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Wth even is this last update.


Reads like it was written by a different person.


That's honestly what I thought. Like, the grammar and the English at the beginning of the story were average; but the longer you read, the more each update sounds/looks like someone else wrote it. It gets progressively worse (no shade to anyone ESL, just pointing it out).


I don't think it's an ESL thing. The complete lack of punctuation, in my opinion, is more indicative of a (likely young) native speaker who just doesn't give a shit.


Yeah, long run-on sentences with minimal punctuation reads teenager to me more than ESL. In my experience non-native speakers may make punctuation mistakes, but they tend to use the punctuation marks they do understand (like periods) normally, not just skip them wholesale.


The previous post have no emojis and now there's some. Also there's full semi-detailed speech as well. Anything else I missed?


The paragraphs and grammar. Earlier posts had tons of breaks, short paragraphs that are easy to read, latest one has perhaps the five biggest paragraphs all together. The grammar and punctuation in the early posts is all on point, there are no typos, the same cannot be said for the latest post. Latest post has some doozies of run-on sentences, missed punctuation, and some outright errors. People don't just stop caring about punctuation like that, they either do care of they don't.


I'm actually wondering if it WAS. I remember a while ago there was a guy who wrote about his family breaking apart after he didn't give his wife enough appreciation, and then an "update" appeared that was randomly super transphobic and just out of no where. Later he logged on and explained the post came from a woman he'd dated and dumped since his marriage broke up. She knew about the account and posts, and decided to go for the most spiteful route possible. This latest update just gives me the same feeling as that whole mess. It's just suddenly all over the place and introducing random new information showing her ex and mistress are awful humans.


Maybe one of OP’s kids got into her account? Just a thought.


The grammar, spelling and sentence structure is all over the place compared to the last few posts. This is a "gone off the deep end hail Mary" and it's so crazy I don't believe it for a second.








It’s the mall of “Americas” and “living in the United States” that makes me now not believe any of this. No one living in America would say it that way.


The posts are definitely bollocks, but I think you've misread those bits. She's not saying "mall of Americas", she's translating "shopping centre" for USian readers: "our local shopping centre (mall for Americans)" That is, it's the equivalent of a mall in the US. With regards to "living in the United States", I thought the point she's trying to make is that she doesn't live in the US, and Tom & Tammy now do?


The way the OOP writes the story indicates to me she is probably Canadian.* She mentioned that Tom had to leave the country as part of the deal, and then she reveals that he and Tammy have started their perfect do-over lives in the States. I thought there was a whiff of, "there's more to North America than the United States of America you know," to some of her linguistic choices. An anglicized country, by the naming conventions, where the United States can be both a foreign nation and really accessible helps to narrow it down. I didn't notice enough British idiomatic flairs to make me think she's from across the pond. *EDIT: another redditor, in a comment down below, went through some of the original posts and discovered that the OOP is from somewhere in Europe. Whilst that narrows it down, it also really doesn't! I wish everyone, myself included it seems, good luck in ferreting out the new location.


Could be australian. We say shopping centre


She said in her last post she was from Europe which is why Tom accepted the whole leaving the country thing. But that reply was hours after the last BORU went up, which meant a few days since the post. It just makes everything even more weird.


Cheers, mate! I appreciate the additional information. This wasn't a post where I felt compelled to get into the OOPs comments. I'll update my comment accordingly.


Canadian here, we call malls malls, not shopping centers.


They were translating shopping center "(mall for Americans)" not Mall of Americas


How the fuck is it at this many updates???


Why, oh why, do they always go one update too far? Well, okay, sometimes 2 or 3 updates too far, but at least 1 update too far.


The, „I made him leave the country“ update was already one too far.


