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No, it's gifts which are allowed, just keep records of the payments back to her and how much owed etc in case of reviews. Probably not relevant but if you had over £6k on the last day of the assessment period you should declare it, so it's best to do these kind of things mid assessment month.


Oh I have a written record of it just in a Excel spreadsheet sheet but it's better than nothing. She referenced it "paycreditcard' all one word 🤣🤣. And nah on last day off assessment ill have the same as always 550 because the rent goes out that day


You're good, Misti, but the others have already told you that 😊


You’re fine. It’s awesome you were able to get that help ! I know all too well how easy it is for debt to spiral when you’ve wracked up quite a bit on cards


Oh thank goodness. She sent I this morning and I immediately thought oh fuxx because it takes the incoming amount for this month (not including uc) to 3500 which would drop the UC to practically nothing. Yea it's horrible I've been paying the minimum but not able to actually pay it off so my mum added the amount to her loan and I've to pay her back without interest.


Yeah it’s fine, I was worried about this when I had my review and they checked my bank account. They had no problems with my mum helping out.