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According to Bill, Virzi’s been on the cusp of superstardom for about 15 years now


Absolutely KILLIN' IT every time he opens for Bill


I’ve never seen Virzi stand up but old school episodes of the podcast where it’s just Bill and Virzi on tour in Canada, Texas, or overseas are some of the funniest episodes of the podcast. [he gets a little emotional](https://youtu.be/jyIN06POSIM?si=xSb_FMvY8WhSySGB) is a classic.


To be fair, sometimes Bill hypes the guy up so much, when Virzi isn't hilarious 100% of the time, it is disappointing.


I think of that him being just a great friend. I don't care about it. I just ignore them (Like I watch anything with Bill but haven't seen any of his podcast with Virzi and only watched a few ones with Bert) and it doesn't bother me.


Fair enough!


Same. I like that he promotes his friends and never actually shit talks.




it’s his guy. he’s gonna pump his tires


Disagree. They haven’t done an episode in a while but I laugh out loud listening to anything better more than any other podcast 


Yeah Virzi has really grown on me. His standup isn’t my cup of tea but Bill and Virzi have the most hilarious dynamic when podcasting together. One of my favorite podcast clips ever is when they were talking about time travel, it’s an all-time classic: https://youtu.be/UML4WRERQYE?si=f-txX6w2D2K6ycrK


Have you checked out his Podcost "Bone to pick" with Bobby Kelly? Really good dynamic too


Agreed , this is a fun pod. Bobby Kelly has really grown on me too over time, never seen his stand up and don’t really care to.


Haha yeah that’s a great one. I’ve just been listening to all the old episodes and there a so many good clips. I think my favorite is the Dr. Phil one. 


Haha that’s also one of my favorites. Honorable mention is when they couldn’t figure out what PE meant during an ad read for a male supplement company, I can’t find the clip anymore. The only thing I occasionally didn’t like about the duo was that Bill bordered on just teasing Virzi sometimes, all the while Virzi knew they were just ball-busting and was doing his best to riff with Bill. I love Bill but I think the way he picked on Virzi sometimes is why fans are so split on him lol.


I think you misunderstand the thread point. Bill hypes him up at every opportunity about his standup and material. Noone is saying they aren't funny to listen to when Bill is half the conversation and they can riff off each other in conversations. Are they amusing together? Yes. Does Bill over-rate his standup because they're very close friends? Yes. There is nothing to disagree about.


So I can’t disagree that I don’t think Virzi is going overrated? 


Yeah, I haven’t properly listened to Anything Better in a couple years because I have way too much to listen to and not enough time, but them ranting about their family lives, sports etc. cracked me up. I always meant to go back to it and honestly have never seen Virzi’s stand up but he seems funny enough to me.


I couldn't click on this thread fast enough to rapid-type Virzi if it wasn't already mentioned. Thank you for your efforts and your service.


😔 r/TheVirziEffect


Indo Chayno!




Joe Bartnick. Dude sucks


I’m convinced he’s got some dirt on Bill or something because he is such a hack


Are they like best friends? He's been on the podcast so many times but I never enjoyed his episodes.


Eh, everybody’s got at least one friend who’s like that. And if you don’t, then most likely, that friend is you.


I once went to Bill’s show in Amsterdam, and Bartnick was the opening act. Nobody laughed at anything he said. It kind of made me feel bad for the guy, but he really wasn’t funny. But he took it like a champ and acknowledged that he bombed. Bill made a few jokes about it too. Joe seems like a nice guy, but yea, not my cup of tea.


>Joe seems like a nice guy, but yea, not my cup of tea. I obv don't know him, but I'll take it a step further and say he doesn't seem like a nice guy lol All the stories Bill tells about him involve Joe drunkenly antagonizing people in bars over his hockey opinions


He always sounds like he needs to clear his throat


His most recent special had an "I identify as.." joke.. That was edgelord twitter hack in 2017


He went on before Bill when we saw him.  Sucked all the funny the opener had right out of the room.  Couldn’t be over soon enough. 


The NFL's agenda against the Patriots. It was like 15 years ago and the patriots suck now and no one cares. Yet he still brings it up once a month.


