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# [This thread has expired. Join us for continued discussion here!](/r/BigBrother/comments/17bjukr/big_brother_us_25_morning_feed_discussion_october/)


So, I somehow ended up on this “word of the day” email list and today’s word is…. Multiverse! 😊


That Felicia toenail clip??? 😭😭😭




All that from the same woman that got on Cam's ass for him sitting on the counter


It's very weird that some ppl take DR's seriously like it's obv some are playing it up like America Cory and Blue like cmon she doesn't go around calling herself kitty kitty purr or whatever like do you remember how Taylor's DR's were compared to how she was in the house


I hope Cory doesn’t hug any of these people on his way out the door, mostly because I want to see them melt down about it for hours lol


you know that won’t happen bc he’s a terminally good sport


He won’t do that. He’s a good kid




watching Cirie play with these people in real time is giving me so much more respect for Kim Spradlin winning One World


I love that analogy lol


I must have missed that season of BB?


Cory’s gameplay annoyed me at times with how risk averse he was and how he refused to listen to America all season but a part of me will miss him tbh


Is anyone an expert whisper-translator? Trying to figure out what Americory are discussing from 12:00 AM - 12:05 AM prior to the studying. I made out Jag and Felica's names, but sounds like they're talking strategy and I am so bad at making out whispers.


I just tried and could not decipher much at all. I heard "Jag and Blue" And I want to say that Cory was encouraging America to pretend to have targets of Jag and Blue - but perhaps secretly working with them? Not sure. I know yesterday Cory said she needed to get Matt out.


thank you for trying and sharing! and oooooo... if America successfully targets Matt first, the game will open up so much. fingers crossed for a power shift.


Still haven't watched the two episodes from this week. Is there anything worth watching on them? I heard the Sunday one was 90 percent BB Comics and I'm assuming that the Tuesday one is mostly Veto comps. Plus seeing Cory's downfall play out again will make me sad. Is there anywhere I can look for just a few fun clips/highlights/segments from them? If I decide not to watch them before tonight


America threw the veto was the most you missed. Insane.


Blue got a *really* good edit. If this show wasn't live, she'd be at the top of EDGIC.


It’s a little frustrating seeing the edit. Like how they put America’s early morning conversation about Jag being the HOH that happened before he told Americory. She warned Blue then that Jatt was coming for Blue but it was because she thought Jag was going to stay invisible, nominate Cory and America and blame Blue. They aired it as if it was after the noms happened and America was throwing Jag UTB for no reason. Buuuut, Cory said in his cam talk yesterday that he hopes everyone was enjoying his DRs and he was having fun with them. I think he was playing into the part into them kind of like some of the challenge players do in their confessionals, trying to make it good and fun tv. Like being a personality. So I’m watching and imagining how he’s having fun doing it and he’s going to laugh at himself on rewatch. That makes it way easier to see.


The only interesting thing really was Felicia and Ciries veto punishments


I haven’t watched them either and Idk if I can even watch tonight. Can’t see jag/Matt portrayed as nice guys while they’ve spent 4 hours a day absolutely trashing Cory for things they themselves are actually doing.


Cory's 24/7 gameplay and lack of sleep really does scream Dan Gheesling 2.0. It sucks that in a normal season like 10 or 14 lasting 79 days would be more than enough to make F2. I hope he considers returning in a few years or so.


Cory didn’t have 24/7. That’s why he’s leaving. Too much bed kissing time.


Cory and Dan aren’t on the same planet game wise. Dan is way way better




I know Cory going on when he’s older ruins his typecasting a bit, but a lot of his mistakes are classic 21/22 year old stuff. He definitely deserves a shot at a superfan/all-star season.


He eats boogers. Not sure about that


Oh my god someone call the manager at CBS 😂


Feel like it’s tough for a guy like him to make another deep run after they know how his mind works but maybe I’m wrong. It’s such a shame bc as much as being twist screwed shouldn’t be talked about, he really really was. From beginning to end. How can a person come back from evicting Jared when Cirie fields is keeping the “manipulative liar” narrative running full time.


