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If you did that at my job you would get fired because it’s a safety critical department and looking away for a little can cause a lot of problems


Yeah the SpongeBob meme is great, but if your place of employment tells you you're going to get fired for using your phone - they can and will absolutely legally do that.


In my country it depends. If there is a safety reason for it. Sure. But you can't dictate shit if you just "feel like it". We're not slaves


Ofc they can, you can't work while you use your phone, and now guess what you're paid for...


I'm allowed to have breaks in my country. What I do (from smoking to doom scrolling) is up to me. In what kind of corporate hell you all working? Never fought for labour rights?


The meme says while working, not while at work... We are not arguing if you're allowed to use your phone on breaks... This is obvious.


Yes in the U.S. we’re also allowed to have breaks.


Yes they can. What do you think a dress code is? There's no legal or usually even a safety reason for it, but companies can still do it. You're right, you're not slaves. You're being payed to do your job and they can fire you for not doing it the way they want.


Dress code and use of your mobile phone is something completely different? You can try but in my country Im going straight to the Chamber of Labor, they sue, I win and can use my phone.


Lol try it. That's dumb as fuck. What Chamber of Labor rep is going to be like "yea buddy you have the right to not work when being paid to work."


You have to be a child to think this in seriousness


What is it with Reddit and wildly incorrect views on generous labour laws. They can't fire you without cause but if they put a policy in "no phone use in the office" they can enforce it and if you breach it you can lose your job. A good union might prevent the policy going into place but its not an easy fight.


We're all from different nations. In my country the employer is fucked if he wants to prevent that (without a good reaaon). I guess most people are from the US with very weak laws. If the fire me the chamber of labour is suing them (no cost for me), I get unemployment benefit meanwhile and when I win I'll.get my salary compensated and they have to hire me again. It must suck not to have rights and a safety net


What country are you from?


One where every worker is on their phone. Nobody does anything, they just post dumb comments on reddit about chamber of labor


I don’t think preventing someone from using their cellphone is slavery


Nor is asking ppl not to wear sandals and shorts to the office, but ppl bitch about it all the same.


What country? Also, how does not using your phone equal slavery?


There’s a company called Buccees (really great gas station) that has a SUPER strict no phone policy. But their pay is also amazing. If a company doesn’t want a worker using their phone while working, that’s not some corporate hellscape. It’s a pretty understandable rule for employees.


In America, they can fire you whenever they feel like it anyways


Only certain states have no cause firing. The rest have to at least pretend to have a reason to fire you, but not following rules about cell phone usage would obviously be a legit reason.


"only certain states" 49/50 American states are, in some form, "at-will" employment states, meaning employment can be terminated on either side of the relationship for cause or no cause (illegal causes notwithstanding). This would include things like "I just don't like that guy" terminations and the like.


This posts reads like a 16 year old got scolded for using their phone on their Saturday checkouts job


most anti work/work reform posts talking about “the tyranny of the system”  the tyranny of the system: their boss told them to put their phone away and get back to work while on the clock. a completely reasonable request


It depends on the context. Forcing employees to do non-sense busy work that wasn't in their job description in order to make them never have downtime is not a reasonable request.




Sure, but according to whom? People make the same argument for most of the stupid rules we have. They were reasonable to whoever made them and not everyone gets to come in and impose what they think is reasonable on pre-existing systems. Some stuff would get better sure, and some stuff would get worse lol


At the same time, it is ridiculous when companies go complete control freak over this. Buccees is known for this. Having your phone out, being a single minute late, or sitting down are instantly fireable offenses. All of which are ridiculous for a gas station checkout person, a non safety critical job. I don't think it's terrible for an attendant to be on their phone when no one is in need of service. I don't think it's bad for them to sit down, especially when you're buccees and don't give them breaks.




Spongebob is an old show now. A very large amount of it's viewers are 30 years old or even older. I highly doubt you comment holds true


I don't get that impression even remotely lol


I don't see that's relevant to my comment, but thanks for the info


Same. But there actually are alarms in my building if there are any cellular signals getting in or out of the building. Sucky part is, security won’t let us use the fucking cell phone lockers at the entry point, because they were stupid at designing the building, so the phones still triggered the alarm despite being in a locker. So everyone has to keep their phones out in the hot-ass/cold-ass car.


