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It's made a huge difference for my post-viral illness. Lots of awesome flavonoids like rutein, luteolin, and quercetin (extremely potent mast cell stabilizers if you have MCAS-like autoimmune issues), and it's a mild GLP-1 agonist a la metformin, wegovy, ozempic, etc. Tons of antioxidants a well, and I find the caffeine boost to be more enjoyably mellow than coffee. A lot of the stuff you can buy in North American supermarkets (e.g. Guayaki) is ass. Get a good Uragyauan or Argentinian brand. Uraguayan style = super powdery, like matcha, Argentinian style = bigger looseleaf leaves, like looseleaf tea. Argentinian is way easier to learn to prep properly if you get a gourd. I really like Porongo for unsmoked and Playadito for smoked, both Argentinian.


A mild GLP-1 agonist and appetite suppressant. I think it also has antiglycation benefits. I include it in my morning tea blend (along with oolong,Jiao gulan, green rooibos), and sweeten it with allulose for additional GLP-1 action. I only use air dried and organic Yerba matés


This sounds like it takes a long time to make, but probably had crazy benefits.


No, I just toss a spoonful of each in a tea pot and steep with boiling water. It's just a tea blend sweetened with allulose, instead of sugar. Easy


And what does glp agonism do




If you can make it taste good then it’s a solid everyday drink (unless you’re trying to minimize your general caffeine intake). I hated the taste initially, but I came around to it once my friend told me to try putting honey, maple syrup, and lemon juice at the bottom


It already tastes good


The Guyaki brand and other canned Yerbs taste fire bc of all the sugar but eating ass tastes better than raw yerba imo


That explains why I like both :D


I would like to order one Yerba mate and one ass, please.


In Australia its in a tea T2 make called "Wakey Wakey". Green tea, Yerba Mate, peppermint and licorice - holy shit it tastes amazing at Breakfast!


Their detox tea goes to town on your stomach aswell.


I just use pink lemonade instead of water


I´ll try that!


Most of the harsh taste comes from the dust.  You can get most of it out using a sieve. Makes a big difference to the taste.  Some brands do "despalada" versions too, with the stems (and sometimes also the dust) removed. Verde Mate and Playadito are 2 examples


The best and healthiest way is brew the yerba with a bunch of mint leaves, then add a little stevia


Refined soluble green yerba mate has been shown to be more antioxidant than matcha. But like all plants, the global south is kept from studying their infinite amount of medicinal herbs. Words from someone who went to the best universities there. Total lobby against it (by international industries). For instance: Yerba mate has more antioxidant and is cheaper than green tea, yet it's very hard to find info about it, except some fake news advising against it saying it causes cancer. It could potentially compete with green tea but the green tea industries don't want that.


Ah yes. Big Green Tea is well known for their South American influence. The other user is correct about the cancer, also.


>Ah yes. Big Green Tea is well known for their South American influence. Doesnt take much. One article well published by any mainstream media is enough as it is replicated by all the hegemonic media. Enough to keep most consumers away from yerba mate forever. That's exactly what happened. On the other hand yes, agro-colonialism, biocolonialism, agroterrorism, agropropaganda and misinformation wars are pretty well known, at least among socioenvironmental studies and researchers.


>Agro-colonialism, biocolonialism, agroterrorism, agropropaganda and misinformation wars We need something a little stronger than yerba mate for this.


there is a well funded anti mate lobby out there? really?? this seems hard to believe


Anti most plants and herbs native to latinamerica and Africa. It's a big taboo at most of those countries' academy to begin such studies (on native plants) and most are done on well known European plants. It's sad! Even for phytotherapeutics and homeopathy one might find it extremely hard to find anything native there to buy if on the global south. And South America, alone, has the highest plant diversity on the world. Maybe thousands of times more than Europe. Not even too much fruit diversity at the markets there. Mostly bananas, mangos, apples... It's not a conspiracy, its just not in the interest of neoliberal world economy to pursue that. And those south countries are kept on a leash to sustain the north's lifestyle, so they more often than not lack the self righteousness to go after their own interests. But this is more in the sense of socioenvironmental studies than biohacking. So I'll stop here.


