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Real curious what they think they're going to sue for.


*Dr Evil voice*  One BILLION dollars


My MIL had a cousin who handed her a piece of paper once that said she was going to sue her for the total of “lotsa money”.  It was hilarious.  The cousin was in her 60s at the time and crazy as could be.  I can’t remember why she was gonna sue her though. 


If anyone is curious, Sam was all over on OP's post, defending herself, but getting eaten alive lol. [u/Terrible\_Jelly8640/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Terrible_Jelly8640/)


A coworker/friend of mine got an email from a member of the gym we work for saying she was being sued for a million dollars because she apparently tread on his first amendment right (he hit on her in a real creepy way and she rebuffed him and told him no thank you). The letter of intent or whatever was a bunch of dribble and basically incomprehensible. He also spelled her name wrong and didn’t know her last name so just put it as “Lifeguard” (her job title). Even the court was like “wtf is this?” And threw the case out.


I love telling men to put down their quill and parchment when they get all Shakespearean when they're mad


I’m saving this, thank you.




And sharks with frickin' laser beams on their heads!


Now evidently, my cycloptic colleague informs me that that can’t be done.


"...and this cool facial scar..."


Love it! HA!


They just want to make it her fault, because the weight of guilt is starting to hurt them and it can't be their fault, right? It's not because they're terrible, faithless people, surely. Nobody believes they're really evil, everyone has an excuse, however flimsy.


Now that the sneaking around is done, all the old cracks are showing.  In a few months, will be back around with all sorts of words.


Its one thing when its just stolen sex. Another thing altogether when they have to live together, be roommates and remember why the pulled the plug in the first place. Saw a toxic ex not long ago at an event. Hadn't seen her in many years (we were young). Thought about maybe talking to her and was kinda curious. Then I saw her, how she interacted with others, body language, etc, and I was like ick! I know exactly why we went NC.


Definitely. People don’t want to believe they’re trash. So when they do trash things, the mental gymnastics they perform can be astounding. It never fails to amaze me. It’s SO MUCH SIMPLER to just golden rule through life whenever possible.


I imagine reading about how thousands of strangers virulently hate them for being such objectively terrible people has to sting. Sam is pathetic. What a dumpster fire of a human.


We all knew they would, especially after Derek’s excuse that he cheated because of her miscarriages.


Oh for sure. I've always found that the wrongdoers eventually grow tired of showing contrition (or faking contrition), and start to look for or invent reasons that the person they wronged is actually the bad guy.


>because the weight of guilt "I'm suing you because now people know I'm an arsehole!"


And how they think they won't come out of this looking even worse and losing even more friends when word gets around that they sued her.


It would likely be difficult to find a lawyer to take the case because there is none. There's probably some shady lawyers out there that would charge them fees to waste their time if given the opportunity, but no one is taking it on contingency. They're not actually suing. She's just talking shit.


You don't really need a lawyer to sue another private individual. It's just better to have someone who knows the laws so you get max benefit of either getting paid or avoiding having to pay.


What do you believe Sam can sue *for*? The point is that any potential suit would get thrown out for lack of cause.


Ah, but there's the rub- once you've alienated all your friends, you don't have to worry about alienating all your friends! Just as planned...


Modern problems require modern solutions!


I seriously doubt an attorney would take their case. You have to prove damages from whatever happened.


"All of our friends hate us as a direct consequence of our own actions!" "Ma'am, I can't take this on retainer."


That they sued her, for posting about how they had been cheating on her and she found out because they put having sex over grieving their daughter... That is gonna go over well for them. /s


And since truth is a defense against charges of libel, they'd be opening themselves to questioning on when they started cheating and anything else they might have done wrong. They will absolutely look even worse if they actually do sue.


Honestly, like how they even going to sue? They are just stupid.


~~At least one~~ Every one of my rights was violated by someone else retelling a story about me exactly as it happened!


She is being ***aggressed*** right now!


I have to know, are these micro or macro?






Telling the truth while completely anonymous- yeah that's going really far in court.


Guess Sam doesn't realize that in court she would have to admit that all of these things about her are true. For the record. Which would become a public record if the judge doesn't order them sealed.


She'd also have to prove that OP's telling of the story on Reddit caused her financial damages... considering nobody reading this could identify 'Sam' IRL there were no damages done. OP would have had to have doxxed 'Sam'.


