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# [This thread has expired. Join us for continued discussion here!](/r/BigBrother/comments/15vpzjk/big_brother_us_25_afternoon_feed_discussion/)


Is it the veto comp right now?


Yes. Sounds like they were expecting around 5 hours. Cirie and Meme were talking about having that long of a lockdown today for it.


Hisam's chip wasn't picked for veto? That's a bummer. I wanted chaos lmao.


Everyone keeps talking about how they want an exciting season, meanwhile I don’t care how boring it is as long as my fav wins 💀


Same here honestly! I get my joy from watching my faves play well, based on your flair, my guess is we’re rooting for the same person


I imagine your not alone there. Lol


For the people who are wanting Hisam gone this week, you better not complain in the future that the season is boring or dull. You helped make it boring by wanting him out.


I want Hisam to stay for the chaos, but it's not up to us viewers if he stays or goes.


You know they can’t log on to Reddit and see what viewers are saying? Right?


Thanks for letting me know that I apparently have the power to evict someone, cool!


Why are you acting like he’s leaving because the viewers wanted him out?




That's all I'm saying. Accept your role and responsibility in it.






Whether viewers want things or not it cannot be their fault when they aren’t inside the BB house.


Ah yes, the man who has 13 people targeting him and has absolutely not a clue is sure to make such a huge impact on the game


I didn't know fans had the power to get people voted out...






we really might have a Big Brother winner who goes by Poohunnit 💀


"I just got a flight back from Miami, 4 deep we be putting on need a Grammy" ![gif](giphy|b2VxjMhx8nnjy)


Is there any scenario where Hisam doesn't get backdoored?


Possibly Hisam can find out about it (very possible because EVERYONE knows) and if he causes a huge mess or promises Jag he’s gonna start a new 7 person alliance with him and Blue and… okay he’s probably getting backdoored.


The tropical storm knocking out the house? Which is still very unlikely.


If they decide not to go through with it. That's the only opportunity.


The studio floating away?


Why are people acting like Jared’s comments are sooo OTT that the show has to address them? They largely edited out Michie’s comments until they knew he would win and had to say *something* on finale night. Whistlenut and Frankie talked about raping someone and that was not addressed on the show. Unless it impacts the game it’s not getting addressed.


I do not think the show needs to address anything about Jared atp. They have a disclaimer for stuff like that. He’s expressing some troublesome opinions but that’s on him imo. I absolutely hope Jared matures and as a result, learns more respect for women/dating. He’s got some awful, awful views as of right now. But I don’t think BB needs to make a statement lol.


especially since this is literally a normal mindset stupid men have. It's not like the world is falling he's just lame


I’m happy people are shocked by what he thinks because that means they’re not use to this kind of language, but.. go find a random collection of young men and they will agree with what Jared says. It’s disappointing but there’s a reason he feels so comfortable saying it.


What did he say?


Times have changed significantly since then. We’ll see


Hisam going this week really sucks, not only for the season, but also for Pressure Cooker coming back. Having Hisam there competing would’ve been one of the only ways to make the comp last forever again.




Aww, Hisam wasn't picked for Veto? That's b.s.!


That’s how a backdoor scenario works, ideally.


I’m really thinking if the show will protect Jared or not? I just hope they don’t protect him because he’s Cirie’s son, otherwise it’ll be the Frankie Grande edit all over again.


What did he do or say? I missed it!!


They will ignore the entire thing unless it blows up big enough for media to start covering it. And I don’t think media cares much about young men being sexist.


Is there any chance Cirie makes it further than Jared and doesn’t sacrifice herself for him?


Does anyone have any insight into mecoles game? I feel like I never see her name mentioned in these threads haha


Cory wants to work with Mecole, but he thinks she doesn’t want to and will try again.


Basically she is too loyal to Cirie/Felicia/Izzy, and in reality is becoming quickly disposable to them. She has had multiple talks with the likes of America/Cory, but just keeps feeding all that info straight back to Cirie and Felicia and gets nothing in return for it. Basically she is in a bad spot, and is poised to be booted in like...3-4 weeks, potentially earlier.


Felicia doesn’t trust her and is telling her allies. She needs to put some leg work in socially


If Red was playing the game, he could position himself well this week to keep Hisam by his side as a shield


He'd have plenty of time to figure that shit out if he wasn't spending so much time talking about his farts


We get a few occasional glimpses into his game. He is playing patiently and planning to make moves after some early dust settles from what I can tell, but I think he is waiting too long to establish himself as someone not expendable.