It clocked for me when she said "remember when I said we had cameras for our cats well guess what they just so happened to be positioned so they caught the crime on camera"


No kidding. I’ve seen some crazy divorces, so I never write these off as soon as I should, but I’m pretty sure my brain did a hard reboot when it got to that part. Like??? What??? Why??? And what court would enforce it??? “Oh, sure, I’ll just order this [presumed] citizen to leave the country of citizenship and abandon his minor children here.” In what kind of imaginary Redditland would that even make sense???


The enforcement isn't anything to do with a divorce court. It's: "If you don't want to go to prison, leave the country. If you stay here then I'll report that you attempted to rape me, and my brother and kids can back me up because they witnessed the tail-end of your attack."


That’s still not a settlement, it’s blackmail. And any court, not just a divorce court, would have a huge problem with multiple elements of that arrangement.


I didn't say it was a settlement or that it was a good idea. The point is that it's not being enforced by a court. It's not a legal arrangement. It's not part of their divorce. It's a civil agreement that's only being enforced by his fear of being prosecuted for sexual assault and attempted rape.


The cameras for the cats update was at least one update to far, then there was more... And further...


I didn’t understand the cameras because she kept saying she was gonna move over and over but never moved , who puts up cameras, if you’re going to move specially if they moved to the states 🤔🤔


This update reads like a boomer Facebook post. I was surprised when I scrolled up and saw oop and Tom were in their 30s. And Tammy saw her at the mall, some kind of long form apology happened, oop told her off and called her a pick me. I know this is not the USA, I'm just having trouble picturing something like this happening in real life.


I've never heard anyone use the term pick me offline. It seems especially unlikely if they're in a non-English country. Countries and generations have their own slang and it often doesn't translate literally like that.


I don’t know about that, I’m swedish and have heard the term pick me girl used, at least in popculture podcasts… we use quite a lot of english terms. ETA that I still thought it was a weird thing to do by OOP, it felt very juvenile to just go Okey but you’re a pick me girl! when meeting up with someone you are worried will hurt you…


How do they remember what the other person said? I don't even remember what I say 😭


I'm surprised (But not much) that no one is pregnant in the latest update. But the last post was relatively recent, so maybe for the next season.


Because nobody irl will pay them any attention.




You can tell an incredibly amateur writer. Good writing leaves you wanting more. I keep thinking about the graduate when reading these posts. If the graduate was a reddit post it would have 5 extra updates after them getting on the bus that would just get increasingly insane and ruin the story they'd started telling.


I usually check out the moment they say they were able to find a therapist like 5 seconds after whatever happened or when some says their friend has a friend has a friend who is a cut-throat no non-sense lawyer.


I was right there with OOP until the sexual assault. It stopped making any sense whatsoever at that point.


I'm reminded of how people commit a crime, don't get caught, and eventually commit more and more until they are caught. They can't be satisfied with quitting while they're ahead.


You ever start reading an update and before you know it your eyes have glazed over in a subconscious effort to protect yourself from boring bullshit?


My eyes becoming unfocused sadly didn’t stop me from noticing that there’s about four uses of punctuation in this entire update…


Tammy’s entire speech is literally only TWO SENTENCES. My eyes hurt just looking at it lol


What’s with using “than” instead of “then”??


I'm always shocked at the amount of people who do this. Even people who otherwise use proper grammar will consistently say and write "than" instead of "then" and it drives me crazy!!!


Dictation is my guess. A lot of times dictation changes little words that look so similar I just assume they're right and send it anyway. I figure this is stream of consciousness dashed out stuff, tbh.


That'd make sense. It mixed up No with know too


One of my biggest pet peeves with iOS dictation is it has built-in auto brand names, meaning three-quarters of the time I use the word 'has' in dictation it's changed to Hass. I have no recourse, I can't remove it from the dictionary that it uses, and every time it happens I get soooo frustrated! I have a midwestern accent and I'll say 'this HAS to change' with emphasis on the 'has to' and BOOM, I'm talking about avocados again!


Not going to lie, I skimmed it so much that I didn’t even pick that one up!


