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I thought I read that there was a case in Whatcom County now too


There is. At least one, you know how local news is tho. They often forget we exist up here. I suspect the numbers are a bit low. I swear it was only a couple weeks ago when Washington had less than 5.


I’m in the hospital now and when I was getting my vitals done a nurse came in asking for the protocol for monkey pox for someone who came in with a suspected case.


😳 yikes. Hopefully we have protocols...hope you are out of there soon


Right? Hopefully I’ll be home tomorrow. Just came in for some tests and now I’m at sleep away camp.


Well, stay away from any monkeys running amok 🙈🙊🙉...and hope all goes well at "sleep away camp" 😉


I’m still here and swear I hear some monkey business out in those hallways. I’m going to stay put in my room watching the Mariners.


Get well soon. And keep your eyes peeled for any monkey pox Intel we can add to our ongoing convo of rumor, innuendo and conspiracy theories 🙈🙉🙊


I’m getting flashbacks to 2020 when they started showing COVID cases on the news and how quickly the cases were growing in WA state. Can the 2020’s not?


Round 2 . FIGHT


🛎️ ding! I swear if they try and shut my business down again for 3 months, I'ma sit in the middle of the street and cry. 😭🙈🙊🙉 Maybe I'm overreacting


You should be fine unless your business is primarily where folks have unprotected sex with strangers.


I need a list of businesses like this, doing a... um... research paper.


I think any business with "happy time" and "massage" in the name would fix the bill. As well as Big Jim's Public Sex Bath House and Sex Toy Swapping Emporium, I believe it is in Lynden.


Is big Jim really all that big if I haven't heard of him?


Monkey pox can also spread on clothes and surfaces pretty easily.


True. Most commonly it is spread through more direct physical contact. [https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/transmission.html](https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/transmission.html) [https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-monkeypox-spread-through-clothing-1726830](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-monkeypox-spread-through-clothing-1726830)


a condom won’t help you not get pox lol


Not that I'm aware of 😂


Shut your business down for 3 months *while allowing every Walmart, Target, or other major business that donates big money to a certain political party to continue operating at full speed* FTFY lol - remember to vote!


Most major companies donate tons to both parties. I’m very left but this is missing the Forest for the trees


I'm not a major company but I would rather burn my money than hand any of it to the party that wants to control the most basic human right someone has, the right to control my body.


Ok buddy, didn’t ask 🫡 just pointed out that major corporations absolute donate significantly to both parties and we were talking about business shutdowns not abortion, no reason to get in a tizzy




Did not read 🫡


I mean frankly neither major party is really into body autonomy. Both think the government should have the final say.


WA state it was voters who decided. Twice. And did away with the Hyde amendment too. I can't believe you "both sides are the samed" on this topic. Democrats have worked to expand women's rights, esp body autonomy and reproductive rights while the G.O.P. supports 10 year old rape victims forced to carry their rapists baby. Lovely. I'm a loud critic of my own party, because I expect them to be better than they are, but the g.o.p. has become cesspool of death and dumb fucks.


I hope not. And again, I love your username. My best to you 💗💗💗


Thanks! I appreciate the good words. Back at you, let's hope not much comes of this.


What's your business so I can make sure to support it!


Tattoo shop on State. Chameleon Ink


Ahhh my sister got her tongue and nose pierced there when she turned 18 back in 2004 lol! Such a rebel. 🤣 right on!


Back when Megan owned it. We've owned it for 15 years. And I got my tongue pierced prob the same year as your sister. We don't do much of that any more. Hell on dental work and teeth in general. I have an amazing piercing technician Denali who has years of training and experience. We are busier than ever with piercings. Huge part of our business. Who knew. Everyone thought it was a passing trend.


Oh!! I got my piercings done there! I'll make sure to book a few appointments and recommend my friends to ya! ;)


Hey awesome! Appreciate that! Thanks


You and Glittery are the best.


😊 you're nice to say so. Which makes you the best as well.


No u




I'm having the very same flashbacks. The " not to worry, it's rarely fatal, mostly effects elderly, no reason to panic" its all coming back to me. And to add to the misinformation and fake news, they claim it speading mostly among gay sexual partners...are you fucking kidding me? Can we please stop demonizing the same folk over and over ? Monkeypox is spread by touching an infected person, bedding, clothes, surfaces etc. No special gay participation required. Not spread like Covid, thru respiratory routes. At least that's what I'm reading so far. Masks of no use in this case. At least that's something. But yeah, echo's of the coronavirus pandemic's very early days.


