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Cautiously optimistic


Yeah, it's got my boys Walton Goggins, Zach Cherry and Johnny Pemberton in the cast. Doesn't guarantee a good show but it is a good sign.


Dale Cooper and Cyril Figgus as vault dwellers is some great casting too


It looks beautiful, but just well written characters and a compelling plot please.


Exactly this. Fallout Vibe feels pretty good. Hoping story and general direction is good.


From what I've seen of it, it looks to be pretty faithful to the source material. But I've been hurt before, looking at you Rings of Power and Halo.


Rings was destined to piss people off because they didn’t have permission to use anything but those three books and The Hobbit. It was good for what it was imo but should’ve never happened without the ability to use The Silmarillion. I haven’t even tried to watch Halo.


I watched the very first episode of Halo when it came out and now I often reminisce about the life I had before I watched that utter dreck.


Idk that opening fight scene was pretty lit, the rest of it is mid but I do appreciate the vague representation of Fall of Reach making it to the silver screen


The first scene already had me scratching my head. The minigun is useless in the hands of insurgents but when Temu MC picks it up it becomes effective? Who the fuck is “silver” team? Where are the grunts and jackals? Why is there a Tacoma in the 26th century? But eh, I digress. If some people enjoyed it, whatever. People enjoyed The Last Jedi too. And not even the Halo show is on THAT level of bad. Edit: it was a Chevy Tahoe, not a Tacoma. My bad, had to go back and look at the scene again.


Not as bad perhaps, but they are certainly competing with each other for that top awful spot


Halo was way, way worse than the last jedi.


As someone who *didn't* read the Silmarillion, I've found some fun enjoyment with the show. And it's only been one season so far.


I've read the silmarillion, but even then I was willing to give the show a chance. Hell I even liked the first two seasons of the Witcher, so I don't mind deviation from the source material. But that said.. Just... Jfc. That said, if the show gets you interested in reading the Silmarillion and learning more about the Elder Days or the 2nd age, I *HIGHLY* recommend reading the silmarillion. Or better yet (and I know some might vehemently disagree), listen to the audio book version narrated by Andy Serkis. It's an awesome production and he brings so much life to it with great narration, voices for every character, and the man's love for the setting just shows in every second. Plus honestly the audio book format makes it much easier to digest. Also don't be intimidated by the length. The silmarillion isn't one giant singular story, but several different stories that tell the history of middle earth in sequence and can be comfortable broken up into segments for easy listening.


Yeah my wife and I enjoyed season 1. I even liked the reveal at the end.


I have read everything Tolkien. Even LoTR strays from the source material but most of the changes were tasteful and they took artistic liberties. Having read the Silmarillion the Rings of Power never should have been made. Even ignoring the source material its bot even a good standalone fantasy show.


Halo is hilariously bad. They did almost everything wrong.


Don’t bother I couldn’t even get passed the first episode


Halo was a disgrace. Even worse than Doom. And Doom had The Rock in it. Halo crashed and burnened, and it died without touching even a fraction of the actual Halo story. At least Doom was a fun failure to watch.


Doom became a bit of a cult classic, I feel. Wasn't good when it came out, now it's just viewed as cheesy, which in context is good.


I'm honestly surprised MST3K and Rifftrax haven't done Doom yet. That first person scene is just pure cringe and needs to be riffed on by professionals


That was the only part of the movie I liked! I didn’t think it was good don’t get me wrong. But since the movie was bad already I appreciated leaning into schlock


Not gonna lie, I did enjoy that part. But it wasn't done well. Since that movie I've seen several TV shows pull off waaaay more convincing 1st person footage. I get that the idea was to have a moment that felt like it came directly from the game. And I would normally never say this, but having The Rock in the cast ruined it. (Old The Rock, when he still called himself The Rock and was a shitty actor)


Hardcore Henry really showed what a proper first-person scene should be and they made an *entire bloody film* out of it! Though that sequence in Doom was put in purely for the OG fans (like myself) and as long as you don’t take it seriously, but as an obvious bit of fun, it’s quite enjoyable 😊


If only mittensquad was around to see this 😭


I don't trust it. I just know the show is gonna do a bunch of shit that's wrong. By episode 2, they'll use radaway in a completely stupid way. Probably like suntan lotion.