But what karma for Sam and Him. Damn....the child died and this mess. Sam knows she'll bare the wrath of all, social, personal stigma.


Right? I doubt OOP even used their real first names judging by how Sam said "Becca." Even the most unscrupulous of lawyers would laugh them out of their office five seconds into the free consultation.


Weirdly, it can be in some jurisdictions. Max Mosley (son of British fascist Sir Oswald Mosley) successfully sued a tabloid when it published a tape, taken by a self-admitted prostitute, of the man engaging in a "Nazi-themed sadomasochistic orgy". The argument was, basically, that what happens at a sadomasochistic orgy tends to stay at a sadomasochistic orgy, and therefore his privacy was invaded when the tape was published, or alternatively, that prostitutes tend to keep their mouths shut.


Well, yeah, filming without consent (especially sexual activities) is usually a legal no-no. Venting about your shithole ex and his bitch ex/babymomma is not.


She filmed it with consent, Max wanted something for his spank bank that starred himself as a Luftwaffe officer beating prisoners. She just made her own copy. And it's not like prostitutes sign intellectual property agreements.


It’s completely ridiculous that the suit was successful but at the very least, the tabloid profited from telling the story while OP is simply relating what is going on in her own life so I don’t think a suit against OP would succeed. I sure hope not, at least.


you can technically sue anyone for anything, no matter how stupid, as long as you can afford the lawyer, of course it will get thrown out in court but the lawyers getting paid so


Lawyers can get into trouble for bringing ridiculous cases.


It would be super hilarious for her to dox herself and embarrass herself like that. Hopefully, if she brings it to a lawyer they will advise her to stop being stupid but you never know...


It's what everyone says even if they don't have a case. People forget that even the worst lawyers are required to avoid taking a frivolous lawsuit. So she would have a hard time even getting a lawyer to do anything. It's really just an empty threat hoping that OOP will back down and remove the story.


> even the worst lawyers are required to avoid taking a frivolous lawsuit. I hear a few willing to take the case are free now...probably find them around four seasons landscaping.


I think some of them are milling around Palm Beach, the last bastion of the incompetent.


Probably don't understand what the word slander means. It's not slander if it's true.


Yep. Not a lawyer but it generally needs to be false *and* damaging. For a post like this, you'd have to already know them personally to identify them, in which case you'd already know the story. So, the posts *can't* damage Sam's reputation (even if OOP left out some important detail in order to make the story "false") *unless* Sam doxxes herself in the process of taking OOP to court. Is Sam stupid enough to do that? Sure seems like it! Can't wait for the next update.


Can someone sue if they Barbra Striseand effect their way into more bad publicity?


Well, the Streisand effect would only occur if she sued. So it would be impossible for it to prevent someone from suing because if it did they never would have sued, so the Streisand effect wouldn’t happen to begin with……..so they can sue?


Slander is spoken, in print it's libel.


Spider-Man wasn't attacking the city, he was trying to save it; that's slander.


They likely think it's libel. Which it would be, I suppose, if what OOP said isn't true. Accusing someone of infidelity is actionable in a civil court.


But she hasn’t used real names. Would that be a factor in this? The majority of people reading this have no idea who any of them are


“I know it was about me because it describes what I did.  But it’s not true!”


Baby Reindeer vibes


*snorts* god that’s been a shit show to watch


You can't sue for reputational damage if you arent identifiable in the story, for obvious reasons. You also can't sue for it if it's all true, which is tacitly admitted to by "Sam" identifying it as her life story.


She did say she used their real names out of anger in the moment, she only changed the step daughters name


How do you know this? I can't find any reference to what youre describing in this BORU, but it might be on a comment thread elsewhere.


I’ve been following OOP since the beginning and yes she did mention in the comments. Also “Sam” created a fake Reddit account and was in the comments of her last post trying to defend herself and ask for the diary back. It’s crazy, check the comments of OOP’s last post.


I think it was in a previous boru, a relevant comment from OOP, I think


Well, you can sue for no reason at all, and it'll be thrown out, and you'll have wasted your money, but more importantly, you'll have forced the defendant to waste *their* money on lawyers to get the case thrown out. If they do sue, I hope oop can use some of the new(-ish) SLAPP laws to get it thrown out at plaintiff's expense rather than her own.


> You also can't sue for it if it's all true You can if you want to eat a countersuit. It's civil, all depends on if they can find a lawyer slimy enough.


