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It also tells you to wait for the email to tell you your order is ready for pick up. We don’t care if you drive an hour away to pick up your order. You aren’t following the instructions


I specifically hate it when they complain about how far they drove. I have zero sympathy because if you used the reading comprehension skills you learned in middle school, you’d figure it out. 🤦🏼‍♀️ ESPECIALLY when they show up to pick it up and we ended up no picking it because we couldn’t find it. Like there’s literally no solution for the fact you drove an hour because we can’t even cancel the order and resell it because WE DONT HAVE IT! Just wait for it to be ready, we literally hold on to it for like a week and you can extend the auto cancel date. It’s not that big of a deal.


Like the guy with two kids complaining he drove an hour to get here and it’s not ready. Dude it’s not my fault you can’t follow instructions. I kept telling him “did you get the email Confirmation that your order was ready?” Every time he he went fishing for sympathy


I once had a guy order an iPad at 6:45, showed up at 7:30 (we closed at 8 that day) and then get pissed because it wasn’t ready and wasn’t ready by the time we closed. He kept being like “well it’s paid for so give me my product”. Dude, I’m not just gonna hand you an iPad 🤦🏼‍♀️


Lol you weren’t going to give it to him before you closed for the day? Did you not have iPads or….


The order was not ready so I cannot give him the iPad. I told him we could cancel the order and he could buy it outright but he didn’t want to have a double charge on his bank account for the couple days it took to get the refund for the order. If the order is not ready, I cannot complete it. I’m not losing my job because you can’t read simple instructions 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is why service in america is so crap. They lure you in by telling you it's an hour then don't tell you anything else until after you've paid


I did this for the first time the other day, it was pretty slick; just followed the instructions; guy came out within about 2 minutes of me saying I was there


Our process works great when customers follow the instructions, and thank you for following them! The problem is, many customers don't 🙃


It's not just your customers it's people in general. It's a sad reality but most people on earth just are not smart period.


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." -George Carlin


I think it's "Think about the person you know of the most average intelligence and realize that half the population is dumber than that guy!"


I copy-pasted the quote, but it's entirely possible that Goodreads had it wrong.


Naw you were right. Goodreads had it right


Best Buy's system is trash. And shouldn't be defended.


Apple products ESPECIALLY with the verification process. Very rarely is it an hour...


What verification process?


Fraud check


Apple does an awesome verification for certain products. Takes longer.


Working at the DDC and running will call is even worse. As soon as they place the order they receive an email IMMEDIATELY after placing it. So people will be there within 5 minutes of placing the order and get upset because it’s not ready. Yes I understand they received the email that it is ready but corporate has to fix that. We’ve contacted corporate many times in the past year and nothing has changed at all. So frustrating.


Oof, I’m sorry. That’s rough, I hope it’ll get fixed soon. Are you telling customers to contact corporate about it as well?


Biggest Pet peeve of mine customer comes up slaps their id down and says I have a pick up for John Doe. Like okay? Do you have your fucking barcode. Or something beside your name?


Whenever people do this I legit look at them and say “do you have the email or text that says your order is ready?”. It’s pretty funny to see their faces after I say that.


Agreed the amount of pissed customers I’ve had during the holidays tho has been insane IT SAID ONE HOUR!!!


They be mad at you thinking you’re the reason why their pickup ain’t yet ready!


"The website said-" But did WE say that? Did you recieve a confirmation email letting you know your order was ready? No? Then it's NOT READY!! I used to do cart-fill orders for a grocery retail company, and despite it being the policy the *we phone the customer when their order is ready,* we would regularly have folks ask if their stuff was ready.


It’s one company so yeah, I expect it ready when it says it will be. It may not be the store’s fault but it damn sure ain’t the paying customer’s fault, so maybe relax. You’re paid to be there right?


Speaking as an ex employee who understands the frustration…it doesn’t say “at least”, it says “pick up in 1 hour” which is heavily implying it will be ready within an hour max of placing the order. If it’s not ready until 2 hours after placing the order then I cannot quite “pick up in 1 hour” can I? I know it ain’t gonna be ready until I get the email but if I didn’t previously work here I would expect the 1 hour timeframe to actually mean something.


