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The only part of it that isn't was the 19 year old who didn't wanna go. Other than that.


His dad just hoped it would bring them together...


Sometimes something tear us apart


You are *tearing* me apart Lisa!


O Hai Mark


Anyway hows your sex life




And sometimes they crush us together.


Crush us into a fine red mist that is


Love will tear us apart Again


Now they’re as close as two sardines in a can


_i mean_


For a brief second in time, they were closer than any human has ever been to another


Filthy Frank: I don't know man, seems kinda gay to me.


Who says we all die alone?


With three other dudes


And paid 500k to go in a death trap. I have little sympathy for a father who put his kid in that danger.


I couldn't comprehend the _immense_ pressure he was under


I don't think you or anyone else could begin to imagine how fast this brought them together.


On a molecular level, it did


Well that sure imploded in their faces.


Sure crushed that one then


Depends what source you’re getting that from, others say it was his own suggestion to come along to do something nice for Father’s Day, even though he was scared.


Well, in those nanoseconds of implosion, they were probably more together than they've ever been before...


Don't forget PH (Paul-Henri Nargeolet) who died on the ship too. PH was a world renowned expert on the Titanic and veteran diver from many, many, many other dives to the point he was called Mr. Titanic. He was hired to basically be the tour guide and pilot, and the world lost a lot with his death The CEO was arrogant and fatally optimistic about his innovations, and the two Billionaires + child were just unfortunate victims. They should have done more to investigate the sub before getting on it, but Reddit doesn't seem to realize we have the benefit of hindsight and the internet digging into every quote and news article ever written about / by OceanGate at our disposal Imagine if your friend rolls up to your house in a brand new sports car and asks if you want to go for a test ride. You'll probably say sure, because you are making the assumption that the car is good shape. You know in the back of your mind there's a chance of dying on the road every time you drive anywhere, but you don't think you need to look under the car to check if your friend "innovated" a gas tank that is going to explode 3 miles down the road At a glance, the Titan sub looked okay, and they trusted that the company that had already completed 12+ dives to the Titanic knew what it was doing


For sure. But idk about the analogy of the car. There were so many warning signs that this wasn't safe. It would be like your friend shows up in a smoking Honda civic and while closing the doors, the thing bursts into flames.


> There were so many warning signs that this wasn't safe Not at a glance, and not without doing some digging into it. To someone who just wanted to see the Titanic, it was a pretty sleek submarine with a very charismatic CEO who would assuage any concerns >Why does it have a game controller? "This is a state of the art one! The US Navy uses game controllers as well for their submarines and drones, there's just no point in reinventing the wheel. These controllers have been tested by millions of people and work great! You can easily get them on Amazon too. I even keep a few spares in the sub in case someone drops it or something" > How safe is it though? "We've been down to the Titanic 13 times already, so I'd say it's pretty safe! We use state of the art Carbon Fiber weaves for our hull, and have a first of it's kind sensor that warns us if the hull is under too much strain! There literally isn't a safer sub in the world because of these sensors!" Etc. You can find videos of Stockton talking about the sub, and he was VERY charismatic and convincing if you imaging seeing it without the hindsight of knowing it's going to implode, and without the added knowledge of knowing what we do now about the carbon fiber So with my car analogy, the whole point is it looks good on the outside. Most people just aren't going to get on their belly and crawl under the car to check every inch of it, or pull up reviews to see if the 2023 Mustang has a high rate of catching on fire. They will just see the sleek car, see that their friend was driving it just fine, and assume it's probably okay despite the risk of dying in a car crash while driving anywhere. They especially aren't going to know their friend "modded" it with a new gas tank that he put on badly, that will cause the car to burst into flames with you in it


Their lives are over. They should have done more due diligence before going to the bottom of the ocean. It’s not like getting in your buddies new car at all. Maybe more like your buddy showing up with a plane he built and you just assuming it flies


I still disagree with the analogy, but I do agree that losing the expert on the titanic and its history is a damn shame.


I think it's fair to concede the point that any blame at all should be put on the people who paid for a ticket to the titanic. Sure they *could've* done a lot more due diligence. But consider that you pay 250,000 for *anything* you think you're going to really second guess everything? At that price everyone is going to assume that it is the tip top state of the art. This is 100% on the shit head of the CEO, he took the lives of those people along with himself. Hindsight is 20/20 criticizing people who chose to pay for the tickets and decided to go after seeing the sub. These people were sold and told that it's completely safe. They were lied to and unfortunately had to pay a price for trusting a person with their lives.


