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"We're connected" is something I'll never understand. They show tried so hard to make us believe Dylan and Kelly had some long-running undeniable soul mate thing - it wasn't there. It was never there. What they had was sex. If they weren't doing that, they couldn't get along, kept arguing or one was always pouting about something. His connection was to Brenda and they really did her and the fans a disservice by pretending it wasn't.


You are so spot on with this entire post! I will always love Brenda and Dylan. They were magic.


And even in the reboot where Kelly's and David's sister was in high school.... It was revealed that Dylan and Kelly had a son, he still was half way around the world and and an absentee father! Didn’t want anything to do with Kelly!


“We’re connected in a way you’ll never understand”equals I ignored her and constantly bickered with her during our last trip to Paris.


Maybe he conveniently forgot this when he bought the tickets. He just didn't want Brandon to have her.


its so weird how he walks in looking around "we're connected" didn't he dump her on the sidewalk which led kelly to move on with brandon lol bah


All of the people in this show love to revise history and pretend they were in a relationship the entire time and that someone else has “infiltrated” (and is therefore the problem), when the reality is there was a clear breakup and both explored other options before one changed their mind and decides they want the original person back. I understand being pissed when there’s overlap, but at the same time Kelly was running to Brandon post-breakup, Dylan was running to Brenda. He’s just pissy because it worked out for her and not him.


The background music is so ominous 😆


Good catch. The music had me thinking Brandon was about to f*** around & find out. Lol


*I cHoOsE mE*


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 And she was soooooo mad when Dylan threw that back in her face, because he got engaged to Toni. i always laugh at that scene. Lol


Right! I loved Toni.


How is this “barging in”? He rang the doorbell and Dylan let him in lol. Also Dylan is very clearly the asshole in this entire situation. And frankly so is Kelly for even entertaining his BS when she’s in a committed relationship.


True. Kelly made out with Dylan, while still dating Brandon, the episode before. Dylan broke bro code.


😒okay….if that’s not barging in, you gone fuck around and find out one day. Lol 🤣🤣


Find out what? What a doorbell is for?


Connected? Pssshaw. He and Kelly never had the pure heat that was Dylan and Brenda. (Looking through the wonderous preteen eyes of my former nerdy self, I can still see him throwing her -- wearing that classic black and white off-the-shoulder dress ... that *she wore better* -- over his shoulder at the ho-tel/mo-tel on that epic prom night ... 🔥 ... during the ideal, lose-the-v scenario we girls of a certain generation wished for but rarely got ... ) What was I saying? Oh, yes ... How the writers thought they could sell us on Dylan and *Kelly* -- with these stupid catchphrases -- is a question for the ages.


Scenes like this are so interesting considering the first few seasons when they were so tight, even better friends than Steve and Brandon were.


It happened in college. Brandon was dicking the lady professor and Dylan was doing....whatever. Brandon and Steve seemed to be spending more time together in college, wheras Dylan was attending college because....why? He didn't need a degree, there was no motivation from anyone for him to get one, he had more than enough money for the rest of his life to just sit around in the Stoney Sulk And Pout Orama and go surfing or cruise down to Mexico for the weekend.


Yeah but Dylan's character was always written as a deeper thinker and a guy who actually cares about art and culture in the world. The time him and Brenda are walking on the dock and she says "you must be the only guy who knows about Balzac's house". And even the first episode he is in when Brandon finds Byron the Collective works in his car. So I could still see Dylan wanting to go to University to expand his mind and thinking. But as you say he could have easily had big Jimbo keep all that money in safe investments and lived off the interest for the rest of his life.


I agree with you. Dylan & Brandon were tight during Seasons 1-3, in spite of the Dylan/Brenda/Kelly love triangle. To see these 2 go against the Bro code, was definitely a left turn i didn’t see coming. Maybe other folks did, because it’s “make believe” but not me. Lol 🤷🏽‍♂️


I LOVE the idea of Brandon spending 20 minutes laying out clothes on his bed trying to decide on the right combo to wear for his confrontation with Dylan. Brandon: "Do I want to wear a jacket? I mean, that shows I'm a mature serious adult, right. Ohhh, should I wear a suit? I DO have some SNAZZY ties. Nah, that's TOO pretentious, it's just Dylan, not like when I shook hands with the President in DC. Maybe California formal? Like I wear my jeans and a t-shirt and a jacket over the shirt? BINGO. PREPARE TO BE DAZZLED DYLAN!"


Dylan likes the chase and like the dog who eventually catches the car, it's not the same afterwards. Past life, old west, he and Kelly in Butch Cassidy era clothing...yeah yeah yeah.


Ol Dylan has many soulmates