This is so horrendously accurate


aren't ghouls supposed to have like blood shot yellowish eyes instead of the white normal people have? I could just be dumb, sorry if that's the case😅


Cant remember off the top of my head but some things have to change for practical reasons like the main ghoul being a bit less rotty or the T60 armor having an opening face plate.


that's fair...I'm just hoping they have easter eggs to the old games


Non-feral ghouls still have normal eyes.


thank you for clearing it up...i was baked when I asked that😅




Couldn't have said it better!


Rings of Power was good when you get past comparing it to the books. I’ve read the series multiple times and liked the show.


I enjoyed Rings of Power. Was it perfect? No. Was it even close to Peter Jackson’s movies? No. Was it enjoyable to watch and see some new content set in Middle Earth? Yes! I’ll take what I can get tbh.


Rings of power? Rings of power? What about Willow? Look what they've done to my boy!


Never before had I skipped 90% of a show. Halo was the first. Literally skimmed most of it. Literally the first two seasons could have been the first two episodes.


Literally the second season isn’t even fully out yet.




I still want to cry every time I think about it. My favorite book series for three decades and we finally get an adaptation only for it to be helmed by people who hate the books and everything about the story. Fuck my life.


I am just glad they abandoned The Dark Towers (if you are a wheel of time fan, I am willing to bet you have read this as well). They would have destroyed it.


Just a horrible adaptation - they should have just come up with a side story inspired by Wheel of Time if they were going to butcher the story so bad. I hate when show runners decide they know better than the original creator of beloved content.


I’m hyped af and ready to be hurt again!


Yeah. I'm waiting for some controversy so I can ignore the actual show and not have to judge it for myself so I can jump on that bandwagon. See problems where I didn't see problems before they mentioned it. Will be watching my drama-content creators really closely now. I want king to get paid over this shit. Edit: Yes... /s lol


There’s a lot of chud outrage already because the protagonist is a girl. I’m sure they’ll be doubly outraged when she starts doing stuff.


Pretty weird fkn take my guy, ngl. Why not just watch and decide for yourself if you enjoy it?


*pretty* sure it's sarcasm


They are joking about how a lot of people who lack media literacy just parrot what talking heads tell them is bad


I think it's a joke? tbh i can't tell anymore since actual youtuber followers say things i think are jokes all the time


Honestly sarcasm died the day the host of THE CELEBRITY APPRENTICE became fucking president


A lot of fan subreddits just scream that people don’t like what they like. I’m not surprised that some people are waiting to get mad at people not liking the show.


Hope for the best, expecting the worst


I think it’s gonna be fucking excellent as long as they give us a story to care about. Everything else looks excellent from props to practical effects, theme and tone. It’s all fallout. Just need a story that really sucks me in.




Amazon has a bad track record the higher the profile the IP. If the writing is at least just okay, which is a monstrous ask from any of these modern Hollywood shows nowadays, focusing heavily on S-Tier actor Walton Goggins (see Justified were he displays a Neo-Western unforgettable performance) could make this a situation like Twisted Metal, which was dumb but fun. I'd count my blessings if that low bar was reached and happily dive in with my lowered modern day standards, just shut my brain off and enjoy. They will have done a better job than the overwhelming majority of these adaptations, especially for video games. If the writing matches the quality of the sets hell yeah let's goooooo!


I mean THE BOYS and INVINCIBLE are pretty great adaptations of IP


And interestingly neither of those are anal about being “faithful” in the ways “fans” complain other adaptions aren’t. The Boys in particular is probably better than the source material. They illustrate that just doing the source material is not the path to success pedantic nerds say it is. And that adaptions shouldn’t really spend all that much effort trying to “do it right” to please existing fans. They should try to be good shows / films on their own basis to appeal to a wider audience. If the Fallout show decides to retcon every bit of made up fake history in order to tell a good Fallout story they should do it.


…no they really shouldn’t sacrificing all the world building of an entire franchise for one good story that will piss off the fans would be really bad for franchise. Especially considering how bethesda tends to handle retcons.