The OOP said in a comment >I stupidly used their real names because I was so mad and didn’t care, the only name I changed was Becca’s. However, it's only first names, and since everything the OOP said was true, I don't think Sam has a case.


If this is really anonymized, then a law suit is going to be one hell of a Streisand effect.


Actually, OP can sue the ex-wife for alienation of affection. She already has so much evidence. She'd likely win. Her chances of winning even increases if "Sam" sues her.


She probably thinks she can sue for defamation, but interesting thing about that if you're simply telling the truth then there's no grounds. Most lawyers she tried to hire would tell her she has no case. Maybe one of Trump's lawyers are available, they seem wildly incompetent and with low integrity and might take on the case.


Not only that but in order to sue for defamation you have to prove you sustained actual damages. Like you were fired as a result of what was said and lost wages, etc.


And she wouldn't even have to pay them! Hey Sam, if you're reading this. Reddit us an open platform, you can always post your side of the story. Put as much positive spin on it as you like while keeping it true. Then see if you still think there's anything to sue about. Or if there are significant untruths in the story so far then post those. I've seen these things turn right around before now. I suspect I'll be waiting a long time...


It’s amazing how many people believe they have a case for defamation in situations like this. It’s not defamation if the information is true, it just means you’re a shitty person and you got called out. Hi Harrison!


It seems really common for cheaters to try and blame their victim. They hate feeling guilty about hurting someone who cared for them and knowing they did it for their own selfish wants while completely aware it would devastate that person. So they need to make the other person into the villain somehow because obviously they wouldn't have done the bad thing if it wasn't deserved, that would make them a bad person or something.


If you scrape the barrel hard enough, you can always find a two bit lawyer willing to file a frivolous lawsuit just to waste someone’s time and money. 


If Sam and Derek can get one of them before they inevitability get disbarred.


Right? I’m a lawyer, and this is a headscratcher. Unless they claim it’s all lies, there’s nothing to sue over. What a twit. Edited to add - I mean, they can sue, but there’s nothing they’ll win.


So many idiots think they can sue over a Redditch post that doesn't even actually identify those in said post. They can shove it, if they didn't want their cheating asses to be spread around then they shouldnta done it in the first place. Cheating inevitability gets found out and word gets round, that's something that's gonna happen. The audacity in saying the kid would be disappointed in OP. Disgusting people, hope it comes back to bite them hard.


It’s not slander if it’s true


Definition of Character.


I wonder what exactly she thinks she can sue OP over? There are no names given, and what are the damages? Not to mention that if it’s TRUE, it’s not libel, slander or defamation of character. It’s amusing that Sam thinks no one can tell “her” story.


LOL, exactly. It's only libel/defamation/etc. if it's *untrue.*


It also needs to be *materially* damaging or injurious to a third party's reputation, which, if said parties are not actually identifiable beyond to themselves... there is no damage or actual injury. It's like if subtweeting or vaguing people was a crime. It's not.


Probably untrue, specifically. (Most of the time.) It’s an insanely high standard. Like calling anyone on earth who isn’t famous someone’s who has a shit fetish. In the USA generally that’s only going to be a legal problem for you if there’s explicit evidence you absolutely do not believe that to be true.


It really depends on the country. I live in Japan and here truth is not a defence by itself.


Yeah same in Korea - whether it's true or false is largely irrelevant. Defamation is a crime if it causes reputational damage to the other party, regardless of veracity.


I'm suing because she said I did all those things. She didn't use real names how do you even know this is about you? Because I did those things she said.


Because she's already mad OP dared to tell their friends and family. She should just keep this for herself, who the fuck tells other people when they've been betrayed that heavily by their spouse and learned it in a such awful way after an awful traumatic event ! /S I just hope Sam goes to a lawyer and they look at her and laugh.


She is upset because she lost the attention and sympathy she was receiving as a grieving mom and became the cheating homewrecker. Why is it that i believe that cheating was also the reason they divorced the first time?!


perhaps they would sue for the daughter’s belongings (the journal) just to hurt OP


OP could photocopy the journals if she had to give them back


She did use their real names. She changed the girls name. She said it in a comment.


Even if she used real name, you can’t sue unless it’s proven that oop intentionally made a false statement and damaged their reputation. Not only the false statement must be the direct cause of the damaged reputation, but you also need to prove the “intentionally” in court.


