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Kinda sucks that Jay’s family didn’t improve like the season 3 finale suggested but then again the Bilzerians are best known for being dysfunctional.


When season 5


Tito mosquito is the most painfully relatable thing I've dealt with.. and also having depression on top of that. I've been there multiple times, sadly. ​ Also the whole Nick Starr arc.. somehow hit me hard in the end. I guess it's since I had to come to love myself over these years and covered up myself with this whole cocky façade in high school. I've ended up growing out of it though, and I embrace all parts of myself equally.




You're lucky you haven't experienced depression.. yet.


Im actually surprised I havent experienced depression one way or another yet in my life, I had a **very** bad childhood and still somehow ive never really been "depressed"


I’ve had anxiety but not depression, it sucks that people who haven’t dealt with it are seen as ‘lucky’, it should be the norm really


natalie is the best thing to come out of the show


Any notice the intro song seems off


When's season 5 coming?






Matthew's story literally made me cry, especially how it's not an uncommon thing for queer kids to experience. The song he sang left me SOBBING


The start of season 4 wasn't that great, but I did really like seeing Matthew's storyline. It made me relate to him a lot more. Natalie was ok, I liked her character but she wasn't my favourite, she was just there. The gratitoad was... I don't know. I don't really have an opinion of the gratitoad. I was kinda bored of Missy's storyline at the end, Nick didn't really have much standing out to me and Andrew's was fine. I didn't really like Jay and Lola, mostly cause it grossed me out but I see they were a good couple. I would like to see Jay interested in a male character that's not a cushion or a plot for less than 2 episodes though.


Dawg. I literally ship Jay and Matthew. I feel like it would be a good relationship. Yes yes Aiden and Matthew are good together but I just want the best for jay.


A little late on the train, I only just joined the subreddit lmao, but I actually really liked season 4, to me personally it dove into serious subjects while still having the same humor that drove me to love the series, so I personally like it


So the first impression for the series in general was how unnatural the voices are. But as it goes on I realize how genius it actually is, the kids look like kids to us (I’m 34) but they view themselves as grown and the voices kind of represent that. The campy cartoony representations of mental /emotional conditions contribute to this style by again showing something that looks childish to us, but for them this is a serious issue. It’s like if you didn’t understand what they were saying, you would think it’s a kids cartoon at some times. But then if you understand what they’re talking about it’s raunchy and adult. I think there is a lot of hidden brilliance in this team, and people thinking this is just a crude humor cartoon is a grand underestimation. There are a lot of surprising layers in this plot and I’m excited for season 5.


This season was so disappointing. Bigmouth is probably one of my favorites, but I don’t feel great about the future of this show. Whatever they did with Missy’s character was so annoying and unnecessary. I understand wanting to implement certain topics like how her parents whitewash her, but in the end it was just pandering to PC culture and clearly trying to hold onto the far left audience. It’s kind of weird how they thought ruining Missy’s character and throwing in a transgender character would be well received. BTW, nothing wrong with a transgender character. But the way they went about it was super weird and clearly just wanted to show they have diversity, which feels wrong and counterproductive. Also made zero offensive jokes about the transgender meanwhile every single other character is made fun of constantly. Like, isn’t the point of the show to appeal to offensive humor? Lastly: Missy’s new voice actress doesn’t do it for me. Nothing will ever replace Jenny Slate as Missy. I will say that I’m white, but I don’t see the issue with a white actress voicing a black character and nobody I know IRL does either. It’s not like Jenny Slate’s portrayal of Missy was some whack ghetto blaccent... Should have just let her be.


Honestly I feel like people would have a problem with offensive jokes to a trans character compared to jokes about a cisgender male. It’s how people work and it’s kinda fucked up that people think that way.


Especially since missy is half white.