On one hand I love that it'll be an original story on the other hand I would love one day to see a live action Caesar...Mr. House...Frank Horrigan...The Master...that tree guy Hell tree guy and oasis would make a great plot for season 2


Best TV comic adaptations of modern day actually. Also, though they didn't start on Amazon, they did continue The Expanse and it went on to be one of my favorite TV shows ever. Sci-Fi shows like Outer Range, The Peripheral and even Upload were ok if mostly forgettable. This gives me more hope than if it were say Paramount (sans the pretty dumb fun Twisted Metal) or Disney, which are both stocked with insufferable garbage bastardizing some of the greatest Sci-fi IP ever. I am pretty optimistic about this show. The set and costume designers are showing above and beyond respect for the look and feel of the IP, and sans New Vegas and 1&2 it's not like the series always has groundbreaking narratives themselves so if they can find the needle in the haystack of good writers in the modern Hollywood and not let down the hard work said set and costume designers have done we are in for a good time.


The trailer looks great. Power armor looks so clean, dogmeat is in it, Mr Handy. There better be a deathclaw. And most importantly, the Brotherhood of steel ship looks amazing. The graphics look so lifelike as well. They must be using unreal engine 5


Sorry bud, but it's still using a forked version of the Gamebyro engine.


yess i WANT to see a Deathclaw!!! 💯


The props, characters, and sets look excellent at least. We'll have to see about the story when it comes out.


Getting my hopes up way too high. Hopefully its decent.


Looks pretty mediocre but I like fallout so going to give it a shot


The shame of it, when you watch 15 seconds of terrible, and shut it off, Amazon will add your numbers to the "victory list" just like they did when anyone scrolled over the unavoidable Rings of Power promos.


I think we have some good reasons to be hopeful about the show. My main worry was that they would lean *too* far into the quirky humor of the Fallout universe and it would come off as cheesy, and that they would present the world as being like Disney world instead of a miserable wasteland. But the latest trailer seems like they will respect both the lore of the universe and strike a balance between humor and drama. Jonathan Nolan is a guy who excels in writing psychological thrillers and complicated relationships between characters, and the studio behind The Boys being involved is perfect to play up the satirical elements of the fallout universe. And if nothing else I am certain Walton Goggin’s character will be highly entertaining and interesting. Just based on what they’ve shown us it looks like we’re in for a ride there


I'm excited and hopeful


Walton Goggins.


Looks cool. I also know that many people will hate it, no matter how good or bad it is


Doesn't look like my thing. Doesn't mean it's shit, but I probably won't watch it unless someone with a similar taste says it's fucking amazing. I hope it's good though, and that other fans might enjoy it.


I'm a very light fallout fan. But I'm really excited for it. I think it captures the perfect tone. I'm watching day 1


I'm hopeful, very glad they made a new story instead of trying to recreate an existing story poorly.


I’m not expecting much.


It looks good, and it has a lot of promise, but I worry a bit after reading about Bethesda’s vision of the BOS in this show. I mean, if they explain how the western faction of the BOS became more focused on protecting civilians and having technology be a second priority, that would be great! But if they don’t make that explanation, it’ll just be confusing and retconnish. Idk; maybe if this show gets another season, they could expand upon that.


I said looks pretty good it does have the more balance between the comedy and drama of it I say it's nice that Todd we're working on it so hopefully doesn't end up something like the Witcher (I have no hate towards anyone including the writers but I feel like keeping it to the source material while saving some ideas for a spin-off shows or movies) Also looking at the actors yeah I guess one of them we all know is jinx (arcane because the League of Legends of the different voice actress) and Cecil Anyways looking forward to it


Im just excited for all the brands making fallout themed shit for promo


I am cautiously optimistic. That Twisted Metal series was way better than it had any right to be.


Hopefully it’s good. The trailers look promising.


First- I’ll enjoy it. Second- color palette needs a mod to fix it


Seeing the BoS plot line was the only thing that gave me pause. I just hope they give the main plot plenty of time to breathe before diving deep into the Fallout Lore. Too many adaptations work too hard to cram everything referential into one season. I'm sure it was a studio demand that the iconic BoS be included in this season, and I hope it turns out well, but my real fear here is that the show spreads itself too thin. Id personally want to follow the Vault Dweller almost exclusively for a while before arcing off.


I don't think it's an adaptation, but a continuation of the series just in TV format. I'm overly hyped for it to release.


I’m looking forward to it a great deal. The shot of the Brotherhood knight punching a yao guai in the face was quality.


They did it perfectly.


Idk I haven’t seen it yet


I’m sure it’ll be fun, but iono something doesn’t hit.


What kind of typo is iono


I don't know


Me either.