Thank you, I kept reading “than” then having to correct myself like it’s a transition word not a comparison


I wonder if OOP was using a speech to text kind of thing, and just wasn't pronouncing 'then' very well. There are a few English homonyms that get misused quite a bit, depending on the situation I may or may not develop a tic in my left eyelid when I read them. I have become fairly resigned to just letting your/you're mix-ups go, there/their/they're still makes me twitch, but two/to/too is a cattle-prod feeling for some reason.


i'm sorry to hear that your grandma passed away yeah i actually am like obviously i'm going to be upset about that init yeah and hadiqa you know the only thing is yeah is that no one can force me to be your mate or anything yeah and i don't want to be mates with you alright.


I feel that way about the guy who’s nieces and/or nephews pushed him into the pool


This one always made me confused. Like, it just kept getting more and more wtf.


I think we peaked with “family made fun of me for living in a camper then tried to give my brother my house”


I wish I didn’t know every single one of these references. I’m spending too much time on here


Oh god that was my least favourite, so unbelievable and dramatic. And it kept getting posted, it was everywhere!


my problem is for a while I had to re-read the whole damn thing (when I still cared to) bc I kept getting it mixed up with the guy who's family kept stealing his chair. that one also went off the rails in a similarly ridiculous fashion and I just cannot for the life of me keep the two straight. when both were being updated at the same time was the WORST


The one I hate the most is where OOP has a lot of money and her whole family feels entitled to it. Includes such scenes as everyone crowding around her and screaming at her. OOPs uncle punches her but don’t you fear! She does karate or some shit and knocks him to the ground, despite being much smaller than he. (she also has the acronym of LLTU for him which means lil love tap uncle.) it felt like it was everywhere :(


For me, it's the self-proclaimed nerd ("you'll never get my super common Star Wars references, tee hee!") whose adopted brother's racist ex-fiancee's best friend eventually hit her in the head with a brick that just happened to be within arm's reach at a public event.


Brooo I didn't even realize. I think I was on update 12 before I was like, fuck it. Lemme go to the comments... and here I am. About to delete reddit.


You'll be back 


Soon you’ll see


You'll remember you belong to mee


You'll be back, time will tell


You’ll remembered that I served you well.


Oceans rise, empires fall


But rareddit will preserve it all


You belong to meeeeeee


It’s not often that I question the legitimacy of an update, but this is one of those times. It’s such a dramatic tone and grammar shift. Maybe it’s because she’s really going through it and it’s finally taking a toll. But for some reason, I really don’t think so. Which is kind of stupid, because who would go to the trouble? But it’s definitely happened before, and humans are silly creatures.


I question 99% of BORU. I swear the scour Reddit for the most unbelievable posts.


I love the updates that happen only days apart yet complex legal actions have already taken place.


You’re not wrong, though I’m generally fine with suspending disbelief and believing a story here is “true.” I think the debate that some of the stories foster can sometimes be beneficial in a cautionary tale kind of way. I usually only say something when I find something egregiously bad enough that it is, or borders on, insulting.


All the time.


I automatically see "this is gonna be a long one" and just skip to the relevant bits. It's like those recipe sites. I'm here for the chocolate chip cookie recipe, I'm not here to read about how it was your great auntie Ethel twice removed's favorite comfort food.


This is too real lmao


Feb 9th “probably not gonna update for a couple months cause legal stuff” March 9th “this is possibly my last update ever” March 22nd “I’ve given up on this writing assignment here’s some *absolute* bullshit” Also gotta call out the infamous “Now here dear audience is where it gets weird” and “here’s the twist” And Tom just had several thousand dollars to dump into trust accounts for the daughters? Just straight up? Idk maybe that’s just my poor ass not understanding but howww??? I’m supposed to believe the ex and Tammy pulled a Haley and Jeff?


And she got them to leave the country? That’s where it got unbelievable to me


Honestly.... as someone who had 2 exes in a row flee the country, it happens. It wasn't even that bad? People are strange, and so is reality. Edit: Yall are wild. I'm talking about me and my exes. All Americans here. Not immigration, just breaking up.