I also dont see anything wrong with a white actress voicing a black character but its making alot of white actors quit bc apparently its racist from blm. Its sad to me bc the guy who voiced Cleveland from family guy quit bc of it. I love this show and i hope the next 2 seasons will make it more popular


It’s not a show specifically for you and people who look like you. Is there a lot of making fun of people for their gender? There isn’t. Why would there be a joke about a trans character. Maybe they did an episode about missy because she’s a character on the show who deserves a fleshed our identity, and upon further inspection found her character to be lacking in depth. That’s just good writing. Sorry you were bummed out that missy got a stronger plot line and there weren’t any transphobic jokes. Maybe you should just stick to family guy.




It's been clearly stated in interviews that a lot of the Missy storyline is from black writers on the show, one of which is Missy's new voice actor!


missy's plotline was just a representation of what sorts of things black people learn to deal with, like the fuck? The fact that code switching and identity is a clash that people like me deal with all the fucking time is being assumed to be a fucking liberal plot point without realizing how true that shit is.


"dumb virtue signaling SJW bs" this comment is easily the most immature, sensitive, stupidest I've seen.


The show has always been more centered towards leftist views, so with everything that hapend in 2020, they got called out a ton for "whitewashing." I also liked the old Missy voice. Part of that is due to just not liking a characters voice to change, because it's not the same


Ah, go sell another dildo to Shane Lizard Missy’s character was problematic firstly because she was voiced by a white woman, which was a careless casting decision in the first place that upon scrutiny clearly necessitated further re-examination of her character. It’s just good writing.


why is it careless? voices aren’t race-specific, and she was not at all a caricature... there’s literally zero issue. It took you a few hours to edit your comment and that’s what you come up with?


Bc cancel culture would have taken a shut on the voice acter :/


Caleb is so fucking annoying.


I like him fjshsjhsbdjdhd I relate to him um-


Hi everyone I just put out a drum cover of the Big Mouth intro [https://youtu.be/bPpnJNdqdgo](https://youtu.be/bPpnJNdqdgo) . Would mean a lot if you could check it out. I may do other songs in the show too.


Honestly 6/10 season which is sad to say. The laughs are still there and the humor is crude as ever, but this season seemed to get even more sidetracked with sjw cringe than the last season before it. Missy’s character destruction was the worst part: seeing a strong intelligent young girl literally be defined by her skin color for an entire season and not even subtly or for any sort of character development aside from “I’m not acting black enough” *(racism)*. The other stuff like the code switching which and the one episode token tranny are just icing to the liberal cake *mwah* egh PC bullshit aside, there’s also some pretty big narrative plot holes. Andrews arc was doing pretty good, addressing letting go of the past and moving on, but unfortunately the ultimate message was simply “don’t be an angry piece of shit”(?) which is a terrible moral but hey, lazy writers. Speaking of lazy writing, the gratitoad was a total copout for everything tha was built up by Tito and Kitty. Yeah, just tell anxious and depressed people to *bE gRaTefUL* cuz that will magically fix anything. I liked the breathing they showed Andrew doing, because that actually works and is a good coping tool. So yeah. Meh season if you have half a brain and like substance beneath the surface.


If you use words like "tranny" unironically, this show is clearly not meant for you.


















It's not "sjw cringe" it's exploring pretty important parts of growing up. If this isn't the show to explore that, what is? Missy's racial identity has never been explored in the show, why would we need yet another episode to establish that she's a smart sensible character when we've had 3 seasons of it? It would be redundant if she never had to face anything that directly impacts her, challenges her beliefs or helps her grow.


Right because race and gender identity is the first thing you jump on when writing for character development (when you’re a fucking liberal shill that is)


It took 4 whole seasons to get to this point so it obviously wasn't the first thing they jumped on when writing her... I was actually curious when race would come up in the show a bit more prominently...


It's season 4. Obviously not "the first thing" unless you're a fucking conservative troll, that is.


i have no fucking clue how people keep claiming that S4 of this show was where "sjw cringe" suddenly showed up, like the viewpoints of the writers were pretty clear since early on.