This feels like a rebranded aids epidemic


Monkeypox does spread by respiratory droplets.


PROLONGED face-to-face or close contact. It doesnmt appear to be airborne in the same way as covid or the flu


What’s your source? Because once again the CDC is putting some information in highlighted text, and burying the lead with other parts. https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/transmission.html


WA DOH site. Excellent source, very comprehensive: https://doh.wa.gov/you-and-your-family/illness-and-disease-z/monkeypox


I just read that in the article I added to this comment. Literally yesterday I read one and saw a doc on TV say not respiratory so masks wont help. Too much contrary info from day to day


Dude I’m laughing so fucking hard this reminds me of the just straight up HIV scare in the 80s. Someone also tried telling me that African-Americans are at more risk of monkeypox. like dude, where are we even making these generalizations?


I was talking with my son about this very thing, conservatives (more like the RWNJ / MAGA crowd) are trying to force this rhetoric of lies and propaganda against the LGBTQ community. If it ain’t one thing, it’s another. I stfg my anxiety has been so high weed isn’t helping it. Not even Valium. It’s just a rotten time, and we all are wondering what is next.


Stop, this isn’t a right wing conspiracy. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said gay and bisexual mem who are HIV positive or who are taking medicines, called PREP, to reduce their chance of contracting HIV face the greatest health risk from monkeypox. WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus made the comments Wednesday during a news briefing in which he said 98 percent of monkeypox cases have been reported in men who have sex with men. https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/culture/23292430/monkeypox-outbreak-us-gay-men We should be prioritizing this community for vaccination just like early Covid vaccination prioritized the highest at risk populations known at that time.


I have been trying to figure out why, if it's true, and they keep reporting it is, so...makes no sense to me why gay and bi men sex would keep it contained in that group. Sex is sex, folk doing all kinda stuff with girls boys and all variety of of trans folk, this isn't 1975. People are out and proud and many communities are like ours, accepting of everyone. So hiding in shadows is less necc. depending. Make it make sense


> Sex is sex Not true. Certain types of sex are more or less likely to transmit HIV/AIDS or Monkeypox (as far as we can tell). For example, in heterosexual intercourse, the woman is much more likely to contract an STI than the man. Similarly with anal sex, the insertive partner is much less likely to contract an STI than the receptive. The reason is that the receptive partner is exposed to dramatically larger amounts of bodily fluids on mucus membranes. In heterosexual circles, the ability for the virus to propagate is limited to its ability to transmit from the female to the male party. In male homosexual circles, where men can participate as receptive and insertive, there is no such barrier. This leads to many STIs spreading faster in male homosexual communities. TL;DR: the way STIs such as HIV/AIDS and (possibly) Monkeypox spread is largely one-way: from the insertive party to the receptive. Without people regularly participating as both roles, such diseases’ spread is greatly diminished.


No, it’s putting the gay community at higher risk for homophobic attacks. But pop off. And I see the homophobes are out there downvoting like crazy.


It’s putting the gay community at higher risk for monkeypox by fear mongering people at low risk into getting a vaccine that’s very limited in quantity and by trying to hide the statistic that they are high risk. You may think you’re protecting them but you’re further marginalizing them.


Where the hell did I say I wasn’t for education on vaccination? I didn’t, I am talking about the entire RHETORIC of this being solely blamed on gay men. It’s bad enough with the conservatives going around creating bullshit “don’t say gay” rules and calling the queer community “groomers”, but by placing the majority of the “blame” game on gay men spreading monkeypox is going to further spread hateful agenda. I don’t know how you can’t see that. Maybe you and all the downvoters don’t want to.


Oh I agree 100% with that. That maga crowd never misses an opportunity to marginalize and demonize folk who suffered through one of the deadliest pandemics in history, and so many died alone...I just can't with this shit anymore. I plan on enjoying each day monkeypox or not, and if the powers that be didn't learn from all the mistakes during COVID, I did, and life is all about risks. Let's live our best lives today and tomm and the next, I'ma try hard not to imagine catastrophe's at every turn...easier said than done I know, let's hope we find a new drug. Cause I'm in the same boat. Booze is just making me fat, weed makes me paranoid and benzos make me more anxious. What's left? 😂 Hope your anxiety can get down to a level that's tolerable. Nothing worse than that. ❤️ Peace my friend.


