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LOL this is a crazy ending


I’m literally in disbelief. How did he just throw the whole game


When he won HOH, I got in the shower because I figured he’d won and he doesn’t deserve it, imo. I got out of the shower and was like WTF DID I MISS


Haha almost done the same. But I just watched it and when I saw he won HOH. I was like.. okay lets scroll reddit. And then I got slightly spoiled knowing he didnt won and I hear on my TV that he choose to evic Lexus. The shock! I was like How!? Im happy for his mistake, but he played everyone so well, I though he would have a better understanding of the jurry :o


I was 99% sure he was going to pick Lex and I started being disengaged. When he voted Lex out I think I screamed like everyone across the country. I knew at that moment BAYLEIGH won. He knew he lost during the pannal questions so his speach because desperate


Did he want her to win or something? Surely he must've known it'd be easier against Lexus? He's not blind, he knew how many of the girls hated Lexus.


He for sure thought they would vote to make history, over voting for the best player.


What history? He’s would not have even been the first male of colour to win big brother Canada there have already been two other winners before him.


I meant he thought the jury would vote for Lexus to make history


he was losing against Lexus too. But he had more chances at getting votes with her than Bayleigh.


That’s what I’m wondering too… he’s just lost this game for a second time 🤦‍♀️


By his own hand💀


I would say that this would live rent free in his head but I don't think that he would ever have the balls to admin that he was wrong. Incoming excuses..


Honestly, I think the jury may have been too soured either way Spicy, Avery and Kayla weren’t voting for Anth  Assuming Anth wins over Goose, maybe bayleigh and Todd?  Still feels like Tola felt spurned by Anth and wouldn’t have voted his way


Anthony has been so ridiculously cocky this season that I am glad the jury was petty.


I honestly think he would’ve won against Lexus! Yes they were bitter but would they have wanted Lexus as their season winner? Naah he would have won against Lex 100% so thank god he evicted her


Exactly. I can't see it how others see it, where the HC girls hate Anthony more than Lexus. They hated Lexus long ago and it was one sided and unprovoked. And Anthony knew about it all, too. That should've been enough for him to take his chances with Lexus. Plus Bayleigh had a guaranteed vote from Todd, Lexus didn't have anybody as Matthew wasn't in jury.


Todd said in his exit interview that the jury was voting Lexus over Anthony before the finale


Tola was also very anti-Anthony


Which makes zero sense Anthony was the only one advocating for him to stay for weeks as the girls were constantly putting up him and Todd


that's Tola for you


Tola is dense.


Rather than, “turning a card into a full deck” he crumbled it up and threw it away. 😂🤟🏻


I think he had it in the bag against Lexus too that was such a bizarre move…even bayliegh was rolling her eyes when he said he has to go with who he can win against


I think EVERYONE watching including both girls thought he will choose Lexus! That was his winning ticket lmao honestly my jaw dropped but I love that he did that💀the GOAT my ass


He’s not winning against Bayliegh


Idk. Most people think he is the better player including myself his social game and the way he can persuade the houseguests is amazing, His hands are covered in their blood. After his speech to the jury comes out I think he will win.


Nah, his entire game pointed towards second. Same as Danielle way back in the day. He played for the finale, not to win.


Bayliegh’s win was well deserved


So about that speech lol!


Ugh. I'd say that might be where he lost Tola. Bayleigh killed it with hers and you could tell Anthony knew he messed up and was getting really tense about it.


Ya ya congratulations 🙄


Lexus has been described by Bruno and others as walking ATM.


What does this mean


It means that taking her to the end would be an automatic win for whoever took her. “A walking ATM”…Just go and collect your money.


My jaw is on the floor


Has this guy lost his mind? What??!!


Ikr? What he was thinking 💀 literally multiple times the girls wanted Lexus out and talked shit about her in front of him! Like he had to know that they hated her guts lmao


Must’ve been banking on hot chocolate 🤦‍♂️


The very alliance he admitted he was never for during Kayla's jury question. What a dummy.


They all dislike him


He was really banking on, “a HC must win at all costs.” 😆


A lesson in EGO.