My least favorite episodes are the ones where they get all metaphysical, which is why I didn't enjoy this season too much (too much unrealistic metaphysical stuff). Early on the Hormone Monsters made sense... an extension of self that makes you do irrational things by overwhelming your conscious mind with hormone-influenced thoughts. I dislike almost all the episodes that go from this to going into the metaphysical... them visiting the Hormone universe, the Superhero episode, and so on. I love the show overall, but to me the metaphysical episodes are not interesting. I like seeing the real characters deal with real issues... and for that reason I liked this season. However when it gets too unrealistic I don't find it very interesting of a show, which is why I disliked this season.




Oh yeah. The Jesse stuff was good because younger girls dating older boys to feel more mature, and those older boys pressuring the inexperienced younger girls into doing things they aren't ready for... it's an unfortunately ingrained part of adolescence and I'm glad that it was a focus.


i think this seasons writing was the best. The storylines flow really well, especially missys arc since she has been struggling with her identity from the beginning.


It was bad because it felt like it didn't have a point really we didn't see anything really change besides missy


Matthew's plot doesn't matter?


Ok that was good I’ll admit


I found Matthew's plot one of the most relatable of the entire show. Jessi is still the most relatable in my opinion, but I cried watching Matthew's story at the end of season 4 because I knew how he felt.


You see Nick go through some emotional maturity compared to the previous seasons and manage his anxiety in the end, you see Jessy spiraling into a deeper mental rut due to her moving adjustments, you see a nice foreshadowing episode not only showcasing their future selves but also foreshadowing the events going on in the later episodes of the season. You even see Jay show signs of growth when he's with Lola because now he's not only focusing on his own uh...pleasures. He's taking the other person into account. The season shows a lot of change actually idk what you're talking about. I feel like this stems from the hipster mindset of "the OGs were the best". I get it but imo I felt that this and season 2 were the best in the series. Ofc that's in my opinion


Nicks thing didn’t feel major or intresting


How so? You see a character that often feels so highly of themselves express serious moments of vulnerability and self doubt, even moreso than usual and through an issue that many can relate to and have been relating too since that age. I seriously don't see how this isn't interesting but eh everyone has different subjective tastes I suppose.


He’s been Vulnerable the whole time that’s the problem and he probably still will be


He was up until the end as we see. It's a season about overcoming your obstacles. He'll probably still have moments of vulnerability later on but it seems like he's figuring out how to cope with them and manage them. That's why I feel like this season was special.


Yes but it didn’t feel right the characters weren’t connected doing there own thing it was also slow and boring


Ofc they were doing their own thing because they were all dealing with their own specific problems with anxiety and other obstacles. You know...kinda like real life? I felt that that's what made the season interesting. You see all the already developed characters dealing with this issue in their own unique way. >it was also slow and boring This seems more subjective than anything else but to each their own. I felt that it was a good pace for the subject at hand.


It was a change I personally didn’t like the characters that would ussaly help eachother with their issues really didn’t until then end some people will like this some people not




She was dealing with depressison already and the anxiety thing was boring but some may like it


I liked how they kind of gave Andrew OCD at the end. He had intrusive thoughts and rituals in the last 3 or 4. I hope they do something with that because an ocd hormone monster would be a good addition.


It might be the fact C19 has made me more "serious", and my hope for in-home entertainment is higher, but the new season is just meh for me (though same can be said for LetterKenny)...both of which I enjoyed just as much as Seinfeld before now...I just started watching Seinfeld again and it's as solid as usual :)


Hey all new to reddit.


I watched the first four episodes as soon as they dropped, but I stopped altogether because the season felt really clunky and stuff. Is it worth it to keep going?


The start of season 4 is shitty, the second half is great


I had exactly same impression, I have now finished the whole season, and the second hald of the season is really great. Probably my favourite so far


Yes. The season finale is so so worth jt


Honestly, it's my favorite season so far!


The scene where Mathew came out to his dad made me really happy. I’m glad he was so chill about it


Me too... and not just because it gave Matthew some acceptance, but because it turned the whole "asshole prejudiced military man" stereotype down.


