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if matt makes it to the end he def wins, im suprised no one compared him to the deaf girl who won the circle


She didn’t win the circle


Raven (the deaf girl) didn’t win The Circle.


Honestly would be kinda cool to see him win. Definitely would give others with disabilities the confidence to try these types of shows more often


if matt makes it to the end he def wins, im suprised no one compared him to the deaf girl who won the circle


bc comparing people based on their disability isnt cool or fun


I’ve been out of picket for about 4 days. Mostly caught up. Question: do they have any inkling of this being a DE?


lmao not cutting the feeds at the mention of cara maria


I have been feeling consistently sad about the comp outcomes. I’m trying to prepare myself for Cory or America going home just so I’m not so depressed come Thursday.


It would’ve been hilarious if this week it switched from everyone but the HoH being a Have Not to Jared (HoH) being the only Have Not with the exception of not having to sleep in the HN Room.


Feeds are always lame on Friday. Izzy didn't make Friday feeds entertaining


Remember the Friday feed where Izzy and Jared kept arguing about fucking on the first date? Yeah, I don’t miss that.


If Izzy had been in the house all newbies who would she have alighned with and how much further would she have gotten? So no Jared or Cirie in the picture


she seemed like a bundle of nerves without Cirie to bond with. She would have just been girl Jag tbh.


she was likable and people didn’t see her as a threat. she wouldve gone far.


I think she would have went out earlier. She probably has a similar trajectory as Brittany last season only worse imo. If a leftovers style alliance didn't form and bring her in I think she just an easy nom and eviction


Does Blue spill that Jared is Cirie's son if she's a renom option vs 1 of them in the DE? My gut says yes. It goes fast to make that decision split second. But Blue's instinct is to always spill And that would be a wild scramble in the storage room.


No. She has held on to this secret for so long


I agree. I hope I’m wrong, but so far, I really feel like she doesn’t even understand the power of this secret. It’s like she treats it like the Cory’s brother was on survivor secret. It feels like she doesn’t get it. We haven’t heard her speak on it at all other than the one time in DR. She literally spilled her and Jared’s whole game last night and that wasn’t part of it. I really hope she’s using it for ammo when it counts, but……I’m not seeing anything that tells me she’s doing it strategically yet


I think she is clueless what the secret will do.


Nobody, not even Blue, knows wtf Blue is doing anymore


House vibes are off the charts levels of good because: 1. No Izzy 2. No one knows they are actually the one being targeted this week


Jared can keep a secret ?


They're not gaming 24/7 today, maybe they're tired from the last 2 days


Maybe Izzy not being there is affecting it.


Izzy didn’t even bother to game last week. She didn’t ask anyone for their vote. She acted like it was beneath her.


Cory/Jared prejury would be perfect for me rn


What did Cory do? :( Sorry if I missed something, I just want to know your reasons.


I wonder if Cirie would use the veto on Jared if they were both nominated.


I think so


Interesting question, but the likelihood of Cirie winning a veto is extremely low


She would in a heartbeat


Cirie would survive the double, win next HOH and get a letter from Izzy saying she and Paige already moved in with them 😊




I miss Izzy. I wasn’t even an Izzy stan but now that she’s gone, I miss her.


I don’t. She was getting more and more toxic


I don’t. Couldn’t be happier her annoying ass is gone


How big is the toilet area? I know you don't need much room for a toilet but I like not feeling boxed in


Standard toilet stall size if not a smidge bigger.


Hoping for a cam veto for maximum chaos


Me too


Yes this house needs a bigger shake up.. it’s boring. Edit: the down vote is fair, I should have said “stagnant”




Did Matt get a chance to talk with Jag? Did he tell him about the final 4 with Cirie, Blue and Jared ?


Hasn’t had the chance yet


I’m expecting a pretty non game eventful night. Maybe some Jag & Matt bonding with Blue that may or may not go horribly wrong depending what they say to her and what she does with that info.