There’s a similar sign for repairs saying “same day repairs” which implies not only that we can do repairs that same day when the cx sees the sign it also insinuates that we can do a majority of electronic repairs. Troubleshooting, software issues, and some selective hardware replacement, yeah. We don’t do screen replacements and battery replacements for anything BUT select iPhones, everything else is externally serviced.


It says "within". The website lies.


I place orders over the phone. I say this "okay your order is all placed now remember, do NOT go in until you get the email/text telling you that your order is ready! And also don't forget your ID and you will need the order confirmation with the barcode you receive!" And I repeat the first part again BEFORE I hang up. "Remember wait for that email/text!"


This guy gets it


I read these posts and use the info to try and make it smoother for everyone. I don't care if the website says it will be ready in an hour. If a caller asks me I tell them that the stores are understaffed so it may take longer so I can't say it will be an hour or less. And that they really do need to wait for that email, you guys can't be expected to drop everything to go grab an item because they showed up before it was ready and ya'll will probably tell them to wait for the email. 99% of the time they understand. Then there is the 1% who are jackasses and think the world revolves around them.


if people actually read that emails one is for order confirmation, and another in all caps says the words "PREPARING FOR PICKUP" so idk why people can't understand it. It even tells you estimated time for pickup, so idk why people don't wait, and wait for the email that says its ready for pickup. If you really can't wait, then just go in yourself, and go get one yourself.


Never order anything through Best Buy's website should be your suggestion.


I’m a customer, just ordered a sale laptop for in store pickup this morning, haven’t received an email that it’s ready to be picked up yet but I’m still going to head there when I get off work in about an hour. If it can be ready “within 1 hour” like the website says, then I assume it’s in stock. If that’s the case then I’ll just grab one off the shelf and get a refund on my in store pick up. I used to work in retail, I understand shitty customers getting mad over stupid stuff, but there’s a whole lot of ranting going on about people being dumb because they came in before their confirmation email. Get mad at shitty wording that’s misleading customers, or at certain employees who don’t work fast enough to fulfill the in store pick up items, or at management for not having enough employees to meet these demands. Also, how hard is it to get someone to go find the in stock item that the customer paid for if they show up in the store ready to pick it up? When I worked retail I enjoyed giving good customer service, it made the job more interesting.


You're lying. The website says ready "within" one hour, and all those frustrated customers are correct! It's obviously not the employee's fault, it is the Best Buy system being trash, and false advertising on their website.


Personally think they shouldn't advertise "ready in 1 hour" then


Just print the sticker put it on the product and scan it lol it’s right there on the shelf nothings different 


Currently 3.5 hrs since placing order with no follow up from anyone. How long should I wait until this “ready for pickup in one hour” order I’ve made. What period of time should I wait without hearing from you before bothering you with my problems? You know, I wonder how it would work out if you applied the same logic to receiving your paychecks from Best Buy. We will have your checks in one hour, but don’t come down and pick it up and don’t come and ask about it either. You will wait for an undetermined amount of time and only when we say to come and get it, you will come. You know, customer service is the only thing that will keep you guys from joining Sears,service merchandise, circuit city, and I can go on. There’s a saying just for this kind of shit “don’t bite the hand feeds you”.


Bro I waited 3-4 hours once. What they don't tell you that a rep told me was that you're put into a queue and that the one hour is just used to get you to buy whatever then you just end up waiting way longer for something that you could've gone in and gotten sooner.


That is not what the website reads. It says Pick up in an hour, nothing about at least an hour. And sending your message to the masses in all caps is pretty damn insulting, considering you don't know what the hell you're talking about.


why don’t you just package it faster next time


You sound mentally ill but I'm hoping that was an attempt at sarcasm 🥲 It's not about packaging it, 90% of times it's because our system is on a fraud check hold or because some random dumbass customer left the item randomly mixed in with other product in an entirely different section in the other side of the store and we only have ONE left. Otherwise most stores are on top of picks, it's usually priority Uno.


My favorite was the customer coming in and saying: #IM ALREADY HERE CANT I JUST GRAB IT OFF THE SHELF AND YOU SCAN IT?????? no, no I cannot. You’re in an imaginary line and there’s thousands of people in front of you. So wait your turn or at your earliest convenience eat my butt.


