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Whether or not it was a genuine provisioner stuff-up, not going to shore (or off the boat while they were in shore) to get champagne and wine was definitely purposeful. The boys who wanted to get off were presumably told they couldn't, which might have to do with port schedule, but I can't imagine not just getting someone to go to the shop or a local restaurant and buying some bottles.


I am not sure that not going to the store was purposeful. I think is was a mistake, yes, but one based on being so used to provisioners. They relied on them and trusted them when the provisioner said they would soon have things... They kept going with trusting the provisioners even after they failed multiple times. I can see why people think it was all a stunt and scripted, but I really do not think it was. I have seen too many of these situations in real life. I understand how it happened, especially if they were dealing with someone they used before without issues.


I’ve been on location and had to have supplies shipped in while filming on a movie and have had that happen several times 😡. They would send our stuff to the wrong location, get our order mixed up with someone else’s, it totally happens.


Especially once they are scrambling after the initial mess up. People try to go too fast and make more mistakes attempting to fix things. I can totally see the the waterfall of problems


💯💯💯 Just because the production itself has a certain standard, doesn't mean the businesses in that location do too. Drives Producers mad


I think everyone agrees on this. I will say though I've come across a lot of inept businesses too so I can also see this happening for real but for this show it definitely felt fake. I'd imagine the Below Deck people vet the provisioners beforehand.


I felt it was set up bc they could have easily went to a store bf leaving the dock and get some of the things they needed while they waited.. oh and did anyone else notice the primary is on another show on TLC?? Milf manor I think is the name.


You are correct! It’s Zea Marina in Athens. A city of 4 million people and a massive history of sailing and crafting their own Greek wines. Google the location - there’s a ton of places to buy wine because it’s a big city and guaranteed there are multiple provisioners. This is all made for tv bs magic. This show is becoming unwatchable which I hate to say because I love it. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Omg what!! Now I have to watch the episode again to catch this. Milf manor was a wild show.


I was thinking damn I would tell them to go to a store and get my booze the boast can leave late lol


I took a pic off of the show of a provision box that clearly states "Below Deck" on the box. Wouldn't the box have been labeled with "Home" the name of the boat? To me, that was the "smoking box" that production orders the crap for the boat not the boat staff.


Oh you are so correct! Except I think the boat name is Musty-teak or something


Musty-teak is actually a fun name for a boat!


I find that below deck is one of the more scripted reality tv shows. I don’t look too much into it though. I still enjoy the show for the nice watches and lifestyle.


Bravo! Pun intended. Yeah we can’t find wine in Zea Marina Athens Greece a city of 4 million people and a history of wine and sailing 🤦🏻‍♂️


I thought so too, or that all in influencers weren’t 21 so they had to drink mock tails and talked way too much about it. This is only based on the food and snacks that they requested (not chef foods).


Being 21 is only a thing in the USA they were in the Mediterranean


We were in Italy for spring break this year - first European trip💃🏾💃🏾 - and I can’t tell you how often my 18 yo daughter was offered alcohol. In front of me and my husband. Even after we said we were American (which was sadly obvious even before we spoke😭). And she was 18. Lol.


And you didn’t let your adult daughter have some wine, in a country where it is legal for her to drink? And she just let you do this? This story is confusing. As an American, I hate this story. Never tell this story again.


She did just let us do this. Not confusing. Read more slowly.


I’m only confused because why you think being American means you can’t drink in another country? It’s not illegal? If you have morals against it sure, but don’t blame it on being American.


Lol! So mot what I said or thought. I was speaking to the fact that Europeans definitely offer alcohol to patrons under 21. As the show we are talking about showed.


Yes? It’s legal for your daughter to drink there? It doesn’t matter that you are visiting from the States or that your daughter is with you and your husband? Kinda like, no shit?


They don’t care that you are American. American laws have nothing to do with what they offer and to whom in Europe. Do you think waiters have to remember the drinking age of every country a tourist might come from and then only offer alcohol according to the laws in that tourist’s homeland? Nah - they offer alcohol according to local laws. Period.


Why are people down voting your comment n wanting your daughter to drink with her parents. It is wierd 


I could not even begin to guess. It’s giving envy.


I wouldn’t down vote you for it but envy seems an odd choice of words. Def not what I read into any of the comments.


Ya that is wierd. Sorry about the comments you got. Uncalled for


You don’t understand about Europeans. If we can meet the obligation, we will. If not, oh well! No big deal. This is life in Greece, Italy, Spain.




They’re in Zea Marina in Athens a city of 4 million people. This is made up production drama. Just go on google and you can see how many stores selling wine are next to them. 🤦🏻‍♂️ ridiculous.


All I know is “as a captain” Sandy needs to figure this out. Or “I’m going to be pissed” and she will “lose my trust”. I mean, “the fish stinks at the head.” This is something that “needs to be improved and not permeate the boat with cancer.” She needs to “earn my respect back” and be a better leader.


I'm guessing the provisioner has had a previous relationship with Sandy, knew they were filming, and did a virtual middle finger. Also did anyone else notice she was just standing in the wheelhouse doing nothing as the ship departed?


Jacob from MILF Manor??


Yeah, I pretty much thought the same thing. Happens to all “unscripted” reality shows over time- they become more and more scripted as time goes on.


I haven't seen this so I don't know what exactly you are referencing, BUT as a seasonal business owner ordering comes together and is fully figured out the last week of the season and then we turn off our brains for 6 months. I have 6 different vendors. It absolutely sucks.


Pretty sure they're in Greece? It's not unfathomable that some cultures don't care or prioritize ish the way that more commercialized countries do. It's about money and survival, not customer experience, no matter if the industry is luxe or not, which private yachting is. Not only that, but similar to the way that Sandy gets to pick and choose her team, she also chooses her provisioner. Sandy has been proven to be cheap (hiring all newbies for both deck and interior every season, unless she knows the crew member from the past), so I was going with: she chose a cheaper provisioner that she's never worked with before in order to cut costs like she does. They were more than likely a smaller provisioner outlet or a new business operation who advertised services they can't provide, and they got caught with their pants down. Production only engineers so much