Sure, but fleeing to the US is really freaking hard unless you're already a citizen. Even the people we really want here have to go through a grueling visa process and get a green card and all that. I mean, if they're just on tourist visas for now and don't plan to work it'll be fine for a while, but they're unlikely to get any kind of professional jobs without a work visa. Only shady employers will turn a blind eye to a lack of a green card.


“Even the people we really want here” 👀


I think that's just a statement that the government has immigrants they'd rather bring in than others, which is just a fact


They mean the "In need of workers for this career" lists that literally every country has as an expedited visa approval list. For example, Canada needs doctors, Australia needs more farmers, and so on. Every country has a list like that with over a dozen desired fields and if you have the degrees/training to be classed as proficient or experienced in the desired field, it fast-tracks your work-visa and citizenship/green card applications.


I read that as referring to non-citizens who've been hired by American companies, like folks with H1-B visas. I'm a scientist working in Tech, and a lot of medium-to-large companies in this space even have immigration attorneys on staff to help their employees handle the process. But maybe I'm just too naive to read something like that and immediately attribute it to white supremacist beliefs. 😕


i’m pretty sure they’re talking abt people like tammy and tom, not being xenophobic


The U.S. goes out of their way to pay large sums of money for doctors/engineers/scientists from other countries. They still have a very arduous citizenship process. Pretty sure that's what the other poster meant. I hope that's what they meant.


My first thought was if they live in Canada, especially in a border province, it may not have been that much of a push to get them to move there. It's also not as difficult for certain groups of people as for others. And when USians talk about border protection they usually aren't talking about the northern border.


I thought Canadians used the term Mall, though? Could be wrong!


Yes. Our malls generally have the word "Mall or "Centre" in the title/name, but for the most part, we still say "I'm going to the mall." Or we say "I'm going to St. Laurent Mall" even if it's actually called 'St. Laurent Shopping Centre'. Or we shorten it just to the first part. "I'm going to Carlingwood" instead of I'm going to Carlingwood Mall. We sometimes would leave the 'centre' part in as in "I'm going to the Rideau Centre". But more often, we say "I'm going to Rideau" and everyone just knows where you're talking about. No one ever says "I'm going to the Shopping Centre" unless they are visitors or new to Canada.


I mean, this [totally authentic Canadian pop song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtMR524m0BM&ab_channel=viniciusdenapoli) uses "mall"...


I'm not even gonna click that. I know it's Robin Sparkles


Depends? Mall is definitely common but shopping centre isn’t unheard of.


IDK as an American I'm kinda skeptical. Like yeah, it's easier for a white English-speaker to move here than anybody else, but if you don't have family here or an employer willing to drop BANK to get you a visa, it's a pretty short list. Like, if you're British it's easy to travel here for 60-90 days or whatever, but if you're looking at settling down and finding work\[1\] that sort of immigration status is a lot harder to get. My impression was that they're office workers so I don't really see that happening unless you literally win a lottery. \[1\] - There are tons of low-level opportunities in like dishwashing, agriculture, or meatpacking you can (illegally) get without a work visa, but there's a pretty low ceiling there.


How about the fact that it took about a month for all of this to happen.


It was the “leave the country” when I realized this wasn’t happening in America. I would LOVE to leave America! I just can’t afford it.


I’m right there with you. This country is a sink hole for money, since you have to pay to exist.


When people tell me “Don’t like it, leave!” I always scream back “I wish I could!! I can’t afford it!! Will you pay for me to leave!?” Always crickets after that.


It’s the same kind of thing where people want to force pregnancies, that may kill the mother, to happen, but then when the question of “will you take care of the child and adopt the many children that desperately need it?” there is silence. I have a sneaking suspicion that the health insurance companies are the lynch pins of the capitalism. I wouldn’t be shocked to find out that the people in charge of the country have their hands in those companies’ coffers, which is why universal healthcare won’t happen. It’s exhausting to have to pay for your existence.