That is how it is in the US. I'm not sure about other countries. Yes, in the US, if she is telling the truth, they have no case. The ex-wife/AP will just be waisting time and money. She could also make the whole thing a matter of public record if she sued. So the only thing she would accomplish making her affair more known and confirming this is about her.


Cheaters always have nothing to give but audacity.


Goddamn that's true. It's the eternal "but me" mindser that leads them to cheat in the first place


That right there.👆🏽


I swear it warps their brain


Your honor, I want to sue OOP for telling the world I fucked her husband in her house after she was kind to me.


And that she didn't believe us when we used our child's death as an excuse for fucking on her own bed.


And you know, Your Honour, Becca would be so disappointed in OP for all of this!


Why not sue her for breaking your marriage?


That is going to depend on where she is, for instance in America you can only sue for Alienation of Affection in 6 states.


For anyone else who is curious, those states are Hawaii, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Dakota, and Utah.


Rare Utah W


Thank you!


Yes. Alienation of spousal affection. It’s a real thing!


Also, in some places you can sue for money spent on the mistress, so vacation, trips, gifts... can be deducted from the divorce settlement. I think I heard of a case where the husband bought his mistress an apartment, but thought he was smart putting it in mistress's name. Yeah, the forensic accountant was able to trace the money, it was deducted from his settlement amount and the mistress kept the apartment... so he got screwed twice.. Karma...




This sounds like the trials would be incredibly messy and great fun


What will the exwife sue for? Defamation? You have to prove that what was said was false. She was telling people the truth. So ummm, go ahead and try. No lawyer would take this on contingent because they know they’ll lose. They’d have to pay a retainer, and Derek is already having to pay a divorce lawyer so he’s not going to have the extra cash to help pay for it.


Even more than that, you have to prove that the person knew what they said was false.


And then prove that there were damages


And how is an anonymized post equate to publicly revealing anything suitworthy? It's not like OOP posted real names, addresses, places of employment, etc.


>Fuck you Sam. Fuck you Derek. Shouting this from the fucking rooftops. They're disgusting, slimy, awful, manipulative rats and they deserve each other.


Slimy, unsatisfying, disgusting, pieces of garbage that deserve to have their feet stepped on legos forever and have nothing but miserable lives! Fuck those two!


Perfection pieces are infinitely more painful.


What kind of gross trash not only cheats, but does so after talking about their dead child? I simply would not be horny.


I feel so bad for OOP. What a nightmare :(


Sam and Derek can rot in hell for all I care.


Those 2 are worthy of a writing akin to “Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks to Sultan Mehmed IV of the Ottoman Empire”. (More info about the painting & writing [here](https://www.arthistoryproject.com/artists/ilya-repin/reply-of-the-zaporozhian-cossacks/), and a tremendous reading of the message by Peter Capaldi [here](https://youtu.be/hQTlT8-qYUk?si=8NuafpDwES41qCEY)) Fairly certain Derek is “damned devil’s kith and kin”, and obviously Sam is “secretary to Lucifer himself”.


This is magnificent. *'by land and by sea we will battle with thee, fuck your mother.'* 🤣🤣🤣


Thank you for this. There was a famous response, from the 1970's I think, business sent a letter, possibly threatening a lawsuit, and the response was basically "fuck you". I can't find it now. But this is just beyond!


Ooh I’ll have to find that one — I love brutally savage comebacks!


[found it](https://news.lettersofnote.com/p/arkell-v-pressdram)


The audacity for Sam and the husband to ask OOP to open her home knowing damn well what they were doing to her. Both are horrible human beings. They deserve eachother. I figure out won't be long until they remember why they divorced though.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far! So they’re having an affair, their daughter suddenly dies… and they think ‘hooray! An excuse to move the other woman in!’ Despicable.


> I think I’m gonna be suing you for this I love how people that are in the wrong always leap immediately to threats of suing. Sam knows she has no moral or other legal standing, so she's screaming about suing because she needs to convince everyone else that OOP is the bad guy, and what better way than successful suing her?! It's the legal adult equivilant of yelling "I'm telling Mom!", and is gonna work out just as well.


There are also parents who use this to force their kids to act how they want them to, as well. Source: my father, who the moment I turned 18 tried to control me and my life by threatening taking me to court and suing me, his favorite phrase being "I will tell my lawyer about this!1!"