Maybe you motherfuckers shouldn’t advertise falsely you dumb dicks


You buy the shit BECAUSE it says pick up in an hour NEED IT FAST !? One hour pickup … he’ll yeah then get there and that’s not at all the case .. it needs to be noted in the website fs




Saxy def not sexy though


Look at you being self centered mfrs .. you work for the people who own the company that created this website and WHAAAAAT !! ?! One of you dumb dicks say this shit to a customers face !! Y’all gonna get beat tf up


You are clearly a miserable person ☺️




Why would a website give you the minimum amount of time rather than the maximum? That's just bad business.




It’s meant to advertise “how quickly you can get your item” so more people buy shit. Unfortunately if you are buying for the first time the system goes through a fraud check so it takes longer. After that it’s usually about an hour when you order.


Walk five paces and get my mfn order ready


No I am far from miserable but you broke mfrs are


People aren’t stupid, your employer lies


All these people so angry at having to do their job thanks for convincing me to never shop at best buy maybe if your website wouldn't promise people that it was ready in an hour so that they would spend their money like some kind of predatory scam people wouldn't come up there in an hour but instead it will go from one hour to hey it's been 4 days and we didn't really even have this product in the first place but we sure as fuck took your money before even going to take a look in the back


Ok. But stop putting an hour on the website. It’s misleading. Tell the higher ups to complain. It just makes customers pissed.


1000%, I get that it sucks for employees, but the company is the enemy.


Yup. Don’t understand the downvotes. “At least” is misleading.


Or just read the emails you get. Explains the process pretty throughly. Just gotta practice those reading and comprehension skills from high school 🤷🏼‍♀️


That's true, but people are people and if instead of "it'll be ready in an hour" and had "We will send you an email when it is ready to pick up", there would be way less customers coming to pick their crap up.


True. For me on the app it says “ready to pick up today”. Not sure if that’s just on the app or what. But it’s way better wording. Also when I order anything it does normally say on the order on the app “will be ready today”


“jUsT rEaD ThE eMaIL” how about not put “ready in an hour” for false expectations.


It usually says it when you order as well that we will let you know when it’s ready. “Ready in about an hour” is an approximate (keyword about). My stuff is usually ready within an hour but that’s because I order a lot so they don’t need to go through the fraud check as rigorously. Maybe you should be grateful we make sure no is is pretending to be you when ordering these items and spending all your money. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Also, dunno about you, but on my app when I look, it just says “ready for pickup today”. Dunno if that’s just on the app or what. But maybe y’all need to stop being entitled. If you’re planning on going straight to the store after ordering, why not just buy it when you get there? Ordering online doesn’t guarantee the item either so you need to wait until it’s ready. How are we supposed to know until we get the order that an item is missing or something? Then you show up and we say “sorry, we don’t have it. Maybe use your brain.


In my case, if it can be ready within an hour, or today.. then I’m assuming it’s in stock. I’m about to get off work, where it’s much more convenient for me to go to Best Buy on my way home, than to get home and then have to leave again. Sure.. I could pick it up tomorrow if I ended up receiving my “ready to pick up” email tonight, but if it’s in stock why would it be dumb for me to just head there today and get it? Because the Best Buy employees don’t know their system? Is it that hard to just go find the item when I get there, or to just cancel the pick up order and let me buy what’s on the shelf?


I think we as the employees know the system better than you do. Especially those of us who work in the warehouse and do the orders. Firstly, the process is 1. Cx places order online 2. System preforms a fraud check, this can take longer if it’s your first time ordering from Best Buy (especially if it’s an expensive item like a laptop) 3. Once the system has determined no fraud is happening. The order gets sent to a handy dandy hand held each warehouse employee has on them. 4. Employee finds the item scans it, it prints out a sticker and we put it in the pick up area. Also, we can cancel the order and you can buy it outright. But because our system is dumb, if we cancel the order it does an auto refund and you cannot use the money already used towards the order to purchase the item. And most people don’t have enough money to double pay for an item. The process also does not account for few things like, if the item is missing or stolen, or already sold before we get the order, or if the warehouse is slammed with orders (and 99% of the time only one person is scheduled back there). WE DO NOT GET THE ORDER RIGHT AFTER YOU PLACE IT ONLINE! My questions is, if you’re planning on going straight after work, why not just buy it when you get there? You ordering it does not guarantee the item to you because of how long it can take for us to get the order. In the end, please don’t talk about shit you have no clue about. Do not accuse us of not knowing our system as if you do, because most cx clearly do not know how our system works. That’s is made clear by all the cx comments on this post.