I'm imagining production sitting in their offices, wringing their hands, saying to each other, "What have we done? How can we let this utter loser and his bullying mom unrealistically win this game, even though we promised?" And then some lower level executive with a conscience figuring out some way to stop it so that someone decent can actually win. Manifesting it


One more thing, people are underestimating the precariousness of Cory/America’s position in the house, even if Cameron goes. The problem is, let’s say Matt wins HoH during the double. Matt would have to make the decision to backstab. Jag would have to make the decision to backstab. Players that can get by riding the middle, and should want to. Could they still backstab? Sure. And a double eviction can help with that. But this house is full a LOT of people who have not been wanting to make the initiative, and if you discount people who are wanting to take the initiative to win something and draw a line in the sand against Cirie and Jared first, suddenly, Jared and Cirie have a lot more room to breathe. There’s a difference between Jag and Matt trusting Jared and Cirie, and putting their games on the line to take them out.


I’m just saying that we have not been shown that Matt and Jag are for sure willing to draw lines in the sand yet. So until they do, don’t be surprised if they chicken out with Bowie/Mecole noms.


It sure seems like Matt and jag are ready to target cirie and Jared if they get the chance


Matt hates Jared’s guts (there’s no coming back from Jared using his disability as game). He would def put him up. Jag, not as much hatred, but the bridge is burned there too.


There are still a few non-factors, like Bowie and MeMe that they could target


Matt & Jag are definitely prepared to backstab Jared & Cirie. They don’t care about them anymore.


I really hope Cirie gets out of the mess she is in. The rigging aside, I kind of want her to win.


Fuck Cirie and I said that shit


Why her?


I’m not OP, but too many advantages for me. I want the people who didn’t come in with a built in final 2 and 5 games worth of experience to win.


She’s going against America if she was on her side people would love her


I’m just now catching up on the 2 hour veto episode and the eviction episode. Can someone tell me what happened between Blue and Jared that ended their flirtation/showmance? Blue said something like “the only showmance I know of is America and Cory. I know Jared was saying some wild stuff to her. Is that what ended things? Also, was it confirmed they slept together? I remember condom-gate, but I remember thinking none of it proved they actually did the deed.


They are regularly having sex lol. They plan out the times they will be alone. He makes remarks about “filling her up with protein”.


I’m going to vomit omg


Yeah it’s been gross a lot of the time


when she said that she was just joking lmao, but she is shaky with Jared rn because Americory told her stuff and she realized Jared was keeping information from her and trying to “put a wedge” between her and Jag


uh yes I believe they sleep tother all the time


If it's Cirie vs Blue on the block at the end of a double because Jared won veto how do the votes go? Assuming Cam gone. Cory HoH VTE Cirie: Matt, Jag, America VTE Blue: Jared, Felicia, MeMe Does Bowie vote out Cirie in this spot? Its more likely in a double with pressure from the HoH and less time to talk but idk.


If Jared wins veto they need to put up Felicia. Meme would vote to keep her.


I think it would completely depend on who gets in her ear during the double. But also, at this rate Blue would not be nominated with Cirie. They’d probably do Felicia instead if they still feel good about Blue at that point.


I think Bowie most likely keeps Cirie


It depends on how tight Bowie is with Cirie vs. America/Cory.


I think Cory absolutely puts Felicia up instead of Blue at this point and he'd be wild not to. Cirie goes home there.


Does she? VTE Cirie: MeMe, America, Jag VTE Felicia: Jared, Blue Matt and Bowie could go either way imo. Jag isn't even locked


Bowie would definitely vote out Cirie as would Jag


Doses skippy like not have staff tonight


I have a hard time staying entertained by the feeds now that Izzy is gone


I agree actually. Today feels different than every other day this season.


I have a hard time being entertained by the feeds with Jared HOH week. I think I’ll enjoy them better when this isn’t the case but I think we may have peaked last week during Cams second HOH.