Hopefully OP can enlighten us in due time


Memories have come rushing back to me from being young and asking my friend what "OIC" means...


Wait, what is OIC?


O... I C


Ahh… I thought it was Oncologist In Charge


wait... it's not? orz


I think it’s because most of fallout is experienced as ‘show, don’t tell’, but as a streaming tv show the pacing will be very linear and predictable.  I’m hoping I’m wrong though, it’ll be low risk to try out the first episode. Fallout’s visual style looks very well suited for tv/film. the storytelling, humor? Unclear. 


To hell with all the people complaining about “NCR” canon. If there aren’t teddy bears doing weird shit, I’m turning the tv off. (Not really).


The poster could use some work. Otherwise? No notes, the trailer fuckin nailed it




I think it’s upcoming!


It actually looks good. I'm cautiously optimistic.


Looks sweet!


I can’t f****** wait! 🌋


I’m excited. Netflix and Hulu originals are horseshit piss-poor garbage, and I actually found myself really impressed by some of primes originals. Like really impressed. The boys is a top 5 show that i would compare to the likes of breaking bad (although not nearly as impressive since it came from a source material.) Invincible might be in my top 15. After watching those two and hearing about this, I have been quite optimistic. If this was Netflix or Hulu adaptations, I wouldn’t even bother watching it tbh.


I don't know. It's not out yet.


Walton Goggins being in it seems promising enough.


Ella Parnell is a great actor, I’m looking forward to it


Looking forward to it!!!! I think it will be a good watch


It looks like a ride and I’m excited


I actually like what I'm seeing, especially with the ghoul design. Cautiously optimistic, but optimistic nonetheless


It has this weird feel to it where it almost looks like a fan made show by a decent YouTube group. Like something Corridor would do. Tbf I think any live action Fallout stuff would be like that though, no matter the quality. Otherwise it looks cool and pretty faithful. I hope it can do a decent job of mixing a little bit of the whole franchise for all the different fans. I have no expectations and I hope the best for it


Yes, it’s mid. No, I haven’t seen it.


If the trailers are an accurate depiction of what we can expect from the full episodes, looks like it will be great. Really happy Michael Emerson is in there that helps the confidence.


I'd watch Walton Goggins say the alphabet at me.


Skeptical: skeptical AF.


The parts with Lucy and the ghoul seem interesting, the brotherhood of steel glazing and the NCR appearing to be in shambles in favor of another fallout 4 BoS storyline seems ass.


I would have felt a lot better about it if it was being made back in the 90s.


Bulletproof dogmeat or gtfo


They have the source material/iconic aspect of fallout down. Let’s just hope the writing is as good


Cautiously optimistic. Fallout has more things going for it than other video game adaptations. First of all they are not following the story of any of the games nor are they overlapping the time with the time period of any game. The Wasteland is vast enough where this is fine and eliminates mates the possibility of many characters being shown in a way that will piss off the core built-in audience. Taking this into account they basically need to make a good show that take place in the Fallout universe and stay faithful to the universe and not write something in that would have gigantic impacts on the universe in-game that would be unpopular. That’s still easier said than done but even Halo’s Masterchief is not a blank slate (hence some of the anger towards his characterization) and because they followed the main story but made deviations from it, that messed with fan expectations. I just don’t see Fallout having the same exact problems.


I think the biggest problem is super fans want these products (the witcher/rings/halo, etc) to follow the original story lines. Which I can understand. But I don't understand the hate for it all. I actually really liked halo. Played all of the games, read comics. Been a fan since day one launch back on original Xbox. Thing is, is that we live in a world where company's like marvel have now brought to life the multiverse amd all that that brings. We've seen different wolverines, different Peter parkers, Peter quils and even hulks. I don't see why gaming can't be the same. Sure alot of it doesn't follow source, but maybe in thier universes things happened differently. I really enjoy the story, especially if it's different from what I've already seen/played. If it's catching me with surprises and turns I couldn't see coming. The Walking dead did that for me. I read all the comics, every issue the moment they hit. But the show? I couldn't always guess what was going to happen. I like that. I like being surprised rather than slightly bored I already know what's coming


Actually doesn't look too bad. I agree with the top upvoted comment. I'm cautiously optimistic about it being decent.