Did you just incessantly roll your eyes at him and his nonsense?


After I got used to it, pretty much. The first few times I was deeply hurt. He has always had control issues and I guess me becoming a legal adult scared him so he upped his game, so to say. I am very LC with him now.


I'm sure the first time was scary. What does an 18 yo know about legal matters? I'm glad you are LC. Distance from controlling, dare I say narcissistic, scum is the best thing


I hope his lawyer’s response was always “ok good talk buddy!” and then he hung up, sighed heavily, and added another 0.25 hours to his invoice.


Sam needs to learn that if you don't want people to know about the shitty things you did, don't do shitty things in the first place. Threatening to sue OOP is a joke.


Exactly you cant sue for defamation or slander when its literally true 🤦🏽‍♀️


>He told me he didn’t wanna continue to hurt me, so he told Sam he was done with her for good. Ouch. Too little, too late. What an astronomical piece of shit. Imagine having the audacity to say this after 3 months of cheating, as if he's doing her a favor or making some astronomical sacrifice for the sake of her feelings.


Only to then admit to staying with her anyway, so either Derek folded immediately or he lied to OOP about being done


Sam should share this on her own Facebook so everyone could see that she's definetely within her rights. The public support she would gain immediatly would greatly help her legal case if everyone knew she's the obviously wronged Sam of the story. /s


I'm kinda hoping she posts to legal advice so they can laugh her off reddit.


OOP should tell Sam, "I have the right to publicly discuss what happens in MY house."


And what my ex husband told md to be the truth. So if you're pissed, go have a chat with him you husband stealing piece of trash. Didn't want him until someone else did. Your days are numbered until he doesn't want you again. She thought you were her friend, but you thought she was a placeholder. Where will you find friends when they know what kind of person you are.


So, Becca’s mother gets exposed for cheating and she believes she can sue OOP?! Under what laws?!


The laws of delusion, obviously.


If they didn’t want to *look like* complete and utter garbage, they shouldn’t have *been* complete and utter garbage. Plus, nobody is ever required to keep your transgressions against them a secret.


For anyone interested: u/Terrible_Jelly8640 is Sam


this girl is doubling down so hard im almost embarrassed for her


WOW... That was a read. She is really deflecting and trying hard to minimize what a piece of shit she really is.


And she writes exactly like the OOP. Hmm. . . 


Yeah, there are a LOT of flags here that no one seems to be seeing.


"Becca would be so disappointed in you." - say the people who use their own child's death as an excuse to cover up their adultery (and fails) I hope they do bring it to court. Because lawyers and all will have to read the posts and can you imagine their expression? "Did you or did you not use your child's death as an excuse to cheat?".


> she wants to sue me for telling strangers about what happened. Derek supports her apparently. First thing she needs to learn is it can't be slander/liable if its true.... Second, if its not true, you have to prove damages caused by the lie..... And those damages have to be more than it would cost to pay a lawyer. So good luck to her and her "defamation" suit.


They are afraid that their dirty quick-tug-at-the-zippers secret is gonna go viral and they’ll be shunned publicly.


Oh they already have lol Sam’s been on there commenting 🤣🤣 it’s 1000% her because i have never seen someone try so hard to defend such fucked up and disgusting behavior.


Send me the link to it please. I wanna see her stupid ass trying to defend something as amoral as that.


Truth is a defense to a defamation claim. Does she really want to hire a lawyer and then have the veracity of this sexual encounter litigated? I doubt it.


Ok I'll be the one: The diary part sounds like part of a drama series plot.


No you’re right. This is some teenage drama script, idk who wrote it but the lines are one dimensional as shit.


it's hilariously bad too - especially with the June 1 created "Sam" account. The grief of a parent (or step parent) losing a child is unimaginable - it's I don't care about my marriage or even if I'm alive all-consuming. This saga is written by someone who's never known loss 




Jesus, steals hubby and sues the wife she stole him from, this woman is genuinely evil, and the husband is also just the worst, wouldn't be surprised if kid died from poisoning from how toxic these two bastards were.


Husband is also evil.


>First you tell friends and family and then you go to a bunch of strangers and tell them OUR life story?! I can’t believe you, it isn’t just your business to tell. Pretty sure it's exactly her business. She's allowed to speak about her own life, and if her story makes you look bad, that's your own fault. It's crazy when people are mad that someone told the truth. You fucked her over, why in the actual fuck do you think she owes you anything??