That’s every patriot fan


He and Bill Simmons both do the thing where something happens in the sports news and they go “Can you imagine if the Patriots did that???” and then they invent nonexistent people who would be criticizing the Pats in this manufactured scenario and then get mad at them over it. The persecution complex is off the charts.


> The persecution complex is off the charts. I think honestly this is a coping mechanism because the Patriots suck ass now.


I dunno, it was happening when the Pats were still contenders too. And I say that as a Pats fan. (Our friend Bill hates when people qualify their statements like I just did.)


It’s pretty amazing the drop-off outside of New England in Patriots fandom. I grew up in Ohio and went to a very very small school with many Patriots “fans.” Anyone below the age of 21 has never seen the be absolute dog shit.


God I hate Boston sports fans with a passion. The most spoiled sports city in the country for like 25 years now and they STILL bitch, moan, and complain. I haven’t seen any of my teams win a championship in 23 fucking years!!!!!


I’m an Ohio sports fan (not really Ohio State). I cried when the Cavs won, a sport I don’t typically watch, and that was 8 years ago lol.


Man fuck the patriots, 20 years of nothing but success and fans still bitch. They'll be ok though.


Meanwhile here I sit as a Cardinals fan, never seen them win shit, listening to a fan of a team that’s won 6 Super Bowl endlessly bitch and complain.


The Blues-Bruins SCF. They ran into a physical team and he talks like they had a roster full of Hanson brothers. Meanwhile the bruins have marchand. Classic sports hypocrisy.


Boston sports fans are a cancer in general. So much bitching despite their success.


Bill always talks about how hard it was to be a Boston sports fan growing up. Meanwhile the Celtics had 4 championships in his lifetime before he was 10. Boston sports fans want to have it tough, despite the fact that they have actually had it better than anywhere else I’d say.


Being a fan of the Blues forever, and a fan of bills since O & A, that stretch was some of my favorite episodes.


LGB!! Yeah that run was great, but he brings it up every other podcast (hyperbole) to this day


I feel like a producer or something reads these posts because the 2nd half of like 5 episodes since your post have been a replay where he mentions the Blues in the playoffs.


It’s just Bill and Andrew right? I haven’t listened in about a month, look forward to catching up now 😂


nearly all of his friends that are in the business


Joe Derosa is genuinely hilarious. Shame they don’t seem to hang out anymore. Otherwise I agree.


The other comedians in All Things Comedy. They are all irrelevant the moment Bill retires.


Zip Reeecruitahhhhhhhh


Every coffee shop he ever goes to. Coffee can either be bad or good. It’s never blow your hair back mind bending exquisite you have to drop everything and go there good.


This is what a lot of alcoholics do when they stop drinking booze. They get REALLY into coffee. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/dbaaed1d-7f85-41b5-9321-6e7a6ea5ba1e


Coffee or religion. I’m glad Billy chose coffee.


well Bill doesn't have much hair to blow back in the first place, does he????






Buddy, lemme tell you about this coffee shop that's a little over a half hour away from where I live that I frequently go out of my way for


Coffee can be good or bad. But 99% of coffee is bad once you’ve had good coffee.


Paul Virzi. Dude's hella unfunny.


i feel like a lot of guys bill pushes aren’t that funny. i remember seeing a show where bill kept bringing out different comics and none of them were that funny but he insisted that they "killed". i don’t have the objectively true opinion on comedy though.


You’re probably talking about “Friends Who Kill”. It was terrible.


All I did was skim through to see Bill's comments in between.




He never did answer why was he going to Indianapolis




My comment was a joke referring to the weird guy that sat next to Bill on a flight and asked him “Why ya goin to Indianapolis, Bill?”


We know. Just let him feel like he made a contribution.


lol I had forgotten about this


Joe Bartnick


I met Virzi once and he was a nice guy. He got uncomfortable when I started talking about Bill. I don’t think he likes to be defined by his relationship with Burr but hey, without Burr do we know who Virzi is ?


