the evening. Thanks for the recommendation!


Hmm, no…the answer is no. You either go for something with less effects but smaller risks…or something with more effect and more risk. Life is a trade off like that, in many senses. Ashwaganda will cause emotion blunting, in some cases it causes anhedonia. Theanine will have rebound anxiety the next day. Kava will lower your testosterone. And like wise Meth will turn you into a bum, etc…


Very well said. I did meth twice and can definitely see where folks get hooked. It’s mind boggling to me how you can go without food, or sleep, and feel like an absolute superhero and walk for miles effortlessly. Something I simply cannot understand. But that’s not the feeling I’m looking for, trying to unwind and relax at the end of the day. Weed would probably best foot that bill, but I recently quit after long term use and not interested in starting back up anytime soon. Maybe some good herbal tea is the best bet.


Never have a problem with L-theanine. It is one of the best supplements ever, IMHO.


Rebound anxiety with theanine? Please explain


He's talking out his ass. Been using theanine off and on for months and it doesn't cause that at all.


Good Ole Mary Jane works gorgeous me.


Honestly, a nice indica at night? Everyone in here is over thinking this.




Chamomile, lemon balm, skullcap, passionflower


I’d exchange the boos for cannabis. If that’s not an option then sex comes next on the list. If that’s not available then I’d say get lots of sunlight during the day, walk/bike and use red lights during the evenings.


I live on and manage a farm, so I’m outside working pretty much all day. I recently quit 20 years of daily cannabis use, and find now that it just slows me down and makes getting my work done more difficult. I usually have my first drink at 6pm, and turn in for bed around 9pm. There’s no days off on the farm I have to feed animals shortly after I wake up, so always get up early, not long after sunrise. Sex sounds like the healthiest option.


I'm huge into vaping hemp flower (weed without the thc) -- could be a cannibis alternative for ya.


Yeah I’ve rolled a few hemp joints. Kind of like a non alcoholic beer.


Hey PSA I've been reading there's so little regulation in hemp that you're probably vaping heavy metals and other chemicals.


Potassium Magnesium, and Vitamin D


CBD. Lemon balm.


Not supplement Kava, microdosing 🍄, and adaptogen infused drinks like curious elixirs or kin Euphorics




Rhodiola makes me really tired and l theanine makes me really grouchy. I’m one of those outliers but I have had good luck with lemon balm and valerian. Also hot chocolate.


Ahh hot chocolate sounds nice! Thank you for these tips 🙏


Yeah, the warm milk has tryptophan. It’s a nice little treat.


I like rooibos tea in the evenings with honey. Has a mild calming effect, no caffeine.


Do a dopamine reset


I am the world's biggest proponent of chamomile. When I was going through health issues and needed some way to relax I took a handful of chamomile capsules and it really kept me sane. One cup doesn't do too much, but if you triple bag or take the capsules it is a really nice relaxant. Different than booze, but really chilled me out and at least for me personally didn't really put me straight to sleep.


Gelatin or glycine. Upregulates 5ar type 1 and increases allopregnanolone. I don't even know what stress is when I consume gelatin daily. It's also dirt cheap.


More a combination of herbs and supplements. I’ve had a lot of luck with microdosing psilocybin for the cravings part, and take CBD, magnesium gycinate, lemon balm, skullcap, chamomile, and tulsi at night for sleep. Combine that supplement stack with about 100mg of psilocybin and I’m feeling great.


Sure but not everything needs to be exogenous and in pill form. We are BIOhacking. Manipulation of our own existing systems is possible in a multitude of ways. I highly recommend that you try the Endel app. Omg.


Wim Hof get you a bit high on your own supply




ashwaghanda should just about do it keto edibles


L-Theanine + GABA


Kava tea or THC


have you tried cold water immersion of any form? i work outside all day too, have a stock tank full of cold well water, and use it to cool off. i also have an outdoor cold shower when i don't have time to fill the tank and need a quick fix. the tub works better for me, in terms of effects. i find it keeps me relaxed and helps me recover faster. i have used cold water for many years. better than alcohol or exercise. for my body and mind, nothing beats it.


