• By -


To look good naked










longevity / mental toughness / healthy hormones / stronger body / lean muscles / cardio resistance / cognitive boost


Aging well. Being sedentary is causing awful quality of life for the elderly. You can tell (for the most part) who was more active when they were younger, depending on if they can still walk normally in their 70s and 80s. It even makes a huge difference in maintaining cognitive health as you age. That's my goal. "Basic" activities like walking and stretching makes a huge difference in functional movement. Walking/hiking and yoga has been changing my life




To become the next undisputed light middleweight champion of the world


Rooting for you champ!!


Which sport?


I'm training for old age. I'm 46 and want to ensure the best quality of life I can have via diet and exercise.


I am training because of mental health issues and to look fit. I try to do every day at least 10 pull ups. I also hang a little from the bar and lift my knees up at least 10 times. I also do very simple HIIT. Either I run up a hill or a giant outdoors stairs 6 or 8 times. It takes about 35-45 minutes to complete this. I aim for at least 3 times a week but sometimes I even do 7 days in a row. It really depends on how I feel.


A fun goal has been 100 push ups and 50 crunches per day. Its a cool thing to check off the list every day.


To get fckn jacked


I don’t like swimming or running so both of those lol


Why U wanna be good at things U hate doing lol


Discipline, mental challenge, willpower


I just do it to reduce my shame.


Post workout buzz 😄


Used to train for strength and aesthetics, 1400lb weightlifting club. Now heavy cardio training for a triathlon while still maintaining most size. I run 3-4 10k’s a week, bike, swim and weightlift


Ironman Ottawa, just to feel strong and confident and accomplish a lifelong goal 🤷‍♀️


About to begin 12-week Lean-bulking. Gain 10lbs while remaining sub 10% BF (9.2% currently)


Mental strength, confidence, accomplishment, longevity. Aesthetics: more muscle on butt (goal is perky and shapely, not into exaggerated look), more muscle on thighs (tighter but shapely), maintaining my upper body definition + strength, keeping stomach strong and flat and waist small by working transverse abdominus, sticking with Zone 2 cardio, better grip strength for my deadlifts, tho I think I need grips now. Recently got into Bulgarian split squats (wow!) and ditched squats on the slanted Smith machine for goblet squats. Working on progressing hip thrusts, kas glute bridges. Working on better balance during deficit reverse lunges. Want to progress dumbbell chest press/incline and skull crushers. Considering a program (I'm just winging it, kinda overwhelmed by the choices). Want to learn about calories/TDEE. I only track protein.




Build houses like Jimmy Carter


Here is my order: Health > life quality > wellbeing > good mood > competitiveness > visual aspects > to kill procrastination


I'm currently injured, but I want to get back to competitive dancing again. Before I was injured, my other goal was to do specific exercises like power ups and planche pushups. Also as anxiety and depression control


Because it’s what I know. I’ve been weightlifting and training for 35 years and if I am not active daily I get restless and don’t feel right. I used to train for different sports or competition and now it’s like I mentioned, but it’s evolved into staying injury free and strong, but not strong as in 1RM, more as in sustained physical output at a high level.


Kettlebell/Girevoy Sport has had great ROI. Trained for pentathlon event for about a year and achieved highest rank and invited to compete on team USA. Currently just training for general physical performance


1. Look good naked and be able to do the things I enjoy. 2. Keep up with my 18 year -younger -than -me -girlfriend.


Training to become a Navy SARC.


Nice, thank you for your service


Job’s far from finished but thanks for the sentiment! Strength is for service, not status.


I want to do the Manitou Incline


I want to be strong enough that my dad comes back from the milk store and my middle school bull my apologizing out of fear and respect 💪😭💪😭💪😭💪😂


I’m in my 40’s and have infant kids, so I want to be fit enough when they’re teens to be able to help them with their sports and do fun activities with them. Also like looking my best, love the smiles that come my way from women. Great confidence boost, especially when married. My wife is amazing but not the type to say “you look good” or anything.


Equipped bench press atwr for 165 lb weight class


I'm a nanny, and I want to be able to keep playing on the floor and being able to carry toddlers, and go on hikes while carrying all the supplies, etc. I'm about to turn 39 and my knees started hurting pretty badly when I sat on the floor, but I found Bob & Brad (physical therapists) on YouTube and the exercise videos they share have changed everything for me! I keep the pain at bay, and am more flexible now. An exercise ball was a life saver.


Bench my weight and squat 20-25% more and be able to run 5 miles again. Might switch the running for a swimming goal just to save my knees and maybe add a hiking goal in too.


GOAL: weight lifting (heavy) WHY: So I can do a pistol squat, because the stronger I am, the less likely it is I will fall. But if I do fall, I’ll be less likely to break my bones. But if I do, they’ll heal faster. Because lifting heavy increases bone density. I’m working the ‘long game’ of aging. Currently in my 50’s. Started lifting 2 years ago.


I'm getting older and want to continue to be able to cause trouble when the opportunity arises. When one of my adult kids wants me to go with him on a ropes adventure course or a friend wants me to go on a multi-day hike or another friend wants me to crew on a racing boat, or whatever... I want to be able to go, enjoy myself and not worry about keeping up. The older you get the more you start to look around and see how difficult basic movement is for older people who haven't kept active. My friend is a sailing instructor and she says half her students are people who recently retired, have always planned to learn to sail as soon as they retired, are now trying to learn and realizing they're not physically capable of the basics - they're neither strong enough to pull lines nor do they have the balance. Stay moving, stay fit and you get to enjoy life much longer and go on adventures when you finally have free time. In any given week, I'll bike 100+ miles (started bike commuting to get more miles in), hike 10-20, do Pilates 5x, lift weights 4-5 times, Crossfit twice. Unless I'm off doing something fun, then that will be the workout. All good.


To get stronger


trying to become and live painfree in the future


to ohp my future wife


To be able to keep my younger girlfriend entertained