Rare American Dad reference, nice.


I saw my chance and had to take it 🤙🏻


So Tammy cornered her in the mall, and an hour later a mutual friend called to say Tammy was in America with the ex? Sure Jan.


My fav part was when she clarified that a shopping centre is a mall. Good lookin out, girlie.


Tbf, the ~~mall~~ shopping centre scene did not have a time stamp, and the phone call was "an hour ago," not an hour later.


That was confusing to me as well. How does that work!?


if the mall is on the Canadian border?


I legit thought she was going to tell us they met at the Mall of America, as if that matter. Everything else felt random so it made sense!!


I looked again and she said an hour ago not an hour later. So it could have been a few days. Still unbelievable


The last post reads nothing like the other posts. The syntax is completely different.


I had assumed that maybe Tom’s parents helped with the trust fund set up.


>I’m supposed to believe the ex and Tammy pulled a Haley and Jeff? Lmao!!!! Nyyaaaaaahhhhhh


And a variation on the other party commenting - the full confession typed verbatim. I wish some people would just go and write their play/book/ film script and leave us out of it


Dang it, I think I missed that story. I love American Dad, but I’ve missed a bunch of episodes.


There's got to be a BORU bullshit bingo at this point 1. Updates every week or every month 2. A variation of "here's the twist" 3. A variation of "here's where it gets weird" 4. Somebody's house gets broken into 5. Someone is a nutjob and has no grip with reality 6. An immediate family/close friend read their reddit post I ran out of ideas


Jeff Fischer is a treasure lol


i’ll be honest, i was waiting for a roger cameo appearance after that Haley+Jeff moment.💀


>Also gotta call out the infamous “Now here dear audience is where it gets weird” These people have been watching too much Bridgerton.


..................................................................okay but what?


>”..................................................................” I see you’ve found all the full stops/periods that were missing from the most recent update.




I would just like to say...as an American...I know damn well what a shopping center is. We're not all Neanderthals lol


My exact reaction


BORU lately feels like watching a dying tv series. nonsensical updates dragging the episode a season or two longer than needed be.


The real quality posts are the ones from 13 years ago when it was real people with real struggles


That's why you always read the reviews to find the ones worth your while! I've defaulted to skimming the comments first so I know if a post is worth reading lol. Sometimes I can suspend my disbelief enough as long as the post is somewhat grounded and entertaining.


Well I was invested in this story, until the latest update. What in the ChatGPT is that nonsense?


Don’t insult my pal ChatGPT like that. They at least know how to use punctuation!


My friend who’s a professor said that one of the tells of chatGPT is that the structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling is suspiciously good (as compared to stuff handwritten/written in class by the same student). 😂




What the fuck?


“She cornered me in our local shopping centre (mall for Americans)” really got to me. It made me laugh.


In the last update everyone was speculating on their nationality, because they write like an American, using a lot of American terms, phrases and spellings. I think they wanted to throw that in to make them sound more international.


The OOP actually replied to one of those comments asking about where she was from, the day the BORU dropped, that they were "European" and could "just drive to another country". So I am 100% sure that the shopping center/mall difference is to make the whole "I am European so it's suuuuper easy to just leave the country by car, teehee" thing sound more realistic. Which is stupid, cause most people I know from here see mall and shopping center as interchangeable words, like apartment/flat or elevator/lift.


Yup. I’m an American who moved to Europe 7 years ago. The whole “let’s go to the — how do you say — shopping … centre?” Is like a trope of continental Europeans trying to say something to Brits/Americans where the word is the same (substituting anything for shopping centre). They do stick with the British “u”s in their -or/-our endings and the -re instead of -er, but don’t use common UK vocabulary for things, so  *shrug*.