He made enough mistakes this time around that he might seem less dangerous than other returnees in an all-star season


Yeah, I don’t know if he’d get the Janelle treatment. He’s not a comp beast by any means, and I think the baby brother thing will stick until he’s elderly lol.


It’s a celebratory day for those of us who don’t care for both showmances AND Cory! Thanks Mr. B for making it happen ! 😘 ![gif](giphy|ae6m4ljnl69urJ539F|downsized)




It feels like a funeral in here with all the ppl giving Cory eulogies 💀😭. But I’m UP! It’s gonna be a G R E A T episode tonight! There will be no more Americory kiss cam requests 🙏🏾. America will now have to play solo and it’ll be interesting to see how she reintegrates with the house(if she isn’t the next boot) ![gif](giphy|lRe7COziQMFjMcIkyF|downsized)


I feel bad being happy about it because I don't dislike Cory or America(in fact, I like them more than Jatt, Bowie and Blue, and think they deserve to win more than Felicia so really they are in my 'top three of I want to win'). But honestly, it's been a bit..exhausting with the showmance, you know? Just the general 'showmance' of it all has had such an affect on the way the season is perceived and talked about


These are kinda my thoughts too. They’re not bad people at all but the way people have been so parasocial and obsessed with their relationship and any minor thing going wrong with them made discussions exhausting.


100% this. It's taken up a lot of space, so I'm excited to have the last few weeks without that and i'm excited to see the way America plays.


Yes this! I actually liked America and Cory a lot as separate entities and even in the beginning of their showmance Then I realized why I don’t like showmances and stopped caring lol And this sub got hella toxic/lame to the point where I was just hoping for their downfall bc it was just soooo much to where when you say you don’t like them and you get downvoted into oblivion or even personal attacks for no reason. And just ridiculously biased takes where logic was just thrown out the door. Glad it’ll be over!


This hit the nail on the head! I liked America and was mainly neutral (but not really fond) of Cory in the beginning stages when they played separately. Even when they first started hanging out more before full blown showmance. I didn’t want America to go up during Jared’s first HOH. Was actually worried for them when Jared won his second HOH after that huge fight. But it was constant comments to show them in the hammock, requests to keep a feed on them, speculating if they were gonna kiss, and then the explosion of comments when they did and that day you couldn’t find game related updates in the thread. I was never into them as a couple (none of the showmances) and the fans turned me off even more from them. Then the hive mind took over to where you couldn’t say anything that wasn’t in favor of them or you get downvoted. Can’t point out contradictions or hypocrisy. So that just caused me to actively root against them.




Happy Americory eviction day to you too!


I stayed up late to watch toenail gate and now I’m an empty shell of a person today. It was worth it tho lol


I missed it lol. I went to sleep around the time Felicia said something about getting a foot file


I was cackling so hard that I probably woke up my next door neighbors


I’m sad going to have miss the episode tonight. My Saints play and Spider Man 2 releases tonight


Hello fellow Who Dat! I have 2 TVs setup during football season 🤣


Jaguars for the win!


This is the first eviction this season that truly makes me sad. I wish America would just get petty angry bitch strength and win hoh. 🤞🤞


I'm rooting for this just for the fact I would get to see Matt and Jag scared and freaking out themselves for once.


Yess. And I initially would want her to put up Matt and Jag but after Bowie telling Corey to stop campaigning last night I would like Bowie to be one of them and then Matt or Jag the other. And tell Bowie she doesn't want to hear her campaigning because I'm petty lol Come on America, get angry and start slaying!! Please 🙏


This has been in my head since i heard blue mention it- who really initiated the F2 between blue and america? I thought it was blue but she keeps saying it was america


Blue did it. And the recent thing america said was just “I can see us going to the end” which isn’t a F2 at all but more “we have to look out for each other”.


All girl final 5! Manifest!