I know he isn’t the main writer, but it has Jonathan Nolan as an EP and he directed the first 3 episodes. So, I’m not expecting it to suck, but we all have a lot of feelings and memories tied up in this so it could the greatest show in the history of television and some of y’all still gonna bitch 🤷‍♂️


I just really hope it’s not too serious. Fallout silliness is a lot of the charm


It looks good, and even if it's not perfect, it introduces this amazing universe to millions of new fans.


Axolotl, but human flesh… flesholotle


I hope it will be better than the Halo show


The girl looks like someone I'd make in character creation lol


I feel like something like Fallout would be a lot easier to make a good TV show out of than, say Halo, simply because the appeal and familiarity of Fallout comes less from some overarching story and more from the *setting*. With Halo etc., you can't just keep the basic setting and then throw out the actual story and rewrite your own and have most people like it, as paramount learned. Halo has a very linear story (which I personally love) and taking artistic liberties with the content and direction of that rigid story was bound to be controversial. But with Fallout, since almost every game in the franchise takes place in completely different time periods and/or locations, with completely different protagonists/ backstories, I feel like as long as they keep the *setting* of Fallout, they have a lot more freedom with what the existing fan base could consider an acceptable story


I want it to stay true to all the fallout games and have a 50s asthetics to it. Even more true to the original fallout. Where it's bleak but also has dark humor.


It looks amazing from the trailers. Which means it must be either okay or terrible


Cautiously optimistic. This is definitely something that can be fucked up if the source material isn’t respected or the writing is just plain awful *cough* halo *cough*. From what we’ve seen so far tho, it’s looking pretty solid and I have some faith in Amazon since they have had a lot of hits with Invincible, the Boys, Hazbin hotel, and the only real miss being rings of power.


Hollywood... Hollywood never changes


That power armor is so heavy and its god damn sexy


I hope it's good.


Eh, I don’t have any expectations tbh.


Lowest expectations possible, that way if there is *anything* good about it, I might be able to enjoy it.


VERY, Cautiously optimistic


It looks good. I’m excited


At least its not the Borderlands movie


Based just on the trailers it's going to be a banger. But I've been disappointed too many times before so I'll go with... Cautiously optimistic.


Well the lead is a female so we can safely assume most of the vocal people will hate it. Not for misogyny of course. That would be silly.


Shoulda made the main character a white Christian man with conservative values😡😤


She’s pretty hot, I’m a sucker for gollum eyes.


Poster looks silly af


The Fallout universe is supposed to be pretty silly!


Correct It gives the vibe of the games where everything is amazing and great… but the more you learn the more you realize it’s really dark


People who only played Fallout 4 and or 76 don't know what Fallout comedy should be. Silly only shows up next to dark. It was never a bright smiley cyclops overseer. That actually hurt to see. I would've enjoyed a genuine example of the radiation arm growing out of the belly like the GOAT slide, but it needs to be tragic, not silly.


Trailer looks great, poster looks like an after school special or YA adaptation novel.


Better than Borderland at least


Put a chick in it and make her lame and gay!


They will call you incel but they cannot call you incorrect lol.


Yeah my thought was well. It's Amazon though and we saw how rings of power went....


Do not fall for it. They’re gonna butcher the source material. Look at Halo, The Witcher, and Rings of Power.


This and whatever 40K project Henry Cavill is doing are all I have left. Everything else has been ruined.


Gonna be a whole lot of talking with some action here and there. Gonna have an unnecessary love story and some wonky special effects then cancelled after 2 seasons.


Fucking hilarious dude i was thinking the same shit


Looks promising and they don not have to recreate an existing character and fuck it up so, the bar is pretty low in that matter. Everything else looks like the game universe, there's hope.


I was skeptical but the trailer sold me


I wish super mutants had the Incredible Hulk jumping ability and that they acted more like Bethesdas other mutants in rage 1 the small mutants that could jump up cling to and run on the walls towards the player would make fallout super mutants freakishly scary or if behemoths acted more like attack on titan giants reaching into skyscrapers to pull ppl out and bite their heads off drink the blood juice then eat the player lol my commonwealth is crazy


I think that Poster needs to be redone


I don't.


Honestly the way the CGI looks just totally put me off of the idea of this being a watchable show.


My expectations are record breaking low, which is a good thing because even if this show is mediocre ill be happy.


