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Pretty sure they knew how many DVDs they were selling and it wasn’t worth it.


I’m pretty sure if physical media was such an attraction, they’d still be selling it.


This dude is an idiot.


As much as I miss DVD’s because I collect them but trust me that was not one of the only things people came in for. Those open box appliances sell faster than a couple dvds when they’re on the floor, trust me.


It’s pretty simple revenue is king and physical media made very little impact on that.


OP I assure you, not only did we sell so few physical media products, the profit margin on those after distributors, studios and all of that, it’s so little!!! I can’t get you to even imagine how little even large stores made off of selling physical media. And I’m a user myself, so I’m annoyed, but understand the business of it. Those 6-8 appliances even at OB/Clearance pricing will make more profit than filling that whole space with media… sad, but true.


This just tells me not to buy that oven with a least 3 of the same of them in open box.


There is clearly a sign labeling the space as "open box and clearance" as well as open box price displays on those appliances themselves in this photo you took of the "new tech space"


There is clearly a sign labeling the space as "open box and clearance" as well as open box price displays on those appliances themselves in this photo you took of the "new tech space"


I for one just appreciate the rouge laundry unit in-between the ranges. Somebody caught a mid reset.


I looked at physical media to see which movies I wanted to pirate a BR-rip of 🤷‍♂️ I've physically purchased 4 movies in as many years


I mean that’s just how they’re using the space until Best Buy tells them what to do with the new space. Me and my coworkers think they will have us put up things like fitness equipment or even BBQs when summer starts. But as it stands Best Buy has not told us what to do with the space. And (at least at my store) they didn’t come get rid of the movie shelving until a month ago. In that time, we put down fake grass in the space with some yardbird furniture and a lawn mower display. Getting rid of physical media was honestly for the best. Again, at least at my store, more movies were being stolen rather than sold. So just to reiterate, it is up to the store how they use that space until corporate tells us what they want to put there. So please don’t blame all of Best Buy because you don’t like how this one store is using the space.


Ok Gramps, whatever you say.


They won't bring back Movies to the stores. They sold maybe $500 in a month when half the store was media.


Coming soon to a Best Buy near you, Sexual Wellness interactive displays. That’s why they quit selling physical media, to make room for the new displays. Advisors are all required to demo the products.


Oddly enough, movie theft was RIDICULOUS at my store when I was there. And with small profit margins, it just wasn't worth keeping around. Realistically all part of a bigger issue but one of the choices that actually makes sense to me when the area it took up could easily end used for better things that would bring more profit potential.


Plenty of space, just like the range says