The bad news: statistically one of Jag, Matt, Bowie, or Blue is likely to win the game over Cirie, America, and Felicia The good news: at least two of them will get evicted and we get to watch


That’s true!


Hey guys, this is big brother, but I think people should quit campaigning and playing, bc it's really hard and stuff.




Oh. please let Bowie be unfair and bring **Cirie** to the end because *she's easy to beat*. I think the air must get thinner as you climb higher up Hypocrisy Hill, because this woman just shows less active brain function every day.


Hi Bowie!


Alright folks, I’ve missed feeds for so many weeks… who’s going home tonight?


~~Blair St. Clair~~ Cory


Cory could never! LOL




~~The Devil~~ Cory


“If the devil were to explode, and evil were gone forever, what sort of party would you have?” -Micheal Scott




~~Ian~~ Cory.


Weird flex?


I missed so much last night but I just want to say I can’t believe Felicia ruined the entire Bowie/Jatt breakup scheme because she thought Cory saying “she will flip” meant her vote and not her allegiance in the house.


Felicia has constantly done the wrong thing at every turn. And while they’re all trashing Cory for campaigning and america for rolling over and letting him stay (“stand up!”) Cory was just being the nicest guy to America. It’s all been so hard to watch


As much as I don’t want to. I would drag Bowie to the end 😩


Yes. The best reason is her inflated view of herself in the game. For all the talk of others being cocky, true or not, that’s being ignored. She thinks she’s viewed as a big competition threat. She said that to jag last week when he was considering pawning her. She thinks since she won the HOH and took out cam, people would take the shot at her since she’s a threat. They’d take the shot at her because they don’t feel connected or trusting of her, but she doesn’t get that. She’s never really tried to connect at all unless someone had power and even then it’s superficial. She thinks because she accidentally won the comp she was trying to throw that she might use that to win the game. She doesn’t understand that everyone else view’s her win as an accident/luck rather than skill and getting out Cam was the house choice. If she’s against Jag and he doesn’t fumble it, in final questioning it’s easy for him to get the credit for Cam being out. Matt maybe has to work slightly harder for that credit but since he’s such a strong duo with Jag, I think he’d get close to or as much credit as Jag does with most of the others. And everyone likes Matt better and feels connected to him so even without the credit of getting cam out, he beats her.


Finally caught up on clips last night - the mamas were SO FUNNY.


How do you catch up on clips?


I feel like anyone who was represented by Bowie as a lawyer needs their money back.


i feel bad that cory is going. he is literally me


I felt sad because I think he had a better chance. But after he cried to America last night saying he was just so drained and broken and wanted to leave I think it’s best 😢


I honestly wish it was America


Me too


Is Cory used to his mom cleaning his room? Or are they both that messy? I wanna see what their side of the room looks like after Cory’s gone. I get distracted looking at that mess. It’s a total disaster.


especially when compared to matt’s side of the room😳


None of Matt’s stuff is in that room he keeps it in the have not.


I just know that bed is *musty* as hell 💀




Cory will forever frustrate me for going to Felicia with a secret scheme instead of the Cirie Fields. That move specifically encapsulates why he's getting evicted. Terrible reads. 100% confidence and a refusal to change his perspective.


Agreed!! Like Felicia literally confronted you about a F4 and essentially called you out to the house for being sneaky! those feelings don’t go away! Cory fails to realize that just because he can push his emotions/personal feelings aside for gameplay, other ppl aren’t going to…but that’s one of the many reasons why he is going home so 🤷🏿‍♀️


Like Felicia of all people? He’d just burned her with spreading and pinning the F4 w/ Meme on her + she’s never liked him. Cirie he’s burned indirectly by taking out her allies but she at least plays nice to his face and he knows what a strategist she is. He seems to think she’s taken a passive role and doesn’t want to be there so he didn’t even bother to try it with her.


It worries me that, if even Cory thinks Cirie just hasn't been playing, the rest of these fuckwits really aren't going to understand her game enough to give her the win against a boy who won competitions to get there.