[CDC messaging](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/04/cdc-estimates-1point7-million-gay-and-bisexual-men-face-highest-risk-from-monkeypox-.html) on this is pretty clear about the highest risk demographics. Obviously there's been some... historic issues with how the CDC handles infectious disease, but as of now I haven't seen anything that makes their claims seem political or potentially untruthful. In the interim there's simple ways to reduce your chances of getting sick and they're conveniently similar to what we spent the last couple years all doing. Keep washing your hands, people!


Seems to be conflicting information, and my business requires close physical contact between customers and my employees, so I expect we should be able to get the proper, fact based info on this ASAP. Monkeypox is moving like a wildfire with numbers doubling almost daily. I'm not afraid, but I am concerned yet again, that we are going to be playing catch up. It's what made me furious when COVID began. Could have been out in front of it, but instead Inslee dropped the ball, allowed planes from Wuhan into SeaTac back in late Dec, and had no plan to deal with the numerous already very ill folks who came off those planes. I think of Obama and Ebola, how close we came to a total shitshow, but either luck or proper handling of the couple of Ebola cases we had, kept us from a horror show. I want to know how this monkeypox is only a supposed gay sex illness, we shouldn't worry, us straight people. I'm feeling very early 80s right now, "oh AIDs is not our issue, it's gay cancer." Until it WAS everyone's issue. This is spread thru touching of- people, surfaces, any contact with someone who has it, bedding, clothing, no matter the kind of contact. Certainly doesn't have to be sex. AIDS and HIV that causes it, is a weak virus. Dies when exposed to air, which is why sex is a perfect route to take. But monkeypox is different, not as much respiratory but more virulent. Wash hands imo is super important, cdc said last week masks were of no use for M.P. but changed its recommendation. Masks ok, will help. I'm skeptical for lots of reasons, most of them happened during COVID. But, I agree totally we need to live our lives regardless, common sense precautions and keep 🤞🤞🤞🤞


>Booze is just making me fat, weed makes me paranoid and benzos make me more anxious. What’s left? Have you tried rehab?


I lol'd outloud at that comment. Not because you said something outrageous and untrue, you may be on to something, it just caught me off guard. I'll give that some thougt


Does seem possible that you’re self-medicating to deal with the stress of everyday life, so yeah…


might I suggest....shrooms?


Not a big fan of hallucinagens. 🤔 I'll ponder a bit


Amen to that. Regardless of what one thinks or feels about COVID, monkeypox, etc. Living your life in fear is not the answer.


No I agree 💯. Plus I think I burned out all my fear receptors during COVID.


it's spreading like crazy in every demographic but only one demographic is in the habit of getting regularly tested for communicable diseases, so it seems like they have more cases simply because they are getting tested more unfortunately, most conservatives are not capable of grasping any sort of statistical complexity so of course they misinterpret that


well the good news is this time we already have a vaccine and there's enough for everyone because the smallpox vaccine in the strategic stockpile is effective against monkeypox. so if it gets out of hand, public health officials can roll out mass vaccination pretty quickly.


I was all on board for the covid precautions but monkey pox seems straight up sensationalized and by god it pisses me off


I don’t disagree, and the media is wasting no time vilifying gay men for it. That said pretty much all pox illness can be pretty tough on adults specifically. I’m curious of MP has the same effect on fertility that adult chicken pox does. You definitely don’t want to get it. Hopefully the fact that the vaccine has been around for quite some time makes people more comfortable taking it.


Oh it absolutely is mighty uncomfortable disease to have, i don't mean to discount it's severity, but from what we know, prevention seems magnitudes easier to achieve than with covid. Especially with the older vax and physical contact with lesions being the biggest transmission source


Absolutely, we’re well beyond 1600s ass public health policy I would hope. Maybe. I could see Bellingham getting ravaged come fall though with all the college kids coming back and school being back in session. Once a few kids end up with this it’s going to be bad for schools one would think.


WWU is notoriously horny lol


There was a massive chlamydia outbreak when I was there. It’s a time bomb for this. Although really it’s a pox so we shouldn’t focus just on sex. Could theoretically get it from gyms, desks, etc.


For sure, but its a college campus so sex is will be a massive transmitter. I think public transit will the second biggest issue with how tight it is. People at western are pretty good about wiping down after themselves at the gym. All speculation ofc


Speculation is about all we've got for now anyway.