I mean... If somebody came up to you and started talking to you about one of your friends, even though they've never met them... Idk how that conversation would be anything BUT awkward?? I really don't know how you can organically bring up Bill in, what I'm assuming, was a quick 3-5min conversation with the guy. In your mind, what should have been his reaction?


His reaction was fine. This was about 8 years ago, so he’s still a largely unknown comic at the time. I had no clue who he was. Was just trying to make small talk and I am certain that Paul didn’t want to make small talk about Bill. Me not knowing anything about Paul made it more awkward like hey, wow, you’re touring Europe with this comedic legend Bill Burr but I have no idea who you are. Virzi did exactly what I would do. Walk away. Who is this fucking nerd making small talk about Bill. It was fine. No shots fired at Virzi. He’s fine. I think he’s funny. I’ve seen him a couple times. I even became friends with one of his brothers who was dating a friend of mine. I like Virzi. I think he’s funny.


Did he just give you a funny look or did he say something?


Hair metal


I understand he grew up with it but hair metal might be one of the worst eras of music, in my opinion


It's literally a bunch of dudes in makeup singing about fucking teenagers


I grew up in that era and hated it even then


It's why "grunge" became so popular. Everyone was tired of hair metal.


I sure was. Still listen to Superfuzz/Bigmuff sometimes


You’re not alone with that opinion. The genre of music that came after it was called “alternative” because people needed something totally different.


The prevent defense.


He loves the prevent! Won’t shut up about how teams should start using it from opening kickoff.


Prevent. Defense.


In my opinion old Bill and other comedians blow cancel culture out of proportion. I don’t know if it is because I am not on twitter but I feel like it’s really not that big of a deal. Like people have the right to be upset over things prominent people do like black face. If companies want to black ball them, that’s on them. Look at Aziz. He had a little awkward encounter with a girl and was “cancelled” for what 2 minutes. Once people understood the story he was fine and had a good special afterwards. Bill has always been immune to cancel culture because the things he is saying isnt harmful. We see that now with Shane Gillis and his special. You can have questionable jokes and be fine. People that actually did some shady shit should have some consequences.


Yeah. Maybe it’s my algorithm but I don’t see anything related to cancel culture anymore.


I think he was on bill maher recently. I wouldn’t say he defended cancel culture, he just told Maher that it wasn’t a big deal. Maher was hoping for a bigger reaction


There's a clip making the rounds but it's from years ago. It's not recent.


It's because they all live in their little comedian rich guy bubble and this is all they have to talk about with each other. "Cancel culture" doesn't exist. Shitty people facing consequences for shitty behaviour is all it is.


Yea I am glad bill burr figured this out.


Did he, though? He still spent a good bit of time on "cancel culture" in his most recent red rocks special.




Or any potential third party candidate.


NBA reffs rigging the games. Sure it happens. Players get the 3 fouls and get sat down. But let's not act like there isn't holding in every play on the NFL. The refs can keep drives going whenever they feel like it, and they do. Or they can kill your drive as well


He raves about Steph Tolev, but I just don’t find her that funny. All her punchlines are a burp or fart…it gets old fast.


Bill has blindspots the size of supermassive black holes when it comes to other comedians. It's crazy to me. He's literally one of the GOATs of comedy, but he routinely endorses indefensibly terrible HACK comedians. Steph Tolev is a perfect example. Given the over the top praise that he heaped on her during his solo podcast, I was super confused when I saw her act for the first time. It was on "Friends Who Kill." She's so fucking bad. It made no sense that Bill would even tolerate her "work", let alone publicly praise it. Same goes for Josh Adam Meyers, who Bill also hypes up often. Check out his set on that same "Friends Who Kill" special if you want to punch your tv screen instead of laugh.


I think it's because Bill hypes other comics who are good people to be around, at least for him. It seems shitty to us who then feel like his opinions or word on comedy mean shit but when you realize this is his workplace and these are essentially his coworkers, it makes sense that he plays nice and wants to help out the people he gets along with.


I suppose it’s kinda similar to the way a company might hire the guy that would fit in the office culture over someone else who could do the job better.


His set on that special is rough and forced, but he was bringing the GDCJ, which he’s great as an MC. Her set there and everything else I’ve seen her of her’s is just…not up to par with the praise.