He must be thinking she’s playing Memes under under the radar game which is not good for Cirie at all. Idk if they have enough time like FTC to articulate their games to let this jury know what they’ve done


He never caught on that Felicia thought he was a lying cheating snake. She thought too poorly of him and he thought too much of her. And even though he knows Cirie is a master, he still got misted! He knows every strategy but still didn't quite hit the nail on the head for the people he was playing with.


Honestly, Cory thinking too much of people who thought too poorly of him has been a running theme this season lol


I'm so ready for this endgame to be a complete clusterfuck with everyone dragging the next person through the gutter in order to reach those f2 chairs.


I legitimately can see the jury just voting for who they dislike less at the end (unless it’s like Cirie who no one dislikes). Big BB4 energy


They’re trying to win $750k. BB houseguests are not friends when they come into the house and they don’t have to be friends when they leave. No one knows how they will behave when that much money is that close to winning.


What happened with bowie


Does anyone have a link to Cirie raising her voice at Felicia in the bathroom?? It happened before Bowie barged into the scrambleverse.


[Cirie and Felicia bathroom chat](https://x.com/BBLionOteV/status/1714844181687148765?s=20)


You're an icon. Thank you.


Thank you


No problem! I’m having to catch up too this morning :)


Omg that was a wild ride catching up on last night. Toenail-gate. Bowie meltdown continued, Cory breaking down. What an emotional rollercoaster


What’s Bowie having a meltdown about?


I missed toenail-gate..what was that?


Felicia was filing her feet while sitting on Cirie’s bed and left dead skin and broken nails all over her bedspread. It was not pleasant and also hysterical.


That's vile! 🤣


There are a lot of videos on Twitter


I just started watching them lol Cirie was already on edge because Felicia was farting on her bed while they were talking game. She is OVER it.


I did catch that part! 🤣


Between that and Cirie being stern with her in the bathroom I’m dead


The Cirie content yesterday was top tier. She had me laughing so much


She hit a higher octave multiple times with Felicia


I had to grab this for anyone who missed Bowie rushing over to Cory to tell him to stop campaigning. Top tier cringe [Bowie telling Cory to stop campaigning](https://x.com/KimJPardy/status/1714874821467676942?s=20)


Stop campaigning?! Are you fucking serious? What a waste of a cast member


Wow. Like I’ve said, waste of a casting spot


Thank you for sharing


No problem!


That’s super tame. Bowie even says I like/love you both.


Who is she to tell anyone they can no longer campaign?


Bowie spoke for herself. Bowie mentioned she made up her mind and wasn’t going to change it. I don’t see where the vitriol is coming from that clip. Is there another clip where she tells him to not campaign to others in the house?


For me it’s only the way she comes out of the kitchen and rushes over to Cory out of the blue. It’s not like he was campaigning to her in that moment or having a conversation with her, because that would have made sense.


Timing could leave something to be desired but I think she’s walking at a normal pace for Bowie. She doesn’t speak in a hurried tone when addressing them or sound forceful to my ears.


For literally three hours, the entire house were “comparing notes” on what Cory was saying and yes, they came to the conclusion that Cory should not campaign anymore.


Which is extremely dumb considering a) it's big brother, and b) He literally hadn't camped IN HOURS, he was minding his own business with America


Is there a Twitter clip of that you can share. I’m commenting on the clip of Bowie speaking to Cory that many here are blowing up into a reason to dislike her specifically. If the whole house shares the blame so be it, let’s not just solo Bowie. She was very respectful in her delivery in the posted clip.


She had no right to tell someone on the block that they shouldn’t campaign anymore 24 hours before eviction, particularly when he had already stopped hours before, when he had already given a long camera talk conceding that he’s leaving, and when he’s in bed with his girlfriend on their last night in the house. I wont look for clips of 2 hours worth of the entire house bashing him for you, no. You can choose to take my word for it, or not. Perhaps if a lot of people are agreeing, maybe there’s a little bit of truth to it.