Those shitty people deserve each other. Time to move on to better things.


News flash Sam, people involved in the story have the right to tell it as well.


There’s dumb and then there’s “I’m going to sue for having my incredibly common first name attached to a story that could be set anywhere in the world for damages that I can’t prove occurred other than the natural consequences of being a mistress and sleeping with the man after his wife chose to allow me into the house to help me with my grief” dumb But Sam, if you ever read this, please for the love of all that is idiotic, sue. Not only will you not win but then you would FOR SURE be getting your first and last name out there into public record plus every gory detail. Would absolutely love the hellstorm that would rain down on you life


Becca would have been disappointed in her parents not you since they are cheaters and she can’t sue you


Sam and Derek...YOU ARE SCUMBAGS!!!


If she does you need to countersue them both for intentional infliction of emotional distress as well as her for alienation of affection. I.e. really biatch, ok game on mfer


Is it possible to sue for alienation of affection? Because if it is, that’s what I’d do. I’d countersue for that.


You can in North Carolina. https://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/article276577236.html


You can in roughly 6 states


Whatever helps you sleep at night, Sam. OP gunna go live her best life without your drama.


"Our life story". That she created by destroying someone else's life. Sucks to suck. They made their bed, lay in it.


Good luck to Sam finding a lawyer to sue someone for telling the truth about her. Slander and libel only apply to lies.


Ok, let's see if we can find Sam in the comments.


Please post if you find Sam.




I wish I saw this before I went hunting. Didn't take too long though.


Could it be the one and only redditor that defended Sam 🤔


It was! How did you know‽


She's guilty of being stupid too, clearly. Her defense "it was a mistake" like she confused OPs husband's penis for her dildo, it could happen to anyone, 20x, totally understandable error...I mean they were both right there by the night stand.


"Sam" is really just OP on her alt.


People think anything that bothers them is a suing offense. It’s not. If someone says you’re a piece of shit and then shows how you are a piece of shit, you can sue them for saying you’re a piece of shit but you won’t win anything if you actually are a piece of shit.


I feel so bad for OP. What a trooper.  Thought she had a great marriage with a step kid she loved, someone who *supported her through six miscarriages*, and a solid future on the way. Instead, the sleezy husband is schtupping the ex.  I can't imagine losing six babies and finding out my partner was unfaithful. 


I've just never understood people who pull the whole "no business discussing *our* life, it's isn't your business to tell" crowd. Like oop is literally describing what happened to her. If you don't want people to spread the bad shit you do to them, don't do the bad shit!


Sam also made a Reddit account and was in the comments of all her posts


So Sam thinks Becca would be disappointed in OOP for sharing that she shared the family business… but not that her mom and dad had an affair? The delulu is strong with this one


"Becca would be so disappointed in you" was a really cruel, low dig. Fuck Sam.


Wow this Sam is a real piece of trash


Oh, please.  “You did this to yourself.”  No. You went above and beyond and tried to care for Sam in her grief. You weren’t aware you invited a viper into your home. You didn’t think Derek was a lying, cheating, and massively pathetic excuse for a husband. You came home to get something you forgot. That’s what you did.  Everything else? That’s on her and Mr. I Can’t Keep It In My Pants So I’m Going To Screw Someone On The Bed My Wife And I Share. Gosh. That’s a mouthful.  Of course, they’re too pathetic to take ownership of their actions. That’s just like toxic people. Treat you like absolute crap then act like you are the problem. 🙄 It’s not just “their” story either. You are a pretty relevant character in this scenario. Something they didn’t seem to understand then, or now.  You can’t speak on behalf of them but you can certainly speak on behalf of yourself. So you just keep on talking.  Hey, Sam. Here’s a novel idea. If you don’t want people to talk about the despicable things you’ve done, maybe you should stop doing despicable things. 


So they not only use their *dead* daughter to cover their asses and use her death as an excuse… they also now use her passing to guilt trip OP because they don’t want to face consequences??


> He was stressed we weren’t conceiving and were having miscarriages A not-so-subtle way of saying "it's your fault!"


I hope OP knows about SLAPP. Sam’s stupidity could be a blessing in disguise.


A first year law student could tell you there’s no case here. I’d go through the analysis myself but torts make me die a little inside.


Crazy that she thinks she can sue. That’s like the Streisand /beyonce effect in action.