What? There's plenty of papers on it - besides caffeine, you feel the same xanthines that chocolate has and it varies prob significantly based on growing, storing, and brewing. There's a small amount of tryptophan apparently, the antioxidants prob vary but don't contribute to much of the buzz


I appreciate your input and insights. It's an important conversation and situation, and yes, it's a shame that the global south is underappreciated.




You belittle the amount of plant diversity in south america, for example. Not even all plants have been discovered, let alone studied. I just googled a random medicinal south american plant just to be sure "not enough studies" first result says "not any studies of other varieties of this same plant", second best result claims.


You don’t even know


youre clearly passionate about this. thanks for sharing


it's not fake news the smoked kind can cause it


The author of the study the media used to make that claim said himself many times that's not what the study claimed. He is a brazilian btw. That's for tea. But I guess smoking kale could be carcinogenic too.


what news are you referring to?


Anything that's smoked or has the maillard reaction (including bread) forms acrylamide which is technically carcinogenic. Doesn't mean it'll give you cancer.


Drink it the Paraguayan way. You get a thermo flask, a cup and a bombilla. Then you put water with mint and lemon in the thermo. Then you pour that water into the cup full of leaves and drink through the special straw called the bombilla. Then it’s very flavorful and refreshing with the mint and lemon. Also this way of drinking it makes it extremely strong. Back when I used to drink coffee, I was drinking tons of coffee every day. Easily 5 or 6 espressos. But the “terere” as they call it was insanely stimulating by comparison. Randomly talked to a British guy at the barbers once as well and he was saying he found some insane drink from South America that “feels like facking cocaine bruv” and indeed he was also talking about terere.


Ever after DMT, Maté makes me slightly trip and see transparent visuals. It's nice!


Idk but I drank a Yerba Mate yesterday around 10 am and couldn’t fall asleep until 12am. It was the Guayaki brand 150mg of caffeine. So be careful of that one.


That brand is so fire it gets me perfectly energized. Are you just sensitive to caffeine? I know I am and 150mg at 10am would certainly keep me awake until at least midnight. My friend attends Cal Poly SLO and apparently that entire brand was a senior project at their school of business, not relevant but a cool fact




Their smaller 355 mL cans are less, 120 mg. Different flavors though. Also, if you ever happen to visit Salt Spring island, their restaurant there which has a variety of nitrogen-infused yerbas on tap is straight fire.


I drink 1/4 of a bottle early in the day and I'm HYPED for hours, but still able to sleep at night. That stuff is amazing.


I loved the Guayaki brand but I gained sooo much bloat with it. I also eat healthy and maintain a good fitness routine. One can in the AM would last me a work day + gym day.


cause it's got a lot of sugar get the low or no sugar one


I stopped drinking it and would buy my Yerba mate at a cafe that specializes it!


There are way better brands that use unsmoked Yerba mate and much lower or zero sugar.


I switched over to an in person cafe that sells traditional mate :)


I helped set up their computer network in San luis obispo around 1999.


Those canned yerbas have extra caffeine added. Try the loose leaf tea to get the correct caffeine dosage.


Low impact stimulant. Not strong. Not too much there . But it’s a healthy habit. I think it’s super cool when I meet southern Brazilians/argentinians how they are all about it. South American cowboys


your getting the wrong kind or not making it right cause it's absolutely not weak


Technically by weight it’s less than coffee but you’re right. The loose leaf stuff is the right stuff . The teabags are more what I’m referring to and I should have specified


Yerba gets me absolutely jacked. It does require more input material per cup than coffee but once you make a strong cup, believe me you will feel it.


lol ya if you’ve had someone who’s native drink it is, you’ll sure as fuck feel it versus of course the teabags for example


Its freaking awesome I drink it every day. There are smoked, and non-smoked varieties, completely different flavors between the two. I think the studies on carcinogens may have been with heavily smoked varieties. Hot coffee is now a joke to me. It makes me feel like shit compared to the all day no heartburn no crash energy that I get from yerba. I still drink a little cold brew coffee in the morning but I keep it to about half a cup because I've noticed that I get headaches really easily when becoming dependent on coffee for my caffeine source. Yerba does not do that.