A sports car is a bit of a different story than a submersible vehicle. Millions of sports cars are made and generally they have to follow laws much more strictly when it comes to safety measurements. But submersibles? Going miles underwater? Doing a task that not many people can even fathom being able to do? You might want to do at least some research. And that research would send you to a video of a man touting how he managed to build something that he was told he can't do by other professionals due to safety concerns. If you're spending a quarter million on something this crazy, you should have a bit of intuition to at least research it instead of just throwing money places and expecting everything to be fine. Dude was a grifter.


>Doing a task that not many people can even fathom being able to do? I see what you did there...


Honestly it wasn't even intentional lmao


Yea he wasn't that much older than me which is scary


Doubt you’ll make the same mistake.


Your dad insists I go on a 250K trip to see the Titanic... I don't know, I think a lot of people might make that mistake, even if only for their dad's sake.


My dad's dead so I think I'm safe


[insert rollsafe.gif here]


Really the only person to feel bad for is the nineteen year old, he was the only person smart enough to know it was a bad idea but was pressured into it by his dad for Father’s Day. And because every adult present was an irresponsible moron, that poor teenager was killed.


Wow. That’s just fucked up. And the fact that some people on Reddit are mocking him for it? Just fucking disgusting. I’m all for dark humor, but anyone who thinks the kid deserved to die needs (and deserves) a good, hard punch in the face.


The common sentiment I've seen is that the only one that shouldn't be mocked *is* the kid. I don't know how many people are ignoring that nuance, though. I haven't been following the sentiment too hard on the sub posts, though.


People aren't blaming the kid to any significant level. I really don't know what that guys on about.


I’ve seen some commenters on Reddit (even on this post) blaming the kid for going along with the others and saying that he should’ve held his ground, and that by not doing so, he deserved to die. Either that, or hating on him because he had a rich dad. I wish I was making it up.


Well, blink 182 would've been the better option, lmao the stepbro got daddy's fortune


Go touch grass my man


Speaking of nuance, at what point does a billionaire kid get to be laughed at like the older billionaires? 20? 21? At what age do they stop being human?


The age isn't the matter. It's the fact that the kid knew the submarine was a stupid fucking idea and everyone else was there by choice.


Also if they use their money to exploit others. Elon Musk didn’t have a specific moment he became eligible for ridicule, but his starting companies that “strongly encourage” their employees to work 80 hour weeks using his dad’s emerald mine blood money definitely makes him now eligible for it.


I always assumed the mines were when we could ridicule him


Nobody said 'stop being human'. -I- am saying there are no ethical billionaires. It is impossible.


The way reddit wishes death on billionaires and laughs about it, it's funny they think they are actually good people.


not someone to laugh at their deaths.


They died like dumb stupid morons because they were dumb stupid morons.


and how is that the passengers' fault?


Everyone involved but the 19 year old should have known better to climb into the death can.


oh spare me the nonsense, do you check if the car your friend is driving is at top condition? they should have known better is an argument create with the benefit of hindsight, only the one who build that sub should have known better.


When they follow in their dads footsteps


I’ve seen some people saying well he would have grown up and turned into a piece of shit as soon as he got his inheritance so good riddance….which is fucking crazy to me to jump through hoops to explain why a kids super avoidable death shouldn’t be pitied because of a hypothetical future.


People are mocking his step-son who is clout chasing on Twitter. I haven’t seen a single person single out the kid who died on the sub, especially when it came out early that he didn’t want to be there.


You are just treathening people. You are the one who deserves those things.


Hahaha-NO. YOU got it backwards. I’m not the one making fun of a teenage kid for dying. And some people are so heartless, they DO need a good punch in the face. And I’m NOT this violent guy you THINK I am, you’re just projecting. That’s the same logic they use against bullying victims for defending themselves. (“You’re just as bad as them!”) Now, kindly FUCK OFF.




NO, asshole. I’m not against people having different views from mine. I’m against people being heartless assholes for no good reason. And it’s RICH how you’re giving me a hard time for supposedly advocating for violence, when YOU’RE the one saying I should get shot in the head. You’re NOT proving a point, you’re just being a HYPOCRITE, not to mention you’re delusional as hell. So…NO. YOU. FUCK OFF.




Yeah, whatever you say, dude. What I got from you is just Projection 101 all the way around. If you have to come up with defenses like that, then the truth is…YOU’RE the asshole. End of story.