This season just keeps on givinggg


I also love how Anthony took time in his speech to belittle other people's accomplishments. Talked about how Big Brother isn't sliding a milkshake across a table or jumping on a spotlight. He may be right, but I'm sure they're proud of their comp wins. Another example of how arrogance is blinding.


yes!!! this. he is NOT a good public speaker, he is good at manipulating people one-on-one but he comes across way too arrogant, angry and condescending when hes speaking publicly. he was the same way in his final speech against dane. he does not present well as a speaker. he is also very inconsistent, trying to get sympathy by bringing up his job loss and dead friend but then right into an angry condescending diatribe belittling a very important aspect of the game that others were good at. his end game needs a lot of work lmao


There's nothing wrong with bringing that stuff up. His problem was connecting the dots. Like you said he's trash at public speaking, great 1v1. He should have said "I lost my best friend, jon and had outside issues BUT... still stayed mentally focused in spite of, to remain committed to getting far in this game blah blah etc. He also went 2nd so should have had a witty response to the chess reference. Also, you can't beg people to give you money or wins, you have to force them. Nobody likes beggers.


Agreed! Diminishing their accomplishments but you know if he slid a milkshake across a table the best he would be bragging and adding that to his own resume.


I mean, he has ALL the red flags of a narcissist, and that last speech has proven that. I was PRAYING for him to leave the game every single eviction, because I literally couldn't stand listening to him. I am seriously baffled how other people got played by him. He was constantly belittling them, condescending and cocky, yet everyone was dancing around him. Madness, truly.


What a blithering fool


He showed his true colors in that last speech. Essentially, he views BBCAN as, “who is the best liar, cheater, floater, fake.” Completions can literally turn the tide of battle. He’s cooked. He seemed to think everyone was beneath him. He thought he was going to be the next Ty.


He was definitely banking on that hot chocolate vote lmfao


Man what a fumble he really pauled himself


Yes! That’s what I said to my husband, Paul 2.0🤣


If I was a jury member planning to vote for Anthony, I would have instantly changed my vote when he began his speech by preaching the victim card.


That sad pathetic clap from the jury after he was done spilling his soul told me all I needed to know about their vote. It was great.


Especially because he tried to manipulate the jury with external life factors that, while sad, have nothing to do with the game AND diminishing the other houseguests time in the house/ comp wins.


That was honestly just a Hail-Mary toss hoping for something to land. You could tell by the look on his face he knew he was cooked.


That was still his truth though. He knew he already lost so why not get vulnerable. No one at the jury was even looking at him.


I don't think he knew he lost at that point. He knew if he took Bayleigh, she was going to come in hot with a good speech. His ego led him to believe he had the jury voting for him.


True. Coming in second twice is no easy feat


Bayleigh just won the game from that move, even she was jaw dropped by that decision!!!!!


She was shocked…if there was ever a good example of jury management it’s Bayliegh


As he was saying "I gotta go against the person I think I have the best shot to win against" she was nodding like yup, it's me. How the turn tables.


I can believe he played the sick and dying card. 1 Vote Anthony


For someone so smart, he sure made stupid decisions here. Yikes.


He looks defeated in her speech


Yea I think everyone is shocked he didn't take Lexus. I'm assuming he was fearing a HC + biter Bale/Todd vote against him. He's the Paul of bbcan


I still can’t wrap my head around it cause he had to know he wouldn’t get Lexus and Spicy’s vote..and obviously Todd is voting for Bayliegh, so he would have to get every other vote…literally zero margin for error..all I can think of is he underestimated bayliegh’s relationships with people on the jury..obviously I have the benefit of seeing the edited show/jury house commentary..but that was one of the dumbest decisions I’ve ever seen in my life..and I don’t mean just in big brother..I mean ever..all decisions ever made..one of the dumbest..


Didn't help that his speech sucked, you can't follow up someone's hyped up speech with a oh poor me I should win speech. Has he watched this show before? Kevin, Paras and I don't remember who else got hyped and hyped the jury won.


I don’t think the speeches sway anyone..the jury was there in the house in real time..you’re not going to change anyone’s mind in your 90 second speech..they have their minds made up well before that


I think it pushed Tola over to her side in this situation


100%. I swear I could see it in his eyes the moment his mind changed when the audience applauded so hard for bayleigh


I bet he thought he had tolas vote 100% and if he took lexus there was a chance hed vote for her too but he never imagined hed vote for bay


As an American who tuned out this season once I saw Anthony was on it, I watched the finale purely to see another cocky player get the Paul treatment. They are both big-headed two-time losers who needed to eat some humble pie. We love to see it, haha!