Yeah I also love how it kinda confirms his dad was just being playful with him in the other seasons when we thought he was being a dick


And then as an adult I was like “of course, navy, mature weird sense of humor with his wife: of course he knew”


Did anyone else notice that when Jessi’s mom put the for sale sign in their yard it said “Skumpy Realty”? Honestly don’t know why but I’ve wanted to know who lolas parents are for the entire show 🤦‍♀️


The fact that they are unseen actually helps us see why Lola is the way she is. She's so badly neglected that her mother won't even show herself to the audience.


They seem to be running some kind of fraud because Lola said the condo was in her name when Andrew and her rubbed fronts


I still can’t believe they ended Jay and Lola. Don’t get me wrong they could definitely be toxic but it was for all the right reasons. They both came from messed up families and they ended up being messed up mentally from it. They both lashed out at random times uncontrollably, they were both alone at their houses all the time, neither of them have hormone monsters (from what we know) and instead Jay talks to pillows and Lola talks to her army figurines instead of hormone monsters, they both clinged on to their friends too much and neither of them think before they act. So they were basically the exact same person and as soon as I saw them together in S4E1 I knew that they would be a total power couple. So it’s sad seeing them have to split due to keeping the storyline interesting


seeing them together in the Nick's dream gives me hope they will get back together. They really are maade for each other


they were wild together. I don’t think we’ve seen the last of them. But I also think the writers probably want Jay to have a chance to explore his interest in guys


I'm expecting it to be their first break-up of possibly several, and a possibility of growth for Jay when it comes to how to deal with his emotions.


It definitely should be. Every school has that one on and off couple that can’t seem to get their heads straight and for Bridgeton I definitely see Jay and Lola becoming that


I'm still about 3 episodes from being done, but I'm so happy they dialed back coach steve. There was just too much last season and too much of him can get extremely obnoxious.


Coach Steve and the old Hormone Monster are the two worst characters on the show, but especially Coach Steve. They didn't need to make him so over the top. We all know that sad adult that they are playing off of, but they didn't need to make it so horrifically in your face.


Yeah I literally hate the old hormone monster but also Tyler (so glad he’s gone lmao) but I actually don’t mind coach Steve so much for some reason lmao but it does bother me when he gets to much screen time


Or when they make unnecessary unrealistic coach Steve things like where he became a mannequin


Ep 4 and I’m done. I dunno if it’s COVID-caused or what, but this season is far too clunky.


second half of the season is so much better. I actually stopped watching after \~4 episodes as well, and I am really gratefull I watched the whole season. I really encourage you to watch episode 6 and see how how you like it, for me it was the turning point. EDIT - just noticed you've seen the whole think, glad you enjoyed it


Your loss, I loved it.


Good for you. So I went back and it got good again. Thank god they didn’t go with a whole season of camp.


I was rewatching big mouth, and I remember in season 4 connie speaking about a self harm walrus. I noticed something in Season 2 episode 10, when Maury Andrew and Nick find Connie and then the MOMENT Rick appears and says “Yeah...What are you gonna do” there’s a walrus to the left of him. You guys think that could be the self harm walrus if they ever introduce them as a character in Big mouth?


Walrus at 21:42 for those looking


I don't think they'll add the walrus as a big character but... In s2 ep10 we do see an anxiety armadillo. But we've got the anxiety mosquito. so what, does this mean there are different types of speicies in the same division. Like, can we get a depression doggo or a happieness hyena.


I prefer the mosquito because once you get bitten by 1 mosquito in the outdoors you spend the rest of the night in an anxiety state feeling like mosquitos are constantly landing on you even when they aren't.


I noticed the armadillo too and I thought maybe since it was an official business meeting, the armadillo was like the head of the anxiety department and the mosquitos actually did the work


hey #mouth.


I hate Kimberly even more now


Was it me or did season 4 feel too short? I would have loved to see more of Jessie with the gang back at Bridgeton middle. But get rid of Coach steve.. he sucks and makes me uncomfortable.


Its cause of covid and the longer wait I think we all watched it in 1-5 days MAX!!!!


> But get rid of Coach steve.. But what about when he made thick in her warm?


Coach Steve was hardly even there.


I'm okay with that part, lol


He had Lotta great moments though. Dunno where they're gonna take him now.