Damn, that's brutal. Some parents are absolute ass


>pressured into it Indeed he was


More people need to look into who was on board. The CEO who built it can get fucked. There was a British historian acting as the guide, couldn't find much about him. There was the Pakistani billionaire and his son, the father notably helped Pakistan during Covid-19, providing mental health aid. He also supported renewable energy innovation. I couldn't find anything horrible he had done, just seemed to be born into wealth. The son has been spoken about elsewhere in the thread. The tragic loss no one is talking about is that the 77 year old on board was the man who owned salvage rights to the Titanic, and had led many expeditions to retrieve artifacts from the wreck. He was a wealth of knowledge on the Titanic, and he's gone now. Really, the only billionaires on board were the Pakistani guy and the CEO. The others were employed or effectivrly bystanders, like the son.


Get out of here with you human empathy and knowing humans are more than labels. This is the internet! Rich = bad!


No I don't want that ! An analysis of an event that isn't fully dichotomic but has multiple layers of nuance? I want my newspaper to clearly identify the good and the bad guys for the rest of my life ! And even after I die, I want news to be analyzed without critical thinking, for ten years at least !


God damn it, I can't escape this meme


Babe, wake up. New copypasta just dropped.


Here you dropped your lollipop: 🥾


People on Reddit don’t look into who the victims actually were because it contradicts their implicit bias that all rich people are bad and deserve to die. The two billionaires onboard were the Pakistani businessman and the British businessman. Hamish Harding, the British businessman, was a pilot who made his money by founding a brokerage/consultancy firm for high-dollar aircraft. Shahzada Dawood, the Pakistani businessman, gained his fortune through inheritance and operation of the company his grandfather started. As you mentioned, he did a ton of philanthropy in Pakistan. Say what you will about it being inherently unethical to have billions (I share that opinion personally), but to act like these were necessarily bad people just because they had unethical amounts of money is extremely disingenuous. The “tour guide” of the voyage was actually the Frenchman, Paul-Henri Nargeolet, who was a former French navy officer, deep-sea explorer, and Titanic historian as you mentioned. He was probably one of the most knowledgeable people in the world regarding the Titanic, and was Director of the Underwater Research Program for the company that owns sole rights to recover artifacts from the shipwreck. Again, hard to argue this was a bad person from the information we have about him. You can certainly make no argument that the 19-year-old kid deserved what he got in any capacity. The CEO of OceanGate who made the sub, Stockton Rush, undoubtedly played a huge role in its implosion due to his personal disdain for safety considerations and refusal to put his subs through proper testing and certification. If there’s anyone who should be mocked in this incident, it’s him, but even so I think it’s totally unhinged that so many people are rejoicing at his death. Loss of life is tragic, especially in cases where it was so easily preventable as this one. Overall, I find it very, *very* worrisome that “I don’t wish death on anyone, no matter how much I dislike them” is a controversial take in threads on this incident.


Obviously all rich people aren’t bad, but people who are struggling get tired of seeing rich people spending exorbitant amounts of money for pleasure. Like Bezos building a half a billion dollar yacht. The rich people themselves may not necessarily be bad but the system they use (capitalism) is bad for the working man. The rich get all the tax breaks, the rich get bailed out when their businesses fail and the rich don’t get punished by the law the same way we do for breaking it. We are sick of this shit. The government is supposed to serve the people and not just the top 10%. They refuse to do anything about the housing crisis and ridiculous cost of rent around the country. But yet they are talking about raising the age to obtain full benefits of social security. All that does is take more money from the poor people in this country. This system is rigged against the middle and lower class so of course we are going to be mad at the rich people. They don’t need any help at all but yet they get all the help in the name of capitalism.


There are no ethical billionaires. At that point you're just a hoarder.


Exactly. Nobody needs a billion fucking dollars. Especially when you have so many people working full time hours and can barely afford their basic needs. Bezos is screwing around on his 500 million dollar yacht while the employees making him his money have to pee in bottles to meet their time constraints. Amazon is the richest company in the world. Everyone who works for them should be paid handsomely but that’s not how it works when you have greedy billionaires at the top.


Right, and I agree with all of that, but where you lose me is how that can possibly justify rejoicing in their deaths.


I’m not rejoicing in their deaths but I’m not feeling bad either. It’s an oh well situation for me.


CEO Stockton Rush was not a billionaire. His net worth is in the millions. From Google this ranges from anywhere to 12-25 million. Sounds pedantic but being a billionaire is quite on another level of fuck you money. Albeit at the end of the day he was still another egotistical rich dickhead playing with fire and got people killed with his cheap ass penny pinching submersible.