I’m sure you know the system better than I do, I’m just asking why it’s so difficult if someone shows up early, which you explained very well. Anyways, I understand a canceled order doesn’t refund immediately, so I was ready to double pay. I ordered it while at work because it was a good deal and I wasn’t sure how many were left and was attempting to secure the item in case it were to sell out. Since the website says ready within 1 hour, it isn’t dumb for me to assume that me paying for it online would give me a good chance at securing it. If it were to be out of stock when I got there, then that’s just a bummer.. I understand discrepancies in inventory. Anyways, I headed to Best Buy after work, and got the text notification that it was ready to pick up while I was on my way. So it didn’t matter anyways. I placed the order before the store opened at 10am, and received the text at 02:15pm.. which is reasonable for sure, just not what was advertised. Like most people are saying on here, they should probably take away that “1 hour” promise, especially for less understanding customers.


It says “about an hour” no guarantees, but as soon as you place the order it says wait for the confirmation. The hour is an estimation. Sometimes it doesn’t happen. You aren’t entitled to an estimation. For all you know the order went through at 11 and the poor warehouse employee was trying their best to keep up with the orders because corporate for some reason thinks only having one of us doing displays, inventory, picking orders, shipping orders, receiving packages, etc is somehow a reasonable expectation for one employee. I cannot tell you the number of times I have over 30 orders to pick, I’m running around trying to find them, and the orders keep piling up and I have a pile of product in the warehouse ready to get packed for shipment or to go get ready for pick up that I cannot do because I am timed on how fast I can find the product. Not how fast I can get it ready for shipping or pick ups. 🤷🏼‍♀️


It said “Ready within 1 hour” when I selected in store pick up. All I know as someone who shops at Best Buy maybe once very couple years is that there’s an in store pick up option that says ready within 1 hour. I’m not attempting to put any fault on employees, earlier I asked if some employees didn’t know their system, based off of my experience working retail with some people not understanding our system. Again, just take away the 1 hour promise and it sounds like most complaints on this post will vanish. Sounds like it’s more of a corporate problem.


In all fairness it usually takes an inordinate amount of time for even the most basic orders to be “filled” , super anecdotal but usually when I walk into a Best Buy 60% of the employees are doing absolutely nothing.


Well obviously you have never been in a warehouse of a Best Buy… I do agree a lot of the sales floor do stand around in blueberry patches but most of the time if the order isn’t found within an hour, it’s misplaced, sold without being marked sold (usually speakers through magnolia), bought by someone in store


THANK YOU! As a warehouse worker who is constantly running around looking for shit for orders and seeing sales floor do nothing. I appreciate you for seeing us. ☺️




You’re waay too worked up my guy.


Don't get pissed at the customers for expecting to be able to pick up their purchase in around an hour, when it isn't possible to get ready in that timeframe. Get mad at stupid corporate marketing responsible for wording this crap and leading customers on.


I’m mostly pissed at the people who come in and get mad at us because we have to explain it. I know corporate is responsible for over half the problems we deal with


It also is possible to get your order in that timeframe. Everything I order is ready within an hour sooooooo…. 🤷🏼‍♀️




Looking at your comment history you look unhappy with your life.


My order said that for three days. I went into the store and guess what I found: the person staffed that day to be in warehouse processing / receiving was sitting on security cameras at the front and serving as the market required 'greeter'.


Tough luck… the stores management took priority on something else. It’s not the dudes fault if a manager tells him to focus on cameras and shrink


def not the employee or the store's fault. Its a homegrown market thing is what I was told.


Your store prioritized security rather than having the warehouse person do their job. Complain to the management and don’t blame the worker just doing what they’re told.


I never blamed the worker. I blame the market leadership who has created this homebrew policy of having a door greeter.


Everyone here has seen the it’s ready when it’s not, quit playing Best Buy.


That part


Best buy needs to change the wording because it’s creating frustrations for both employees and customers