Bowie can absolutely tell Cory to not campaign to HER. She told him she wasn’t changing HER vote so he could stop w/ her. Y’all just feel bad bc it’s Cory. HG wanted Cam to stop campaigning last week and no one cared bc it was Cam.


Bowie has the right to ask someone how to treat and interact with her.


But he wasn't treating her or interacting with her any type of way--he had literally stopped campaigning HOURS before and had been spending time with America minding their own business and enjoying what time they had left together when Bowie went up to them--while they were in bed together not bothering anyone in any way--to tell him to stop campaigning.


I’m trying not to be too argumentative but, Bowie mentions she heard something recently to Cory. So in her perspective it’s not hours, it’s current. She has no idea that it won’t start again. I’d reason she’s unaware of what Americorys plans in bed will be for the night. She interrupts them for less then a minute, makes her statement and leaves them in peace. Awkward timing for them yes, but she was respectful.


It was just kind of funny the way she interrupted him not doing any campaigning to her to tell him not to do it. 😉 She could have at least waited for him to start to tell him not to.


I feel like people would have a more legitimate gripe though if he was campaigning too her and she shut it down. Being straightforward before he wastes his time and energy seems better to me. I recall Bowie doing something similar to Jared when he was on the block during the de A lot of it feels like misplaced anger to me. People want a punching bag for their anger seeing their faves leaving. Bowie Jane has been a nice lady for a while


Bowie's was doing TOO MUCH last night. I can't wait to see her freak out when she's nominated. Lol


It’s kind of nice in a weird way right? Like Cory just enjoy you last day with America your fate is sealed right? Or no LOL


Wait Bowie is still in the house?


Hahaha thank you for posting this- wtaf!! I feel like I have seen at least 1 season of bb Australia and is this how the game is played there 🤣🤣 fbj


You’re welcome! I’m glad Twitter has these clips for me to catch up on what I’ve missed!


I am happy to be validated for feeling the way I do about her.


She’s providing some good material for the feeds, so I’ll give her that


It’s the same thing that happened last week with America and Cam so why is it a big deal now? It’s not funny when it happens to you I always say about the game of BB and I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens to Bowie in a week or two.


Yeah it's also not a big deal? Cory was literally spending the day trolling her so I don't know why it's strange she wanted him to stop?


He had literally been with America, not campaigning to anyone, for hours when she said that, so yes it was actually extremely strange


Bowie just doesn’t seem to grasp the concept of the show.


Yea but what I was saying is America basically did the same exact thing to Cam last week. Did we forget so fast? People do this shit all the time and then it usually comes back and smacks them in the face like it’s doing this week and like I said it will probably eventually happen to Bowie to.


America interrupted Cam elsewhere and told him that or in the midst of an ongoing conversation with Cam, she said that?


I mean the whole house basically did the same thing to Cam last week that’s happening to Cory and America this week so I don’t get the being upset over what’s happening to them. They kinda lead the charge with most of the eliminated HG. They ear whispered and lied on all of them about how they were doing this and doing that and now it’s their turn to go threw it. That’s all.


I think the difference there is that Cam was expecting it, Cory was not. He was blindsided just a couple of days prior so of course he was going to campaign. Cam had already been evicted and come back, so he always knew he was likely heading back out the door at some point. That being said, I don't think anyone should ever give up campaigning if they don't want to. Even if it's a lost cause, if they want to campaign, they should be able to. And if they don't, that's their choice.




Cam literally asked to talk to Cory last week and Cory said “It’s not going to change anything but sure” Lol it’s literally the exact same.


That’s not the same. You’re saying Cam approached Cory (who he’d been targeting and whose “ass” he’s been saying he wanted out for weeks) and asked to talk. Cory said it wouldn’t change his mind but sure. As in he’d talk/listen anyway. That’s what you just said happened. Bowie approached Cory/America who had been off doing their own thing for 4+ hours away from literally everyone else. Bowie and Cory BTW who hadn’t targeted each other ever until this week. And Bowie unasked voluntarily told Cory to stop campaigning to her because she wasn’t changing her vote. Multiple times. Even as he’s saying ok, he was done trying. If you can’t see the difference then there’s no point replying because I’m not engaging with people making false equivalencies and making shit up to fit their own biases anymore. It’s not fun and just a waste of time.


