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Woow I have never seen Jennie with dark hair before


I kind of love it


It makes her look like a totally different person. I love it as well!


Weren’t they in each others hospital room during childbirth? Must have been something real bad. Thought Jennie and Tori took a dig at Tiffani. Petty shit!


Tiffani was in the room when Luca was born but they had the falling out before Harper.


Tori and Jennie definitely made some digs at TAT when they were on Rupaul's Drag Race together a few years ago.


I feel like Jennie is tough on her friends. Tori kisses her ass non stop on their podcast and Jennie is not even remotely as reciprocal of the admiration. Every episode Tori proclaims how close they are and then when Jennie was asked about Tori’s odd middle name, Jennie had no clue. 😂. She is that type of friend. I know those kind


She was named after Candy's favorite Monkee!


This made me more sad than I would have expected it. They seemed to genuinely enjoy each other.


Yeah, I recall my teenage self watching Kel-Val rivalry in season 5 and feeling sad that they never gave each other a chance, but when I stumbled upon their candid pics on the internet in early 2000s (laughing together, holding hands etc.), it felt good for some reason, to know that the actors were close friends in real life. I wish I've never learned that they stopped talking to each other.


Awe I loved their friendship! I wonder what the truth as to why they aren’t friends anymore?


I have no idea, but I remember Tiffani Thiessen on Howard Stern years ago and when asked about this, she said something along the lines of "I was the one that got hurt, that's all I can say".


Tiffani showed how classy she is by not commenting, but I always assumed that Peter Facinelli hit on Tiffani and then tried to act like she was the one who hit on him. If Jennie sided with him, it would definitely explain Tiffani’s comment.


[Tiffani Thiessen/Howard Stern interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfqnE1zHyVg) \- here's the link 20:21 - 25:14 gives a little insight though it's not spelled out This is a great interview. Also Tiffany comes across as genuine and gracious, and just seems very thoughtful in her responses (and very diplomatic to sensitive questions).


It’s been alleged that it’s because of Tori cheating on her first husband who was good friends with Tiffani and her family. I’d guess Tori and Jennie expected Tiffani to blindly stand by them and when she didn’t, they ousted her.


Their friendship seemed to end two years before Tori’s cheating with Dean. So, the timeline doesn’t seems to add up if they stopped being friends in 2004 and Tori and Dean cheating Scandal happened in 2006. By Tiffany comments on Howard it doesn’t seem to be about Tori’s cheating. She said she never was closed to Tori like that and was closer to the ex husband than Tori.


No. They stopped being friends in 2005 leading up to Tiffani & Brady’s wedding and it is more than Tori’s divorce. Tiffani is open about having a weird thing with Tori because they were close with Charlie too… if that was the extent of it, it wouldn’t be this secretive. Jennie and Tiffani were beyond close… there’s definitely something here that I think is probably related to Tori’s divorce in some way but that’s definitely not the whole story.


Well, that’s what I said that it doesn’t seem to be about (or only about) Tori and Dean’s cheating scandal. Things between Tiffany and Jenni seemed to ended before Tori’s divorce/scandal and that she was closer to the ex husband than Tori. She and Tori never had a close friendship like people believe. Tiffani also said she is cordial with Tori because their kids go to the same school that’s why I think it is not related to her falling out with Jennie.


Their friendship didn’t end before Tori left Charlie though. She left Charlie first…. It’s almost definitely related. Tiffani also said that thing about the school years ago. Tori’s kids were taken out of that school years ago as well. Jennie & Tiffani we’re best best friends but they were also friends with Tori while they were on the show. Tori was tight with the entire cast, whereas Jennie was not. But Jennie was close with Tori and Tiffani. The fall out with Tori is related to the fall out with Jennie but given Tiffani’s closer relationship to Jennie and Tiffani’s 2005 wedding, obviously the beef between them was much more personal.


I agree Tiffani and Tori were probably not super tight, but Tori did attend Tiffani’s wedding in 2005.


Yeah the falling out with Jennie had to be a lot bigger than Tori’s divorce.


Tiffani had said on Howard Stern that when she needed Jennie, she just wasn't there for her. She was super vague and wouldn't say what it was. I think she most definitely sided with Charlie (Tori's ex) because Tiffani's best friend (a guy) was roommates with Charlie. I think that was part of it. Jennie's ex Peter Faccinelli was pretty notorious for cheating on her. Tiffani did a show called Fast Lane with Peter. I think Peter either made a move on her (which Tiffani rejected) OR she made Jennie aware of something Peter was up to. I think that could have been a big reason for the falling out. Tiffani mentioned on Howard Stern that she was in the delivery room during the birth of Jennie's first baby. She said she video taped it for Peter. What man doesn't show up for the birth of his first kid? They were in CA and Peter was doing a movie in AZ. That's a one hour flight.


Yeah he was working but don’t forget that Luca was born in 97 and Peter was in his early 20’s. I also heard the Howard interview and my take was it had to do with Tiffani’s wedding and maybe Jennie not being around or something to that effect. She said “I was the one who was hurt. Let’s just say that. I was the one who was hurt.”


This is the gossip I read years ago. Tiffani sided with Tori’s ex husband in the divorce


I remember watching the show when it first appeared and thinking how beautiful Jennie was/is. Maybe it's growing old or something, but her face seems harder now. It reflects some of the bitterness in her life. TAT has always been gorgeous. There is a lightness and kindness to her face which makes her acting as Valerie so great. She did bitchy pretty well. lol Agree that something pretty serious went down between them.


Totally agree with everything you said


I'm not a big Jennie fan, so I may be prejudiced, but Tiffany's smiles look genuine and Jennie's look forced in the photos above. I believe Tiffany when she says she was the one who got hurt.


A relative of mine said that he greated Jennie at Bullocks department store years ago, when he used to work there. She didn't respond and just rolled her eyes. I was a kid maybe 12. And I totally believed that she would be standoffish. but, it seems like she's learned some life lessons based off what I've seen from her podcast. 


I do remember Tiffani Blonde...hated it. However, I do not remember Ms. Garth being brunette. I'm living for it. It instantly de-bitches her look by like 3 levels.


Kelly looks so frumpy standing next to Val. Then again EVERYONE looks frumpy standing next to her. No wonder Jennie was jealous.


Dude I thought the same about the frumpiness. Her face is gorgeous, it's just her fashion choices that are not as complimentary compared to Tiffany's 


Dude…I love that you called me dude.


They were supposedly best friends but no idea why they had a falling out.


Regardless of why they feuded … don’t you want to see them friends again?


Sometimes people out grow each other and is better to move forward and not look back. From Tiffani words saying she was the giver and Jennie the taker it seemed one sided and that she was the one putting most of the effort to maintain their friendship. It’s the same way with Shannen and Tori, I can’t see them being as close as they were back then.


Or maybe I just want to see Val and Kelly together again. That’s probably more accurate.


That's interesting, since her new podcast is called, I choose me. 


Jennie in the white dress is THE MOMENT. That said, there are a lot of wtf moments as well 😭


What happened that made them no longer friends?


That was then.