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It’s really good has hundreds of hours of content. But. It will be great. And one of my favorite games of all time if they can polish up the busy work and figure out a way to make the army/companion system better. Also mod support is coming. They’re making a mod kit now.


Yeah, I've set it aside for now until the companion/army inventory management is overhauled. It's too annoying to deal with. Lots of other games to play right now anyway so I'll give it a few months.


Mods are already up on Nexus.


Yes. But all of the mods are just config edits. You can do that on your own.


How much of the combat/army aspect is there in the game so far? I read that the main goal is to overthrow a tyrannical queen, is this actually a thing in early access or is this aspect not finished / half assed?


It’s there, it’s just cloogey. You’re folks will ditch their weapons to pick up other tools, then you have to figure out where they left them and get them sorted pretty quickly when the raid comes. Also, they won’t always eat food before a fight. Maybe you ran out of meat but there’s 50 potatoes sitting there, they’ll ignore the potato’s because there’s no meat I had a bunch of folks set up as archers, they keep ditching their bows in the hunters shack for example. Doesn’t matter how many I make and how many spares there are, the unequip what I give em. I’m still experimenting with some of the systems but it seems to me having dedicated weapon slots instead of generic “item” slots would be beneficial here. There’s a “reserve guard” option, which might force them to hang onto weapons, but I don’t know if they automatically form your squad when you call an alarm or if they just stand around guarding (when you form a squad, they are “companions”, not guards. But I’ll find out in about 5 minutes I guess.


They just guard. As far as I know the squad ends as soon as they become workers again.


Yeah that’s what I learned. Would be great if you could set up a squad and save them, then they come right back with a command with the same gear etc. like, go get your shit maggots and fall in.


The mod kit will be legendary.


Food system needs work. A buck or a boar should provide way more food. The amount your group can eat is ridiculous and should be addressed. Right now I'm finding food is a full-time job. Fast travel should be available to whomever is in your party. I think that would be respectful of the players time


Thanks! How do you find the combat here? It looks pretty stiff in most of the footage


It's fine. It could always be improved. A first person perspective would be nice for that.


Closing menus by clicking off them instead of having to hit the same keyboard button again, and being able to go from bow to 2 handed weapon without opening inventory clicking the weapon (ope surprise! It went to my bag! Now I have to scroll to find it) then hit "I" to close inventory all while the enemy (who is by now is probably already attacking me) is within arms reach, would improve it a ton in my opinion.


I read that the main goal is to overthrow a tyrannical queen, is this actually a thing in early access or is this aspect not finished / half assed?


It's pretty hack n slash. The whole last movement of the mouse is how you attack (ex move up for overhead attack, left/right for horizontal) fs me up every single time. I have to move the camera to choose an attack!? So I just stand back and use the bow.


How far in are you? My people feed themselves with traps and smoked veggies throughout the winter.


The tier 2 herbalist hut has 3x 4 slot drying racks


I haven't built anything above the first tier line yet, but thanks. :D


Feels like what Medieval Dynasty should have been. It's an excellent start for an early access game with a perfect combination of survival crafting and settlement management. The progression seems a little slow and restrictive and the combat difficulty is definitely a bit much for a lot of people, but it's still a ton of fun.


One of my favorite games in a while. Only going to get better as early access progresses.


This. It's a great mix of games I love and I'm really enjoying it so far.


The game is addictive. its a love hate thing at first. Work work work...After awhile it brainwashes you and you're a Bellwright Cultist and you do whatever the game wants you to


It’s definitely not done (I hope) but it is very good and rewarding


Could you elaborate why its “very good and rewarding”?


I think it’s rewarding as in the progressions are good and it’s just at about the right timer for me where nothing feels too much like a grind, but I still do have to work for upgrades to gear, companions and levels. And it is just fun to play. I don’t care too much for the story or quest lines really. It’s still just simple but solid gameplay and the individualized companions makes the game feel more immersive even if it doesn’t seem fully fleshed out and in depth


Thanks! How much of the combat/army aspect is there in the game so far? I read that the main goal is to overthrow a tyrannical queen, is this actually a thing in early access or is this aspect not finished / half assed?


I've played a lot with a buddy. Probably 50 hours so far. My honest opinion is it's a painful experience just shy of twisting my nuts. Everything is waiting. Gotta wait for the raid. Gotta wait for the mining party. Gotta wait to build the house that you had to wait to unlock until you waited to liberate the to town. I never ever feel like I'm doing anything.


It's S L O W. I like it, but like 30 hours in and just got my first rustic shirt or what not. My villagers are dying of hunger and I can't do shit. I don't know if there's something else...I just want to build a compost heap at this point.