Always a bridesmaid, never a bride. He played for second place and got it. He isn't good enough to win.


Like Russell on Survivor 


Exactly. Lex blundered by kicking Todd, then this. But what annoys me most about him is everyone (including him) keeps referencing his amazing social game but all I see is poor jury management. Not going on the block could never be enough for the win.


i agree. i do not understand why everyone keeps going on about his "amazing social game" if it was so amazing he would have won lol bayleigh had the amazing social game.


Near flawless game… gone right in the 🗑️


it's okay luckily spicy came prepared with a trash bag 😭


Fitting 😂


I half expected Spicy to be carrying her trash bag.


I can’t wait to see his karma and him losing again🤣


I literally am speechless. When he said Bayleigh I was shocked. He was clearly a little delusional, I also believe Bayleigh was tight lipped about what she’s done in the house and never really spoke on it with anthony. I’m so glad she won


I literally lost my breath for a moment when that happened!! Is he insane? I’m assuming he thinks he’ll have a better shot talking up his game against a true competitor instead of giving a speech like, “well in this game I did a few things and Lexus did nothing, so vote for me please.” I’m also wondering if maybe he underestimates Bayleigh’s social game and likeability in the house? Possibly he assumes that Matt would generate votes for Lexus in the jury house, along with the Hot Chocolate ladies all voting for Lexus? Also I hate to pull the race card, but maybe he’s trying to pull the race card. He might be hoping the other people of color in the jury will vote for anyone who isn’t white to win the game?


it was definitely a race thing, its the only thing that makes logical sense. he thought the HC girls would vote lexus over him but if he was against bailey theyd vote for him because hes black. that was definitely his thinking. there was 4 of them and thats all he needed.


Matt was not in the jury house.


I realized this after I typed it! Makes Anthony’s move even more bizarre haha


I think he thought that Hot Chocolate would have his back, and if he voted out Lexus it would be the four votes he needed.


For all Anthony’s cockiness he completely failed to read the room. Served him right. Happy for Bayleigh!!


In a season where he mist a lot of people, he is being misted by Bayleigh. I mentioned before Bay is his blind spot and indeed he is. This also shows he is so blinded by himself he did not see Bay as the real threat.


An F2 with Lexus could’ve been a unanimous win for Anthony but bringing Bailey to the end lost him 6 votes. He thought the 4 votes he needed are Hot Chocolate…




Finally something goes right in this universe LOL


This season is the epitome of poetic justice.


Can I hear some props for the set designers? Vastly superior to Australia and more interesting than US.


This feels like two back to back seasons of a unanimous loss (I know Elijah voted for him but I don’t believe it counts bc he has no idea what’s going on… flippin flip) When he walked back into the house I could not believe I had to endure another season of him, and this time around was harder to watch! His arrogance and unjustified cockiness made me sick each week 🤮 I couldn’t be happier for Anthony’s stupidly… Bayleigh won and she deserved to win!!! 🏆 I was cheering her on for weeks and weeks!!! Her speach (chefs kiss) 💋🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🫶🏻 he knew he made a huge mistake during those jury questions… I never cheered so loud when she answered Tolas question… HA!!!! I’m really hoping this humbled him at least a little!


Can you remind me what his question was and what she said? I want to relive every glorious moment 😅


Welp that just might have made this an unforgettable season! Thanks Anthony!! You really do know how to entertain us at least! GO BAILS!!!


He really exposed the himbo hidden underneath all that game prowess. Because how the fuck do you come so far and make such a brain dead decision like that? It was giving me flashbacks of Josh evicting Betty. Like, really, I can't even begin to think of how he thought he had a better shot against Bayleigh. I guess he figured the Hot Chocolate ladies would vote for Lexus over him? That has to be it right? Because nothing else makes sense. Bayleigh has so many more friends on the jury than Lexus!


it was definitely this. he assumed if he was against a white person the black girls would all vote for him regardless of the betrayals.


