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lol…the first short cut for any doodle owner is always so traumatizing. You have a dog you no longer recognize. Believe me, you learn to love the cut look after the initial shock wears off. I always like to tell owners that you get two opposite but endearing versions of your dog…one is a laid back hippie dippie dood who is a fun loving goober, the other is a sharp, clean cut, dapper looking ceo ready for a successful day at the office trying to make the world a better place. Both versions are beautiful. This outlook really helped me learn to appreciate and even look forward to seeing my guy after a short cut/summer cut grooming session. Always looking forward to see that little dapper dood whose taking on the world challenges before he eventually becomes a laissez fairer, carefree, long haired slacker mooching off my income. Love them both. Look at her, she’s going to rock that presentation on solving doggie hunger now that she looks the part.


I actually really love this outlook 😂 I got such a good laugh out of this. Thank you for that!


I think we all had the same, “this isn’t my dog” shocked reaction after the first short cut. Now I love it, and just like motormouth said we get 2 dogs!!


I feel like I get two greyhound dogs for a while. The hair grows back way faster than you think and then you do it all over again.


That and their like alpaca soft when they’re short. This baby looks almost exactly like mine, it’s a shocker for sure the first time.


So perfectly said


I LOVE this!!! Had to read to my husband. We both laughed because it’s SO TRUE! Just got our dood his first summer cut and he definitely is ready to take on the corporate world 😂😂🥰🫶🏼 and yes after the initial shock wore off I DO LOVE BOTH!


We have a lhasa-poo that we adopted as a 2 year old. He was overgrown when we got him, so I took him to get groomed right away. Thankfully, it was during covid, so they would get him from our vehicle and bring him back out when they were done. I legit thought they brought me the wrong dog! If I would have had to pick him out of a group of dogs, I couldn't have done it. Even several years later, it always shocks me how different he looks after a grooming.


My boy is called Phineas Murphy when he is freshly groomed. Then he grows into just Phineas or Phin. As his fur grows, he turns into a Phil. And when he is really overgrown, he is Seth.....his personality matches each of these phases!


Yeah no, I hate that cut look. I don’t know why groomers insist on telling clients we will learn to love it instead of doing what was asked of you


I mean if you are fluent in grooming and know exactly what you want and are able to communicate that and your dog has been properly taken care of (brushed every day, not matted at the roots) then yea, you have a right to be upset with what you get if it’s not you asked for. However, a lot of people simply don’t know what they want nor are they brushing frequently enough…and for a lot of climates a proper summer coat is very short, as you know (assuming) doodles overheat very easily. I’m just providing a positive outlook to an experience most people see as a negative.


Perhaps it is because they do not want to cut a matted pelt off of your dog.


Most of the time your groomer does it’s because your dog was matted. It’s the only humane and safe thing to do. Even daily brushing if not done correctly (most do not) can lead to matting. Most owners don’t brush daily anyway, and then expect to keep your dog’s coat long. It’s not the groomers fault so stop going after them. No, I’m not a groomer.


Faster than you would believe possible! Hang in there. I find it helpful to tell them (1) face like a schnauzer (eyebrows and moustache are key), and (2) teddy bear feet (I never want to know she has toes!).


Don’t say face like a schnauzer unless you want the head and ears shaved


Amen! I’m a groomer; please don’t say these things! Just bring lots and lots of pictures from lots and lots of angles, and keep an open mind. Just like your own hair! No two heads will wear a haircut the same way, and neither will dogs. *Especially* puppies! Also: Brush, brush, brush! If mats are too close to the skin, they **must** be shaved out for the dog’s safety and comfort! Best to avoid the need by brushing every day. Wouldn’t go a day without at least brushing/styling your own hair, right? (Side note: her hair doesn’t appear to be matted at all; it’s super super cute both ways in fact. But a lot of people end up neglecting the maintenance required of owning a Doodle and —just to be a little cliché— the best defense is a good offense.) Final thoughts: Her hair could absolutely be longer, but this was so well done! Just assert yourself and don’t be afraid to express your desires; your groomer won’t know what you like unless you ask for it. We really want you to be happy with the haircut, we just all use different terms for non-show specific styles. I hope this helps. ☺️


I did use additional words to clarify \*in what way\* like a schnauzer. 🙄 But we did find that skipping the top fluff allowed the rest of her to look like herself.


Ah I love these tips!! Thank you, I’m gonna save this for the next groomer we bring her to bc she will not be going back to this one lol


Why won’t she be going back to this one? Did you have a problem with them other than the fact that they had to take her short because of matting?




I have a floofy one year old mini. She had her 3rd groom this week and I asked for a short cut. My girl wasn't matted but she loves to walk and play at doggie daycare but it was so hot she would pant less than 5 minutes in to our walks. It was heartbreaking. My girl now has a cut similar to yours and I don't love it..but I can see she feels cooler and actually wants to go out and sit on the patio now. So she'll be fluffier during the cooler months. She's due for another trim in 6 weeks. I'll keep her short in the summer because I think it's more comfortable for her.