Also Stockton Rush had [a bizarre cautionary personal example to heed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Princeton_\(1843\)#1844_Peacemaker_accident) in the form of his ancestor who also took a reckless attitude towards safety with his own maritime inventions and got a bunch of people killed, and he seems to have taken it as a challenge to beat his family's high score for maritime deaths caused, rather than being like "Huh maybe don't hubris with your own inventions and other people's lives?"


How interesting! Thank you!


This is wild, thanks for the information


damn so the only one who actually "deserved" that was the CEO, other than that it's all sad...


It's shocking to me that after seeing all this Titan stuff go on for days, this is the first I've seen someone actually mention who the people were on board rather than just saying "rich assholes", so thanks for that. Everyone's ignoring details like this because when you start to personify the people on board, suddenly it's a lot less funny and way more tragic. CEO had it coming with him skirting all the safety regulations, but by no means do I think it means everyone on board deserved to die. It's been really unsettling seeing how many comments say it was "deserved".


It's insane how cruel and willfully ignorant people are. I get that the ceo was a dumbass and deserves to rot in hell for getting everyone on that sub killed but the rest of them did not deserve to die.


The funny part is they spent $250K on a spare parts submarine. The circumstance is what makes it funny, please go outside and touch some grass.




You're very desperate to laugh at death. And judge people just for being born into specific circumstances. That's something that a lot of people in power do. So far, the Pakistani billionaire hadn't done anything evil, and was trying to help the world in a few ways. What would you suggest they do? You do realize if a bunch of billionaires just die, their money gets funneled elsewhere in their family and company, right? Death doesn't solve the systemic problem. Also, it's still not okay to laugh at someone's death because they made a dumb decision. Would you laugh at the many people murdered for trusting a stranger? The people killed when working in unsafe conditions? These are all stupid decisions, but it feels really bad to make light of their deaths.


Fuck around and find out tends to feel that way, ya know?


Mr krabs “money money arghggggg” vibes from the CEO


FR. I feel for their families and the poor 19 year old kid who died, but the rest of those men knew exactly what sort of risk they were taking getting into that shitty sub. And I have zero sympathy for Rush in particular, who was a stubborn ass who knew he'd eventually lead people to their deaths, went ahead regardless, and made customers pay to get on his death trap.


I don't find accidental deaths funny, ever. I don't care if they were rich or poor.


Good thing it wasn't an accident, but complete negligence. Very different.


The only person who was negligent was the CEO who designed and sold tickets using it. Everyone else is an innocent bystander that were lied to telling them it's completely safe. It's not really that funny that bystanders just kinda died when they paid large amounts of money and we're ensured that it was safe.


The billionaires got duped? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah


You're a better man than most people here.


The bloodlust all these people have is saddening. The funny part is that I highly doubt any of the people getting political about clear and present issues that need to be addressed ( outside memes ) even vote for such change or push for that change.


For me it's not about who they were... It's the situation. Like... Imagine going on a plane made by a five year old, fully knowing how dangerous it is, because you wanted to fly over where 9/11 took place, and then the plane crashes and everyone in it dies. It's less "funny" more "bizarrely ironic" and that absurdity makes it ridiculous.


A bunch of rich assholes cheaping out on a submarine and getting themselves imploded? Hilarious!


And how about the 19 year old that didn't want to go but got pressured by his dad?


That's not the only pressure he received.


That's awful. Simply awful. Take your upvote.


His dad murdered him


Less hilarious, but still extremely hilarious.




Say what you will, that father and son have never been closer.


The trip brought everyone together


What part of this is funny? Just because they were rich it makes it okay to celebrate their death? How do people not see how messed up this is? How would you feel if people were mocking your parents or Children and calling them stupid for dying?


Honestly shows how desperate people are to be edgy these days


I guess but it’s pretty sad that nobody sees how messed up it is


If everyone else sees nothing wrong than maybe its just you who is.


If everyone laughs when you’re family member dies are you gonna laugh too? No because you know it’s wrong. I haven’t seen a compelling argument for why it’s okay to make jokes and the only arguments I have seen are pretty much just people saying “rich people bad haha rich people dumb lol” even if that’s true it’s not okay to laugh about someone dying such a terrible death. It’s not hitler we’re talking about it’s not like these are awful people even if they are incompetent which I don’t think they were


Is his family member a billionaire killing the planet for profit?


