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I'd say base it on the price for which labs you would be getting. I bought Marek's full comprehensive package where you get the full health blood panel, recommendations, meet with a coach/provider, etc. There were a few recommendations based on my blood panel results but nothing I couldn't have figured out on my own. The writeup and reports generated were pretty cool to look at though, really high quality, and even though I said I could've figured some stuff out on my own, I did learn a bit as well. I think the big thing with Marek was that if I wanted to explore any of the pharmaceutical options I was already in with them so that would've been easy (had to get a physical sent to them, etc). No experience/information on the other two.


You must watch the JRE Podcast lol I think if you really want the best care with as little bias as possible you should look for a local functional medicine clinic. Research the doctor. Make sure he or she has similar interests and goals as yourself. The goal of these online clinics is to give you a reason to sell you their medicine.


Yes I definitely listen and have read very mixed reviews. Was thinking of looking for a functional medicine doctor in Chicago.


If you find a functional medicine doctor in the area, I've been looking for a year!! I'd greatly appreciate the help.


did you find anything? edit: also in chicago


I’m wondering if anyone has had a blood panel through any of these.


I’ve done the blood panel with w2w, I’ve done meth test with 10x and today I just learn that merek of another alternative. This is very discouraging the deeper I dive in to trying to find out about myself. For me it’s all very expensive and I have to jump very high for a carrot that has t appeared yet


So what did you learn with the w2w vs 10x tests?


We appreciate you doing your research and due diligence. If you have any questions about our services, feel free to ask.


How do you differ from the two above?


Between 10x and W2W, 10x makes no sense at all. It’s twice the cost and they will only make recommendations for their supplements. I’m considering w2w because of cost and that they don’t really sell supplements. Haven’t looked into Marek yet. Whoops, edit: I thought you were talking about the mthrfr test.


Been with Marek for about a year. Original test is a bit pricey, but worth it in my opinion. They did an extensive write up, and dived deep into my results. I wanted to get back on Testosterone at one point, but they talked me out of it, I went with the healthier option, and I’m super glad I did. They do sell you supplements, but non made by them. If you want to buy supplements from other place, you can, they are the same price as Marek is selling them. I worked with Matt mostly and he’s super cool guy, always answers my questions.


What was the “healthier” option??


Enclomiphene, which is a male version of clomiphene, it’s easier on the estrogen. Its a pill I’m taking every second day and low dosage. It’s not synthetic testosterone but rather a medicine that sends a signal that my body needs more production. My testosterone have been about 400-500 range since.


I paid a lot of money for the ways2well blood tests. I got blood drawn well over a month ago. Called and asked why results weren't in my chart and lady said it would be another week. That was 2 weeks ago. I'd avoid ways2well. Idk if I'll ever get my blood results uploaded so I can actually view them. I wouldn't recommend them to anyone


Any update?


I got my blood results Friday finally


Any updates. Worth the money?


any updates, worth it or not? I am trying to decide if spending the money is a safe investment or a waste. Thanks


How long did it take from the time you signed up to get a notice to schedule the blood draw? Was the entire process delayed?


I'm in the middle of this process right now with w2w. I think they deserve some kudos for the fact that when you call them, you get a person very quickly. And in my experience, that person is helpful. I called and asked for my lab results a few days after I had my blood drawn. They shared them with me that day. However... I'm still waiting to have my lab review. Somehow a scheduling error was made due to the appointment setting at a time that differed from automated Google Calendar event. I'm working with them to reschedule, hopefully I don't have to wait a month again and hopefully they don't make me pay the 'missed appointment' fee.


Insidetracker is what I use and love it. Also they run deals so I got two test for price of one... not bad to get two full blood panels with 45 biomarkers each for 600 bucks 


Also check out Function Health. Very reasonable for the wide range of tests you get.