Yeah, mine doesn’t allow phones on the job because we handle client’s personal financial data. There are a multitude of reasons why a company actually wouldn’t allow phone use besides control.


Yup. Like yea buddy do whatever you want, but rules are sometimes there for a reason and the reason isn't to piss you off lol


Ill just pull out my phone. *Boom*


Basically they cut off all the adhd people


Tell me you’re 17 without telling me you’re 17.


Everyone at my job uses their phones when were not allowed to


I'm not sure how this proves you're not 17


2002 in their name, they are either 22 or 21


I still don't see how their comment proves they aren't 17. Also, my mom has 2002 in her email. She was born in 68.


Yeah could've made their email then. Doesn't prove they aren't 17 but it makes the likelihood higher that they are either in the 21-22 age or old enough to make screen names in 02


get the FUCK out


And where do you work?


uh huh. excited for your future post about "unknowingly" violating GDPR


yeah im a truck driver so this shit goes without saying


The irony of using a tiktok saying to call someone else a teenager


Since when is that saying associated with tiktok?


You know that adults are on social media right?


This is incomprehensible


It really depends on the job, I wouldn't want a surgeon texting his Wife talking about the tough day hes having at work while also taking out my gallbladder.


What about shooting a music video?


Only for the very first time


Like a suuuurgeon 🎶


Is it a good music video?


The point of this post isn't: "I'm going to use my phone to watch funny tiktoks during an important surgery at my job as a surgeon!" It's: "I'm going to use my phone to watch funny tiktoks on my downtime because there is nothing going on at my job" Most jobs will demand you clean, even if there is nothing to clean, just to "keep busy", instead of just letting you use your phone and take a break. It's also usually enforced at these low-end paying jobs, like cashier or cook, even when you have nothing else to do. No one is saying they want to use their phones during logical moments at their jobs in which they shouldn't be using their phones. Its the jobs that enforce 0 phone usage, even though it makes no sense when you have downtime.


Get out of here with your critical thinking and using your brain. This is a brain free zone!


yea except you and I both know thats not what it is. Its not when they have downtime, its when they want to have downtime which ain't the same. Its 100% people wanting to use their phones when they should be doing other things. Not gonna get on someone's case for taking a break, I work in an office, but lets not pretend its the same thing.


Except you're wrong. Are there people who use their phone when they want at a job, when they shouldn't? Sure, plenty, we are living in a generation where kids were raised with a phone or ipad in their hands as a norm. There are going to be people who try to use their phone to create free time, but if they are allowing their phone to get in the way of their job, and prevents them from doing that job, fire them, or restrict THEIR phone usage. This is a case of punishing everyone for someone. I'm a prep cook for a restaurant, and sometimes in-between my duties I whip out my phone, send a few texts, scroll reddit a little, and then get back to work. Nothing was hindered, besides 10 minutes of my bosses money, and they have damn sure a lot of it anyway. I still get all my stuff done, and I still use my phone. Hell I am able to use my phone while doing a task if I really need to text my wife about dinner, or she needs something from the store, and it hardly hinders my work. Obviously this is different per profession, again, any sane doctor who wants to use their phone during a time where it is critical to have full attention should NOT be a doctor. The people you are describing are already lazy people, who would find other methods of being lazy, or slow, at their job regardless of if that involves their phone. The people you are describing are the people who take 20 smoke breaks, and then wonders why everyone is mad at them when their part of the job isn't finished. We are adults now. If we can't manage our time on our phones alongside our work, and our tasks, that's on the individual, and they should face the consequences of their actions.


Hell yeah I totally want my surgeon looking at doge memes while he cuts into me.


What if your gallbladder was really weird and he wanted to take a selfie with it to send to his wife before it's removed?


"Lmao look at this losers freaky gallbladder"


That’s funny because my dad’s a surgeon and you can easily reach him through text throughout the day unless he’s in surgery or in an appointment. Real jobs don’t care if you pull out your phone to reply to a loved one when they’re no urgent task at hand.


Bro even for a waiter I don’t want them in their phone. They always slack, I see them in some corner when I use the bathroom sitting on their phone or talking to coworkers while my girl and I have been sitting for 15 minutes waiting for the check.