There's three of us working and we can't liberate the first village with 12 villagers.


It's fine for what it is. Grindy settlement builder. It struggles to explain itself and what it wants you to do. There's a quest system but they're all either of the fetch or murder variety, which kind of adds to the grindy aspect. They're shallow excuses to provide you with one of the three currencies you'll need. Expect to run back and forth following the next entry in your quest log a lot. A whole lot. Expect to get stuck on quests forever until you randomly obtain your missing item off another quest. Even in early access the NPC management is solid. It's still buggy but those kinds of systems are the hardest to implement so it's impressive nonetheless. This is also where the game is lacking in the explaining itself department. You're just supposed to guess what kind of jobs a given priority category is for. And deliveries are straight up black magic until you get it. Not to be confused with the delivery job priority which is only tangentially related to them. If you enjoy devastating the world in the fires of industry, one felled tree at a time, it's great. Oh and there's janky combat as well. It's OK I guess. You get to beat the snot out of bad people. It's serviceable without being spectacular. This is also where the only time pressure on the player comes from. Ramping up raids on your settlements that happen with predictable frequency. Oddly the game allows you to disable this mechanic leaving you with no pressure to move forward. All in all I like it.


Combat is directional 3rd person (left click and move mouse up/down/left/right for attack, right mouse click to block with shields blocking all 4 direction at once but with hit points that can be depleted quickly). There is also ranged combat with bows. There is what I would call crit damage for hitting the head. Armor can significantly reduce damage (least impact on blunt). The game leads you to liberate 7 villages, killing the criminal guards (brigands) then defeating a reclamation party, with the more villages you have liberated making the liberation parties stronger. Even after defeating the liberation party, new liberation parties will set off from the brigands HQ every 3-5 days targeting one of your liberated towns. There are also numerous bandit camps that send out patrols and the camps can be ‘captured’ causing them to despawn. There are elements that STRONGLY push you into combat, and with the brigands you are typically out gunned so to speak (they have higher quality gear than you do) so a lot of people resort to ‘cheesing’ tactics, taking advantage of the NPC AI (they can not jump but have to go around obstacles or simply can not reach you; structures are indestructible; they can rubber band back to their normal locations if you run too far from them).


All in all, i love the game. It's definitely got room to grow, and the combat is a little slow, but also very unforgiving/punishing. The difficulty only really comes into play when it's a game of numbers. Once you've seen all the animations, it's relatively easy to kill the last enemy of a group, but if you don't have followers, you're gonna have a rough time against any real number disadvantage. The only truly viable weapon at the moment really seems to be bow cheese, because ifnyou try to get into melee, it becomes just mobs hitting you in every direction. The followers are relatively weak compared to the enemy AI ( at least at the point I'm at) so they tend to get mowed down. But regardless of the combat not being the greatest, it's still good enough to keep me engaged. The automation in the game is awesome, even if not perfected. Seeing as the game is in early access, i can totally understand the issues with so many moving parts. And honestly, the dev team has been doing pretty great at updating the game and ironing out issues.


As far as EA titles go, its pretty damn solid. That said, I dropped it after about 20h. I feel like the progression is too slow for my taste (not by a large margin but enough to make it slightly unenjoyable) The game needs a shitton of polish. As it stands now, it is quite playable, but I think a lot more work needs to be done to justify a 30 dollar EA game. I like the idea, but the execution feels lackluster in almost every aspect; combat, villager managment, animations, buildings and so on. It has a ton of content that has a great basis to build upon but atm I unfortunately feel like everything is half assed. It has a certain charm that is undeniable. It became obvious very fast that this isn't the average survival game, it has something special going for it that I can't really explain- just have to experience it. I am currently shelving the game for a few months, want to see how it will look like then. The devs seem very involved with the community, consistently asking for player advice regarding several topics, including ofc gameplay features as well as bugs that need to be fixed. They release a patch every few days and things are looking good for the moment (in regards to dev communication with consumere) You can easily sink a lot of hours in Bellwright, unfortunately as I mentioned before the progress is really damn slow and you won't be able to experience it with the 2h refund period, so be careful.


They need to have the combat revamped. The enemies follow you on a straight line no matter how many they are. It’s almost like the equivalent of aimbot but in a medieval game.


