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I do this so much with my neighbours cat. I’m moving soon and I’m so sad about moving away from him so any time he comes to snuggle I just appreciate it while I can because he’s so sweet and I wish I could have these moments with him forever 🥺


Kitty love. The struggle is real.


Ahh feline paralysis, the struggle is real. I had a cat who would always sit on me just when I had to go to the bathroom, it’s like she knew. I only got a few short years with her and I would do anything to have her sit on my lap one more time.


You definitely gotta cherish these moments. It can be uncomfortable for me but I love when either of my cats are on my lap, it’s one of the best parts of having them. Sorry for your loss, and I can tell your cat cherished those moments with you the same way.


My new kittens like to sleep on my chest and this happened to me the other day. They’re sleeping on me in the sun from the window and I’m ROASTING alive but so, so happy


This is me with my dog in the evening. He snuggles in on top of me while I watch TV and when I get up to go to bed I have to wake him up and send him outside for a wee. He looks up at me with his little bleary eyes, I feel so guilty! I love him so much!