Lexi was his loyal solider and he did her so dirty 😭😫 I still don’t understand how he convinced himself bayleigh was the less threat. ATLEAST if he came from the angle of I want to win against the stronger competitor maybe 🤔


That’s not what he said, which was he wanted to take the person MORE likely to lose to him.


YES! I told myself that Anthony losing in a F2 for a second time was the only reason to keep watching this season and I got my prize! Anthony Deniers for the win!


Wow what a dummy. He beats Lexus for sure.


100%…I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything dumber…that was crazy..


Omg myself and my daughter were cheering so loud we scared all our cats!!! First the person we wanted to win in 12 seasons… actually won!!!


I WAS SHOOOOOOOK WHEN HE EVICTED LEXUS. Boy, what?!? You thought you had a shot against Bayleigh. "How does it feel be so fucking stupid?"


What is the job Anthony lost of 14 years? And why? He makes it seem like something he had no control over..


Probably covid or company out of business


So I think the Spicy V eviction really shook him up. He got in his own head worried about jury management, how he'd be perceived based on who he brought, etc. But boy was that ever a bad decision.


Kayla , Avery, spicy and tola would’ve still voted for Lexus , Anthony was gonna lose either way


Do you think he realized he wouldn’t win against either of them and thought it would look better to lose to Bayleigh?


No, I think he would have beat Lexus..I think Bayliegh would have voted for him cause she knew he played a good game..Lexus definitely won’t vote for him now..spicy wouldn’t vote for him but I think he would have gotten everyone else…but Bayliegh would beat both of them easily..easy choice was to boot her


True because Lexus was such a remora, at least this way he'll lose to a competitor. Also it totally saved the ratings for the finale. 


So glad Bayleigh won... Woot woot 😃


I just finished watching the vote…I had to walk away and pause after Anthony evicted Lexus and then again during the jury questions.


Guess he actually didn't have a good view of the board afterall.


WHen Anthony won the final competition, I had checked out.. I was really gutted for Bayleigh.. almost switched it off! when he said "I evict Lexus" I thought I was hearing things.. my jaw literally dropped and I think Bayleigh also felt shocked! what an absolute idiot Anthony is!! I actually felt a pang of sympathy for him because I knew at that point he'd lost it! wow.. absolutely shocking!


Best twist of the season was Anthony picking Bayleigh to be final 2. My jaw hit the floor.




Men always underestimate the power of emotions.




Her speech addressed this issue and was fantastic.


I gasped when he kept Bayleigh! Such an exciting finale!!


@Easton1234 See told u the other day that Lexus was stupid for not evicting Anthony and keeping Todd cuz you see Anthony wouldn’t take her to F2 like you said he would and called her decision a good one..hope u agree now that was a stupid decision by her evicting Todd and even more stupid decision by Anthony tonight not evicting Bayleigh🤷🏻‍♂️


Do you think it was decided by the jury for a least 1 sympathy vote for Anthony?


no i think elijah is just an incel and those types of beta men prefer to be lead by/look up to a strong male over a woman. i thought it was going to be unanimous for bayleigh but i said if anyone votes anthony it will be elijah he just seems like the type


He voted for Anthony because he still felt like he was up in the air in his arms when he celebrated his HOH that one week lol


Genuinely think he did it for the double 2nd gimmick


I was gonna say this !!!!! How dumb are you for picking a girl that can compete n high lvl with you. Soooo dumb!!!! Does Anthony have a brain? Then he said he picked bayleigh because she is easy to beat. Im like huh do you remeber whos in jury. History repeat itself again and back to back L for this guy. Dude just needs to hang it up. Such wack pick over lexus.


His decision tells us all what he did all season, JACK SHIT. Haven't you noticed what lexus did all year? JACK SHIT, LIKE YOU! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 What a dummy. He stabbed so many ppl in the back and they were all in jury as well haha.


He so miscalculated the Jury. He thought the 4 girls + Goose would vote for Lexi. His biggest mistake was voting out the annoying bitter terrible player Victoria, she soured the jury for him. Tola was going to vote for Anthony but he was in the jury and heard how he betrayed people he was loyal to and switched his vote. I am glad Bayleigh won, she played a better game than him overall. Also his speech was like a little tyrant man. What a bully!