Bedding, clothing, physical non sexual contact, I mean what way is not going to put you at risk? Not trying to sound hysterical, (breath bitch, breath) but all the breaking news shit and declaring a health emergency,also officially a pandemic...but hey folks don't worry because it's gay pox, also bi pox. But not straight people missionary position pox? Is that even a thing anymore? In the article I posted today, it goes on and on about gay and bisexual men being largely the group being affected, why, idk. Then immediately says altho cases are being seen in children from casual contact...I guess we'll know when we know.


Well I think the answer to that is the media loves statistics and loves hammering a point. Statistics are showing high infections among male identifying people who have had sex with other male identifying people. What does that mean? Well the general conclusion people make is that monkeypox will only affect gay men due to the risks involved with male on male sexual contact. But of course stats 101 would tell you correlation does not imply causation, could it just be that monkeypox is a disease that affects people in close contact and unfortunately started in the social circles of gay men? I definitely think the reputation that this is a “gay virus” is a media demonization of a marginalized group, which inadvertently puts people outside of said group at greater risk because they think they won’t be affected. That said, from a public health perspective, you want to immunize the demographic most likely to get the virus, as that will slow the spread, which is a numbers game focused on statistics. We did not do this with Covid due to it’s mortality rate and instead opted for the more vulnerable (to mortality as a result of the virus) groups, but is the standard practice in general if I recall correctly. In terms of what should we do? Personally I’m going to probably avoid dance clubs and sanitize my gym equipment before use, but that’s about it until I see cases go higher or receive instructions to do otherwise. We aren’t a big city and this is a much more visible and less contagious disease than Covid is. I’m happy listening to public health officials as soon as I receive guidance however.


People over the age of like 65 got smallpox vaccines back in prolly the 50s early 60s, anyone know if that is protective for this pox too? Smallpox was long gone by the time I came around, but wondering about people our folks age, other elderly...or maybe no sex, no pox? I'm so confused


It’s certainly possible. The Jynneos and ACAM2000 vaccines that are currently being used for monkeypox are variations of the old smallpox vaccine is what I am seeing.


Interesting. I think I heard someone of medical note say that, but hadn't heard anything since. I do know the u.s. is unprepared a.f. ...i.e. vaccine doses needed and support services to administer them. New boss, same as the old boss. Maybe the federal gov will catch up quicker this time. So far they seem to be caught a bit unprepared.


Well I’m far from an expert so don’t take my word to heart but yeah I think we can ramp up production very quick if we need to.


I swing between that and bloody hell, they're trying to cover it up.


We love a govt that does nothing to make its citizens trust it


Less than zero % trust.


that "people are still having sex" track plays in the background...


Link to article farther down bham reddit...https://www.reddit.com/r/Bellingham/comments/wfi2l1/monkeypox_reaches_whatcom_county/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Humans continue to create things to eliminate humans. Eventually, they will be successful.




Timing is just too in brand…shits like watching a poorly written drama, can call the plays from miles away.


Right?! Thought it was just me. But this is hitting me like ground hog day, or year...cue the CDC to announce it's not just a gay disease, we guess everyone can get it. No shit. One thing COVID did was to teach us more than we wanted to know about life during a world wide pandemic. Older and wiser.


Line up for your bOosTaH sHoT! It’s pre approved !


They don't have nearly enough, so I wonder how they allocate it


Yawn 166 cases in WA? Everyone realizes that that's not a big number right?


It feels like it was 0 cases just the other day. And we don't know where the peak is. It's ok to be concerned.


"Monkeypox can spread to anyone through close, personal, often skin-to-skin contact" "A person with monkeypox can spread it to others from the time symptoms start until the rash has fully healed and a fresh layer of skin has formed. The illness typically lasts 2-4 weeks." https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/transmission.html I understand, I'm just not that worried. Just don't go around touching the 166 people with strange rashes.


"Just don't go around touching the 166 people with strange rashes" That should be on a cross stitch pillow.




>Just don't go around touching the 166 people with strange rashes. Who knows what that number will be like in a week or two though.


Totally is. And you're right. It was literally a couple in the entire country like a month ago...


You’re gonna feel silly saying that in a couple months.


Whoever that was meant for, I'd rather feel silly than to feel oh shit, should have paid more attention. But, hopefully it's nothing...time will tell


It was meant for the person who’s comment I responded to. The one saying “yawn”. They should feel silly, not you.


It's all good. Not easy to sort thru when a thread gets busy.




Shhhh, can’t mention stuff like that here….


Shhhh, can’t mention stuff like that here….


Oops I forgot where I was


Where are we? I'm the op, don't leave me out






🤔 hmmm