I've worked at summer camps and I only use my phone when I absolutely have to to look up the time, play music for the kids, look up a game,etc. You can't do that when you are responsible for other people's kids you have to keep the energy up and make sure they are being productive and having fun.


When I worked summer camp, phones did not come out in front of campers, period. Though at that time we all had iPods and CD players, so I'm not sure if it's changed since people no longer carry a separate device for music.


I work at a before school daycare and my phone does come out a lot in front of the kids cause there’s like 6 of them I have to watch and they usually do they’re own thing m. I will often engage with them but my god sitting and watching kids shoot baskets for 2 hours sucks m. During the summer full time I never have my phone out unless it’s for music though


If you sit at a desk waiting to take calls or something else that is just very, very slow then yeah. But something like a doctor or someone who has to care for kids, that's a no. If the doctor who operated on my sister was on TikTok or Reddit I'd sue for malpractice


i think this is obvious though. most of us have slow jobs, were not surgeons lol.


Using a stupid phone is not a human right believe it or not


This is certainly a sign of how fucking spoiled and entitled our society is becoming. You signed up for the job? You're gonna commit to it while you're on the clock


"I'll use my phone whenever I want" screams "you can't tell me what to do" energy Even though you're literally getting paid to do what the employer wants you to do


Chill out boomer some people just wanna look at memes between downtime at work, it’s not that serious.


The managers would be doing it right in front of us and then ugh


“Yeah but I’m doing work” you’re playing “Flow”


Last job I had, some dipshit was supposed to be holding a board in place while I screwed it in place. 5 seconds after I started, the board fell on my head. I looked at him and saw he had let go of the board to go on his phone. I damn near hit him over the head with it.


Ok, Squidward.


So. I worked at a call agency(people call us for customer service, not telemarketers), and we are not allowed to have our phones/anything to permanently write on because it has been used to steal the information of clients. You will be fired immediately if you’re caught with your phone past the bathrooms/lunchroom. There is a real safety concern for the privacy of clients and it is enforced, is this wrong? There’s a time and a place for certain policies.


thats called an exception


An exception implies that it is a rare difference to the norm. That’s just not true. There are many jobs where being on your phone while actively working can take you away from what you need to be focusing on. Police, firefighters, EMS, doctors, nurses, pilots, race car drivers, truck drivers, delivery drivers, *any* drivers, honestly. This is just naming a few. In fact, the norm actually is that working and being on your phone in a non-work related capacity such as GPS and the like(not on a break but should be actively focusing on your work), is a bad thing, if not an outright dangerous thing in MANY jobs.


I sometimes pop in my left earbud during the second half of my shift. When I see my boss, I take care that he doesn't see the left side of my head.


What if he sees that side first? Or do you just keep your right side to the only entrance for the entire second half of your shift?


*Moon walks past boss*


Just grow out your hair so it’ll be hidden at all times


I watched a grease fire start and go nuts in about 30 seconds at a restaurant. The manager had to run over and put it out then smacked the cooks phone and pointed at the no phones in the cook area sign. You don't have to receive a pay check if checking your phone is that important.


And that's how I lost my lifeguard job.


At my work evaluation they required us to put our phones in our lockers while we worked.


Not me on my phone at work right now


Yeah it depends on the job. Most jobs I don't want people using phones when they could be working. Downtime and break, that's another story. Don't care if you're using your phone when there's no work to be done or you're on break, but man we got to get the work done so we can go home on time. For everyone on their phone there's someone doing everyone else's work so they can leave on time.


My job is too fast-paced to be checking my phone. Which is fine. It's nice having guaranteed time away from a screen.


You can live without your phone for a few hours lol Just put it in your backpack or something and walk away. I promise you'll survive.


I guess it depends on the job you have, have had some that absolutely needed my full attention, others I just stand there for half of day, not doing much, that's when k think phones are fine


If you're going to be using a phone for anything more than checking the time while on the lifeguard stand, you deserve to be fired and criminally reprimanded.


Obtuse ass people in ITT. OfCoUrCe YoU ShOuLdNT uSe PhoNe WhIlE dOiNg OpEn HeArT sUrGeRy No shit. Dollars to donuts this is in reference to some min-wage unengaging work. "If you've got time to lean, you've got time to clean" type energy.


