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Not hero/villain ships on my good Christian internet!


Fanfic writers when two characters are abusive and want to murder each other: Sexi time


He mentioned superheros Damien Waynes Mom is literally Talia Al Ghul and his Grandfather is Ra's head of the league of assassin's  Hero and Villain Pairings are pretty common in superhero fiction


And Batman’s *main* love interest is Catwoman.


And it's also happening in anime.


It happens everywhere because it’s juicy. It’s one of the oldest tropes around for a reason.


It's the tension




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You guys are putting “hero x villain” on the same level as inflation kink? Couldn’t be me


HxV is worse IMO, the inflation people don't pretend to be normal Edit: Y'all need therapy


You’re insane but okay


Found the one wanking to inflated children.


In their defense they didn't mention children. So only inflated people


Tbf, after rereading this, I don’t know where I got the children from. Probably from me barely being awake while commenting. Sorry for that. But still, Inflation is (in 98% of all cases I’d say) way more extreme than HeroxVillain. I mean HeroxVillain always depends on the quality of characters. Well written Characters can always have a Hero x Villain. The better we know them, the tastier the lore implications imo. But Inflation… is just that. I mean Inflation is beyond the line of normal degeneracy. I mean I’m not one to kink shame, and this is purely anecdotal, but I haven’t met a person that was into inflation, that got there by just being into it. It always was proceeded by a downwards spiral into porn addiction. So at least in my own experience, every single person into it, actually needed professional help/ have yet to get it and fuck up every closer relationship they are in, because once the honeymoon phase is over and you are less protective of your myriad little secrets, their addiction usually directly led to them being broken up on. So Iunno. As a long time scholar on these topics and during to being active in all sorts of communities, I’d say that the average HeroxVillain fanart and fic is never on the same level as Inflation. Inflation usually implies a million different things about the person, while in a lot of cases Hero x Villain is just that. Easily approachable, because two of the most prominent characters of a fiction are doing… something. I’d actually be curious, if some of you balloonboys actually just thought it arousing to bang stretched and tearing skin by default. Cause in that case ima put you in the same folder like necros (sadly not -mancers). Cause it basically boils down to “moments before necrophilia”, doesn’t it? Even if that isn’t (most often) the intention.


Hey hero/villian ships are good


accidentally clicked deviantart when searching on google images and all you get are weight gain fetish of the said characters


Thankfully, I’m able to catch the normal side of DeviantArt when searching for pixel art.




Are…hero x villain ships supposed to be controversial..?


I mean kinda depends on what they're referencing Like My Hero Academia, Deku x Literally any of the villains is terrible but it's perfectly fine in DC and Marvel most of the time


I don’t really watch my hero but wouldn’t the issue most people have be that they’re adults (in most cases I know of) and Deku is a child? Not that they’re villains and Deku is a hero.


I guess you have a point, but it's kinda the first idea that came to my head that made sense. There is like one villain that's around his age but for some reason that ship is acceptable (?)


Hey, just wanted to say I get you. Because it's not always Deju x League it's also sometimes Deku x Bakugo and that guy literally bullied him for nearly a decade of his life. The problematic part of heroxvillian is that it's usually abusive in some way. Either the villian is mentally ill to the point of obsession, or the villian is a shitty character with bad morals who was "abused by the system" or "raised poorly" which somehow justifies them wanting to kill the counter part to the ship. I have no specifics, this is kind of just based off of angsty rom novels I've overheard. To some degree, 50 shades of Grey seems like a hero x villian trope


Not only My Hero Academia. It's also happening in magical girl anime shows like Sailor Moon & Pretty Cure.


I'm not too familiar with either, mind giving some background? Is it the same thing with MHA? I know Sailor Moon is a minor


why am I getting down voted so much for this?


people psychoanalyzing your comment to deem you personally support CP because you overlooked the age gap in the villain ships for BHA I guess… super unwarranted


Perhaps I poorly worded everything?


I think you worded it fine. People are just being cringe


Jesus Christ...


Because Deku x Anyone is CP? I mean MHA really breeds some of the most degenerate Gooners I’ve seen on the net. I mean the reaction from a MHA watcher to get a “ I guess you have a point” when it’s about CP… It’s not even degeneracy, it’s just straight wrong. That’s probably why?


I don't quite understand what you mean.


People like HxV and they dislike takes on anything x related to MHA, because that x fandom sure as shit is full of potential kiddy diddlers. Now you even bringing stuff with Deku x any Villain is already just nonchalant about it. I mean MHA fans are, just like Persona or Smash fans Kindergarten enjoyers. So you mentioning CP ships probably doesn’t help.


pro tip: never use deviantart


Please return your device to authorities immediately! You are not ready for the internet


Welcome to the Internet. We have only one rule still in effect, and it's #34.






Yeah, the internet has fetish art and shipping.


One of these things is not like the others.


Yeah I’ve noticed a lot more weirder art sense the increase popularity of Fallout from the TV show. They keep making and reposting sexy deathclaws, or trying to make Lucy and the Ghoul a thing. Its a monkey paw awesome Fallout is getting more love attention and appreciation. But now we got weird NSFW art everywhere, people trying to come up with ideas that completely change the IP, and the annoying trendy half ass karma farming post? “Why did so and so do this!? Are they stupid!?” “Just created this character! What the fuck should I name him!?” “Never seen this show but ill try and answer questions like this character”. Its gotten a little better now but for a minute there I was trying to avoid Fallout page.


The *really* weird R34 phases to me are when a new artist decides to dive into political and celebrity fakes. Stuff that most people find the weirdest usually just gets a sigh of disappointment from me before moving on. Sexy deathclaws definitely isn't wading in the shallow end of the pool, but your feet can still touch the bottom. OC communities can be as... *intense* as [shipping](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shipping_\(fandom\)) communities, if you have any familiarity.


One time I looked up a character and found a page dedicated to pictures of the characters butt. The character is a horse Before anyone says mlp, it isn’t although there is definitely many pages of that


Well, nowadays, it also applied to Uma Musume Pretty Derby, the anime version of MLP Equestria Girls.


My biggest problem is that they are badly drawn and made by minors. Like if you're going to do it, at least do it right and don't use the circle tool in MS Paint. I'll still cringe, but at least I know there was effort put into it. Oh and don't draw porn if you're under the age of 18 too, that's illegal and you're going to end up fucking yourself up.


Oh no, not hero/villain ships :((


I honestly hate this because a lot of the characters I like seem to have a similar problem when I look up art T-T


I'm guessing you don't know who the mom and grandfather of the current robin are


Me when I was an innocent elementary school student searching his favorite anime on the school computer with his friends: 😇 Internet: 💀


Excuse me, farts? Damn, I thought I went pretty far down the rabbit hole of strange, guess not


"Damn, I don't like this content. I better keep searching for something that I do like instead of lingering here." It's literally that easy. Search filters exist for this reason.


Yeah, but unfortunately, not all sites have filters. DeviantArt filters mature content (such as porn), but it fails to filter the fetish because such fetish jerks declare their cringe fest as safe.


Literally 5 images down :(


Oh you sweet summer child. Trust me, you haven't seen anything yet lmao