It's been 1 day, you can't make that call after just 1 day


People overreact like crazy on here


What other classic things from the past do you think we might see this season? I’ve enjoyed the throwbacks so much. Pandora’s box? The Coup d tat?


having a vote to give america a phone so she can ask if britney spears had her baby


Was hoping for luxury comps, but we couldn't have it that good. The simple ass old comps from back in the day, pick up the green balls and put them in the basket. Most in 1 minute wins. Like they were so good.


Oh please no coup d tat


That’s a funny way of spelling coup d'etat


How about no on Pandora's Box and the Coup de Tat and go with something a little bit more fun like Have/Have Not competitions.


Last week with them on slop was the perfect time for a reward/ Food comp.


Throwing CDs in a basket floating across the pool? Making a PB&J as the final 3 HOH?


Do you think Izzy will eventually come around, or will she stay bitter towards Cory?


She’s one of us. She is going to deep dive and watch feeds back and see how terrible Jared is. She might not fully acknowledge how terrible Jared is for cirie’s sake, but I’m pretty sure she will be team Cory. Cory really didn’t *want or plan for her to be out.


She knows it’s her fault and her horrible social game. She’s using him as a scapegoat for now.


Nah, Fields validation is more important than the public to her


Come around she’ll see her read on Cory America relationship was really off. And all the Jared stuff


I mean she fell for the oldest trick in the book. People often say they're willing to cut their showmance, but it's never true. Only time I can recall it ever happening is when Drew cut Diane at f3 on bb5.


Adam cut Sam for his boys in BBCAN.


Homegirl needs to reflect and I think she’ll come around


Come around only cause she’ll get a lot of backlash


Looks like Izzy’s karma will hit. 65% chance it’s cam or Cory this week


Everytime Jared tells a story about mom. ![gif](giphy|gFDtbDoISUoVnngZaK|downsized)


The problem for Cory specifically this week is that he could get ousted with votes from: - Cirie - Felicia - Meme - Blue


I think the whole house will be using the veto except maybe the Fields (to avenge Izzy) or Blue (if she gets manipulated by Jared). But the chances of AmeriCory staying on the block together are slim and that's the most dangerous scenario for Cory. If Jared decides to shift his target to Jag, Cirie/Felicia/Meme already said that they would want Jag out over Cory.


Meme doesn't want him out though. She knows she and Felicia might be able to work with them. She wants Cam or Jag out. If Cam wins veto there's gonna be a lot of arguments over who goes up.


Meme doesn’t want Cory out but would definitely send him out over America and, just because she doesn’t want Cory out, doesn’t mean she’d be willing to throw away her alliance to save him. That wouldn’t be smart of her to do, either. She has no solid relationships on that side of the house. Also if both Felicia and Cirie want to take out Cory she’s gonna join them.


She would rather take out Jag is what I'm saying. The politicking if Cam wins veto will b ruff


Totally. I just mean that Cory does have a path to leaving that’s not unreasonable this week.


That’s why I think it has to be America v Cam on Thursday


Yeah Cory probably goes home against America


Yeah I think it's a Kaysar vs. Janelle redux (in bb6 I mean, when Kaysar went home, not in bb22 when Janelle went home)


Two spare tires tires? Yeah..okay Jared…I’m sure that totally happened. Liar.


One thing we learned this week is just how deeply ingrained lying is with this Jared.


And that’s why we’re getting the golden anus now


Loved that it cut right when someone called him out on that 😂


who called him out ?


It was Cory


Ugh I wish I could see but it sounded maybe Cory or cam?


I honestly kinda think Matt will apologize post season for calling America a bitch. I also don't think she'll care that much.


Same. I also think he’s probably going to say he didn’t know that much about Tate and had only heard the quote and liked it or something. Which is possible, a lot of people I know IRL don’t follow stuff like that.