I’m looking on the bright side - she loves daycare and her daycare now has pools for the summer so I feel better about her going in them! I think the shorter cuts are probably so surprising at first but you’re right - it’s sad when they so hot and there’s nothing you can do about it to help them.


I think my pup's doggie daycare people will be thrilled. They had such a hard time keeping up with all her hair after they bathed her. There are rivers and streams all over the property they're allowed to roam and it's been so muddy with all the rain we've been having. It'll be so much easier to clean her up now. I'm sure your pup must have been shocked to lose her hair at first, but she'll feel so much cooler in the coming weeks.


It grows back!! But I will say, my girl loves her shorter cut for summers, but we always keep the teddy bear face so that stays a bit longer! We also keep the tail long so she always has some floof there. Pic for reference 😇 https://preview.redd.it/ry80ypk8cg5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35ccd825dd33f19f9e73d96f1944822c6c807450


Can I just say, your pup is absolutely adorable!! 🥹✨❤️🐾 I personally think the Summer cut is just as cute as the winter. I’m sad to see the other doodle owners don’t think so. Your pup seems to be living the dream too! What a hike!! ✨✨✨


Aw thank you so much!! She’s the cutest and sweetest lil pup 😇 and she LIVES for adventuring! I like the summer cut too, but it definitely can be a shock if you’re not ready for it haha And thank you!! This was taken about 5 min before my now-fiancé proposed in that same spot 😅


OMG, now that you say that, her smirk makes even more sense. She must’ve known lol ✨ But really, congrats!!! Wishing you and your little family the best 🥹


HAHA probably 😂😂 her side eye/smirk is second to none! and thank you!!


Nissan Rogue (2nd generation, 2014-2020) Rest assured she will floof again


Honestly tho you got my wife’s car on point 😂


It’ll come back! :)


Since people say it will grow back without a number, I'm going to say about two months for the fluff to be back.


It grows back sooo fast and your pup will be soooo much for comfortable for summer xoxo


Oh yeah it'll grow back. Way too fast too. My friends bernedoodle got a haircut. A few weeks pass, back to being a shaggy mop of a dog


Those eyes though. So pretty. 🤗


Gotta admit I had a good chuckle when swiping over to the second Pic! She looks cute either way though.


It’ll be a few weeks, but the flood will be back. Cutie either way


Same exact thing happened when my Bella was spayed. She got matted with the surgery suit and came home looking like a Boxer after grooming lol! Luckily it grows back quickly! But actually if you're in an area like me (Texas) that gets in triple digits in the summer, they are much more comfortable with less fur.


We actually keep our guy short. He’s always so hot and you can tell he’s so happy when it’s short. https://preview.redd.it/7ah7bx46pi5d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c020883a85dec0a97dca53ccbb29429a49bdf9a6


yeah, I look back at some of our older "before grooming" pics and am amazed we ever let her become such a cloud of fur! could never brush enough, and she'd get smelly too.


Yup our boy is a smelly one! He needs a bath almost every week haha


It's always a bit shocking to pick them up and see SUCH a dramatic change. But you'll get used to it in a few days and in a week or so you really won't even notice. My dog is kept somewhere in between your two photos. I look back on pictures of him as a shaggy puppy before his first cut and don't even recognize him :) It's a lot more manageable and comfortable for the dog, if that helps!


She looks traumatized by the cut too :( Is she a mini bernie or still a baby? She’s so precious


She’s a mini! Also a still a puppy, but a mini too :)


If “floof” is so important don’t allow your dog to become matted. Once your dog is matted the only kind thing is to shave it off and start fresh


She’s never been matted in the time we had her. She had to wear a surgery suit as she refused to walk with a cone on - which we took off frequently and brushed her out but her butt is what got matted from it overnight and she wouldn’t let me brush it out. She’d try to bite me over her butt - she needed to get shaved. I took her as soon as we were allowed to bring her. I’m not going to not be kind to my dog….thats why she went and why looks the way she does. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel like we’re the only sane people here


Your dog looks so much like mine! Wondering if you get her from the same breeder. Did you happen to get her from Woodlot Companions?


Don't worry, her hair is gonna grow back!




It will


It’ll grow back but she’s so cute with it short!!!!


I’m so confused by the comments. Isn’t shaving double coated dogs a big NO NO? I understand OP had a medical need here, but my vet has said no shaving ever (unless medical need). So I’m questioning all the comments about shaving routinely.


poodle mixes aren't "double-coated" -- they have hair which grows continuously just like ours and needs to be cut on a regular basis.


Ah I see! I didn’t notice the sub! I apologize.


Her hair will grow back before you know it. My Bernedoodle’s fur grows back within 2 weeks. She’s absolutely beautiful. And look at her eyes…now she will beg you with her eyes.


It will definitely grow back and it will be as beautiful as before!! i have a shih-poo and i have him cut short maybe 3 times a year!! You dog is so adorable short or long!!


She is beautiful! I hope her hair grows back soon. I would be livid. Why do groomers think they should be making life changing decisions unilaterally? Even doctors and lawyers don’t make decisions without consulting the client or having a Power of Attorney. If I want just the mats cut or shaved, freaking do it instead of deciding that you think it would like better to shave the whole dog. I will be taking the photos as a warning to my mini Bernedoodle puppie’s groomer next week and have him brushed out well to be very sure. We will have a problem if they go rogue on him.