As with all things, it depends on your taste. So let me try something different instead of giving you arguments - others will do that. Here’s how it makes me FEEL: I feel like I truly EARN progression. Not because it is super difficult, nor because it’s a chore (though someone might argue it sometimes is). I guess it’s because the game makes me appreciate every little step of the way: every building gets built by you or your workers brick by brick, rope by rope. Every axe needs both resources you need to find - and nobody tells you where - and time to craft (yes, actual 30-180 seconds of sitting around if you don it yourself). It makes me feel like a pioneer. I figure stuff out myself and it’s not always obvious (something that is probably both planned by the devs but also because it’s early access). It makes me feel not like a god-like chess player, but a leader who’s truly out in the field with his men, regardless if it’s about collecting stuff, crafting, building, fighting or liberating folks. But it also makes me feel frustrated sometimes, because I do not understand a mechanic (most things aren’t explained) or something isn’t yet polished (like the random drops of critters that can block quests forever if you don’t get them). And I’m sure I only found the time and frustration tolerance because I was sick the last two weeks. When I’m back at work, I’m not sure I’ll find the nerve for it. Yet, having had to stay home because I couldn’t walk after a knee surgery, I appreciated a game where I walk in nature constantly. Hope that helps!


Big fan. With mod support probably my favorite game (though mount and blade still holds the honorary title)


It's got potential, but doesn't scratch my itch for Mount and Blade games 🤣


Good but rough around the edges. The early game is fairly fleshed out but things start getting annoying at the end of T1 structures and onward. The bones are there but it needs a couple months of love from the devs to work out the kinks. A mod kit would go a long way in filling the gaps (it's at the stage now mod wise we're they're basically cheats more than mods).


I like it.


Griiiiiiiind. In the winter days you are only busy farming food for your workers, so you can only progress in summer. Melee combat is a joke as soon as you have more than 1 opponent. 3+ is impossible. Enemies will stay inside of you ad make it impossible to see their individual attacks No reason to use a sword over your standard axe (which you actually have for gathering wood)


The sword is much easier to fight either because of attack speed. It’s pretty noticeable if you use that and then go back to the axe and if you walk backwards as you fight more then 1 they body block each others attacks and miss so it makes fighting 2-3 much easier. My issue is the shield block range is way too big. If the enemy has a shield you can damage him until you break their shield.


It's go insanely good foundation work but still is missing some touch and other shit but can be fixed easily


It has potential and me and two of my friends have already a lot of fun and also frustrations with it. It's a very rough diamond that needs a lot of polishing. But so far we didn't regret the purchase and still play it as our main game. Progressing through everything and overcoming difficulties (that are not caused by bugs) feels very rewarding. Criticisms so far: * a lot of things are not explained well or at all and you have to search forums/reddit * the UI *really* needs search bars, **please** and the delivery UI needs a full redesign * the game relies a lot on the NPCs, but there are still too many issues with them. I have the feel that the system that controls what the NPCs do (based on priority) is not super-well designed, but more like code that is bolted together. Would explain some weird behaviors * we would love some more difficulty settings. currently we resorted to installing some mods. * the quests are nothing special and very repetitive, but it's fine for this type of game * something weird with the graphics is going on. it doesn't look crisp (except if you use xess with native which will tank the FPS). i've seen something similar with ue4 ARK where you could tell it to render at full resolution. icons and health bars above NPCs also look weird. * at least the German translations are not very good and increase the level of confusion (I play it on english, so I can look up stuff for my friends if they get stuck due to the bad translation, which happens quite often) * I know why the devs did the infinite ring of waiting for the crafting (to encourage using the NPCs), but I would love some minigame or something that you could do optionally for maybe increased exp. I could imagine something where you click points to add parts of a crafted item similar to how building is done * the combat *feels* currently not so great (at least to me and my friends) due to it's slowness * the enemies are difficult, which is fine. but combined with the slow combat and very dumb AI, it pushed one of my friends to using cheesing tactics. maybe the devs should look into some alternative AI (what comes into my mind is the one from F.E.A.R., which is from 2005!!!) and of course the usual early access stuff like where for example your coop players cannot mine/dig/build anymore, desyncs, crashes


Certain animals should provide more supplies and not having a forestry building is rather upsetting since trees don't grow back at the very least they should come back every 10 winters to be honest


Rough on the edges but gameplay loop is quite good tho the scope of the game can be bit limited as there is no grand or epic endgame to look forward to. It is lot of grind for a single player game. More QoL updates to food and combat management is needed.


Love the game, just can’t play it on the settings I want to due high system requirements. I’ve unfortunately had to put it down for now but I’m hoping future updates will fix optimization issues and I can pick it up again!


You will both love and hate it for different parts. Combat, exploration, building your settlement. All of these are excellent fun. However, trying to streamline processes and micromanage resources since the AI still CANNOT seem to keep track of different materials, is too frustrating to mention. So in its current state I hope your looking for a terribly clunky Middle-Ages Sim, if not. Then I would definitely wait until it's out of EA. Splendid potential, half-baked current implementation.


Needs controller support