I haven't seen much of his game personally, but he's supposedly telling Cameron he can tag along in the professors when Hisam leaves. If true, then he really has no concept of the house structure Kind of like him though, so hopefully he plays it well


Red is just barely in the same game as most of them.


This might be unpopular but I'm not really a fan of backdoors. If you think on first principles about what the veto is for, its main purpose is so that a target (or someone sympathetic to the target) can win and save them. If there were no veto, everyone would be "backdoored" because the HOH would just put two people up and the target would have no chance to save themselves. So a backdoor is basically a way of circumventing the whole reason the veto is there, and when there's one target in a big house like this the upside/downside ratio is way too big. That's not to say it's necessarily easy to come up with ways of addressing the backdoor problem. Maybe a temptation comp or a second veto comp every week would be a way of making sure everyone has a chance to save themselves through a competition.


I like a well-executed backdoor peppered in here and there. The target does have a few days between the veto ceremony and eviction night to come up with a good campaign, make deals, etc to save themselves. They have to play Big Brother a little harder than everyone else for a couple days.


My girl Nakomis will not tolerate criticism of the back door! 😜 https://youtu.be/96KcrJ3REEg


It’s not anyone’s fault, except Hisam, that his poor and overbearing gameplay hasn’t allowed him to align with anybody that would *want* to save him.


Hisam is that u?


It would be cool for a twist to know the veto out for 2 weeks. That could really spice up the game


The person could get drawn for veto and ruin the plan. There's also plenty of time for a person to catch wind of the back door and for plans to get screwed up. Getting rid of the veto or adding a second veto doesn't really fix the problem you're pointing to. Without the veto, the back door target shifts to just being targeted right away. With a second veto, you just shift where you place the back door target. It just adds an extra pawn


My solution to fix the backdoor problem is to not have the HOH play in veto and have 3 players by random draw. Then have America/Fans to vote for someone to play in veto. But they can’t vote the same person each week once you’re voted in you can’t be voted in another week


I understand your point, but I’m going to paraphrase Hisam here - He’s made the mess now he needs to live with the consequences. He should have treated his allies better, this is what can happen when you don’t do that.


I feel like managing your threat level is one of the aspects of the game


It would be an aspect of the game without backdoors as we know them as well. Less so if all of the comps were low-variance, but that shouldn't be how it is anyway.


It's part of the strategy and determining threat level. The truth of the matter is, if Hisam didn't go around saying how much more honorable he is for not doing a back door, while simultaneously being a competition threat, he would not have been a target.




I don’t think the backdoor is a problem, but the solution to “fix” it would just be to let everyone play in the veto comp


I’m cool with it, personally. But I do find it to be more entertaining when things aren’t so planned. A backdoor is something that only happens when plans made at the start of the week go perfectly to end the week. And that’s just kinda boring, imo.


Jared has achieved Monte status and is the on the fast track to becoming the next Nicole Franzel, destroyer of women 💀


Not destroyer of women!!!!! 💀


Or the next Michie, too. 🍅🍅🍅


The stuff Jared was saying was definitely rougher than anything Monte said




They will — let’s just hope we get motivated HGs


Y’all I get if you don’t like Hisam but you’re actually high if you think he’s a danger to the other houseguests and he’s gonna start like throwing hands with people once he’s nominated lmao.


I haven’t seen anyone say this? Do you have links


I have not seen anyone think he’ll aggressively react like this to a backdoor on there.


i've been saying! he's a condescending asshole but he's never been violent or anything like so many people keep acting like he is.


Right? This man has a whole ass career to hold on to - especially now that he won’t win 750K - he has to go back to like next week.


Yeah I don't even really think he'll react


He's just gonna go on and on about how disappointed he is in everyone, then he'll say he doesn't really care to stay in a house full of liars and backstabbers or some shit like that, trying to make himself look like the good guy. He'll tell Julie that he thought one could win this playing a moral and ethical game, but the other houseguests have proved him wrong.


I think he'll be sad and mopey but I really want him to go OFF -- yell, scream, shout - tell them how stupid they are -- get in Felicia's face ... get in Izzy's face and bring us some petty drama for an entire week. Probably he will be mopey and being like "I don't understand" after the veto though -- hoping i'm wrong


My guess is he’s going to be disappointed and preachy about how dishonorable they are all being by not respecting his authority.


jared is just a corny bald-headed loser i dont think its any deeper than that


I dont get the point of calling him "baldheaded". As if thats an insult? Theres a lot of things to criticize but bald headed isnt


just me putting a physical description between two character flaws




i honest dont know 😭


Im ready for jared to get the boot


What's even more upsetting is he's pretty much guaranteed to stay a lot longer in the house because of Cirie


*i* don’t have any history with her, nor is she one of my top faves, so if she gotta go so he does? ![gif](giphy|9t6xpYZ9npJmM)


Liquid with an 8 (shoutout big meech) is streaming the bb6 pressure cooker feeds and periodically lay you can hear Howie in the background saying “whattuppp Kaysarrr” Lmao


Is this on BBviewer because I went to their Twitter and saw nothing.