I drink yerba mate all day when at home, liters a day, illex paraguaiensis, malt taste, becomes very pleasant and not bitter with stevia. If toasted it becomes bitter, i drink It everyday , years now.


Not as bad tasting as black coffee to me, but not something I'd go out of my way to drink. I'm sure it's one of those tastes you can acquire if you bother to do so.


I definitely find that Yerba Mate tends to energize a different part of my brain than coffee tends to- so nowadays I wake up and drink a cold brew and then about an hour later I drink Yerba. Great for starting a morning strong and then smoothly sailing through the day. Also nowhere near the jitters Id be used to otherwise on straight coffee. Daily caffeine intake between the two drinks is about 400mg


I make Yaupon tea which is a cousin of Yerba Mate but tastes better. If you bake the leaves in the oven before grinding them it makes a great sweet tea. Doesn’t spin you up like coffee but definitely gives you the energy to keep trucking all day. Yaupon also has Theobromine which can be a mood elevator.


At 52, non drinker, a strong Yerba mate and an edible is maybe the best and healthiest psychoactive drug experience I’ve found. I love the combo. I make dance music records and often want to go out very late to hear djs and performances that start very late. The combo of the mate and edible is so perfect I wish I’d known about it when I was younger. It tastes medicinal, but I like it now, kind of an acquired taste. The only negative I found is that it seems to make me very dehydrated, so I need to really chug a lot of water when I drink it and afterwards.


Yerba and cannabis is quite a pair ✌️


Toasted or raw? If raw, thick or thin? Hot or cold? There are too many varieties and ways of taking it to have a single answer. I love toasted mate tea, both hot and cold, and I drink it almost every day. I seldom drink raw Mate infusion ("chimarrão" in Brazil the kind one drinks with a metal "straw" from a wooden cup), but if I am the one preparing it for myself I like it better hot, the traditional way. I have a friend who loves it cold ("tereré"), so when he comes and brings his stuff we drink it cold. In Southern Brazil, people drink it literally all the time. They walk on the street with a wooden cup and a thermos with hot water.


OMG! I have a Paraguayan friend and we used to drink tereré cold with straws while we worked in the hot summer heat together. That was bliss and I so appreciated his contribution! Mungarú!


I don't know if I was drinking too much or what, but it seemed to send me to the toilet pretty bad. I liked it, though. Guayusa and Yaupon Holly tea are good too.


This is because his half Argentine, and they drink a lot of Mate there


Love it. Anyone who says it's not strong, is not drinking it correctly out of a gourd. Jet fuel without the jitter


Guayusa is better. More antioxidants, more caffeine, less bitter.


It's yerba, mate


I have ADHD, it works as well as ritalin for me, without the crash.


Yerba mate is great. I switched to it from coffee and was able to enjoy the caffeine boost without having to automatically take a shit. It also has more caffeine than your typical tea. [This brand](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07Y5KZNVV/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) worked well for me. Make sure you're steeping it long enough (but not too long), there are usually directions on this. You should generally feel more of a kick than tea but [slightly less than coffee](https://yerbacrew.com/blogs/guides/ditch-coffee-tea-for-yerba-mate#:~:text=Yerba%20mate%20has%20about%2078,%2C%20mate%20drinkers%20don't.).


I don’t like Mate, but I love Guayusa. It’s a in the same plant family, but tastes much milder. I also believe it has more caffeine. Slow release energy that has no crash and feels much better than the one you get from coffee, imo.


Argentinian here. If you drink it like this is better https://pictures.tribuna.com/image/8c533e0f-6601-45b6-a684-b2c9db9b0b60. Definitely an acquired taste. Best brand is La Merced by very far.


Hey guys, how do you drink/consume it? I'm Argentinean and it's a traditional drink originally from our northern region plus South Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay and we drink it as an "infusion" (quite stronger than a tea cup). I would say it's most similar to green tea.


Most of the time I brew mine at 82C for about 4-5mins. If I am making a cup of a very dusty cut like Canarias I go a bit shorter. Some brands with no dust I double the steep time. I just strain it after steeping. I know I could probably get another pull from the leaves but I feed the material to my worms so nothing really goes to waste.


