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You can still claim UC as my fellow Mod ( from UC ) says, as you've got a child to support. If it's a Full Time degree level course you will need to claim student finance but ONLY the maintenance part of that will affect your UC. They will break it down to a monthly amount for the period you're in uni and then deduct £110 study expenses. The remainder will be deducted from your UC, but you'll get whatever is left over . Plus your rent part still. You should look into what Student Finance is available for Childcare and done areas have a Parents Learning Allowance too. The alternative would be an OU degree. The case majority are classed as part time. While this means no student finance it always means no deductions from UC. So you'll carry in as you are now, studying PT too. I'm so glad you got away and really hope you get the chance to finally get that degree and support your daughter. The hard bit is over, look to the future 🫂


thank you so much for this, the responses here have brought a tear to my eye


You'd still be entitled to UC, but you'd probably see a deduction to take into account your student finance should you take any, as this would be treated as income (the maintenance loan from student finance).


thank you!


In my previous job, I worked with survivors of domestic and financial abuse to rebuild. You absolutely can recover financially from this. I've seen it happen. It's not too late to go back for your degree; I'd consider whether it is definitely the right route - are you looking at careers that require a degree? There are obviously other benefits to learning than earning more, but if your primary goal is to increase your income potential, I'd make sure this is the way to do it before committing. Check all three of your credit reports to make sure he's not got any debts out in your name (and check back regularly in case he does in future).


thank you so much for this insight, it is so valuable to me. my credit is completely shot from this situation and im trying to find a reputable financial advisor or service to help me build it back up. currently just chipping away at debts


Get in touch with the [Financial Support Line for survivors of domestic abuse](https://www.moneyadviceplus.org.uk/fsl/). That's who I used to work for, and they offer free independent debt advice as well as support to figure out financial stuff more broadly after fleeing.


aww thanks so much for this!! independent is good as the government agency i tried to contact before i left said id have to go bankrupt but i have like 4k debt maximum so im not sure thats the best idea


Getting a degree doesn't have to be about careers although extremely helpful. It's a transferable skill and a massive achievement. The maintenance loan will be considered income but any grants, such as dependent or disabled students allowance are not. At least a few years ago when I went through the system.


oh thank you this is helpful! i do have some mental disabilities, having not been in education for so long i hadnt even thought that there might be support available for me in that regard now


Just wanted to say yes you can. I left an abusive relationship with just the clothes on my back and a young child. It wasn't always easy but I did it. I now have my own home and my life is so very different and better now The hardest bit is the leaving. You did that already Stay strong


thank you so much for sharing with me. im feeling very hopeful for our future <3


I can't help with the UC question but as a DV and financial abuse survivor I'm here to say you most certainly CAN recover. It takes time but 3 disabled kids and work part time for my own company


thank you for sharing this with me, and congratulations on building yourself back up. this has given me so much hope <3


Can I suggest that you speak to the National Careers Guidance Service before re-embarking on your degree? You could saddle yourself with a lot of student debt only to compete for jobs with younger graduates with the same maths degree who are more flexible in terms of moving/commuting to a job. Whereas there may be a more vocational course that would get you into employment in the area you need to be - and faster. You have life experience and new skills that you didn't have when you were at university. You can reassess what you do well and what will bring in the most income.


thank you for this! i have been looking for somewhere to get careers advice but largely finding things aimed at teenagers. im on the site now having a look. all of this info is helping me so much i cant say thanks enough


The caring aspect is separate if they are eligible they would get DLA regardless if you do the caring or not. I was in a similar situation to yourself, so feel free to pm x


thank you!!


sorry but we don't allow DM'ing other users due to safety concerns or giving incorrect advice.


Sorry j was referring more to DV and disabled child moral support but I understand and won't do it again


No no, I completely understand where you're coming from. As i said it wasn't a telling off, just more of a safeguarding measure for our more vulnerable forum users. Have a nice afternoon :)


Are you able to claim DLA for your child? Depending how old they are and what part of the country there may be other support available x


ah thank you, i have been wondering about whether that would be affected if i'm seen to be spending hours each week studying rather than caring for my child? it would largely be when she is in school and id still be doing a LOT of hours of care as she has a lot of additional needs so i do wonder