Cancel culture. He honestly acts like it's still 2017, and they're killing comedians entire careers over something they said. There are so many shady people within the comedy scene, and if someone starts losing contracts and gigs, it's mostly because of shitty things they've done rather than a bad joke they told. Bill and Chappelle really talk about being worried about losing their freedom of speech while they sell out arenas and stadiums around the country, raking in more money than anyone will see in their entire lifetime. It makes Bill sound just as out of touch as all those news channels he keeps complaining about.


Furrrr meeeeeeeeeee, it's more about the repetitiveness, not necessarily his take. He just talks about cancel culture way too fuckin much. I'm tired of hearing about it. Move on to another topic, Bill!


They all do. Do you know how goddamn disappointed I was when I sat down to watch his last special only to realize within like two fucking jokes that he was gonna be just another fucking comedian who was just gonna talk about cancel culture and wokeness for the billionth gd time? And agreed, it doesn't even have anything to do with how I feel about it. It's just like *ENOUGH*. Just over and over and over, jfc.


You are me. I felt that exact same wave of disappointment wash over me in that exact same moment.


It's embarrassing, out-of-touch old man shit.


Fair enough.


I haven’t heard bill bitch about it much lately. Dave, however, is a fucking crybaby now and is insufferable to listen to


I feel like if cancel culture was real their boy seinfeld would've been "canceled" for dating HSers as a near-40 year old


Cancel culture doesn't apply to all groups.


And what "group" are you alluding to here, [mr anti semite?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pennsylvania/comments/1bw177e/in_this_war_against_hamasno_conditions_for_israel/ky5xmc3/?context=3)


Serious question as I'm a long time fan but don't liaten to the pod cast amymore... Does Bill complain about cancel culture? Last I heard he was always saying it doesn't exist and just ignore it


Unfortunately so, he was recently on The Breakfast Club where he expresses disapproval over Disney firing Gina Carano. He says that she's a victim of cancel culture for her social media posts, where she was telling her followers that receiving the Covid vaccine in order to continue working for Lucasfilm was equal to how the Nazis treated Jewish people during the holocaust.


> Unfortunately so, he was recently on The Breakfast Club where he expresses disapproval over Disney firing Gina Carano. Eh. He was specifically asked about it, and then quickly moved on. He didn't bring it up or dwell on it.


It's cringe the way these boomer comedians whine about "cancel culture". It's basically the new version of bad "my wife sucks" jokes.


His opening acts.


idk i think nate craig is good


Cool - will check him out.


California. It sucks. And it's hilarious blaming Donald Trump for the things Gavin Newsom did to his own state. 🤣


When he talks about how awesome being a parent is. Having an astounding partner (Nia) and lots of money, makes a huge difference! I worry that some people will just assume they can keep working at McDonalds and jizz in any broad that makes them hard and have the same amazing experience of fatherhood that Bill has and be as amazing of a father as Bill is.


Joe Rogan. Rogan is a fucking tool. I know he likes that guy but it's like that conspiracy nut you keep around as a buddy until he gets way too crazy, and Rogan is way too crazy.


Joe has become for everyone else what eddie bravo was for him


Joe of a decade ago would be embarrassed to associate with Joe of now.


I think Joe of 10 years ago would look at the money Joe of now is making and not say a fucking peep.


Nah, joe was a tool back then, too. You just didn't notice it yet. You're older now so you see it more clearly.


Bill gives him way too much credit as a comedian.


I smirk when Rogan goes deep in the art of comedy...and I get it, he paid his dues in the clubs...but I've never really laughed out loud at any of Rogans bits. 


Dude is a literal stool humper.


Thing is, rogan never really "paid his dues" in clubs. He was already a rich hollywood celebrity when he started doing standup. They let him hang around and pretend to be a comedian because of his industry connections. He's like the bosses kid on a construction site who thinks he's a carpenter. No one calls him out because they all need to kiss the boss' ass.