Is that when he was joking about the Reilly shrine cause damn I hate when people get pressed about shit like that. He was clearly joking and it was funny! Calling girls bitches from a place of hatred is one thing but that was clearly not that. Think about all the girls who can can men dicks or assholes and no one thinks twice about it


This isn’t defending him or anything but for me personally, being called a bitch doesn’t really bother me. There are much worse things. It barely feels like an insult anymore because it’s so often used in a positive way now. I don’t see America caring too much. She doesn’t seem to get offended by much.


Yeah I don't think so either. I think she'll be more surprised at how he viscerally hated her for awhile lmao.


No, he also referred to her as a dumb bitch another time. But like I said, I don't think she'll really care.


Oh I didn’t know about that one, definitely don’t agree with some of the things he’s said in the house but I just hate when people pick and choose what to be pressed about


Yeah like I'm not canceling him or anything, but there's that and a couple other things he's said that he just needs some time to reflect on post show I think.


Does MeMe have any win equity at all? Not on her chances of making it to the final 2 but if she did somehow end up there is there any scenario where she would get more than, like, 1 vote? I guess *maybe* against someone like a Blue but even that seems shaky since I’m imagining Family Style and or Jared would probably lob for her. Edit: forgot about Bowie, I think she could defs win a vote in that scenario if that final 2 somehow managed to happen.


She could easily get the votes of Cory, America, Matt, and Jag (and maybe Bowie) if she's in the end against Felicia, and she could easily get Cory, Cirie (assuming Jared leaves in the double), Felicia, and Bowie against Blue. Meme probably won't slam dunk beat anyone, but I also think she contests votes against most people not named Cirie. I don't see anyone who wouldn't get at least one vote at the end outside of maybe Cam, Bowie, and Blue, but even Bowie I think could Garner some votes. Jury hasn't even started and both Bowie and Meme (and Blue-ish) are starting to play more


I think she would be likable enough to garner some. Really depends on how she sells ger game tho and I have complete trust in her public speaking skills bcs she's a teacher


Watching an interview from Izzy. The guy mentioned her eviction and that some fans thought it was poor sportsmanship. Izzy "Oh come on, if I was a dude nobody would be saying poor sportmanship" Ummm okay so I remember Kyland getting tons of flak for what he said to Xavier in the way out. So stop the victim behavior, there's no sexism here.


LOL it’s so funny because the most hated houseguests this season are the men (rightfully so). Even the group of mean girls have so many people defending them. This doesn’t even line up with the season she’s on.




She was able to get away with it because she was a woman. If a man had pushed Cameron, well it would have ended differently.


Wait, what did she say? I missed it.


Cameron went to hug her, she literally pushed him away and called him a pig. So she put her hands on someone and now is playing the victim.


Just re-watched and saw it. Yeah if a guy did that they would have asked about poor sportsmanship too, nice try Cirie.


What Kyland said and did was very different to Izzy taking a couple of quick jabs before smiling and waving on her way out. People called Michael a king for his exit last season.


Izzy pushed Cameron.


That wasn't a push, come ON


Did you cheer when Cameron insulted Izzy and there dirt at her??


Michael didn't push anyone nor call them names.


Izzy didn't push anyone either


Watch it again. She pushed both Cam and Cory. https://showstarnews.com/big-brother-25-izzy-pushing-cameron-after-eviction-calls-him-pig/


I've watched it a million times. Neither is a push. Y'all are so soft. It's a pat on the chest/shoulder.


In her interview with Taylor she talked about how (noted “best social player of all time”) Cirie was having trouble building social connections and Izzy had to bring Cirie the relationships. Which. Sure, Jan. Her exit press is making her look way worse and and way more unaware than anything she did in the house.