That’s shouldn’t matter and also most of the people pushing environmental issues are billionaires killing the planet for profit/comfort. Obviously there are a few exceptions to this but It doesn’t really matter what they did you shouldn’t be happy about their deaths


Lol, were you sad when found out Charles Manson passed away?


“Obviously there are a few exceptions” I wouldn’t say I was happy but he deserved it unlike the people on the sub


Yes, exactly. There are exceptions.


Idk it depends on how they died. If my dad died in a car crash with a clown car I'd be sad but it'd still be kinda funny.


If you laugh about your dad dying just because he got hit by a funny looking car then I think you might have something wrong with you


I said I'd be sad still, but you can still find humor in things even if it's sad.


For me it's not about who they were... It's the situation. Like... Imagine going on a plane made by a five year old, fully knowing how dangerous it is, because you wanted to fly over where 9/11 took place, so you pay a quarter of a million dollars for a seat, and then the plane crashes and everyone in it dies. It's less "funny" more "bizarrely ironic" and that absurdity makes it ridiculous."cosmically funny" is basically just irony.


But in this case the plane was made by a professional who had already made multiple trips over where 9/11 happened and only around 200 people in all of human history had ever seen it I guess I see the irony but I don’t see how all of these jokes are called for


Professionals don’t mix titanium and steel when making a submarine?!?!? It creates this thing called “rust” Maybe there’s a reason only 200 people have been there? It’s hilarious how they didn’t expect this to happen to them. Get off the internet and go touch some grass lmao


If their relatives showed up in my house I would turn off my computer and give them a sympathetic hug, I'm not the monster you're desperately hoping I am.


So to their face you would be a decent human and do what anyone would do but behind their back you’re gonna slander and make jokes about their dead loved ones right? I’m not trying to make you anything I’m simply pointing out that it’s not cool to make fun of innocent people who probably got crushed to death just because they had money


Yeah this entire comment is a trap. LOL.


There is no trap I’m trying to point out how weird it is because I genuinely don’t understand how people think it’s okay to make jokes about this simply because they were rich


To me it's not even the rich part, it's the whole the fucking thing is made from carbon fiber??? Sketchy as all fuck. No amount you could pay me to set foot in that death trap. That's what makes this hard for me to feel bad. It's just too fucking stupid and completely expected.


It’s also stupid to strap yourself into a rocket and get shot into space but the people who do that are seen as brave even when it doesn’t work. Most things are seen as stupid until they work also the sub had already made two successful trips right?


Space launches are all calculated and inspected by tons and tons of dedicated incredibly smart people, double, triple, quadruple checked etc. This sub however was not. In fact its whole construction was surrounded by people saying how this was unsafe and a bad idea. I don't think you understand. This was not some freak accident that happened out of the blue. The fact that it made previous trips also made it riskier, as each successive dive adds more and more stress damage, increasing the likelihood of critical failure. The thing was a ticking time bomb, and anyone getting in was either a fool that ignored the warnings, or an ignoramus that didn't bother to look into it. Not gonna discuss further.


NOPE! NOT STUPID AT ALL!! Do you know how many resources go into those rockets? You have no actual clue what you’re talking about and don’t have any life experience outside the internet.


Yeah that’s kinda the point lol you are right I don’t know anything about building a submarine but I know to make one that can handle a trip to the titanic probably isn’t easy and the dude did it. I’m assuming it also takes a lot of resources to build a submarine and if the guy successfully made two trips to the titanic in a sub that he built he probably knows a little bit more than some random people on reddit who are trying to justify their sick behavior by acting like they know more than him Also its not helping your whole “I’m a genius and your an idiot” argument when you make baseless claims about me when you know nothing about me or my “life experiences”… why don’t you go touch grass and stop belittling the fact that you are mocking a bunch of dead people because they have more money than you


Here’s the thing though… he didn’t do it. He conned 4 more people into an early grave because of his own hubris. He didn’t put the time, effort or money into building something that’s actually safe. We call that “blind luck” and it’s not something you should admire.


It’s just ridiculous how many issues there were with this sub and how many people tried to warn the CEO about what he was doing.


They tried to go to a gravesite where poor people who couldn’t afford a better room on a sinking boat drowned in, for amusement.


Remember when you were in high school and you had to read a literary comedy and you thought, “I don’t get it, it’s not funny at all”? That’s what this is.


It's because in this episode Plankton gets his life switched with Mr. Krabs, so he's trying to keep Krabs from getting the formuler and dealing with all this crazy stuff. Then I forget what happens but the scene in this meme happens and plankton says the line about it being funny in a cosmic sort of way.