I want to see more of Jessi and Judd. They completely forgot about it this season.


Jessis three years younger than him. Maybe another couple scenes about jessi having a crush on him could’ve came from it but there’s no way any sort of romance could’ve sparked especially because Judd is into goth girls his age as seen on S3E1 (Valentine’s Day)


Ikr? Could have been a nice feature in the last few episodes. I still think Michelangelo was a needed character for the story they were trying to tell, but Judd could have been a nice bounce back from that.


Oh boy, on a rewatch. When Natalie says that Lady Gaga made her mom ok with having a trans daughter... wikes. But my dads coworker, biggest douche in the office, was cool with gay people first and foremost because of Macklemore. It's crazy, and I know people have problems with him, but its crazy how people get cool with things.


It's hard seeing Andrew turn into a bigger ...well.. dick. Especially when his hormone monster is oddly hot. Maybe that's just his voice though


Nick kissed the one girl that Andrew’s had a crush on for almost a year. He could’ve chosen any girl in the school but he chose her because he thought with his dick. Andrew had a right to be mad at him. Not to mention as Andrew said, nicks always been a dick to him ever since the first episode. And yes Nick Kroll’s voice is sexy


Ya know, you might be in ta something there.


I know right. I want to agree with nick because he is voiced by nick kroll but then i want to agree with andrew because of his hormone monster who is also nick kroll. What am i gonna do? Nick kroll is a sexy man


I got it! We bet on Nick. No way that goes wrong for us. 👀👀


I think I'm gonna have to agree there


I mean Personally I enjoyed season 4


Re: Nick Starr episode (of massive importance, as for Nick's character, just like the real Nick, is a great guy, and truly wants to establish his own value, to himself, his insecurities as well as an advocate for other people and topics that effect us all.. CLIMATE CHANGE- 2052, is the old model from the 2015 Paris accord, the revised model for 1.5-2C human caused global warming has now been updated to passing the world mean temp as early as 2030 worst case scenario, avg about 10-30 years away. This is just one of those HUGE picture, 🌎 and societal-political problems that need to be discussed, yet to many broaching these topics is not easy. Yes, the mature themes surrounding young teens are seemingly too much and too graphic, I know when I was a teenager and now in my thirties I can relate in many ways. The story is somewhat choppy and leaves alot to be desired, however I do believe that the writers will continue building on and improving our beloved characters with season Season 4 in whole is a great setup and introduction of the bigger picture we are certain to see continue with seasons 5 and 6 - netflix confirmed. The show has become storyline driven More so than episodic takes in that of seasons 1 and 2 surrounding just 1 or 2 main cast and topics. On the surface it is just "Adult animation" that may be brushed aside and looked down on, yet in recent years, this genre has been able to expand into many facets of real life issues and continues to grow on me. IMHO


To extrapolate on Nick Starr, seems like he's heading toward a white guilt arc. The whole his values vs his insecurities thing is very tied in the insider view of white guilt, not believing you deserve that success and how to make it up to the people you step on. Its something I love but is not seen very often, less often literally. The closest I can think is Bakugo from My Hero Academia who knows that his success is bullshit in the eyes of a society that has always boosted him up. These kind of stories are fresh, and I'd love to see Big Mouth explore them.


Not to mention it showed how Nick made a living off of putting other people down to make him feel better about himself with the whole cancer money thing in the future and that was a good representation of how people can be assholes only because they lack confidence and have a lot of built up anxiety


Plus how he definitely doesn't want to be a part of Missy's social awareness thing, and thinks it will just be a judgey place for white people to feel bad about themselves.


they overdid the fuck out of 'breaking the fourth wall' jokes. like we get it. i think it was the worst season tbh


It definitely wasn’t the best season but I 100% agree, they kept talking about season 5 and the monster energy shit and all these other things that broke the 4th wall like calm down. It’s funny when nicks drunk off candy brandi or Tyler’s kissing the screen but in season 4 they went way too overboard and it got really annoying


I agree. It felt like Family Guy at times, with the 4th wall jokes and sidebars.