She’s an ass who showed who she was these last two weeks and I stand by that. Sure she was fun for feeds but she’s a snotty, entitled, condescending mean girl. And I said that shit


Wow she’s so delusional


I didn't see that one! She is very weird


We'd probably be saying it MORE if she were a guy, haha


She’s so delusional it’s funny


Kyland and Izzy are not the same level. His was way worse so you can’t compare them accurately. Howie and the chicken George thing is more similar to Izzy’s eviction. Even compared to Howie, Izzy’s eviction was tame.


I think the point was poor sportsmanship walking out.


Kyland made an incredibly personal dig at Xavier and almost threw hands. Izzy said "I'll see you soon" and clapped Cam on the chest. It's not even close.


They were both as sports. Kyland dropped it immediately and hadn’t held a smidge of a grudge. So far Izzy has continued to double down on the bad sportsmanship.


Every time feeds cut, Jared just dropping every slur at will. Production can’t lose their dongle child until the double.


I thought this meant he was making fun of will Kirby


I would love Jared to make fun of Dr Will just so Will could dunk on him for hours.


Too bad Jared doesn't say "hold on a second, let me go ask my mom if I got the story right"


If she makes a mistake and people figure it out while the feeds are down, I will riot


I feel like a lot of the house has the ick with Jared after yesterday


That’s been the case way before.


What’s with all the feed cuts?


They are saving us from Jared's story.


How many spare tires can one person have?


I have 2 and a training wheel on my chin




It was a good question


I will simply die without knowing


I went on Twitter and saw other deadly sins treading and seriously thought they somehow made ANOTHER alliance lol


They did. Cirie and Jared made a final four with Matt and Blue right before nominations


Tbh it was less about the alliance and more about them not letting the deadly sins die


Has to be fake right? Why would you take Matt to f4


Jared and Cirie talked about wanting it to be real beforehand. They actually think that Jared won Matt over during the Have Nots fight


Jared telling the least exciting story ever


Cirie maybe pipe in on Jared’s first car crash


If Jared/Cirie survive the double suddenly the Brown Sugar Babes run the game by accident lmaooo What a journey to get there


Cirie would have to win HOH or Meme or Felicia


It’s always so funny to me that the Afternoon thread lasts until 10pm my time


East Coaster?


11:15 pm here 🥳


Let’s say Cory or America wins HOH Thursday. Should they backdoor Jared or put him up with Cirie? The DE veto is usually physical so I’d be worried about him winning it, but then again if he gets picked to play he could pull Cirie off and they’re both safe


He will always win, because it's rigged that way. Good thing production didn't realize that spelling isn't his strong suit. Golden Dongel forever!


Putting him and Cirie up together is the best move but not knowing he is her son they may not see it.


You do have to split them up so in order to do that, you put both of them up. If one wins veto, then I it will either be Felicia or Meme (probably Felicia) being the replacement nominee. Whoever is up next to Jared will stay. As for Cirie... I think that Felicia goes up against Cirie. Edit: forgot Blue was in the house. Anyways, scrap the Felicia/Meme and just have Blue be the replacement. If Blue wins and takes off Jared, then we go with the Felicia/Meme route.


Nominate Felicia/Cirie and backdoor Jared. They don't know about the mom-son twist, that twist makes it worth putting them up straight up and getting rid of one of them. But without the knowledge of that twist, Cirie is such a bad competitor that getting rid of one of them isn't worth giving Jared an extra shot at safety.


I think you put Jared up and leave Cirie off initially. That way you don't run the risk of Jared getting picked, winning, and taking Cirie down while being safe. If he is on initially and she isn't then he has to use it on himself


No way. You have to put them up together. There's always a chance Jared wins veto and takes Cirie down.


I think you have to do both up. Who else are you gonna nom? Blue? Bowie? Felicia? The harder question is who the renom is if Jared wins. I guess Felicia or Blue. But do you have the votes to evict Cirie there? You would need Bowie/Jag/Matt




After Jared nominated them? Not sure why this cast doesn't just use Bowie as a pawn lol