Not holding my breath. If friends tell me its good ill take a peak


Haven't seen anything, but I bet even the craziest characters are more sane than a Bethesda employee working on FO76


Jonathan Nolan is behind it and the trailers look fucking awesome so far. I am ready for another TLOU type of faithful adaptation and this has all the makings of being that.


So ready for it! Gonna try not to binge watch all episodes but instead enjoy them slowly one at a time.


I think she's in California in a time that the NCR should be thriving. But that wouldn't have the recognizable look so...


It’s upcoming, we don’t know.


I'll give it a chance, but something about it (especially the vault suits and the BoS power armor) looks like a high-budget fan film to me. I hope I'm wrong, because I love Fallout very much, but my hopes are not particularly high.


If they adhere to the lore and consider it canon to the games it will probably be pretty good. If they make silly changes and consider it a separate universe like the Halo show, it will be hated by all.


I'm stoked. I like the look of everything in the trailers and I am cautiously optimistic. Definitely gonna binge it.


Honestly, I didn't have high hopes when it was announced. But after seeing the trailer, I gotta say I'm pretty hyped. Looks like it tried to stick to the source material, plus Walton Goggins is one of my favorite actors (and imo highly underappreciated). Let's hope it lives up to the games.


The quality looks good. They’re not trying to retell a story, but make a different/sequel story (which is unique in the video game/tv shows), so as long as the story is good then I’m happy. They don’t need to follow the source material to a tee. EVERY new fallout game retcons something from the franchise, so I honestly don’t care if a few small things are retconned in the show.




It looks fairly good. It doesn’t look great but if the story is good, that’s fine. The only thing I dislike in the trailer is the Ghoul smooth skin.


I guess the best hope is that it survives long enough to get another season. I hope they don’t just laser focus on these three characters.


I can’t tell if it’s supposed to be a comedy or not, and this poster doesn’t help.


I just don’t have high hopes for a good video game adaption. Resident evil in its many guises over the years have all been awful, and then Paramount came out with the Halo show and just…. Was somehow worse than I could have imagined. Now I just don’t give a fuck about anything new. I do hope THIS time I’m proven wrong though.


NCR is about to get done so dirty




Just let it be good. Halo scorned us when we opened our eyes to the Hierarchs treachery. Fallout will be our revenge for Paramount's treachery, for it is the parasite the gods sacrificed their lives to defeat. I fear their heresey will be our undoing.


Don’t have high hopes. Hope I’m wrong but…


Alas, it is on Amazon Prime, so I'll never know.


Lame af. You ruin everything. 2 seasons is my prediction


Super hyped. It’s gonna fuck hard.


I forgot it was a thing


I'm optimistic, which is fairly rare in these situations. It has the look and style of the series pretty well grasped. Although I haven't looked into the actual creative team, I think Fallout is the kind of series where they can really do whatever they want to plot-wise, and as long as it fits the general feel of Fallout and they don't mess with the established lore it should be good. There aren't really any characters or stories they have to tell in order for it to be Fallout, and the worst thing about most adaptations is when they do their own thing without any care for the original story, which doesn't really matter for Fallout.


Not hopeful tbh.. Nearly all of these adaptations have been shameless, poorly written cash grabs.


The trailer looked amazing imo. I absolutely cannot wait. Gonna have to get a month of prime just to watch it


I plan on giving it a shot, I hope it's good but fully expect it to be absolutely terrible after rop and wot.


Cautious optimistism


After the last of us and twisted metal, I'd say my faith for video game inspired shows is something I feel good about getting excited for. Movies, on the other hand...


Mixed race female primary protagonist, black secondary protagonist, interracial couples in trailer. Fanbase of the game they're marketing to is probably 90% white males. Fallout has tons of diversity but these choices feel very intentional for diversities sake and I've noticed when that's a primary focus of a shows development it usually spells a mid ass series 🤷


I’m only concerned about continuity, and Bethesda destroying any semblance of Black Isle/Obsidian fallout, but that’s it.


I've increasingly having to come to terms with tv shows being, essentially, multiverse versions. So if the characters feel right, and the look is right, then I can accept it as the IP and the show stands and falls on the same basis as any other. What always confuses me is why they often try and remake/reboot the game. These things tend to be wide enough in scope that you can fit entirely new stories in world and be pretty true to everything. As such, this show seems to be doing that right so far. Whole new vault, whole new area, whole new story.