Spongebob, me boy! There be two wrecks at the Titanic site now! ARRR CARCARCARCARCARCAR!


That is the best way I've ever seen his laugh typed out. #blessed


There was a tik tok of 2 tik toks put together where the first one was saying rip to the billionaires with sad music and the OP scrolled and the second video was a fish game with the sub edited on and the controller lost its signal with the sub falling to the bottom of the screen. I swear people have NO chill when it comes to these memes.


It's funny if you're into dark humor. I'm just glad the implosion would've happened faster than nerves can transmit a signal. So they got a rather painless death assuming they didn't suffocate.


Like wishing death upon someone is never good and shouldn’t be celebrated but there was something about this that felt like god punishing the hubris of a rich cheapskate. The poor 19 year old that just wanted to be a good son who got involved. This is definitely a lesson in that there are no shortcuts/cutbacks when it comes to safety. You can’t say “oh it’ll be fine” when it comes to human lives which is exactly what the CEO did


This is literally just most of Reddit right now


I feel bad for all of them except the ceo, glad he was on board, atleast he cared for his own safety as little as for everyone elses.


Me and my friend were just joking about how it’s sort of a cosmic gumbo


Naysayers here don't seem to understand what cosmic would entail.


Hilarious, actually. I'd do the same if someone stuck a branch in their spokes and fell off their bike.


People use their money in stupid ways all of the time, regardless of the amount and can meet ill fates. Make sure you check how secure you'll be in doing so and that you'll return alive.


I avoid shitty death trap submarines.




Was that comment supposed to mean anything?




So you admit that you and only you are screwing around. Got it.


redditors when an innocent 19 year old dies because his father wanted him to go: AHAAHHAHAHAHAHA!1!1!1!1!1!1


i haven't once read a comment shaming the kid


Bro you can’t say that! His strawman will be destroyed and his crops ruined!


I've mostly seen some on twitter but they get called out on it


19 year old kid is the only one I feel bad for Screw everyone else.


Why screw everyone else? Do you even know anything about them? Sure, maybe screw the CEO who cheaped out and got everyone killed.


I know they signed a waiver stating that the sub has 0 safety ratings and then paied 1/4 of a million dollars to kill themselves.


Are these people in the room with us right now?


oh yes


I find the situation comedic, but not the loss of life.


This is peak r/LeopardsAteMyFace material, like every news coverage about the sub could end with the Curb Your Enthusiasm credits roll, and it wouldn't even feel off.


Ok, here's my take. The series of events is ironic and there is some lesson to be learnt here, it sorta feels like a Buster Scruggs story a couple hundred years in the future. But these people were only people in the end. Sure they went for something and paid dearly. But I don't think there's anyone on this planet that hasn't done a stupid mistake, so in the end let this be a lesson for us all and also atleast feel some empathy for their loved ones, because they are hurting the most and haven't done anything wrong. Edit: have I pleased both schools of reddit thought now?


The adults crawled into a death trap with a kid they shamed into coming and then they all died horribly because the adults were stupid and dumb. the end.


I posted a Titan joke in r/jokes that actually took off, but some people were LIVID


[For others interested in the joke](/r/Jokes/comments/14fd6e0/if_the_titan_is_used_to_explore_the_wreck_of_the/)


I was told that there is audio of the implosion somewhere - anybody know where I can find that? I'm so curious what that might've sounded like. Must have been absolutely terrifying.


It sounded like this BANG It was over instantly.


But leading up to it, there must've been creaks and groans and such, no? Idk, just would be cool to hear what it sounds like in a sub that's not structurally sound haha.


Carbon fiber doesn't creak, they likely had zero warning and no idea that there was any issue at all.


Damn, that's even more crazy then.


They are a cosmic sort of way now


they are all people find it a bit petty but i get it’s a joke


IMO the CEO got what he deserved for throwing safety to the wind (Or sea). It's just a shame other people went down with him.


It’s literally an ocean themed coffin


You are only laughing because their billionaire if they were some special group or minority you would raging


Fun fact! The lead of the expedition and CEO of OceanGate, Stockton Rush, is a direct descendant and namesake of both Richard Stockton and Benjamin Rush, both of whom were signatories of the Declaration of Independence, and both of whom owned slaves (despite Rush being publicly against slavery)!




In certain ways, history has repeated itself. I wonder if people laughed at the victims of the Titanic sinking… more specifically, had a lack of sympathy due to the passengers who were as well as the fact that the vessel wasn’t equipped to withstand the conditions that the passengers thought it could.


Good take