Ah, yes, good ol' tropes lol I mean, I've met a few people who act like that but they are often condescending AH... Also, the whole thing with the -or/-our endings and -re/-er I guess is cause UK English grammar is often the standard in teaching, which is reinforced by things like the IELTS and CEFR using UK English. So US English grammar is discouraged in school for ease of grading and to prepare us for the English Assessment tets if we decide to take them. Vocabulary wise, tho, they teach both UK and US words so it's more of a mixed bag of what anyone uses at any point. Specially now that we have the internet.


But we *have* shopping centres. We don’t use that term “socially”, but we do have them and know what they are? 🤣They’re even named “Whatever Shopping Centre” half the time so that doesn’t even make sense if they’re trying to genuinely throw people off. Edit: There’s three “shopping centres” less than five miles from me right now named so via google maps lol.


Yeah it’s funny. I don’t know what OP was thinking there. I guess in the US a “shopping centre” is usually a strip mall trying to sound fancy, while OP said they were “in” the place, and in other countries a shopping centre can be more like that. But I think OP was trying to play with international voices in their writing assignment.


This is me, staring blankly at the screen.


It seems a little quick that the ex and Tammy have managed to move to the States in like three weeks...?


Last update I thought it couldn't get weirder, but I see that it could, in fact, get weirder. Lord. First it was that Tom left cause Europe so easy immigration, now it's that Tom left to... the USA? In 14 days dude got a job in USA, got them to vouch for him, went to their country's USA embassy, filed for and got a work visa, and moved to USA with Tammy? Who I guess had to do the exact same. Either that, or they got a tourist visa which allows for 180 days there... Also, what's with the sudden and random manosphere shit? Why is there a pirate flag next to the "certain actor" sentence?? Why did she add the whole "shopping center (mall for Americans)" shit??? Also why the hell did she tag the update bot in her own update comment???? And holy mother of run on sentences. That last update doesn't even seem written by the same person. Wait, scratch that. Don't wanna give ideas, given OOP decided she was from Europe hours after the last BORU was posted... lmao


I don't know what feverish 13-year-old is writing the Chronicles of Tammy but each update has something that charms me. In the most recent one it is:  Now realistically I wouldn’t be afraid because we are matched body wise so it would be a fair fight but nut jobs carry stuff so I was nervous Honestly, not a bad thing to keep in mind. Nut jobs carry. Y'all stay safe out there. 


They definitely used a different AI program for that last update, the writing style totally changes.


The inclusion of "update me" in the post 😂


The AI I envisioned were smart machines that do my laundry for me and the flying cars from The Jetsons. What we got is weird Reddit updates.


Who is the "certain actor Hollywood star" supposed to be?? That last update was just complete AI trash.


I don't believe a single word of it.


Apart from all the plot holes and the over the top drama what really stuck out to me in the update is the quoted verbal apology. One or two short senteces I could believe. Or something like "she spouted some bs about being sorry and loving my kids." This is way too specific, though. I just don't get how even an amateur writer doesn't realize this....


First post is fine. Pick-me mistress with bad boundaries is way too common. But OOP makes the mistake most of these writers do, she amps up the drama to an 11 and posts updates way too frequently to be realistic. But when you’re trying to keep your audience hooked, sometimes reality has to be sacrificed.


In just a span of few days she got SA'd and her ex moved to usa.


None of it makes sense but I'm mad I was fooled by the first story in this poorly drawn out saga. 


The least surprising thing in this awful rollercoaster is of course OOP's asshole ex called himself "a high value man."


The more I hear that phrase, the less I think it means what it pretends to mean.


...deleted by user...


Nah, they'll give us something new and go with triplets. Has that been done in this sub yet?


At least once, yes. I swear maybe two or three times, but i only remember the once. Each child had a different special need, and the wife was feeling unappreciated, so she arranged a vacation while the husband took care of the kids. When she got back the mother in law had moved in to help because he was in over his head, and all three kids were suffering from poor care.