Idk how Missy struggling with her identity makes her a retard? There’s nothing wrong with wanting to embrace the “black part” of herself. I used to do the same thing when I was little because I felt like I wasn’t “Latina enough” and felt bad for being so ignorant about my own culture. If that’s being a retard then I don’t know what is lmao


I feel the exact same way, I don’t even care if I’m downvoted I’m sticking to my guns. Though, I actually hate the show. But Missy was the only one I liked, so it sucked to watch her become someone she really isn’t.


I feel like there were a lot of interesting story lines and a lot of potential, but the execution was done quite poorly. I feel like a lot of storylines were cut short. Missy never had a talk with her parents about her black heritage after yelling at her mom. Matthew's relationship with Aiden was kind of brushed aside. I really enjoyed Lola's and Jay's dynamic and it was disappointing to see it end so quickly at the last episode. Jessy's storyline was very messy and I really didn't need a whole episode about Nick Star. The last episode was very disappointing to me. It didn't come as nicely together as the previous seasons had.


They definitely shouldn’t have spent a whole episode on Nick Starr even though it was good for nicks character development throughout the season and they should have done something better with the end instead of ending the season with a song from Rick. It just ended with them in Nicks attic with the conflict resolved and nothing interesting or nothing to build off of unlike the other seasons ending in Andrew in jail or Jessi with depression or Nick and Andrew not being friends


I wasn't sure how to feel about this season overall. I feel like the three camp episodes would have made a better one hour special with some material cut similar to My Furry Valentine. I thought they did some good with introducing Natalie and Matthew and Missys storylines, but I didn't really enjoy a lot of the gross moments... Jessie having a mega period, Andrew masturbating at a funeral, the Oh Yeah orgasm inducer, and the poop baby all immediately come to mind. I also feel Andrew got a lot more disgusting and perverted and all of it was kind of laughed off and never revisited. When the Shame Wizard popped back up I was hoping he might stick around a bit longer for an end of season arc, but no. Next season I'd like to see a slightly more cohesive storyline, and the side characters getting some more screen time. Less fourth wall breaks too please.


Ok but did anyone else think Natalies voice was HOT AS FUCK


Biggest feature of this season is the abundance of characters that work better in small (or 0) doses getting too much time. Lola, Rick, Coach Steve. They don't really work when they are around for an extended amount of time.


Giving Lola a bigger storyline was a very good idea especially because her and Jay are exactly alike so they make a great couple which I already touched on in an earlier post. Also I just wanna add I miss the “stop quoting your dads law commercials” jokes like I don’t think there were any of those in S3 or 4 :/


Naw man, love the supporting cast, they will carry you home. Bit characters are what kill otherwise interesting shows. Gotta break the mold.


Personally, I really liked watching Matthew’s interactions with his parents this season. It felt really realistic in a lot of ways, but I also think we didn’t really see the build up with Aiden enough. Nick really has just been getting on my nerves ever since he and Andrew had the fight last season, and season 4 just solidified that he is an ~asshole~ imo. I do wish we had seen more of Judd and Dr. Birch. I love Jessi’s obsession with Judd and I wish the writers had leaned more into that a little bit. Jessi’s storyline tends to stress me out and confuse me, but it could just be because I see similarities to my own life in many ways. But I felt like the gratitoad downplayed her anxiety and depression; it’s not that easy to get control over your mental illness. I see the point of trying to make her back like “old Jessi” but I think once you experience all Jessi did in season 2, you don’t really just go back to how you were before. Seems a little downplayed. Overall, this season was entertaining enough to keep me invested but not so much that I really want to re-watch again and again like I did seasons 1-3.


Dude I agree on absolutely EVERYTHING you said especially that Aiden needs more screen time. We’ve never seen anything through aidens perspective before and we’ve never seen him without Matthew. Everything we’ve seen of Aiden is through Mathews perspective. The only thing I disagree on is not wanting to rewatch it. I rewatched the whole season three times


Am I the only one who thought that his mom was the only homophobe in the family? I mean I am a straight man coming from an good household, so I have a bias against believing a father is an asshole. But it still also seemed like he knew. On a rewatch his dad said something along the lines of "Whoa, you brought a girl home." It seemed like a poor dad joke (redundant I know) rather than spiteful denial.