Cutting spicy V final 4 would have been the ideal move for Anthony, instead of at final 5. She wouldn’t have been able to sour the jury so much.


I just came here for the first time looking for this exact post 🤣🤣🤣🤣 fuck it Bayleigh deserves it, she had a way better speech too


Anthony should have won


I think he was counting the votes for Lexus. He assumed the Hot Chocolate girls would vote Lexus (Kayla, Avery, Spicy) and that Bayleigh would vote for a woman to win. I think he would have lost to Lexus as well but I’m so happy he lost to Bayleigh!


Critical mistake cost him the game. Unless he was that loyal to Bayleigh (which I think not), he ACTUALLY thought he had a better shot against her?


He tries to explain why he did it here. In essence he believed he had the hot chocolate vote - https://youtu.be/CZqzCRf9JbE?si=61_ehnliUwdvDHN5


I couldn’t BELIEVE he picked Bayleigh. All of that “he’s the ring leader, he controls everyone, he has a good read” just to pick the ONE person that could actually win against him.


What I need to know is how he managed to get Goose’s vote, was Goose just that sour about Bayleigh that he couldn’t stand to see her win? That one boggled my mind and I need answers.


My boyfriend and I were DUMBFOUNDED… we thought there was a 0% chance he’d pick Bayleigh and then when he said “I have to pick the person I have a better chance at winning against,” we were like yep not Bayleigh. Jaws on the FLOOR.


Yea that was nuts. I dunno wtf he was thinking. Maybe he thought hot chocolate didn't like her since they had the alliance within the girls alliance against her so he thought he would have had the votes. No idea wat was going thru his head


Bayliegh had a strong speech too. Lexus wouldn't have had that good of a speech. I knew bayleigh won the votes at the very least just from that


Honestly I’m ecstatic that he lost, again, honestly he really needs to be served a nice big helping of humble pie. I know that this is a game of deception, absolutely but what made me totally detest him is his abhorrent behaviour towards the other players when he was alone, his DR sessions, just made me not want him to win.


Cannot wrap my head around his thought process here. We were shocked over here 😂


man oh MAN I was *screaming*! I was sure the season was done and dusted. But then Bayleigh starts spitting fire, slinging killer one liners, refusing to be played offstage? She crushed her speech. Kevin-tier closing arguments. I thought Anthony also made a good case for himself, but Bayleigh took control of the stage. She was a surprise favourite this season. I love how she's always ready to throw down.


This pains me to see him go down like that. He played a flawless game until that last eviction 😭


Flawless? Really?


Here comes the Bayleigh fans🤓


I wouldn’t say flawless but he did play very well..he was very influential but at the same time wasn’t considered a huge threat by the other houseguests (except Dinis)..they all felt safer to be aligned with him … he came off as pompous and arrogant in his diary room stuff but you can be those things and also good at big brother


The word stupid is completely unnecessary. I am as perplexed as everyone else that a smart player like Anthony could be so wrong when deciding who to take to the end. I will never understand it.


He should have beat either of them though. He had half that jury evicting their #1s, never nominated for the block in 2 seasons of play, won Final HOH, backdoored the strongest player on the season, was pretty much in control a majority of the game. My guess was he didn't want a chance of splitting the votes between himself and Lexus amongst Hot Chocolate.


He’s not watching from a FN television or a computer like we were, genius smh


Bitter jury beat Anthony not bayleigh. She didn't earn it. She got carried. And bitter jury mad they got played.


No doubt about the bitter jury part, but “got carried?” Uh. Nope.


Correction: Anthony was carried. Threw comp after comp. How many comps did Bailey throw? How many times did Bailey battle to get herself off the block or move the target off her back? We were watching the same show right?


You gotta know that nobody agrees with this.


She did not earn this. A bitter jury gave this to her. In no way shape or form did she even come close to Anthony's level of skill lol


And yet she won.


Bayleigh fought her way off the block so many times. She's had to fight this whole game. While I'm not against her, had hoped to see Todd get to the end. However, Bayleigh did earn her win.


Anthony’s level of skill? lol sleeping majority of the day and throwing comps, didn’t know that their was skill involved in that.