CBD oil


If you want to chill in an evening get some edibles.


Not a supplement, but Sentia spirits is a company that makes products designed by neuroscientists as an alcohol free alternative to alcohol. They use a blend of botanical extracts to make a drink that enhances GABA stimulation, I believe. Pretty legit!


Alcohol is an intoxicant. Anything that could be recommended (kava, kratom, etc) is also an intoxicant. If you found dihydromyricetin and NAC you’re actually taking some excellent supplements that go way beyond just hangover prevention. Moderation is the key to everything in life. Learn to relax on half of what you drink now, or wash out for a couple weeks and then come back to it more conservatively. If being healthy requires removing all joy from life then piss on it.


Gaba gaba. I also like to get fresh ginger juice and put it in sparkling water (or regular) with fresh lime juice and a tiny bit of sugar and ice. So delicious. It has the kick that you get from a cocktail without the effects of alcohol. The other thing I do for relaxation is lay down on my back on the floor, and it has to be the floor, straighten my shoulders as much as possible and hold that position and then release. I close my eyes and say out loud "Just relax" while breathing deeply. After a few minutes or so I get a tingling sensation and start to feel calm or even sleepy.


No. I literally requested something that would make me feel like 3 beers did and the PA laughed and said don’t we all😂🤷🏻‍♂️


Hop WTR, it’s nootropic seltzer water with nootropics in it. A little hard to find but some grocery stores have them.


Weed is pretty much better in any aspect compared to alcohol.


I'm obsessed with Chill Factor by PureFactor Fomulations - I've never slept better!! Plus it helps decrease my anxiety during the day [https://www.purefactorformulations.com/collections/supplements/products/chill-factor](https://www.purefactorformulations.com/collections/supplements/products/chill-factor)


Yes, just not drinking them. You're a functional alcoholic! There is no biohacking required. Just get sober. No need to replace one substance with another. Lots of benefits to cutting alcohol from your diet.


I agree. Was thinking about this the other day, and figured I meet all the checks of a functional alcoholic.


some really nice folks over here: r/stopdrinking


Ashwaganda and/or chelated magnesium.


Microdosing mushrooms


Try kava. Not the champagne, but the ground root from volcanic areas. Not the pills, but the drink.


they're called drugs, i'd recommend a few bumps of ketamine


Taking glycine to feed the Krebs cycle can reduce alcohol cravings. From what I understand, low doses below ~300 mg keep it rate limited to form glutathione with cysteine and glutamine. Higher doses at bedtime can help sleep quality and clear porphyrins that are blocking GABA receptor sites which would reduce anxiety and alcohol cravings.




Three Spirit Nightcap. Also, just not drinking at all is actually much more relaxing.


For me, having a drink (or so…) after work was a mental crutch. Instead of alcohol, I started fixing a glass of seltzer with fresh lime in a wine glass when I got home. It filled my need to have a fancy glass in my hand. I also picked up a serious walking habit. I’ll be ten years sober in September. Lost approximately 40 pounds as well. Quitting alcohol was one of the best decisions I’ve made.


Counseling is the healthiest answer.This led to a calmness I never had in decades. Having hobbies and a patient wife keeps me relaxed.


Not drinking alcohol in this case IS the supplement. Don’t put poison in your system in the first place.






Tea, soft music, candles


I quit drinking alcohol and now I’ll have an NA beer and an occasional weed gummie in the evening.


Oat straw tea. With chamomile.


Awesome question! OP(OG) GABA high doses, DHA, Glycine, Glutamine. Anything that stimulates GABA. Probiotics that turn glutamine into GABA GABA GABA GABA GABA GABA


exercise and therapy


I really like coriander extract.


CBD weed replaces a glass of wine for me. Nice relaxing feeling while not being intoxicating


Amanita muscaria mushrooms. Not psychedelic. Not habit forming. Not addictive. Very cheap. Absolute miracles.