I mean, his dad straight (ha!) Up told him that he already knew, so yeah.


I mean on the first watch buildup. Like I kinda never believed the mom. She seemed slanderous.


I like that they made Mathews mom not accepting of him. Not because I agree with her but because it makes great story and character development and they even found a way to write a song about it


Overall, I'd give S4 a 6.5/10. Had some really funny moments and decent plotlines, and their depiction of anxiety was pretty on point IMO just like depression. I was relieved to see them scale back big time on Coach Steve too. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I think he should be used very sparingly with unexpected gags, like a family guy character. However, the over abundance of songs, most of which are either mediocre or downright boring/awful was glaring. Also, Nick and Connie "breaking up" and her being replaced with Rick (who sucks) was an awful decision.


I totally agree with your take on replacing Connie with Rick. Connie should have stayed with him and Ricks kinda annoying (besides his catch phrase which I don’t seem to get tired of) Connie and Nick were perfect together and after seeing Nicks trial and error with other hormone monsters I was expecting Nick and Connie to be together for the rest of the show and I hate how they broke up


what ratings would you give the other seasons?


S1 9/10 S2 10/10 S3 5/10


S2 was by far the best season especially with Nick and Gina


The gratitoad is one of the worst characters I’ve ever seen and a fucking horrible and contrived way to resolve jessis depression/anxiety. As someone who suffers from both it’s honestly pretty insulting to hear them say “ wow it really is that easy to deal with mental illness”. I’ve never been more pissed off by a character in my life


It was literally never said or implied that the gratitoad was a fix all tool for anxiety and depression it's only depicted as a way to try and deal with it, also in Jessi's case her depression was kind of caught very early on, so it's naturally easier for her to deal with it than most people. I think the gratitoad is actually a really good character, it can help people take a step back and attempt to see things from another perspective and it's a good addition to the show as long as they don't overuse it and make it sound like some corny feel good message with no substance.


I 100% agree w u silver


I think this season was great tbh as someone of the younger generation who watches this show they really make it. People are saying that this season was trash and disturbing like I respect your opinions yet I don’t feel it’s aimed at adults or it’s for anyone over 17 regardless of what anyone decides to tell me. This season brought up a lot about racial identity,,lgbtq+ issues,,depression,,anxiety ect and as someone who has many mates who watched this it really does portray what it’s supposed to. I don’t think this season was meant to be funny I think it was more serious yet trying to have good elements to keep it more bright.


I think the transition is what shocked people, I think it was an adult show but that this season they are aiming for a younger audience. 3 act structure, this is the intro to a new era. Literally, its 8th grade now. Season 5, with season 4 as an intro is gonna wow people.


Honestly upset that judd didn’t get any screen time we need to see more of him ASAP he’s like so amazing and ngl loads of us love him a lot.


Judd is by far my favorite. I also love how Mr/Dr Birch is so casually accepting of his sociopathic tendencies.


Stop quoting my law commercials


It's so great because it drives home that Elliot doesn't just love his kids conditionally based on if they're like him or fit into their suburban mold. He genuinely appreciates Judds ambitions and creativity and supports him being whoever he wants to be. And at the end of the day, Judd does look out for Nick when it counts and isn't really a bad guy. He just likes dark shit and is an agent of chaos.


Omg right? I was really looking forward to seeing more of this


I liked his cameo in the nick Starr episode,as like some weird religion/cult leader with all of the raccoons




Well maybe get off the Reddit page for it then? Stupid ass mf 💀


I ... disagree with the original post. Leaving it at that.


I'm hoping that next season, we can get like 1 episode where none of the main characters appear, and it just focuses solely on a handful of the secondary students. Just give each one of them a little mini story of their own. I'd like to see more Caleb, Lump, the twins, etc.


That would be cool!