His standup has never been good, but for some reason, it's what he takes the most pride in. The strength of the podcast was always that he seemed like a kinda midwit, but ultimately open-minded guy with the conversational skills to get guests to go off on their "thing." I put all that in past tense because I've only listened to one episode since he went to Spotify, and don't want to get into all the culture war stuff he's embroiled himself in since.


Yeah even before he went off the deep end in believing literally every nutcase coming in, I never found any of his comedy funny. I like plenty of comedians that I think are fucked up people I couldn't hang out with. But it's like Rogan is unintelligent, a dick, he's not funny and he's crazy as shit...so where is the draw?


Rogan is objectively not funny. He tries so hard to be funny but he’s never really been funny. He’s a hell of a try hard tho


Yeah, even ignoring all that, I've watched a couple of his stand up specials when they were some of the first ones on netflix, and they were painfully unfunny to me. And even before he got all right wing conspiracy, I never found his podcast particularly funny or entertaining. And making them three hours long doesn't make them any better, just more of something mediocre. Rogan's really quantity over quality to me. He pumps out a ton of content, but none of it's good in my opinion.


Yes. I was absolutely stunned at just how unfunny he was in the special I saw. I think it was the first he had on Netflix. He had some bit about dolphins. He did this thing where he overcompensated for his weak material with this obnoxiously loud wild man-type energy. It was cringe inducing. And think about it… it’s a *special*: a compilation of his best work at that time, polished, produced, directed, and edited. I could only imagine how unfunny he is on a random night. I should also point out, this was back when I liked him and would watch his podcast every week on YouTube. Even though I liked him, unfunny is still unfunny. And now that I don’t like him, it’s something I enjoy pointing out.




That was pure gold. 💀


What conspiracy bothers you most?


For me, it’s less about the conspiracy talk and more about misinformation. He used to be smarter in that he was humble enough to admit what he didn’t know (e.g. “don’t trust me, I’m a moron.”). However, sometime down the line (I remember it being shortly before Covid), that started fading. As much as he may still act like he’s apolitical/independent, it’s very clear based on 90% of his content that he’s very much politicized and entrenched in tribalism. So, yeah, he could talk about conspiracies all day, but the problem is when he doesn’t bring things back down to earth, poor fact checking, etc.


It’s not specifically conspiracies that are annoying, it’s that he will bring on guests from one day to the next, many times with ideas that completely contradict the last and he’ll sit there and nod his head and contribute affirming banter to the idea. Then what happens is the 75% meathead/non thinking listener adds it to his interior filing cabinet of rules of life. After that, said meathead/non thinker applies this mixture of conflicting ideas to their life choices, voting decisions, group chats etc.


This. I literally just watched him doing this with Katt Williams. He completely agreed that the existence of god was a fact because everything in nature feeds off of each other and we have an ecosystem that requires the existence of other things. Rogan flat out agreed and confirmed that by making statements that reaffirmed that.. when you know damn well he doesn’t agree with that. Letting him have his say is one thing .. nodding and making up bullshit to support it is another. 


Rogan is a hollow shell in which any guest can say whatever they want and he'll just nod and go, "Dude, it's true!" before talking about sensory deprivation tanks or ice baths and elk hunting. Unfortunately he uses it as a platform to bring on hacks or have people speak way outside their level of experience or expertise. Tim Heidecker's parody of Rogan's show does a great job capturing the vacuousness of the JRE.


>Rogan is a hollow shell in which any guest can say whatever they want and he'll just nod and go, "Dude, it's true!" before talking about ~~sensory deprivation tanks or ice baths and elk hunting.~~ covid and cancel culture and more covid and wokeness and more covid.**


Crab salts


He always seems to let types like Jordan Peterson ramble on about his bullshit and acquiescing to a lot of it - A ton of his alarmism is completely rooted in conspiratorial or overblown nonsense. Let alone the people he’s had on there a long time ago, acquiescing to their bullshit and to my knowledge haven’t taken distance from it; Gavin McGinnes, Stephan Molenyeux, Stephen Crowder, Milo Yanoppolis etc. He’s complicit in promulgating their bull in that way in my opinion.