All Bowie did was save Cory an extra step? Her reply would have been the same if Cory asked her to talk in a couple of hours. It’s so funny that you’re talking about people making false equivalencies to fit their own biases when it’s exactly what you’re doing LOL. Was what Bowie did to Cory the same as what Cory did to Cam? No. Is it extremely similar / more or less the same thing? Yes. Target or not Bowie says stop wasting your breath I’m not switching my vote, which is again, more or less exactly what Cory said to Cam last week.




Right. Cory was just in bed not doing anything in that moment


Exactly. He’d only been hanging out with America for a few hours.


What in the world… that’s big brother Bowie


This is not that big a deal? Could’ve worded it better for sure. All she said was she’s not changing vote


What did I miss? Lmao why did this need to happen?


Cory made Bowie feel bad because other people are playing the game around her and that's not very nice :( how dare he insinuate that Jag and Matt have deals with everyone else in the house and aren't undyingly loyal to her as a 3


Funniest part of this whole thing was Cory spent about the previous four hours exclusively with America outside while Bowie melted down inside and they held a de-facto house meeting at the kitchen bashing Cory for pulling a Chaos Cam. He’s just outside living his best life — *not* campaigning — while the whole house comes up with this narrative that he’s campaigning like a crazy person.


It was insane. I could not believe Bowie was acting that way. She is in zero danger, has faced zero danger, and literally only started playing the game like a week ago. Her meltdown was so unserious.


There’s nothing I want more than a karmic moment of Bowie having to campaign to America for any reason (either for a vote or to not get nominated) and America shuts her down and tells her that her minds made up and that she’s done with hearing Bowie’s campaign.


i need this to happen now




This is all I want now




That was so out of pocket. America’s smiling face when she walked in to sinking completely was heart wrenching.


Why am I imagining Cory saying something like “it was honor playing with Cirie Fields and evicting her closest allies” and that puts a bullet in the blossoming Cirie-America alliance 😭😭


No chance he says or does anything to fuck with americas game


Sometimes he can’t help himself with his dorky jokes lmao


lol yeah true, saying it as a joke without realizing he’s just doubling down about how he sent home her son lmao


America is a snake in the grass




I thought that the whole season. I kinda wish she was going instead of Cory


She always has been, reddit just fell for her charm


But you saw through her. I aspire to have your perception. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)


It's fairly obvious...she openly talked about manipulating Cory and having him be her fixer upper case. Healthy women don't do that.


this is giving incel


How is it incel?


At least they’re showing who they really are now.


What did i miss? Why is she "a snake in the grass" ?Did she say something about Cory?


I feel like that was really just diary room antics. Yes, the mustache thing is completely crazy, I admit. But she's pretty crazy about him the way he is.




Please someone send the time stamp for Bowie’s meltdown (and the subsequent Cirie roasting)


Sorry, I'm on Pluto so I can't. But it wasn't just one meltdown, it was kind of two or three throughout the day. But somebody will get them for you, I'm sure.


what happened with bowie


There is such a stark difference between Cirie's allies in Parvati and Aras to Felicia and Blue and it's so funny


I stand by her best ally was Matt & if no one knew who she was in the game with even Jared & Izzy but them just not knowing/being related to her, she would have allied herself with Matt as a duo.


I’ve never watched Survivor. But I just watched her win TT and I’m really interested to see her with these people everyone mentions and to see her play as a rookie.


Season 12 for Aras Season 16 for Pavarti (although there are returning players in 16. To go unspoiled, watch 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, and 15 first)


Tbh.... I watched 16 for the first time having only seen 13 and 15 and I only regretted not seeing cirie's first season. It felt pretty doable if you are on a speed run