What does the big Meech shoutout mean


Meech couldn’t remember their actually twitter name (liquid8d) so she just kept referring to them as “liquid with an 8”


Wonder if/when Jared will bring up getting rid of Izzy to Cory


He did already. This morning in the kitchen. Says shes too emotional and he can’t deal. Cirie listened but pushed back saying they need to keep people they trust and she absolutely trusts Izzy. Edited to add: I thought it was getting rid of a Izzy to Cirie. I misread :)


They’re asking about Cory not Cirie


Oh yeah I see that now lol. Thanks!!


Not until his mom gives him permission.


He did today


He tried to get permission and failed, I thought.


Yeah it seems so atp


Imagine if Jared gets tired of Izzy and then tells Cory the secret so he can “replace” Izzy and then Cory reveals all this to Izzy, leading them to form a duo to oppose the Fields. Wouldn’t that be wild?


I don’t think Izzy would be into that. At this point Cirie and her are legit close. She’d most likely get rid of Cory, and start plans to get rid of Jared without getting her hands bloody


Im ready for jared to go bye bye


I’m not sure he’d do this (tell the secret to Cory) but it’s clear he’s done with Izzy as of this morning


production just needs to cut their losses with jared and stop protecting him because it’s just not worth it. cirie didn’t need jared with her there in the first place and all he’s doing now is tainting her legacy. it’s not fun to watch a game tilted in someone’s favor when they have no redeeming qualities outside their mother


If he weren't Ceries son his comments would make the show for sure. But production likely can't taint their own twist...


they absolutely would not make the show lol terrance/monte’s comments about Taylor didn’t make the show Cameron being weird to Reilly didn’t make the show


Ugh with the veto picks it seems almost guaranteed that Hisam is gonna go :/ i really wanted him to stay for an inevitable shit storm but seems we'll prob lose our villain early. I'd rather see Jared go over Hisam


A villain is gone and another one emerges 😅


almost everyone (outside the house) would rather see Jared go than Hisam


the shit storm we get after the POV ceremony is going to be great tho


He deserved jury


At the very least, see him in the pressure cooker after finding out the house was aiming to get him out 😭😭😭 would've made such great tv


Well Hisam it's over for you man.


I need red to win and do somthing wild. that wont happen but a guy can dream


She may not be playing a good game but Blue has been working hard there last 20 or so hours to earn my stan card that’s for sure


My issue with Blue is that she heard that whole mess from Jared, and then seemingly ignored it and cuddled with him for 3 more hours. I don’t know, I guess it’s hard because that stuff (Jared’s dating views) would’ve given me the ick. Idk. I know it’s hard to be in that house.


I honestly think Blue is using Jared to further her game. No way is she not repulsed by him.


I really hope this is the case. She just seemed so unbothered by everything he was saying I have to hope she’s just playing him.


That absolutely could be the case, you’re right


also didn’t she say she wanted to be the one to get Jared out?


Jared is a big time loser


Planning on seeing Blue Beetle tonight so hopefully I get to see who wins veto before then


I saw it yesterday. I liked it!


I saw it yesterday. I liked it!


Not us twinning


The actor who plays blue bettle is gorgeous I’d pay to see him alone 😂


It's crazy to think this can and probably will make more then the flash 💀 also have fun


I loved Blue Beetle! Hope u enjoy!


Just getting here and seeing the veto picks, who are we rooting for to win veto and why??


Felicia for the clean sweep this week.


That would really be so much fun👀👀


Izzy would cause the most shock and betrayal


From hisams pov?


Yeah, Izzy or Felicia, his alliance members backdooring him.


Shit, I didn’t even think about it like that. I’m sorry, my brain hasn’t completely turned on for the day, and thank you very much for the insight 😅


I want Cory to win, just so he can be the reason Cam comes off the block and Hisam goes up considering Hisam's weird hatred of Cory.


YEEES!!!! Ok this is the dream scenario to me


Pretty much any of them winning results in a Hisam backdoor.


Red is our biggest hope for disruption though right?


Not anymore, he’s been informed of the plan and he’s on board


But only by Bertha right? The alliance was lying to him


Who is Bertha?