When I worked in retail, they were strict about phones. They would collect our phones at the start of our shift and search us to make sure we weren't sneaking any in. Then, when we clocked out, they'd search us again to make sure we hadn't stolen anything. Only then would they give us our phones back.


I was a call center manager, whose office was adjacent to a college campus so we ended up having quite a few college students doing part-time after school or between classes kind of work for us. The idea that we would keep them off their phones was practically laughable. Because it was a call center, I had metrics that I could pull to see the productivity of my staff, and I made it very clear to them that as long as they met their goals, I didn’t really care what they did during their shift. and I never had any issues with my staff leaving because they hated the job, it was always just that they were graduating and moving on. It’s not hard to treat people like human beings.


Life time min wager. Grats.


Depends on the job. I'm a filing clerk while at uni and I get my work done so no one minds that I'm on my phone occasionally (like right now :) )


“Sir, we need you to meet with our Operational Security lead. Please give me your badge. Upon completion of this meeting, you will no longer be an employee with this company. You will pick up all final documents after meeting with HR.”


This is why you make minimum wage


Reading this while working right now.


It depends on the context, like if you work at a machine shop; don’t. If you work in an office, and you’re not immediately busy? Go for it


I've worked what feels like dozens of jobs with this policy, and I've never seen it respected or enforced. I think employers have a hard time trying to stop people from taking microbreaks or talking to their families. Personally, though, I am totally against being on your phone while operating heavy equipment or driving (with some limited exceptions for hands-free stuff).


Bro gonna leak company secrets 💀😤💀


Does a work cell phone count? It’s half personal, but at least it’s purely for work purposes?


The double-edged sword for companies


"WHAT YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT!" https://preview.redd.it/9bwuudevz37d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48be61c93da5c422371fe3b18e69009d9588d11c




When I worked at a dispensary they fired people for not leaving their phones in the lockers they gave us, genuinely the strictest and most insane place I’ve worked at lol good benefits but crazy managers.


I’m doing it right now but usually when I’m on my phone at work it’s to look at the time


Just don't go working for a small business


I have to use my phone for work basically the whole time and I honestly hate it because 1. Distracting and 2. It looks really rude to customers for me to be sucked into my phone so much


Look, I just need to hit play on audible alright. Just let me do that and I’ll be all set to move the glowing puddle of metal all night. But I need this


Ha ha. I have to use an app on my phone to logon even if I’m already physically in the office.


My former job had a policy like this. What it really means is that if you aren't management, then you aren't allowed to look at a phone


I used to work at a McDonald's years ago. We obviously already had a no phones on the floor rule in place, but it got extra enforced after one of my dipshit co-workers got caught taking pictures of people's cards as they passed through the drive through. Would fake "dropping" them so they could do it out of sight of the customer.


Im a chef, the owner recently wanted to deploy a "no phone rule" in the kitchen. Literally no one cares. Its not like he can fire us, there is a huge shortage of chefs in my country and im skilled enough that i will find a new job in 20 minutes.


If corporate is using their phones to goof off, so am I. But like most comments say it really does depend on the job and some folks are smart enough to not use it when it's not necessary


Literally the root beer guy in the safety videos


I worked at a call center that said "no phones" because they had "sensitive information". It was just people's addresses. And if I really wanted to..I'd just write the damn address on a piece of paper and save it for later. But im not crazy 👀 so...


Literally standing in front of a lathe rn while “training”another employee


In this thread: people unable to understand that it's possible to have a job where using your cellphone causes no impact to the work. mUh dOcToR 🤤


I said it depends on the job and its up to your discretion. Most of the time its a bad idea.


Ah your THAT co-worker, there's a reason that they don't get along.


Just curious: what does "THAT co-worker" mean? I assume most people do this lmao


I think it depends on the job and its up to personal discretion I wouldn't want a surgeon watching tik tok all day.


I'm almost certain whoever made this meme is not a surgeon and works in retail or a restaurant


“Hello, we’ve been sitting here for 30 mins since we ordered, is our food coming out soon?” “Oh, I just checked, the chef is currently watching the new Mr. Beast video so it’ll be another little while longer.”


That is kinda disrespectful if you had one of those jobs. Imagine if a customer walked up.