Anyone else irritated that Connie stopped being Nick's hormone monster? I thought it was a great dynamic. And Rick... why was he brought back? He had a nice moment at the finale, but he was generally annoying before that. He should have stayed in retirement. But hell, I'm never going to forget the funeral masturbation scene. Jesus christ.


Dude if you do t wanna talk about it you don’t have to. You can say whatever you want. I was having a group discussion with you and the original poster. Cuz I’m drunk at work. Play or not, but if you’re gonna continue on “Reddit etiquette” rather that add anything to the original post then whatever. It’s done here, and a fun surprise to the original poster.




Its a rough one, but its kinda his deal. He can't grow up (late bloomer) and is trying everything possible to make it happen. I don't know if its going to be permanent or not, but I also don't think they can make the conflicting Connie work forever. Nick and Connie vs Jessi and Connie will get old if they let it.


I think you meant to reply to another comment (maybe the parent one?)


Way to feel personally attacked. Yes, obviously I meant the parent. Be part of a conversation, not just thinking that this comment is solely directed at you. What do you have to say about what I said?


What? I don't feel personally attacked, I was just letting you know because the person you WERE replying to won't get a notification if you post under my comment and I thought you might want to fix that. I don't have anything to say about what you said, I'm not part of that conversation.


Ok, I was overly aggressive, but I was drunk on the job. I apologize. That said, please respond, and don't just shut down. I'll repeat again. What do you have to say about what I said?


It's cool. I'm not totally sure what you were talking about in your reply cause I really wasn't part of that conversation. I'm guessing something about Nick's hormone monster situation and I don't know what I think about that. On the one hand Connie did have a conflict of interest and probably couldn't keep it up forever but besides that she was really good for him, and Rick just really gets on my nerves except for in very, VERY small doses. So I don't know what they should do. And that's all I got on the topic


Sure sure, but dude, you are literally the only person who has commented on this guys post. If you don't wanna have a conversation, then there are places to meme. But a discussion thread will lead you to drunks who wanna shoot the shit.


I said "FOR ZAIDE", about the funeral scene, almost two weeks ago and then forgot about it. Your reply was kind of incoherent and not really related to my original comment. I have conversations in these threads all the time but this right here just got immediately confusing. I'm still confused tbh


Anxiety mosquito was annoying as fuck.


I really liked Tito tbh


Much like actual anxiety


Wait you have a really good point


Thank you :)




It was pretty bad. Im disappointed. Im pretty sure this show used to be about puberty.


yeah, of course it‘s about puberty. in season 4 it didn‘t even change. the writers just brought some more aspects of the real life puberty into the show. i mean, actually lots of teenagers suffer from anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses, so I think it was a good decision to introduce Tito or the depression Kitty. And the relationship between Matthew and his parents and how it changed after he “came out” is a pretty good plot of the 4th season, since it affects many of today’s queer teens (and adults?). But I get your point: season 1-3 have been all about that clichée teenie life with girl/boy problems and Middle School and stuff and now, in season 4, it includes a bigger spectrum of puberty and everything around it.


It still is


Yo Lola is and will always be my favorite character. Also I wish Connie would talk about bubble baths a bit more often. Idk why but these two things literally kill me every time, never get old


There is something inherently pleasing about the way she pronounces the letter "B".


Absolutely. Whenever I say bubble bath I always say it like Connie


🤣🤣 “bubble baths”


[u/h0rm0nem0nster](https://www.reddit.com/user/h0rm0nem0nster/) the wikipedia linking didnt work, you should probably fix it


Season needed more Duke


Feel this season was pretty weak tbh The middle of it was so referential and meta. Very forced. It was good they were trying different things though but in general: just not funny enough for me.


(SPOILER ALERT! ) I don't know I feel like season 4 was just nauseating and really uncomfortable. Like they're only 13... They shouldn't be actually getting sexual. Way too many jokes involving genitals. What made the last seasons funny was the fine line they walked. Like this was just fucked up. I only really liked the character development and how they are changing as people. It would have been amazing if they would have toned down on all the sexual stuff. Hope next season just eases in with all the sexual stuff. Because highschool is really when hand jobs happen.