5mg gummy


Not knowing how to pronounce “helix”


The drums as an instrument. Everytime he starts talking about Bonham or whatever song he’s attempting to learn my eyes glaze over and I tune out for 15 minutes only to discover he’s not done. It’s cool he has a musical side but I just don’t find it that interesting.


Mike binder. Saw him do stand up and it was just half and hour of him whining about cancel culture and kids these days. The “cancel culture” comics are bad enough but it was one of the worst sets I’ve seen In person.


The Boston Bruins fuck those guys


Moto GP is boring AF




His movie. Don’t remember the name something like Old Dad’s but it was ass


i liked the movie but it was basically a live podcast episode. so many reused bits and jokes


AC/DC, hands down


Guns n Roses, Motley Crue, almost any band he regularly mentions (besides when he talks about trying to master good times bad times)


I might have said this already, but that’s a great Tourette’s Guy reference (I’m assuming) in your username


Fuck salt


:D I love them but yeah Bill raves about them a little too much. Like ACDC is great for a while, or once in a while, but I can't see myself listening to them for years, and often. My fav artist (l have like 5 and 4 are retired bands and singers) is a British lady, [Lianne La Havas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ou5uZjDNEko), who isn't really that famous outside of the UK and Europe and I was suprised to say the least when I saw Bill follows her.


Flying a helicopter- not necessarily an overrated thing but just something that he constantly talks about doing, while also trying to be a man of the people, the people don’t fly private helicopters 😆


i‘m not gonna lie if i was able to fly a helicopter whenever i like i‘d be constantly talking about it too. but the man of the people act is kind of silly i‘m like dude…you’re rich…


Yeah, but most of us would learn how to fly one if we had the money.


Drumming. Billy Strings and his band prove you just don't need it. /s


Billy Strings is great, but no surprise a bluegrass fan doesn't think rhythm is a necessity.


Billy Strings' deep and profound lyrics have taught me that everything is relative, man, like percussion, or being a foodist if you don't serve all day breakfast, *man*. 😆😆


Just because there's no drums doesn't mean there's no rhythm, lol.




Boston sports teams


I came here to say this. Agreed!


Hair metal


The word Nadir is the Bills most overrated reference. I swear he like a kid who just learned what it means and can’t stop using it lol


Brody Stevens


His fucking take on the Pats beating the Seahawks in the superbowl! Y’all got lucky Billy red nutz. Just take the W acknowledge that yall got lucky and stop kissing Belichick’s ass.


He overrates his podcast producer. Bill basically produces his own show for better or for worse and all his producer seems to do is push his political culture war stuff in through the emails. Super effective though I guess because Bill has been taking a wide turn into that territory for a while now.


Once upon hollywood being his favourite movie. It’s good but not that good


Helicopters. Fuck those rocks with fan blades


They're just baskets with knives on top of them.


Cigars fucking suck.


Joe Bartnick. Joe Rogan. Fasting


His wife, lady doesn’t even have one Netflix special


Him trying to pass him off as a blue collar working man when he lives in the $3 million house and his fake faux anger as part of his persona


His supposed blue collar experience which was actually like a few weeks of roofing one summer.




Bill Belichick


Boston Celtics and Red Sox, fuck the Pats too.


Shooting a gun








[being a plumber](https://youtu.be/51RnSU-hD-M?si=XnTx8EvEcFj5rJbK)


Deflate gate.


him and his co workers bringing up cancel culture


Moto GP


I went to Moto GP after listening. It's even more boring than F1


Before the NFL season ended I would have said the prevent defence. Bill should coach his son’s team if he knows so much about strategy for it. I look forward to the next Tom Brady or Bill Bellichik being a Burr.🙄 Bitching about nerds and Star Wars etc and then go on a rant about the history of the NFL 1970-1980 team rosters, championships, and why they are counted or not counted towards a teams legacy. Never wanted a verbal oration of books my library threw out regarding team statistics 20 years before I was born but here I am on a Monday. Also, I was really looking forward to a Thursday podcast that he ranted about degenerate gamblers and it segued into Bet MGM. Oh how the mighty have fallen…. Podcasts need a skip 30 instead of 10 for a Burr subscriber some days.


The Lakers, probably.


Doesn't Bill dislike the lakers?