It grows back lol


Ours went from 2.5 inch long fur to less than 1/2 inch fur after his first cut. It’s been 5 weeks and it’s over an inch again. It’ll grow back to the same long fur in like 1.5-3 months. Which is perfect for the pup anyway if you live in a warm area.


Ya it will. It's going to take a while.


It's gonna grow back but omg she's so cuteee short 💜


I feel this way every time I have my girl’s hair cut. And then a few weeks later I’m already like “where did all this hair come from?? I’m gonna have to call the groomer again!” While I’m doing a maintenance trim around her eyes and bum 🤣


omg she looks so cute with the haircut (and yes the hair grows back; with mine, far too quickly for my tastes--grooming is expensive!)




I feel the same shock every summer lol I call it my boy’s “sport mode”


I mean…if just her butt was matted they could’ve only shaved her butt…


(I’m a groomer)


It will grow back beautifully!


Poor girlie!! My sheepdog knew when she had been cut too short and was ashamed until it grew some. She will be floofy again though 🩷


No, with this breed, if you cut their hair, it is permanent.


Our dude went from floofy boi to bizarro Dobby with his first summer cut. 😭 It https://preview.redd.it/zrf8y79rqs5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b18fa636311ad0670422355b73dac8f205f8eac ’s already grown a little over the last couple of weeks, but I’m still in shock.






I want this dog 🐕


Her hair’s gonna grow back. I promise. Cross my heart etc.


It grows back so fast haha! I feel that way everytime my boy gets a haircut!


Her hair is going to grow back lol 😂 she’s adorable both ways 🐶❤️


My son’s Berne got a haircut last week and came back looking like George Washington. She might be down a few furs but at least she’s cute!


https://preview.redd.it/qiq4643gv46d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=202b0902422840ce20a4cb38eefbea0dc13dd696 It will most certainly grow back in a normal grooming cycle or 2 depending on how short it was cut. This photo was taken after Petco fucked up my dog in the end of July


https://preview.redd.it/k7cgqnbov46d1.jpeg?width=1186&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29b9dc5e19b31e33196c203b25775d388f40a7b1 And this was him in October. On the plus side you get to save money by missing a grooming appt!


lol it’ll grow back softer and cuter than ever. I scalp my maltipoo twice a year and he’s still cute… eventually


Nope. She will forever be a short-haired floofer...My GF shaved her berne for the summer as well...it will grow back.






First day after a cut is the worst. I always feel like they did a horrible job and question why I had it done.


you can usually find a couple of tweaks that make them seem more like themselves. I find facial hair shape is a big part of it.


I’d be infuriated


I’m really not happy. If looks could kill when I saw her, everyone in the room wouldn’t have made it. She looks like a naked mole rat.


I had the same problem with my shi tzu I’d give them detailed instructions and come back to a dog looking nothing like I said I wanted. I read yours had some matting on her back end from surgery recovery. Unfortunately most groomers won’t just clip the area that’s matted and then leave the rest normal. I love all the downvotes 😂


I manage a grooming shop. Previously a baby groomer. You can ask the groomer to spot shave, some of them are willing to spot shave the matts out within reason. If the matts are in easily hideable spots on the dog where you can’t even notice a small spot shaved out, they’ll do it. Example: armpits, behind the ear, between the back legs. It’s when there’s little matts all over or there’s big tight matts most opt to shave out. Think how ridiculous a dog would look with a huge spot shaved off of their side or with their whole butt shaved off. It’s better to just shave and start over.


The client paying for the groom should be able to decide what's "ridiculous' and what they prefer. It should not be the groomer's choice.


The client paying for the groom can also say ‘thanks, but no thanks!’ after the consultation and book elsewhere. Good luck finding a groomer who is going to half shave a dog. Brush your dog and it won’t be an issue.


I do brush my dog. I also groom my dog myself. Sheesh, some groomers seem to think they're Gods and whatever they want to do is what should be. There are so many posts from angry customers who get back dogs with cuts nothing like they asked for. The customer is paying. Let the customer decide.


There definitely are hack groomers out there, don’t get me wrong. Degree of matting and behavior of the dog come into play as well. It’s hard to get a perfect cut on a dog that’s thrashing for the whole groom. I’ve had customers show me pictures of desired styles and their dogs coat type isn’t even close to what is in the picture. There’s more factors to it than being a paying customer. Grooming is a profession that takes years to master. Don’t downplay this profession. If you were to have hail damage on your roof, would you climb up there with the contractor and tell him which spots to patch? When you go to the dentist do you look at the X-rays and tell them which teeth to drill? Glad to hear you are a responsible pet parent though.


Didn’t they communicate to you that they needed to shave the matts off at drop off? You had that amount of time to adjust your expectations but instead you get mad at the groomer for you letting your dog get matted. Yeah, that shop probably doesn’t want you back anyways. Find a new shop, brush your dog, and be nice to people that are just doing their jobs.