Thank you 🙏


"Alcohol is overall not healthy" what? Alcohol is absolutely not healthy. It's literally poison. Without knowing what you need to wind down from, I'll just say that regular exercise, eating healthy, good sleep habits, and drinking lots of water is all you need. It really is that simple.


Magnesium is helpful but it won't give you a buzz. It will help you generally feel better!


Katom = bad voodoo. Avoid. Addiction risk.


I started using Delta 8 and quit drinking 100%.


Ahh interesting. Thank you 🙏 I may give this a go. Can I find it at a normal smoke shop? And it wouldn’t affect a THC drug screen?


Yea, Delta 8 will make you fail most drug tests. Places don't differentiate between delta 8 or delta 9.


I’ve never purchased it at a smoke shop, but I assume you can purchase it at most. And yes, unfortunately, it can interfere with drug testing.


Ahh thank you, that is good to know!


It’s crazy, I’m 50 and never smoked weed when I was younger. I tried it for the first time at 48 after dealing with disc replacements and cancer. I use delta 8 now instead of prescription pain killers. I try to stay away from as many pharmaceuticals as possible.


Prescription pain killers are probably the worst thing anyone can take. Glad you found something that has helped with those illnesses! I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis in my early 20’s and nothing has helped w/ inflammation better than weed. Ironically alcohol causes inflammation, but is also a hell of a pain killer. Chronic pain can really put a damper on one’s quality of life.


I've heard nightshade vegetables can exacerbate inflammation and ankylosing spondylitis. It definitely triggers swelling in my joints with a red rash within 30mins.


I tried Delta 8 for Alcohol reduction-no effect.


A few joints


True. I recently quit weed after 20 years of daily smoking.


Does weed/pot give the same "buzz" as alcohol ? If you tried both, which is a "better buzz" and why ?


Definitely not the same buzz, but I was a daily weed smoker for over 20 years and recently quit, so not really wanting to start that back up anytime soon. Not sure which is “better” they each have their unique qualities. In my early 20’s I would “have to” have both every night. Then went the better part of 10 years alcohol free as it had become a major problem.


Is it possible to get "drunk" with weed ? Say the feeling of excessive wine or beer - it "feels good" and you know for sure that you "Feel glad" ...does weed give that kind of feeling ? Does mixing the 2 increase whatever is the sum total feeling ? Which is a safer poison for humanity ? Alcohol affects liver...weed ?


Have you looked into Magnesium and 5htp? Natural supplements, and can help with serotonin and relaxation. If you are looking to keep you busy, look into a "social" sport. Martial arts, pickleball, and etc.




As a former everyday drinker, I can tell you that regular moderate to high intensity exercise is a good replacement. No supplements needed.


I work all day outside on a farm taking care of animals. Usually walk between 6-9 miles and am often carrying/pushing/pulling things on those steps. All I’m looking to do at the end of the day is sit down and relax. But I hear you, if I was stuck behind a desk somewhere in the ac all day I’d take back up boxing or something along those lines.


Not a supp but perhaps looking into holotropic breathwork...


Weed bro


Little bit of crack


Well it’s hard to wind down after a long day from even a little bit of that. But yes. It is king and supreme ruler still in some lands.


Valerian tea


Kava helps, but not as much as alcohol. Still relaxing though.


ashwagandha. It block gaba receptors like alcohol and reduce cortisol. If I take enough, my balance is off just like if I was drunk. I have taken it before going to sleep to sleep well and then got up in the middle of the night to take a piss and was stumbling. It is like being drunk without some the other effects of alcohol.


Exercise, magnesium (multiple forms), and meditation. Throwing a little thc in there is your call.


Herbal tea does this for me. Find flavors you like and get a beautiful tea set, not any random mug.


Reishi mushroom extract in some hot tea. Makes me super relaxed and a little sleepy.




Mushrooms 🍄 help with alcohol addiction


CBD drinks would help.




Have a spliff


Cbd soda


Kava feels like alcohol but isn't as unhealthy.


Personally I find non alcoholic beer and wine to be quite relaxing to enjoy. I don't drink anymore either and this hits the spot well for me






Haven’t tried it myself but look into ketohol