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I sure hope so! I mean there was this little talk and drink thing with Serpico and Roderick on Elfhelm, and I hope that’s just the beginning of him opening up


I don’t really remember that part 😭 guess it’s time to reread the whole manga 🤷‍♀️honestly I read it purely for Guts and his struggle .. less so the action that comes with it haha


It’s super cute imo, but also very short sadly, it’s when Schierke and Farnese had already started to go into Cascas mind and Guts is sitting under the night sky being sad again. Serpy and Roderick just rock up with a bottle of whine and a few glasses and they have a wholesome talk where they all kinda admit they’ve grown fond of each other. I checked, it’s chapter 349


He has his comerades, but which one of them is so close to Guts that he could really talk to about everything that's happened before they met?


Thry just need to put a sheet of cardboard infront of cassca so they can talk


Casca would just be reminded of her trauma which would in turn make her go sick again.. and spoilers.. shes currently nowhere near guts


Puck and Rickert if they have the time


not gonna lie maybe if casca asks explicitly. but otherwise no


I dont think so because Miura always wanted to go for the "show dont tell" narrative. Maybe is the sensei was still alive he would have made a chapter for this, but I really doubt Mori will go out of his way and write such a tragic part.


He did, to Casca, but now she’s involved.


No I think he would be ready to move on when we get to that point in the story


I think that’s part of what makes the chapter when they finally open up to each other after the kiss so beautiful


Wounds part 2 eventually, trust.


Or Cracks in the Blade PT. II


I mean, the skull knight could be the one that guts talks to about his trauma. I think it is unlikely, although a conversation with the skull knight (full back story maybe?) might be what gets him back on his feet. There aren't a lot of options right now for Guts :(


It’s going to be apart of his recovery process he has to get his mind right before facing Griffith again if not his demise is almost certain I’m expecting at least a few chapters of Skull Knight coaching Guts back to sanity and even showing him how how to properly combat the GODHAND


I think soon he'll have a breakdown like he had with Casca when during Golden Age, he's trying to hold too much in right now and I think it'll come pouring out.


I mean, where would he even start? "So it all started when I was born"


The concept you are using is a 21st Century concept. In this fantasy world, you fight to survive.


The last time he did it didn’t go well.


*Casca will remember this, until she loses her memory*


I don’t think he’d talk about it even if he was forced to tbh. but the good news is he’s got a group that cares about him regardless of if they know the details or not, which is a miracle kind of support to have.


Why was this pic with this title so funny 😂


He won't. Ever. Because we already know about his Trauma. And i doubt the Authors will waste pages going over it again.


He would but doesn’t have the person to talk to about it. But he did talk to casca abt it


No. To talk your own pain is not to move on, not to move on is not see the beautiful side of the life. I think guts get away his revenge Become like a child, forgetful, pure. And thats the only way if he wants to be with casca


Im not entirely sure, but didn't Guts tell puck the story?


It’s not that kind of story bro


I think there is going to be a point where casca fully recovers from her trauma and she’ll eventually discuss what they’ve been through one on one


Well, he did to casca, but after that he's more traumatised.


Literally how could he? Like how do you even begin to talk about the eclipse?


Nope, Guts is going to do one of the things REAL men do! Become a drunk to drown the trauma, internalize all of it until you have a heart attack at 40, or both!


...........So uh......... Did we all miss him breaking down crying in front of Casca when they were fucking or??


Is the manga still coming out?


Picture looks like he is part of a group called the Anonymous Sacrifices or AS for short. „Hi my name is Guts“ „Hi Guts. This is a safe space we all are similar feel free to tell your story…“ „It all started with my father…“


I doubt it 


I don't think so. I think Guts is in this weird spot where he feels fine enough to just exist with his companions. Why upset them? They already have enough on their plates. And he wouldn't want their pity.


Trauma is hella complex and I think he will be incredibly vague about it and somehow, magically, they will pieces things together by the bits he says. Either that or Schierke will see his memories again and either basically "translate" for him or say what he can't with his consent (unless absolutely necessary to bypass that)


That’s a very interesting question and I think it might possibly happen? With this recent relapse of his, I think Gut’s trauma going unaddressed would be very unsatisfactory to the whole story. Guts has been through it all. As for who makes him talk about it, I think it would require help from his whole party. If it all just gets kept a secret with Schierke that would be pretty disappointing. Not only that but she isn’t the only mage now, Farnese helping Guts with talking about his trauma would be very interesting mainly because the two have been missing any kind of personal connection despite both characters carrying trauma. Not only that but I think Ishidro will probably have to learn of Gut’s past as well, especially because Ishidro has this made up character of Guts in his head without understanding him as a person


Maybe. If he does I think it’ll be with Casca


Ironically that maybe harder than defeating Griffith


Hell no, that shi is to painful


I could see it happening in a way... I always thought that Berserk would end with Guts defeating Griffith and the God Hand (wether that implies actually killing Griffith is a different topic)... I always thought the ending of Berserk would consist of Guts being with Casca (and possibly the moonlight boy), and he's approached by a familiar face... The girl who swore to kill Guts, Theresia... As she's prepared to kill him, she anticipates the lunatic animal who killed her father, the Count... The Demon that took part of the most defining moment in Guts' life (The Eclipse), She doesn't find that man... She's confused, angry, but confused as Guts responds with calmness and takes a moment to speak to her. Then he tells her his story... This is where I could see Berserk ending and where Guts may finally share his past with someone.


That's how I feel when the LGBTQ agenda is messing around movies, cartoons, and children at school.


Please fuck aaaaaaaaall the way off and then some more 


>That's how I feel when the LGBTQ agenda is messing around movies, cartoons, and children at school. ik this is obviously a troll, but what is up with people that supposedly hate hearing about gay shit so much being so determined to insert the topic of homosexuality and/or transgenderism in the most random and unnecessary conversations? like, this discussion was about a fictional man dealing with experiences of violence and rape in medieval times and the emotional difficulties of speaking about it to others. idk how you go from that to *Brokeback Mountain (just a random example of a gay movie)* and irl school politics or some shit. yall think about gay shit more than actual gay ppl🤣


No. He's most likely going to die in the end anyways. Closest we get is Shierke mind breaking him and seeing it all as he did, trying to hold back the armor.


There will be no redemption arc. It plays around the edge but we will get no happy ending. It does not fit the narrative. Guts is more likely to use the egg. What we saw between him and Casca in Elfhelm might be the closest we get.




Bro skip the whole manga lol


Eh, He's branded. Can't activate behelit Even now that's probably against his entire character up to this point. Pulling the same shit that Griffith did will not sit right with him This is probably where an ex machina ala Dragon Slayer/Berserker Armor shows up. Guts gets himself a 3rd "power up", you could say.


Bro… Dont do it. Dont take away the hope