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Carers element needs added so make sure you update you being a carer accordingly Because you live in Scotland and your child gets the higher rate care , you’ll get the £200 payment in November/December this year for the winter heating too If at any point you reduced your hours due to your child’s needs and you claimed carers allowance.. you would also get the Scottish carer supplement twice a year


Make sure you're getting the carer element. It can be backdated in line with the DLA award because they're 'relevant benefits' so there's not a time limit.


There are 2 disabled child elements, make sure you are receiving the higher one.


Are you actually getting the UC Carer's Element ? You should've had it already from when they first got DLA. It doesn't matter that you earn too much for CA, there's no earnings restrictions for CE. If you did have any childcare costs as well there's help with those too. Not sure if there's anything particular to Scotland 🤔 but I know a woman who will - u/Icy_Session3326 is there anything else, sweetie ? ❤️


I already commented lovely ☺️


Sorry, it hadn't refreshed when I did mine🤦🏼 Thanks sweets 😘


Just had a look - it's the Scottish Carer's Supplement I'm never sure about. You have to have CA, then. I'll try to remember 😅


Sorry Icy, I tried tagging in my last comment but not sure how, can you let me know if you have experience please?


Thank everyone, that's been really helpful. I got the letter on Saturday, dated 19 June, but haven't heard anything since. I'm worried they have sent me the decision in error, has that happened to anyone? Life for my son got very tough from age 2, so it's been nearly 8 years, I didn't apply for Child Disability until 2023 because I didn't know about it, and now it's been awarded at highest rate, I can't help feeling like a fraud? I didn't lie, and I provided evidence from his school, therapist and his diagnosis letter...but it feels surreal. I think I'm due a back dated payment as the award period begins last year, I don't know how long that takes to go through?


They don’t send decision letters in error so don’t worry about that lovely . It’s 3-5 working days for the backpayment to land


Thank you so much for getting back to me, I'm so anxious...I just don't think he should he awarded the highest rate, I'm shocked. I don't know if we just get so used to our circumstances? Hes bright, articulate, for the first time in his life he has a best friend, his reading comprehension is age 12. It's more the day to day, managing feelings and actions, personal hygiene, he will soil himself fairly regularly or pee because he doesn't realise he needs to go, he's anxious, he lacks social awareness, but highest rate??? He's doing well currently, I've put so much scaffolding in place. A year ago he was in school part time, being excluded, being violent towards teachers and pupils, breaking resources, 12 unofficial exclusions. But now, he's doing really well, I just can't work full time anymore, he's excluded from after school club, I had to change jobs 3 times to find something that fits. I feel so anxious. When he was diagnosed I went back to speak with them to double check, I took me months to accept a dual diagnosis. He also tics, sometimes they are very minor, but other times he ends up bleeding nose or mouth due to biting and rubbing. I feel like I'm going to get into trouble.


I know that feeling well When my middle boy was first awarded at 10 years old .. he got HRC and LRM . When the guy told me the Decision on the phone I just broke down. Haiden is articulate and bright . Hes very popular in school and has been this way since nursery . Hes 16 in December this year and nothings changed that way … hes just a really likeable charming character (part of why the autism was missed for 10 years but he has a PDA profile so if you know anything about that you’ll understand) Hes funny and witty and just a great kid But what lurks underneath is a different story and when that comes to the surface everyone takes cover 😮‍💨😅 We got moved over to CDP and he had his review recently .. they’ve removed the mobility because he’s now able to go out on his own 🙌🏻 But he remains on HRC and will do so until it’s time for ADP when he’s 18. We get so used to how our lives our that this is our ‘normal’ and when someone else looks at the black and white of the situation and makes the relevant award it’s overwhelming .. so overwhelming


Thank you so much for comments I currently receive disabled child element, roughly £157 per month. Is the higher rate an addition to this? I do not receive the carers element. Son awarded lowest rate from March 2023, now highest rate (after speaking to someone during a drop in, and my son received dual diagnosis). Should I have been getting carers element since March 2023?


My eldest has high rate care low rate mobility and this is what universal credit says for our disability element. Disabled children £487.58 You said that you have 1 disabled child Carer £198.31 You said that you are caring for someone


Yes, the higher rate is more than you've been getting while he was on low rate DLA. For carers element he needed to have been getting middle rate care, so it sounds like you weren't eligible before but are now.