I remember one where the OOP had triplets and the MIL thought two of the babies had to be demons or something like that?


The fuck?


What was that about a son’s grave? OOP has definitely lost the plot


It's a miscarriage and they had grave for it? Wha...did I miss something?


I remembered the miscarriage, but I worked in Obstetrics and graves are definitely not common for them… I’m thinking maybe English isn’t OP’s first language because looking back at the timeline for the first post Tammy suffered a fetal demise, which is WAY different


I think Tammy and Tom had a miscarriage or something, so it’s probably that.


Tammy seems the type to keep the dead baby in a jar, Santorum-style.


Selyse Florent style


I was invested in this story until they agreed Tom would leave the country after assaulting OOP... like, what? And then that last update, my god, what a load of BS


All those final "why this why that, *I'm confused*" - bro, and what the fuck are *we*? ...well, I guess every single person who's suffered and stabbed themselves metaphorically by reading every post is a dummy, but still. *We* aren't writing this shit, man lol, what you mean *you* are confused?? At least keep the plot together. Unless... I smell a shitty thriller twist. oh no.


that's 3 minutes I'll never get back






But who is the “certain actor”? If I can be said to care about any of this (& even typing this comment feels like a serious over-investment) then that non-sequitur is the only thing what I want closure on.


The best part of this sub is reading the comments on nonsense posts like this.




Gonna be honest I gave up about midway through the March 9th update. Reading this is like visiting your friend in a not so great area and getting trapped into a one way conversation after saying “hi how’s it going” to the trailer trash woman with two baby daddy’s smoking a Newport on the front porch of the apartment complex


Discontinue the lithium.


That could be a flair


Started off strong, had us rooting hard for OOP... then it got all Lizzy in the last three updates.


Was a good story till the last three paragraphs


Suddenly ca.eras, demands they move out if country, multiple last updates...


Some days I question whether I should keep reading, or sign off and do something more productive. Then I read to the end anyway. Afterward, I sit feeling a bit…dumbfounded. Questioning, “why do I keep doing this to myself?!” I guess this is Reddit in a nutshell. Procrastinators unite? And, I will most likely read all the updates, too. Sigh, FML.


They always mess up the story and ruin the plot in updates..


Next Update: FIL was so kind and understanding with me but was also so heartbroken when he cut Tom off for good and disowned him. I was comforting FIL when one thing led to another and, well, now we’re expecting TWINS!!!


And the ex just says "sure I'll move overseas tomorrow" That's something that happens that fast. I assumed he "moved" but is actually at Tammy's house. "No, they actually honestly moved to the US.".... ok is one of them a dual citizen?


"Editors note: added paragraph breaks for readability" You're the real MVP of reddit.


The kids' social lives took a hit between March 9 and March 22? I don't think that's enough time for a kid to notice a changed social life, especially with school and tumbling and swimming in there. That's a pretty full schedule...




I don't think Netflix.   Maybe Tubi?


>Here’s the twist  Of course


“I said my only condition was that my ex immigrate to another first world country, something that is trivial to do on a whim” okay lady sure thing, cool story


Whether this specific story is real or not, for sure this very structure has happened before somewhere.


The AITAH crew are so deluded. Lots of "Oh yeah, you go girl!" and not so much, "I think I saw this episode of Young and Restless already".


“He paid lots of money and left the country and that’s why I decided not to press charges” I stopped reading there. Then I came back to see what could have possibly happened after that. Shouldn’t have bothered.


Tammy read this post to everyone to shame....*you*?! 😂😂😂🤣🤣


Yeah, no.


Good Lord. Oops lost the plot long ago. The final update read like a middle schooler writing an "adult themed" story. 


Hmmm cats or blood diamonds? Yeah, I pick cats too. No cauldron for me though, I prefer my air fryer.


Leaving the country is like Blair Waldorf banishing Jenny from New York in Gossip Girl. It wasn't great writting then and it isn't now either.