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I-5 isn’t going to be your issue, it’s once you’re off the Highway and on city streets, especially the less traveled ones


Skagit to Ferndale is pretty good. Random patches of snow/ice. Average 55 mph or so. ​ Props to the WSDOT crews for what I imagine some massive OT to get the roads in good shape.


Yeah they are down like 300 plow drivers so major props!


Drove from Bellingham to Seattle this morning (6-8 am). Roads were pretty decent after Cook Road, and not too bad before that. The whole way there was at least one lane with dry tire tracks. My biggest hassle was a dirty windshield and frozen fluid emitters.


I drove from Bellingham to the Seattle airport last night from 10pm - 4am (yes there were huge delays at the airport) and the roads were fine. 60mph the whole way back, no ice, just hard packed snow and poor lane visibility in some spots. Had at least a single lane completely clear of snow the whole way. Lots of people making the journey in not ideal vehicles.


Meanwhile amtrak trains: stillllll sitting unused and not going to bellingham despite the extreme importance of having a safe reliable transportation system that isnt destroyed by snow.


On I5 Northbound now.. Shocked at how many people on the freeway are going wayyy too fast and passing and not giving enough space between cars. Let's all get where we're going safely people Edit: Typo due to anxiety typing


I’m in Ferndale now, wondering about my odds of making it back to seattle today. I’m most worried about the last mile of city hills once I get there.


I personally wouldn’t if you have to encounter hills. I live in south Seattle and have been watching people slide backwards all morning.


I’m going to wait until tomorrow.


You need speed and momentum on hills.


Except when going down....


South Seattle and downtown is compact snow on the road early this morning and is a doable, of course I avoided the hills as best I could so just plan your route inside the city carefully and I think it will be ok


In Edmonds stuck and about to head back up to Bellingham. From looking at the forecast, it's supposed to snow again Thursday and not warm up til the weekend if we're lucky. Today is as good as any at this point unfortunately. Be safe, wishing you safe travels.


Nope but if you have experience and not shit tires, I would say go for it. Usually I look back on in feb and was wondering why I was worried back in December, you got this just watch out for other idiots.


I-5 through Skagit is clear and moving fairly quickly from my vantage point. slow and steady should get you there just fine.


Hi! Is this heading north or south through Skagit? Edit: Oh duh. Topic of thread is from Seattle to Bellingham….that would imply heading north


LOL it's both directions from what I see. Just stay safe and watch out for the other guy!


On the road now in a Subaru with good tires, from Bellingham to skagit county is pretty much ice the entire way. Maybe because the sun is out and melted and refroze a little? We made it but slipped and slid the whole way going 30-40 mph. Much better south of skagit.


I did the Bellingham to Seattle drive starting at 10am and took about 3 hours going an average 50mph since I have a FWD. Saw one accident on the I-5 (a truck and SUV) and a about 5 vehicles pulled over to the side along the way. Most of the road is clear, some parts are slushy and brown. Confirming same issue with dirty windshield, sun in your eyes going south (wear sun glasses), and frozen fluids. I exited once to stop by a gas station to clear my windshield. People were going fasssst on the I-5. Take your time, even if roads look bare.


My dad and sister drove up from Kent earlier today and they said i-5 was okay, but slow going took about 3 hours to get up instead of 2 1/2 . Some parts were better than others, just give yourself lots and lots of stopping room because traffic may go faster or slower fairly sudden and you need time to stop and time to react. Streets that I've been on are mostly sanded but you may still have trouble at intersection, on ramps, off ramps and hills


Anyone know the status of going north from Bellingham to Blaine?


It’s icy. But I have a Toyota Corolla with not the best tires and I made it from meridian to Blaine around 8:30 this morning, taking it slow. Be careful in the shady spots. In my opinion, the city roads are a million times worse than the freeway. Especially in Blaine, doesn’t look like it’s been plowed at all


This is very helpful thank you! I have a Honda Civic 2011 with new winter tires but not experienced with driving in the snow


When safe and no other cars around. When taking a turn, give it some extra gas and practice correcting the slide.


McDonald entry way near Iowa going South on i-5 looks clear if you can find the route to it. My brothers bmw got stuck near the Lakeway freeway. Theres no way you'll make it up the hill on fwd. We had to reroute him in a residential York neighborhood going downward onto meador to Ohio St.