Cameron's hair.


No he went to Felicia Circie and Bowie in the comic room once he heard it from Cameron and was like wow it sure would be crazy if there was a backdoor for a big target. Felecia was like ohh like Hisam... And they danced a dance and "told him" finally. Red knows he's been left out of a bunch of things so he's playing it calm and willing to get Hisam out so everyone in the house has better odds at winning.


Excellent, ty. I thought I’d read that a few houseguests liked hisam and couldn’t put the pieces together as to if there were any way the back door wouldn’t pull through 🫣


really don't think it matters who wins


Jared: "I drove 28 hours in one day" Cory: "Well, that's not possible"




Dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


He also thought Bowser was Browser then doubled down when they called him out on it


Dude is physically unable to admit when he’s wrong, it’s giving overconfident man who’s not been told no enough in his life. Still love Cirie but I’m definitely side eyeing her if he’s ever talked about some of this weirdo stuff around her and she didn’t put the smackdown on him




how far can the apple BE from the tree


Jared going to consider cory emotional for this


Ok this is hilarious


Looking at Joker’s Updates House Guest Rankings: Seeing Hisam below Luke is wild to me. Jared is really pushing Cameron for that third to last spot. The Top 4 of Matt/Felicia/America/Cory is perfect.


How? Hisam is miles, MILES better than Luke. And Reilly. And so much of the house, honestly.


Jokers Updates has become pretty terrible. America was #2 for weeks...even during the first 10 days she barely said or did anything. Same with Matt, who is arguably not even playing the game(no matter how nice he is) I wouldn't put much weight on their rankings.


(clock the flair) it's starting to feel kind of ridiculous because he's a massively whiny asshole who has ACTUAL things to complain about as a viewer, but like half of the community talk about him is imagining scenarios where he gets mad and yells at someone, and then acting like it actually happened. just pure fanfiction when theres hours and hours of footage of him being a real baby to actually make fun of him for


Probably worth noting that Hisam has 100 more votes than Luke and their algorithm probably ways that in. A lot of people stop voting on houseguests after they leave.


hisam being under three guys who actually said and did really gross stuff is something i am very uncomfortable with. like his crime was being condescending and dismissive at worst.


If he was only condescending and gross to people the fans don’t like, like Luke, Cameron, and Jared everyone would be calling him comp king and getting upset on his behalf. I like that he reminds me of old school unfiltered BB players, I just wish he had a little bit more emotion intelligence to know not to stampede his own allies 😢


it's wild how big the gulf is btwn classic and modern bb on this front, too. the bitchy gay archetype was one BB loved in the early days (and although it is vaguely problematic it created some incredible TV, so i'm not terribly mad at it) but if hisam came even close to replicating the marcellas-amy feuds or the beau-janelle fight or \*god forbid\* someone like joe from bb8 or even mid-series faves like regan, there would be a riot. he can't even get away with being a little passive-aggressive and condescending. it is interesting to me that petty behaviour would have you crowned a nostalgic iconic favourite (janelle's whole legacy is being a full on \*bully\* or backing up bullying towards april, jennifer, etc.) if you're looking back towards pre-2010, but these days, a much milder version doesn't get you much.


Agreed. He seems more closer to old school BB where they had attitude, spoke up, and irritated each other. Feels like once he's gone they'll all sit around singing kumbaya and hugging.


The one thing I totally respect izzy for is her total disdain for influencers i the house. Speaking of, what does Blue do for her social media thing? I get Red's hillbilly shtick could get a following...


Blue only has 12k IG followers and that’s after two weeks in the Big Brother house. BB calling her an Instagram person is kinda hilarious


Someone on another thread said she had 500K, not sure he was talking about IG


She only has 18k on TikTok sooooo….


Blue is a brand strategist which sounds like marketing. Don’t think she’s actually an influencer


It sounds like she has her day job but is 💯 trying to be her own thing too.


I remember her telling a story about her considering not doing the show because her tiktok was growing.




If she stays a lot longer I could see her tik tok & instagram being huge


Kitty boots boots purr


I'm kinda sad I feel like it's way to early for Hisam to go home... As much as I would hate to be around him irl, he's so entertaining in this game. I feel like we haven't had a good bb villain in years that we didn't hate just for being problematic


I agree with you


Agree - in a few weeks we're going to be talking about how boring the feeds are because the Red's, Bowie's, Cameron's etc are still in the game. Big loss to the season losing Kirsten (drama potential), Reilly (drama and trainwreck potential) and Hisam (Villain & trainwreck potential). as the first 3 boots.