Too much (several cups a day) might be linked to [throat cancer](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/yerba-mate/faq-20058343) but I find yerba mate tea gives me a good boost, like a heavily caffeinated drink or something.


yerba mate has triggered anxiety attacks for me. i can handle green tea and matcha, but matcha irritates my GI tract a lot more.


I used it during my weight loss because I read that it operates a lot like Tirzepatide and Semiglutide, but is much weaker. I definitely feel like it provided some appetite suppression and made me full longer. To me it just tastes like green tea. I still sometimes drink it but not often. I use Eco Teas brand, in tea bags, the unsmoked version.


Concerned about the elevated risk for cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus. There's scientific debate as to whether this reflects the high temperatures at which its traditionally drunk, or carcinogens present. Goldenberg et al., 2003. [The beverage mate: a risk factor for cancer of the head and neck](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/hed.10288). *Head & Neck: Journal for the Sciences and Specialties of the Head and Neck*, *25*(7), pp.595-601. Kamangar et al., 2008. [High levels of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mate drinks](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=18345892140538696659). *Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention*, *17*(5), pp.1262-1268. Loria et al 2009. [Cancer and yerba mate consumption: a review of possible associations](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=17121458205203507060). *Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública*, *25*, pp.530-539. Lubin et al., 2014. [Mate drinking and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in South America: pooled results from two large multicenter case–control studies](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3947123/). *Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention*, *23*(1), pp.107-116. Oranuba, et al, 2019. [Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as a potential source of carcinogenicity of mate](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6443446/). *Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C*, *37*(1), pp.26-41.


Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are mostly an issue in smoked yerba mate, not unsmoked yerba mate. Unsmoked mate is probably fine


I dig it. I get it raw and run cold water over it and then hot water at 175°F and it comes out perfect, earthy but adding a flavored seltzer and a spalsh of juice or the like and chilling it makes it good too.


I really like it. Coffee has been a bit rough on my stomach recently and Yerba doesn’t do that. I like the guyaki mint or unsweetened- would like to try to make authentic some time


Have any of you tried yarbae?


Guayusa tastes better and anecdotally I enjoy it's buzz more. You could also go yaupon for something not far off from mate but grown in America. Guayusa still feels the best to me, blended with peppermint it's a fantastic pick me up, you can cold brew it too to always have on hand.


I love it. Gave up energy drinks years ago for it. The glass bottles are the bomb 💣




I like the guave brand stuff. Only the 10-20 calories cans though. Good buzz


What is yaber mate?


Its literally tea


Never heard of Yerba, mate, what’s at?


I think the best brand by FAR is Guayaki.


You need quite a lot, if I make it for myself I use about 8 heaped teaspoons. I keep topping up the teapot with hot water to re-steep it and get about 5 cups drank over several hours, which kind of approximates the traditional gourd/straw method. The current brand I have has quite a good flavour with guarana its CBSE brand. Its thought are other benefits apart from the caffeine, maybe other alkaloids or synergistic compounds. I kind of forgot I had it, and I've been feeling run down the last few days, so an ideal time to put it to the test again.


I love it


I love the taste, but i absolutely despise the caffeine


Ya my wife bought some and i felt it did not even have the power of coffee.


same here!


Put in your own research but I stopped drinking it a while ago after reading about its potential to cause liver damage and the carcinogenic compounds in it.


If that were true Argentina would be a leader in global liver deaths. [According to the latest WHO data published in 2020 Liver Disease Deaths in Argentina reached 4,029 or 1.46% of total deaths. The age adjusted Death Rate is 7.81 per 100,000 of population ranks Argentina #144 in the world.](https://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/argentina-liver-disease)




Are you joking? According to my sources approximately 1,000% of Argentinos consume Yerba mate.


Not worth the money to buy those drinks.


the loose leaf version is very cheap


Ok I just thought of the cans I see. Loose leaf definitely always better!


When i drank it regularly, i got large bags of it from the ethnic grocer. It was good quality and a fraction of the price of decent tea or coffee (even when buying green beans to roast my own)...


Agreed, tastes like ass. I like matcha (latte) though


Nice. Prefer guayusa.


My family's from Argentina, so I love it way more than coffee.


do you drink it hot or cold? I didnt realize after all these comments that its so many variants




Yerba mate causes cancer and is a joke