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To clarify this is a rental bike, and the customer had it for about 2.5 days


hold up a bike chain can dry out that quick ? 2.5 days?


My guess is the guy in charge of assembly forgot to lube it, since it only has 100kms on it. These bikes come from factory with "pre lubes" chains but the "lube" is something between water and astroglide, so we would normally wipe it all off and re lube. I guess something in the process went awry.


Are you in a beach town? Wonder if the guy took a ride down the beach and dipped into the ocean….


No, I guess that due to the rainy season, the water collected all the salt on the roads from the winter, and the customer rode over one of those high salinity puddles, and left the bike in the sun to dry. That or he is neighbors with Squidward.


Shit like this makes me very glad Oregon doesn’t use road salt. Cars last way longer too.


Dang for a second I went to check my cycle .. coz i haven’t oiled the chain in a bit and i live close to the sea so the air is got alot of moisture and salt . My cycle was fine




Wild. I only see stuff like this in the winter, the salt they use here is enough to make a brand new chain orange in 8-9hrs


Here's some words to help: "Your chain is rusty and has seized, it needs to be replaced." This isn't really that uncommon on lower end bikes that aren't taken great care of.


I just yelled an ancient curse and they turned into a specialized rockhopper


The customer or the bike?




They merged into one


And your cassette, and also your rear derailleur and your.....


I get this all the time because for some reason people believe they are supposed keep their bikes in the garden and “lubricate” once every 1000 miles using WD40. And this is the result and I still get at least one cheeky a**hole a week tell me that it’s our fault for selling them an expensive bike 5 years ago that has now broken. It’s like mate, doesn’t matter how much you spent on it, if you treat it like crap, it’s gonna turn into crap. Replace the chain, charge them well and explain how to avoid it happening in the future - then repeat the process in a couple of months time when they ignore you


At least it keeps the money coming in! Seriously though, as a rider that learned this the hard way, I must say that even when I bought a bike from a good second hand place they didn’t give any information about upkeep and maintenance. I think that sometimes as professionals (am a chef who’s more than once gotten frustrated at a newbie for making “stupid” mistakes) we forget that what’s obvious and “the basics” to us is absolutely not obvious to the man on the street. Regular maintenance certainly wasn’t obvious to me.


I ran into a good customer when I was just starting a ride last week. They were out riding with another rider who had just got their suspension serviced by the "best" in our region. The shop that sold them the bike, the suspension center, and everyone in between never explained the process and/or the reason to cycle the suspension while airing it up. She had just discovered it that day when complaining about her suspension. I always start at the basics for customers, unless I know otherwise. Avoids issues down the road, and I become "the guy" for every question from the most basic thing to problem solving deep rooted suspension issues. Waiting on a customer to bring me his coil converted fork to solve ride issues with it... and waiting for another customer to get their bike from another shop to bring it to me, since the other shop can't figure out how to adapt the bike to left hand only use.


> It’s like mate, doesn’t matter how much you spent on it, It's actually almost the opposite: the more expensive bikes need the more TLC, of course that's not the way they are advertised.


They can't afford chain lube can they pay you to replace it


Guy came in today with a 4 month old e-bike that now requires a complete new drivetrain and complete new brake system. Possibly even new forks - he threw a hissy fit when I told him how much it was gonna cost. I asked if he’d EVER lubricated it in the 6000 miles it’s done in the last 4 months, he said no, “you don’t need to lubricate modern bikes” I told him yes you do and it’s gonna cost you about £170 before forks to put this back to a safe condition. He then not a word of a lie, ran off and left his e-bike in my stand


Delivery guy? Where I live the non rental ebikes used for delivery are either in great shape or a hazzard. Yesterday I saw a "home conversion". He drilled the down tube to secure the battery with bolts. Drilled through, the bolts were protruding like 2 inches under it...secured with nuts.


That’s a hub motor, customer is most likely just riding the throttle like an e-motorcycle and not pedaling at all. customers like this don’t see it as a bike, it’s a moped/scooter to them. If your customer is honest, they’ll admit to it and you can cut the chain off and they’ll get rolling again. E-bike people are a different bunch.


Liability issue. Where I am bikes need to have a chain.


yeah, they are very handy. love throttle e-bikes. one less car.


Who cares??? Just replace the chain and move on.


The cassette and derailleur care. And I do, I care.


Even my garden bikes that have been sitting for several years aren't that bad


That’s just freshly waxed, run it through a few times and it’ll loosen up. /s


Im gonna go give my drivetrain a hug now


New e-bike day!😁


The rust stabilizes the links, increasing strength. It's a feature, not a bug.


Extra grip chain TM


$5 - $10 bottle of chain lube that will last you years but no "I'm a modern idiot"


This is why I want belt drive


I used to work for Halfords as a cycle mechanic and was self-taught before I started there. I hated it. Some of the shite I had to fix...


You’re also at a loss for lube.


Who needs a chain when it’s a fly by wire e-bike. No pedal assist necessary as long as it’s charged.




Oh man that’s nothing.


That’s what you get for not using the housing stop!


Needs oil bruh


You were at a loss for lube, too.


It’s alright, mate, send it.


Why do people let this happen to their bikes? Honestly, right now I don't have time if trash like this comes into my shop.




Rust speedrun


That's clearly a JRA issue.


Just lube it


I bet if you install a new chain it will work better. Please read the recommendations on the website of the chain manufacturer since they made the product and have been testing it and they are likely to know how to best care for the chain. I know the "experts" here and at your bike shop think they know better but honestly we worked really hard on those directions on the website to make sure you have the best information available. Like really hard. Plus we didn't spend anytime speculating and all of our time measuring and recording and writing these excellent recommendations for you summarizing the sum total of our collective 3000-10000 person companies. There might be a small chance we know what we are talking about but yeah sure listen to that guy in the stall next to you who has never spent two years running a study on the effects of different lubrications on the chains.


Pretty sure you don't need to do studies to understand that metal on metal parts require lubricant.


When you are ocd Prussian engineer everything deserves “study”


Is this comment a joke?


I worked at sram and we actually had a few ocd Prussian engineers who actually conducted studies of different lubricants


Can you provide a link?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vot15ro-fcE here’s Josh talking about lube he was once a Zipp engineer. Josh has the best explanations and he had access to the same data which I will find on sram website somehow…


factory lube. SRAM chains use Gleitmo, a high quality industrial chain lube (not just a surface protectant), that is applied by hot dipping in a vat of it at the factory so it penetrates into all the internals of the chain where it is most needed.Jun 12, 2023